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Alien Vs Predator, anyone see it?

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Is it worth it or wait for video? Not looking for spoilers.

I went to see it at midnight on Thursday, and I loved it! Although, I think I may be the only one in the country that thinks so. Pretty intense for a PG-13 rating too.

Worst. Movie. Ever.

Absolutely horrible. Think of a barge filled with rotting garbage, dead animals, and medical waste. Now go about 100 notches down from that and you're almost to where this movie is at. Paul W.S. ("What Sh!t") Anderson must never be allowed to make another movie or pro-create. Can we impeach a director?

You want specifics? This movie had the worst story, script, acting, action scenes or fight scenes I have ever seen together in one movie. Who's awful idea was it to make this crap-fest PG-13? How do you screw up what should of at LEAST been a kick-ass, stupid movie full of aliens kicking each other's asses? At least the effects shots weren't terrible, but the (non)action was so horribly staged that any cool shot was just wasted.

I only went to see it because we weren't very busy at work Friday and a group was going, I figured what the hell. One of our group fell asleep during the movie. I had that feeling I've only had in a couple of movies ever, which was "I could leave right now and not even care one bit what happens next", but since I didn't drive, that was not an option.

The bright side is, whenever I'm bent over the toilet hurling up mexican food, I'll at least be comforted by the knowledge that I will never have to see this film again, and I'll feel much better.



Damn. I really hoped (although I kinda knew) that this one wouldn't be a stinker. I love the first two Aliens, the next two slightly less (but I liked the risks the last two took in design & story... even if they didn't work).
Guess I'll wait for video, if that....


Why would anyone want to?



Really Bad! I'm a big fan of the ALiens & Predator franchises, it had some good moments but they were few & far between. Wait for it to show up on HBO, SHowtime, dont even do paypreview!


I should add that I'm no movie snob and my expectations for this movie were very low. Wait a week and you'll see my review vindicated with the biggest box office drop-off of any movie this year.

I agree with Tang about the Alien movies, and the first Predator is a campy hoot of a movie that's extremely watchable. What's remarkable is that the level of violence you'd see in any of those films' "edited for tv" versions is still greater than AvP. I don't get it. Why didn't they just make it at the "Spy-Kids" level and be done with it?

I guess if I want good sci-fi-action-horror, I'll just watch Pitch Black again.

I haven't seen it yet but it is on my must see list. I already figured it might be a little cheesy but there is still no way I can miss it. I mean it's Aliens and Predators!!! I haven't been this excited about a crossover movie since Freddy VS Jason. WHat I'm really hoping to see one day is Chucky VS Leprachaun (In The Hood).

Please forgive if any of this sounds sarchastic. I really am stolked about AVP, really did like Freddy VS Jason, and was kidding about Chucky VS Leprachaun but if they did it there is no way I would miss it.

Ok so I know the majority of ops are negative, and I must say that the movie was not anywhere near the first Alien & Predator films. But I found it entertaining and more in the lines of a live action comiic book story. I wend in with low expecations, because there was so much that could go bad. So I left the theater entertained, but not feeling like I had just seen a ground-breaking sci-fi movie.


Look, we just have to face the fact that James Cameron ruined the Alien franchise with Aliens. There has been a steady decline in quality with each new iteration. Which is strange, since with the exception of Cameron, the other directors have been people whose work is usually quite good. Frankly, I thought Alien Resurection was about as awful as big budget movies get.

Having said that, and also having gone into the theater with fairly low expectations, I wasn't too disappointed. At this point, there's really no profit in expecting that any Alien film will even manage to add anything interesting to the mythos, to say nothing of coming close to the original in terms of creepiness, subtexts, writing or direction.

Also, there's really nothing to spoil in terms of the plot that the trailer doesn't mention.

"Are you talking to me? .....Yeah, you. I said, are you...talking...to me?

"Hey! Didn't you used to be Steve Guttenberg? Well, I got your cocoon right here..."

"No, Mon...I do not know where Peter and Wendy are."

The last known photo of Indianna Jones' little brother, Massachussetts.

**"First, I'm gonna lay my eggs in your stomach, then I'm gonna...ah.....

Dang it!

Hey, ya gotta Kleenex?"**

"Why, yes. I AM an unnamed character who beamed down into a dangerous situation with one of the main characters essential to the plot and dressed differently than I am while the soundtrack plays tense violin music, why do you ask?"

