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Public warning to Tiki Bong; everyone please read

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mrsmiley posted on 10/21/2004

I do believe Hanford has a good reason for doing this, even though he may have gone about it the wrong way by making it easier for someone to "get" Bong in trouble. Hanford is not a person to do something like this lightly.
Tiki King is right about the written word-it takes a great writer to make sure sarcasm, etc is apparent when writing a sentence or two.

Sam Gambino posted on 10/21/2004

I get a kick out of Bong, and I think I have the solution to this whole thing...

Bong, just be yourself - but you MUST follow up each post with the words, "..bless your heart."

For example,

"I'll consider moving in with you, but first, describe your HVAC system and subfloor first, bless your heart."


"Thanks for wasting an hour of my steel guitar practice...bless your heart."

This way, you can say anything, and at the same time, soothe and reassure any members who may be offended.
You could also use a long legal disclaimer for your signature that conveys the message that the above comment(s) are not intended to offend or insult...

Just some suggestions of mine because I would hate for TC to be de-Bonged. :)


[ Edited by: sam gambino on 2004-10-21 21:32 ]

tiki mick 1 posted on 10/21/2004

I have had the pleasure of playing in a band with Bong for two years now. Although I definitely don't agree with his political leanings, I would fight to defend his right to exhibit them!

Bong is a great guy, pure and simple. His dedication to his art and tiki is incredible. He always practices, so that when we play for some of you, you get the best we have to offer.

Bong knows that I am a john Kerry loving hippycrat, but rarely even brings it up to me during our weekly rehearsals..he knows I won't be insulted, but has the manners and courtesy not to rub his politics in my face.

I also know that if you can't see Bong's face as he writes his posts, you won't know that a lot of the time he is just goofing...

Bong is a funny guy, a professional musician, a great family man and a dear friend..I honestly don't see how he has offended anyone, (and I have gone back and read some of the flame war posts.)

I personally have seen other posts from people either attacking him or trying to draw him into a fight...

To meet Bong in person is to meet a nice guy. You can't judge a person by his words alone..

One last thing: When we left last year for one of our gigs where we had to drive a bit, Bong was out there checking ALL the fluid levels in our cars...he is dedicated to his art and our band...and banning him from this forum will never change his inherent Tiki-ness..he out tiki's most of us!

Anyway, just my two-cents....


Johnny Dollar posted on 10/21/2004

in the recent monty python autobiography, eric idle says "comedy is dangerous."

i would have to agree

Tiki Matt posted on 10/21/2004

I think we all should go on Dr. Phil.

mrsmiley posted on 10/21/2004

On 2004-10-21 12:56, Sam Gambino wrote:
I get a kick out of Bong, and I think I have the solution to this whole thing...

I get a kick out of Champagne...and sometimes my goats!

finkdaddy posted on 10/21/2004

:D Aloha!

Anyone notice how a good Mai Tai is calming and yet refreshing?

:drink: :drink: :drink:

mrsmiley posted on 10/21/2004

Bong knows that I am a john Kerry loving hippycrat, but has the manners and courtesy not to rub his politics in my face.

Do you mean that Bong is NOT a John Kerry loving hippycrat?? If this is true, then we must THROW HIM OFF TIKI CENTRAL!!!

Note of Disclaimer to Hanford and others; I am kidding, I am not trying to start a political thread or discussion as to whether Kerry or anyone else is the best choice for Prez. I posted this SOLELY as an attempt at humor. :)

aquarj posted on 10/21/2004

This is starting to sound like a vote. I have no personal knowledge of who's complained, or why, and what Bong's done wrong, or how many warnings he's gotten. So I'd have zero basis for weighing in on whether or not Hanford should enforce a warning given to Bong, and wouldn't expect to have a vote anyway.

I think Hanford, as well as many of us members, would prefer an end result where Bong stays here. He's had some great topical posts (first one that comes to mind is the one with the photos of steel guitars). Sounds like Bong has even previously agreed to abide by the kind of rules for him to stay (even if he's more recently been a bit sarcastic about them). So where's the disagreement?

