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What's your porn name?

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tikitortured posted on 08/14/2004

If I was a female I'd be Safonda Cox...If I was a guy I'd either be Punjab, or Heywood Djablome. Thanks for listening.

SES posted on 08/16/2004

pet/st. = BoBo Chestnut


ookoo lady posted on 08/16/2004

pet/street name: Flipper Bender

pet/mother's maiden name: Flipper Flamholtz

[ Edited by: ookoo lady on 2004-08-18 22:41 ]

TikiBud posted on 08/17/2004

I was told you could use middle name/street, so that would be John Oxford

Get in line Ladies 8)

pet name/street wouldn't work: Spanky Oxford or Misty Oxford

Tikiwahine posted on 08/17/2004

Tiki Bud, just change it to

"Spankme Oxford"

"April Wild","Zoe Lick" and "Honey Treats"
using the web site.

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-08-16 17:31 ]

MachTiki posted on 08/17/2004

MachTiki = "Aaron Fury" on the website

ZebraTiki posted on 08/17/2004

On 2004-08-13 11:12, Tikiwahine wrote:
Yep, I'm Tibby Haultain, but I've always been partial to Chesty La Rue. Or Busty St. Claire.

You forgot "Hooty McBoobitage"!
Great name for restaurant reservations.

CaseyJPS posted on 08/18/2004

OK. The pet name/mothers' maiden name works.

Auggie Burns
(Auggie was a weiner dog, if that makes any difference.)

Hakalugi posted on 08/18/2004

Okay, so this one isn't from the website, but from a name I've used as a radio DJ at Burningman. It just so happens that it works as a porn name too.

"Dick Chowder"

Shipwreckjoey posted on 08/21/2004

As an an International porn star, I have to be ready to "assume the position" wherever my services are required. A few standouts from my extensive portfolio:

Korea - Long Duc Dong
Canada - Studley Screwright
Hawaii - Chief Kamanawanalea
Berlin - Wolfgang Bang
New York- Lester Bangs (sorry Lester)

freddiefreelance posted on 08/24/2004

I had a friend who said Freddie Freelance sounded like a cheesy porno name.

The website says: Damien Strong

The whole Pet/Street, Pet/Mother's Maiden name sounds too much like a Phishing expedition to me...

Tiki God Todd posted on 08/24/2004

I like asking the airport to do pages with mine. "Horace Dickson to baggage claim, B-side, level 2"

People are like, "what did they say?"

I used to travel.......a lot!

Jungle Trader posted on 02/26/2006

Based on my first pets name and the street I lived on......Snoopy Winthrop.
Note to the bad guys: None of those are my passwords to anything. Unless I'm trying to get past a big bouncer at an exclusive porn club in S.F.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 02/26/2006

Lickety Split (but don't spread it around)

BettyBleu posted on 03/06/2006

Bambi Peaks (computer generated)


Kiki Johnson (pet + street name)

Not the worst, but not the best....the names,I mean.

christiki295 posted on 03/17/2006

Black Stallion (very cliche)

Chris Harris Woods (computer genereted, but lame)

The Turgid Tiki (my favorite)

Diamond Dick (My hardboiled favorite)

Ziggy Stardust (My Bowie-on-drugs favorite)

Kaikaina posted on 03/17/2006

Wheezer Johnston? My first pet and my street name. That doesn't sound hot at all. It doesn't matter if it's a porn name or a drag name. Either way it just doesn't do anything for me at all.

tikigap posted on 03/17/2006

My momma told me that if I didn't have anything good to say, by golly, don't say anything at all!

So with that out of the way...

Uh, I forgot. Is it Betty Bleu or Betty Blew?

Sorry Hanford, I'll never do that again. I just couldn't resist!

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-03-16 19:09 ]

BettyBleu posted on 04/04/2006

ok, I have a definite third porn name option.

hodadhank posted on 04/04/2006

Nice handle Betty! If TikiCentral were high school you're phone would never stop ringing. I once dated a girl named Brandy Doering, pronounced Daring, and grew up with a girl unfortunately named Mary Christmas, who's parents ironically will BURN IN HELL.

So glad when these wierd old posts get bumped so newbies can play along.

My Pet/Street/Porn name is pretty good: Blackie Rohr (pronounced Roar)

But the one I got in college is a lost classic: Miles Long

tikivixen posted on 04/07/2006

Website version: Zoe Starr. Neat. I like Z-names. And the Starr Mansion is an amazing old haunted house here in Vallejo. Woooo.

Low-tech version: Thomasina Ocean. Hmmm. Not bad, I suppose.

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marika posted on 05/25/2006

computer generated: Tonya Spreadum
pet + street: Coquette Drapeau :lol:

I somehow prefer the old school version.

freddiefreelance posted on 05/25/2006

On 2006-04-04 09:26, hodadhank wrote:
My Pet/Street/Porn name is pretty good: Blackie Rohr (pronounced Roar)

From Chula Visa, eh?

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aquaorama posted on 05/29/2006

Maybe we should just make our own Tiki Porn movie??...sorry...I'm drunk....

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WenikiTiki posted on 06/01/2006

This is too funny! My maiden name was a good porn name: Wendy Moore.
I sometimes wear one of my dad's old bowling shirts. His name: Dick Moore.

My computer generated name was: Kitty Klinch.

My pet/street name is: Frances Grandview.

When I was in school in the air force my classmates spent a lot of time writing a script for the porn movie they wanted to film. Unfortunatly for them we gals all just laughed at them!

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[ Edited by: WenikiTiki 2006-05-31 23:41 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 06/01/2006

A little story that happened to me.
A crazy friend of mine, (he really was crazy, you could tell just by looking at him), and I were sitting in a restaurant when we heard the hostess call out "Moorehead, party of 4, Moorehead party of 4, your table is ready". My friend bursts out loud, very loud, (while Mr. and Mrs. Moorehead walk by with their 2 children), "DID YOU HEAR THAT? MOORE HEAD, MOORE HEAD, DID YOU HEAR THAT? HAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA" I slowly sunk down in my chair and hid my face as they all scowled at him while walking by. I really don't know if my friend is still alive or not. Last time I heard, he was in Florida.

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DavidJones posted on 08/21/2014

LOL, reminds me of the 'Half life' lan parties in university. I used to do this with the porn star name generator on http://theporndude.com/ with the guys of my year(when I still had time for this :() . Entering my first name ‘David’ in it, as a porn industry actor, I would be known as 'Holefucker Dave'. (What a crap name) :D

BTW, you must have heard of Ron Jeremy? The grandpa is like the male version of Jenna Jameson moneywise (hugh heffner of playboy is kinda like him for softcore). Do you think someone also chose his 'actor' name? It's crazy that he's still 'working'. I would be enjoying the porn money on a sunny island, but then again, he can forget getting young pussy then :D

And I doubt it's still a dream job for him right now. Pretty sure he's on the blue stuff to keep it up :wink: Anyways, when RJ dies one day, the dude already knows how heaven looks like :D

Did you also see Jeremy's Miley Cyrus ‘wrecking ball’ imitation? The pornstars doing him, must be getting a lot seeing how ugly he is now. Anyways, check it out. I almost choked on my tea, when I saw it :D


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johnnyvelvet posted on 05/22/2015

I worked on movies and commercials from 1987 to 1997. I heard about the middle-name-and-street method then. There were some funny ones, like Firmley Stickett and Pang Tuna. But for some reason, the grips and electricians liked mine: Rusty Shaver.

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