Tiki Central / California Events / TIKI OASIS IV - How was the Event? How was the Resort? How was The REEF?
Post #92337 by AquaZombie on Fri, May 21, 2004 12:03 PM
Fri, May 21, 2004 12:03 PM
TikiBong - no offense taken, pally, we're all being subjective here. I was speaking from personal experience in a general sense. I mean, we did get our rental car broken into while parked overnight in a Honolulu hotel, so it wasn't one big lei-covered welcome wagon!! I was also warned to stay away from certain dark alleys but you can say that about any big city anywhere. I live in Oakland which gets an undeserved rap because all you hear about is the crime, when the truth is, there's so much more to it that is positive. (Like it's not just the home of the drive-by, but also the Mai Tai!) But overall, Hawaii was paradise on Earth, especially Kauai, at least for me. My wife wouldn't want to live there full time, though, since she's really into live theater (as an actress) and she doesn't think there's enough there to keep her busy, plus she'd feel too isolated. Me, that's what I'm looking for! A 60s Japanese style ranch house would be nice to keep there as a time share. Someday. TikiMick -no offense taken there either, my man - I LOVE lesbians! I have a lot in common with them! My wife is part lesbo and boy, am I glad of it - I can hang up all the pinups I want without getting any PC backlash (she's a feminist, too!) plus she actually likes em! The perfect marriage! Everyone else - hey man, it's all good, I dig everybody here (from a distance, I haven't actually met most of you, as far as I can tell), no matter what out petty differences. Tiki People are Good People in my book, of any stripe or color. |