To me, the personalities of people on TC are part of what makes it fun to talk about tiki together. But it gets a little dull (to me) when it becomes talking about personalities instead of talking about tiki. It's ok with me if that extracurricular stuff stays here on TC, because others might actually enjoy it. But if there was a filter to magically turn it off, I'd definitely use it in my own personal settings.


Kanaka posted on 10/21/2004

On 2004-10-20 23:28, Humuhumu wrote:
I am a Bong fan, but I am not a fan of some of the things Bong does.

You have to understand that you are not privy to all the complaints that Hanford has to field and respond and react to.

Bong has created a lot of work for Hanford. A lot of ruffled feathers to smooth out. Hanford has put up with this, and has asked Bong to be a bit more considerate. Bong has said he would. Bong has broken his word to Hanford over and over and over again.

Damn straight I don't like this. I think this is bullcrap. But it's a mistake to think this is bullcrap of Hanford's making.

I'll have to agree with Humuhumu. I've never met Bong and don't have a personal opinion one way or the other. I do agree that he contributes a lot of good info to the site. I think we need to be aware that TC is here because of Hanford. It's his vision, hard work, and money (along with Grand Member dues now) that gives us this place to meet and discuss Tiki. Hanford pretty much let's TC self moderate and doesn't involve himself in forum politics, flame wars or in-fighting. I appreciate that and have to asume that this post is his way of trying to accomodate Bong but let him know where the boundries are. I think we should all just post within the rules and boundries that TC's creator has set forth and that it's members influence through the u-moderate function.

Again, Bong has never done anything to upset or offend me personally and he does provide valuable information to TC, but I will back Hanford on any decision he makes for TC.

We all make up the tiki community, but when we are in someone's house (TC), we should follow the rules of the house and be respectful of the house's owner...and the rules here at TC are just too simple not to follow.


[ Edited by: kanaka on 2004-10-21 14:50 ]

congatiki posted on 10/21/2004

I agree with the last post....as a former
boss once told me..."he who has the
gold makes the rules"...or something
like that

badmojo posted on 10/21/2004

It's in extreme bad taste, and obviously not PC, but I'm reminded of the saying, "Arguing over the internet is alot like The Special Olympics. Even if you come out the winner, you're still retarded." Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm sure it will offend someone.
*I never INTENDED for this remark to offend anyone, I just knew it would be an unwanted side effect. I apologize to any and all who took offense.

[ Edited by: badmojo on 2004-10-21 19:23 ]

FreakBear posted on 10/21/2004

On 2004-10-21 11:16, Tiki_Bong wrote:

...What should I call this alter-ego? I think I'll name him/her/it "Generic Tiki Newbie"....

How about "Puka Huka"!

I just did an all forums search on Tiki Bong to get a better idea of the situation. Notably, I've never personally met Bong, nor do I recall being offended by any of his posts. In regard to sensing the tone (postive or negative) of a post, reading between the lines definitely lends a sliding scale. Tiki Bong immediately struck me as being humorously sarcastic. I've gotten replies that suggest other TC'rs have taken my posts the wrong way. Anyway, the result to my search was something like: "There is no TC member by that username..." So I guess that's it.


[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-10-21 15:24 ]

congatiki posted on 10/21/2004

best line of the whole debate Badmojo....
it says everything that needs to be said!

McDougall posted on 10/21/2004

It's your forum Hanford and you should do whatever you want with it. If it were my forum I'd ban the 'people who complained', keep Bong.

[ Edited by: McDougall on 2004-10-21 15:42 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/21/2004

On 2004-10-21 11:49, virani wrote:
I agree that I didn't like when Bong was making fun of me because I was new and especially because I am french, but I played his game and didn't let him having fun of me.
Now, I think that would be a bad idea to bannish him, because I like having digital fights with him, and what is the meaning of a perfect tiki world without the fu**ing punks to makes some troubles and mess around.
When I'm looking at his old threads where he says that french are stupid or whatever, I really think that's funny, and I take it in a second degree...even if he thinks it.
Love to Bong.

