Tiki Central / California Events / TIKI OASIS IV - How was the Event? How was the Resort? How was The REEF?
Post #90833 by laney on Wed, May 12, 2004 3:16 PM
Wed, May 12, 2004 3:16 PM
Oh yea, my other gripe is that Humu gave away the dress I told her I'd trade for-whatever! (she said she'd keep me in mind on her shopping sprees) Thanks Shelly for the two beauties! I owe you guys a Raphis. I'll get one from my parents yard, they have many nice potted Raphis that need splitting. I'm so bummed I missed the party but passed out im my room after the show Sat. Cory tried to get me up but I wasn't movin! That won't happen again. |