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Tiki Central / California Events / TIKI OASIS IV - How was the Event? How was the Resort? How was The REEF?

Post #90876 by boingo on 05/13/2004

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boingo posted on 05/13/2004

On 2004-05-12 12:37, Conga Mike wrote:
My one single criticism : There was an "older" gentelman at the Reef (at around 4pm Friday) who was pouring the worst tasting Mai Tais I've had. This is a very discerning Mai Tai crowd and you cannot pass off "rum with a dash of who knows what"

I too got a mai tai that suuuucked ! Who was that guy anyhow? I switched to beer right after and would probably have not ordered another mixed drink from the reef, but a friend of mine bought me a far better mai tai later (obviously mixed by someone else) so I gave them another chance