Hey Virani,

Check this out. I'm having to actually remember American History for this big lame-ass entrance test just to start taking teaching classes, and I've learned that the French played an extremely large part in helping American gain its independence from Great Britan (sorry T-Woody).

I love the French Now! Vivo el France (or whatever).

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/21/2004

To Bong:

Bong, if I wanted you off the forum, I would have banned you. Of course I don't want you banned! I’ve said publicly and privately that you’re an important member to Tiki Central and that I want you around! This request here is not an attempt to get you banned. No, this is an attempt to get you to take my requests seriously.

To everyone:

I have not hidden the fact that I want TC to be a friendly place where everyone is welcome. The House Rules and the Code of Conduct reflect the type of goals I’d like to achieve with TC. This isn’t simply about the “complainers”. This is about a simple set of rules that I ask everyone to abide by.

Bong does not respect my rules, or my requests. This is a fact. Although he wanted to donate money to TC, he didn’t want to become a Grand Member because of the Code of Conduct that everyone is required to agree to. That’s insulting to me.

The only thing he has ever really responded to in any semi-permanent sort of way were the temporary bans on his account. The first was only for a few days, and it triggered a series of emails between Bong and I that showed the Bong really cared about TC and didn’t want to cause trouble. And I believed it. He got better. For a while. But it wasn’t too long before I banned him again. In fact, the last time I banned Bong it was for seven days. I never kept count of the number of times I’ve banned him.

I don’t ask much of TC members and the everyone’s first warning is often nothing more than a “don’t do it again” in a PM. To think that Bong has consistently gone against what I’ve asked him to the point of me banning him for a week is pretty absurd.

A few months ago I issued a private ultimatum of sorts to him. I told Bong to steer well clear of controversy, complaints, and new users, or I would permanently ban him. It was the first time I ever suggested a permanent ban to him, and I thought he would take me seriously. But that didn’t happen.

I should have just banned him and be done with it. But I decided to issue this final public warning, in the hopes the Bong would realize how serious I am about this: I want him to steer well clear of insulting our members. I want him to take my reasonable requests seriously, and not just for a few weeks. I don’t know of any other way to deal with it.

I want to address some people’s thoughts (I’m paraphrasing them here since most of them have been asked a number of times):

*“Can’t people be less sensitive?” *

When problems occur, I fix them on both sides of the fence. When I go and set Bong straight, I also tell the other members involved to ignore Bong, don’t take him seriously, and try to read Tiki Central with an open mind. Mostly, the other members hold up their part of the deal, but I don’t feel Bong does. He’s consistently broken it. That isn’t fair.

“If people have a problem with Bong they should just take it up with Bong directly. The complainers are the problem.”

Bong himself has complained to me about other members and posts on a number of occasions, which further insults me. It’s hypocritical.

  • “Anyone who’s got it out for Bong can complain and he’s gone?” *

Well, he/she has to have something to complain about that relates to him/her. If Bong provides nothing for someone to complain about, he’ll have nothing to worry about. Surely he can do that.

  • “Warning Bong in public like this isn’t fair, it’s making it open season on him”*

Asking him in private didn’t work. I decided to air his “parole terms” publicly in a last-ditch effort to get him to take me seriously .

“People should be allowed to joke and kid without the fear of being banned”

Everyone except Bong can. He’s squandered the leeway that everyone else on TC enjoys. He’s had 2 years worth of constant warnings. He has to be on better-than-best-behavior now.

Please remember that all viewpoints are welcome on TC as long as they are expressed with respect and integrity for everyone else.


Tiki_Bong posted on 10/21/2004

On 2004-10-21 14:54, badmojo wrote:
"Arguing over the internet is alot like The Special Olympics. Even if you come out the winner, you're still retarded." Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm sure it will offend someone.

In a seriousness folks, I guess I could get offended for the mentally retarded as my teaching credential is in special education, but that's not me.