I felt like this whole movie is just a lead in for: "Alien vs. Predator 2 - Alienator."

It will end with a dead ship - only one mean-ass Alien Hybrid left. The last scene will be from the bridge of the ship, showing Earth coming into view.


"Alien vs. Predator 3D" - A special effects extravaganza, starring The Rock as Arnold's nephew, a ne'er do well former Delta Team leader who was drummed out of the corps for extreme behavior. He will be working the night shift as a lowly security guard at the new World Trade Center when the AVP space ship crashes into it. Everyone assumes it's a terrosrist attack, but things just don't add up for The Rock, and he strips off his shirt and goes to investigate....

[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2004-08-16 13:52 ]


Hey, you know..3-D would've been a great idea. Actually this film should've been a great idea. Just another slap in the face from an uncaring film industry with no respect for their audiences.


I went in thinking Alien vs. Predator War and it was three Predators vs. a few aliens, AND the first 2 Predators were taken out quickly by one alien. They show flashbacks of vast numbers of aliens attacking 3 Predators, but we get none of that. And the visuals of the 2 fighting was hard to follow. Dark masses. It was just weak. But, it ended to set up a sequel...

I wanted "Mortal Combat" in space and got Indiana Jones Meets The Predator. PLUS! It was illogical!!!!!! Those who havce seen it. Think about the guy Bishop. The man, not the android. He made the androis called Bishop we see in Alien 3. Is Alien 3 in the future? Past? Neither one makes sense! Clearly the movie AVP was not at a point where a "Bishop" android was possible. It was just hosed...



AVP is set in October, 2004. There are several date stamps that refer to this, as well as dialog between the characters. There is a magazine cover that refers to Weyland as "the founder of robotics" or something like that. Also, we see Weyland playing the knife/fingers game that the Bishop android plays (except with a pen.) I inferred that the Weyland-Yutani corp designed and built the Bishop android as a sort of homage to Charles Bishop Weyland. Hence, it has the same features, voice and mannerisms.


The real Bishop shows up in Alien 3 though, so what? What gives! The timeline is hosed!

Hmm, I just saw that again a few months ago and I've already forgotten his appearance. However, IMDB refers to his character as "Bishop II" which would indicate that he is also an android, of a similar model to the other Bishop android.


Well, there is the Bishop android in Alien 3, but then the real Bishop shows up and says he is the one who made Bishop and gets injured and bleeds, etc.


Hmm, well, I'll just have to watch them all again in sequence. However, even within the context of Alien3, it should have been obvious that something weird was going on with the story's timeline. In Aliens, we find out that Ripley has been floating in space in suspended animation for 57 years or so. Her daughter has already grown old and died. So, apparently, either the timeline doesn't matter that much, or Weyland has availed himself of some kind of radical life-extension technique or cloning (without the clone realizing that he's a clone.) I dunno. It really wasn't that great a movie. The Things We Do Not Speak Of Here of it was not very good. And maybe Alien Vs. Predator is supposed to be non-canonical.

What AvP is missing was Batman showing up and kicking some ass. Check out this short film here (it really is Batman, Alien, and the Preditor, I'm not joking):


Have yyou guys heard of teh next crossover movie? Freddy VS Jason did so well that they will be bringing them back. But this time it will be Freddy VS Jason VS Ash (from Evil Dead)


On 2004-08-17 21:53, suicide_sam wrote:
Have yyou guys heard of teh next crossover movie? Freddy VS Jason did so well that they will be bringing them back. But this time it will be Freddy VS Jason VS Ash (from Evil Dead)

Yeah, I heard it on the news today. They said Sam Raimi won't be directing it though!

hanford_lemoore mentioned:

What AvP is missing was Batman showing up and kicking some ass. Check out this short film here (it really is Batman, Alien, and the Preditor, I'm not joking):

I saw that film at Trek Expo 2004 in Tulsa this past June. Man, it was good. There's a scene that has nothing directly to do with the action but sums up the hero-noir feel of Batman perfectly: as he slowly stands up from a crouching position in the rain, his wide-spead cape draws inward and upward. The effect is that of a shadow becoming human...and I don't think any special effects were involved, just good direction and good choreography. Wish we had more of that now-a-days.

[ Edited by: tikijackalope on 2004-08-19 00:41 ]

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