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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Mr TkiAZ (Arizona) Looking for Miss TikiAZ or future Mrs. TikiAZ

Post #91847 by Cousin Dave on Tue, May 18, 2004 9:53 PM

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I think what's a goin'on a right here is another serious case of:
"That happy updraft that wafts me hither
Spurned by nither man nor beast
Draws my love a bubblin' in there
Into that hot pool of Womanneed

Like the rub of two sticks wooden
This womanneed is old as fire
The burnin'lure of that kissy puddin's
The ancient curse of mankind's desire"....

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-05-18 21:56 ]