I spend my days with autistic kids, of which 4 of 5 are boys. These kids are some of the most pure humans you will ever meet. When I walk into the classroom most clamor for my undivided attention.

All they want is for someone to spend some time with them, and treat them as though they're just like everyone else. But they're not; in many ways they're better than us.

NOW ON A SIDE NOTE: man! over 1,600 views and this thread is only a day old! Who says Flame Threads aren't entertaining?

Humuhumu posted on 10/21/2004

By the very definition of a "private warning," you have absolutely no way of knowing how many "one last time" warnings Hanford has given Bong, and you have no idea how many times he's told someone who has complained that they're being to sensitive and they just need to get over it. He has demonstrated time and again his interest in being as fair as possible. Give Hanford the benefit of the doubt that he's really extinguished the options he has available to him.

France played an absolutely critical role in the fight for American independence. I have a DVD of a swell PBS series on the life of Benjamin Franklin (my new hero) that details his role in the French support negotiations, and in the founding of the country. Lemme know if you want to borrow it, Bong.

Tiki-bot posted on 10/21/2004

You wouldn't be kidding about teaching autistic kids, now, would you Bong? I mean, you joked about having ALS.

Maybe Bong needs his own forum?

Swanky posted on 10/21/2004

I don't know Bong, but one of the first things I asked a California TC person was what's up with him. They defended him, but come on, I had to ask and I am a regular around here! Imagine what the casual visiter thinks!

The Sopranos has showed us that murdering mafia guys are pretty okay when you get to know them. Lots of real jerks are "okay guys"...

Screw the cutting slack! I'm tired of various idiots spoiling things for the rest and having to be apologized for. You act up at my party, you are out. One arse can't spoil it for the rest, even if he is an okay guy. Grow up, get cahones. Stop apologizing for the guy.

98% or more of the people on TC are not friends of Bong. The only thing they know of him is his posts on here. Judge him on that, not on personal relationships. He is as he posts.

lanikai posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-20 23:28, Humuhumu wrote:

Damn straight I don't like this. I think this is bullcrap. But it's a mistake to think this is bullcrap of Hanford's making.

The voice of reason.

...one saving grace in TC is the majority of good friends and the openness of many who like learning and sharing different aspects of Polynesian Pop. (whatever that may be.) and the island's perpective is a refreshing viewpoint by some on TC. The growing ohana and intermingling with cool and creative people such as alnshely, gecko, benzart, humu, and many others is an oasis in our modern hectic world.
However, TC was gradually coming to resemble a bully pulpit and a personal BLOG dominated by Tiki Bong who harranged, harrassed and chased away well meaning people and those that wanted to share their perspective and offer answers to many frequent queries such as:
where did this tiki mug come from?
what is the influence or origin of this tiki?
and other viewpoints as to the hidden aspects and origin of "tiki culture" in general.
The local thugs and bigdaddies who supposedly own all tiki knowledge and who are the self proclaimed be all end all of tiki dom cause the shutdown of this so called cult (and it is becoming cultish) and by their occasional proclamations, uttered with extreme self importance, unknowingly are the deathknell of the milleau known as Tiki culture. On this board and elsewhere.
Hanford Lemoore performs a thankless, very time-consuming difficult job in a very diplomatic, articulate gentlemanly fashion.
What's it good for if the cult of personality and ego over run the true nature and potential of something that originated from a love and appreciation of an indigenous Polynesian icon... from the land of "aloha"?

We thank the gods for all Hanford's work and effort on this intriguing unique web site. If TC were a moderated "newsgroup" on "usenet", many irrelevant, incoherent, strange, drunken, very profane and just plain bizzarre posts by this tiki bong person would not see the light of day. Freedom has been taken advantage of. This appearance of TC being tikibong's personal megaphone to the world repels people, It has an effect of repulsion. If a newsgroup, discussion board, whatever is dominated by a select few and becomes clique-ish with its resident knowitalls, bullies and poisonous vindictive arrogant hypersensitive kneejerk reactionary egos, it gets stifled and may experience a slow death. Sometimes too slow to be noticed. But it closes down and no new blood, no different voices or viewpoints are welcomed.

Someone sez: "but come on, we're all adults here" but that is not altogether true. Some act like adults, some don't. Someone else sez: "hey; we had drinks together. he's a friend." but 99% of the viewers, lurkers, potential members and actual members of TC have no chance to meet up with this person... and many may feel after simply meeting up with him online, they would prefer shaking hands with the devil instead.

Someone else equates TikiBong to a crazy kahuna on a tv show, warning that a volcanoe will go off if he is kicked off the island. On the contrary, showing some respect for the Tiki arena and its adherents in general will bring good karma, and bong's actions may result in someone kahuna'ing HIM. The reaction is justifiable incredulity when many hear him say: "Remember; we are more closely tied into Hawaii than most of the mainland population" or "I am studying and speaking Hawaiian". I am here today to tell ya; he is the last kind of character that would be welcome in Hawaii. And the first kind that expressing himself on the islands as he has done in TC, may result in severe reactions of the uncomfortable kind to say the least. (mokes hate loudmouth arrogant haoles) From my experience, this person is a major factor (if not the only factor) in many people reducing their contact with TC and for many, staying away from TC altogether.

Good luck Hanford, and keep up the good work!

malama ki'i kahiko

[ Edited by: lanikai on 2004-10-21 17:38 ]

[ Edited by: lanikai on 2004-10-21 18:33 ]

thor/talkie posted on 10/22/2004

Swanky, what the heck kind of post was that?
Are you seriously comparing Bong's harmless and sometimes very funny (albeit sarcastic) posts to a mafia murderer?

Don't you think that is a bit harsh?

Go back and read Bong's posts. Are they really and truly that bad, or offensive?

Bong is a nice guy, and he knows a lot more about Tiki culture then someone like you.

You say, "so what if he is a nice guy".

If you have met him and drank Mai-tais with him, you would know that not only is he a nice guy, but he is smart and funny with one of those dry senses of humor. He is the George Carlin of Tiki.

As for your statement that 90% of the people here are not his friends or don't like him:

WTF? Are you nuts? They probably like HIM 90% better then they like YOU, sly!!!

And that is 90% better then you deserve, for making a nasty and mean-spirited post like that!

mrsmiley posted on 10/22/2004

Bong once traded me his apple for my Hostess cupcake back in first grade. That was a good trade for me wasn't it? Wait a minute, I got SCREWED!!! Kick Bong off Tiki Central!!!

Disclaimer to Hanford and TC Folks; the previous was not meant as a promotion of Hostess Cupcakes or intended to start a discussion as to whether a cupcake is good for ones health or if an apple is better. This post was only an attempt at humor.

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-21 16:09, Tiki_Bong wrote:
In a seriousness folks, I guess I could get offended for the mentally retarded as my teaching credential is in special education, but that's not me.

See Bong, the difference is, if I were to ask Mojo to knock it off, my guess is that's all I'd need to do and everything would be over with. I wouldn't have to ban him for a week to get his attention.

Like I said earlier, you don't get the same leeway that everyone else on TC enjoys. You've squandered it. For the vast majority of members, TC is a very free place. For you, you need to be on your very-best behavior.


Jungle Trader posted on 10/22/2004

Careful.....by "getting rid" of Bong, you could be creating a thousand mini bongs.

FLOUNDERart posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-21 17:51, mrsmiley wrote:
Bong once traded me his apple for my Hostess cupcake back in first grade. That was a good trade for me wasn't it? Wait a minute, I got SCREWED!!! Kick Bong off Tiki Central!!!

Disclaimer to Hanford and TC Folks; the previous was not meant as a promotion of Hostess Cupcakes or intended to start a discussion as to whether a cupcake is good for ones health or if an apple is better. This post was only an attempt at humor.

Man that disclaimers the best!

FreakBear posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-21 16:30, Tiki-bot wrote:

...Maybe Bong needs his own forum?

This brings to mind that scene from Jerry McGuire, "Who's comin' with me?!...Who's comin' with me?!"


Kailuageoff posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-21 17:13, lanikai wrote:

Someone else equates TikiBong to a crazy kahuna on a tv show, warning that a volcanoe will go off if he is kicked off the island. On the contrary, showing some respect for the Tiki arena and its adherents in general will bring good karma, and bong's actions may result in someone kahuna'ing HIM.

I think I feel the volcano rumbling right now... Hey, Lanikai did you use to go by the name tikitrader?

thebaxdog posted on 10/22/2004

Sounds like a nice Hawaiian club you belong to.
The Hawaiians can treat any Haole like shit and that's OK.
But when Bong does it, it's bad.
Now where are my crystals oohhhmmm oohhhmmm

Nice Swanky
Tell us how you really feel

This is all intended to be excactly what it is

vintagegirl posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-21 17:24, thor/talkie wrote:
He (Bong) is the George Carlin of Tiki.

I like George Carlin and I don't mean just as a performer. You see, even if his routines are often viewed as controversial and offensive, (and some folks don't like him just for that) the fact remains that in my personal experience having been around George Carlin (in person), he's a really kind and generous guy. Yes, the Carlin family does tend to use curse words as common adjectives, but they were always friendly to me.

I absolutely recognize that Hanford has every right to run his own board as he feels it should be with a certain code of conduct he strives for in order to make it pleasant and fun for all. (It is, after all, with the intent of maintaining a fun and educational forum in mind that this code is in place. And I'm very glad he does have such standards.) I just wanted to point out the difference between the words people choose to express themselves and the actual person. Sometimes a person's public image can be very different from their private self. (Not to mention the fact that some are not as good as others at articulating themselves precisely.) Now, can we all just think a little first before we post? (And re-read it at least once before hitting "Submit".)

foamy posted on 10/22/2004

I have a very dear friend, who could be Bong's brother (judging by posts and his friends defences). The man (my friend) has a heart of gold. But, he's offensive to the general public and common sensibilities. And, he often goes out of his way to be so. He showed up at my wedding wearing combat boots, cut off black jeans (with chains, etc.) and a Butt Hole Surfers T-shirt. It didn't bother me or my former wife: we knew what to expect. But, when he got into general discussions with my brand new father in law – well, let's just say he was lucky he was at my wedding. He's a real nice guy and a real old punk (literally, like Bong discribed himself). I think Bong and I could get along real well in person. I have no complaints, I appreciate his (very) dry wit and sarcasam.

Here's the rub: Most of my buddy's friends, (me included, to some extent) don't like or won't allow him to be too near or interact too much with our families or relatives. It's too much trouble. A person gets tired of defending him. I get tired of warning him to watch what he says and does, and to whom. I won't cast him off, I just select situations where I don't have to stand between him and a crowd (and even that is dicey, but, I gladly live with that). I know how Hanford feels and why he's doing what he's doing.

To Bong: The difference between you and my buddy is that, in this situation, he'd have f'd this and f'd that and f'd you, and then gone and skulked and smouldered for a month (maybe more). You appear to be trying to play ball. I know I'm a nobody on this board, but heck, you're trying, that's points in my book. Keep it up. For what it's worth, I'd miss you if you were gone. Peace.

[ Edited by: foamy on 2004-10-21 22:23 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/22/2004

Hanford's correct, I did tell him numerous times I'd clean up my act but always went back to the bottle of sarcasm.

Since there are no kinesics or kinesthetics when posting on a bb, it's hard to see exactly what the poster meant.

I honestly mean no harm. I've always been about being a stand up smart-ass, but it's just for fun.

Now, let's drop this thread and get back to the reason we're here - tiki.


Mrs. B posted on 10/22/2004

Cheers to that!
Too much crap here to respond.
Aloha Bong!
PS...Bax, how many complaints have you issued? Geez, I told ya to slow down. Now look!

Geeky Tiki posted on 10/22/2004

Classy reply by Bong.

I'd hate to miss the upcoming ribald tales of school hijinx that he has in store!

Swanky posted on 10/22/2004

I am not comparing Bong to a mafia murderer, I am comparing how the Sopranos has let us get to know a mafia murderer and see he's an okay guy and how some of you know Bong and think he's an okay guy.

Just because you know someone personally does not mean it's okay to excuse the other things they do that are bad.

To the 90% of the people on TC who do not know Bong, he is funny some, and a real ass regularly. To the people who are irregular TC people, he may be an extreme ass all the time.

Look at it as though you don't know him except through the TC posts. That's the way the rest of the world judges him. That's the way Hanford should judge him.

Tony Soprano may be a nice enough guy, but I would not be comfortable if he showed up at my party.

Bong may be a great guy, veyr funny. But his posts don't always show humor as much as meaness.

I am assured he is nice. But, judge him in this context only. Posts on TC.

thebaxdog posted on 10/22/2004

AS you will now be judged

Richard Cranium

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/22/2004

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-10-22 07:45 ]

polynesian posh boy posted on 10/22/2004

I see too many shrunkin' heads here. I love fun and that is why tiki is important to me. If you can't tell the difference b/w heckling and jeckling and a bonafide insult directed personally to you then you really have been on a deserted island. Thanks for standing your ground tiki bong.

RevBambooBen posted on 10/22/2004

Who likes mustard ??


I reckon' I'll have me some biscuts and mustard, ummm hummmm (Think Slingblade)

cheekytiki posted on 10/22/2004

French or English?

Trader Woody posted on 10/22/2004

On 2004-10-22 07:30, Swanky wrote:

I am assured he is nice. But, judge him in this context only. Posts on TC.

Bong lives many many miles from me, and I've never met him, so my opinions are purely based on his posts. You can't assume that the only reason some people like him is because they know him personally. Where did you get that 90% figure from by the way? I don't recall any poll being carried out.

The posts on Tiki Central are like the drinks in a Tiki bar. A whole bunch are like Mai Tai's in that virtually everyone is in agreement that they are great and what they come here for. Bong's are like Campari's and soda. The taste isn't what they expected at all and they screw up their face as a result. Some complain to the bartender as a result, but it's not his fault as he just supplied what they asked for. Perhaps the bartender is thinking, "Why do I keep serving Camparis and soda when so many people taste it and then give me grief about it. Is it worth having it on the drinks menu?".

Anyway, there are people who work at their Campari and sodas, fight the initial bitterness, then go on to love the drink. They might not want to drink it every day, but sometimes it's the only thing that hits the spot, and for that reason, the bartender should continue to keep Campari and soda on the menu.

Trader Woody

Tiki Rider posted on 10/22/2004

The Bong Pre-Posting Advisement

  1. You have the right to remain silent.
  2. Anything you post can and will be used
    against you at Tiki Central.
  3. You have the right to a moderator, if you
    cant afford one, one will be appointed
    to represent you before posting if you
  4. Do you understand your Tiki Central
  5. Having these rights in mind do you still
    wish to post?

Aloha, now go have a mai tai.

limptiki posted on 10/22/2004

Isn't a Campari and soda with a brandy float called an americano?

tiki-riviera posted on 10/22/2004

Hanford is probably the most level headed person I have never met, and if he says it's long overdue, it really means it's LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG overdue!! Bong isn't a child, and what Hanford is asking isn't unreasonable.

Trader Woody posted on 10/22/2004


½ Campari
½ Cinzano Rosso
Splash of Soda
Ice Cubes
Orange Peel

Put ice in glass. Add Campari and Cinzano Rosso. Add a splash of soda water. Decorate with orange peel.

Trader Woody

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/22/2004

I hate locking topics that I myself have partisipated on, but the U-Mods for locking this are pretty high, and Bong himself has asked us to move on.

Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss it more, and I also encourage everyone who'd like to see Bong stick around to PM him and give him some support.

Thanks for understanding,


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