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Why fo is that?

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Tiki_Bong posted on 12/31/2004

After a holiday get-together with a few of the Tiki (not TC's) high nobles, we discussed why TC has become the quality of a 'reality' show as it relates to tiki and things that matter.

For the most part, it's band-wagon jumpers that haven't the faintest clue, except for that it seems to be "WHAT'S HAPPENING"!!!

Why fo is that?

suicide_sam posted on 12/31/2004

I blame Shag. Tiki central started as a ha;f tiki appreciation and half Shag appreciation club back in the olden times but man, Shag seems to have put tiki out there to every Tom Dick and Harry who is not truly a Tiki fanatic. Don't get me wrong I am not a tiki snob. I was on two with a band last August and met a couple in Chicago and a girl in Detroit who wer true Tiki fanatics and I made sure to tell them about Tiki central so taht they may join our ranks. BUt this whole thing wher "Art Afficcianadoes" cosnider tehmselves amonst the ranks fo teh devoted yet they don't know who Leroy Schmaltz is or Wayne Coontz, and they don't knwo Xrazy Al or Tioki Diablo, All they know is Shag.

Anyways, I'm dreunk and rambling so don't pay to much mind to anything I just said.

P.S. When in doubt ask yourself, "What would Tiki Bong do?"

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/31/2004

On 2004-12-31 00:25, suicide_sam wrote:

P.S. When in doubt ask yourself, "What would Tiki Bong do?"

15 to 20.

TikiGardener posted on 12/31/2004

On 2004-12-30 22:19, Tiki_Bong wrote:
After a holiday get-together with a few of the Tiki (not TC's) high nobles, we discussed why TC has become the quality of a 'reality' show as it relates to tiki and things that matter.

For the most part, it's band-wagon jumpers that haven't the faintest clue, except for that it seems to be "WHAT'S HAPPENING"!!!

Why fo is that?

You mean quality posts like the following have raised the level of TC to higher ground?

Posted: 2004-12-30 21:32

I waNT FO to see yo tit's

I remember back in the San Diego Mod scene when I pointed out that if the people in the scene made fun of every kid who didn't have the exact mod uniform, but who were trying, that the scene would die.

And sure enough it died. Why would some kid who was trying want to join people who making fun of or insulting him because they didn't have pants that were pegged?

So if Tiki Central is so bad, why not try to make it better? You are an "Honorable" Tiki Contributor.

I know words have lost a good deal of their power these days. But I live with the root word of Honorable as a last name. Time and my actions and misactions have taught me to try and live up to that word.

Give it a try.

Tiki Gardener

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2004-12-31 15:34 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 01/01/2005

I blame Basement Kahuna. For not carving a new 6ft'er daily and then posting the pics.


TikiGardener posted on 01/01/2005

I stand corrected!

hiltiki posted on 01/01/2005

Ok, let me get this straight, exactly who is Leroy Scmaltz and oh yeah Crazy Al??? Tiki Diablo??? I just dont know..

tikifish posted on 01/01/2005

Tiki is only for the cool kids? Say it ain't so Bong!

Nerdy and proud Tikifish

suicide_sam posted on 01/01/2005

On 2004-12-31 18:14, tikifish wrote:
Tiki is only for the cool kids? Say it ain't so Bong!

Nerdy and proud Tikifish

I think thats the problem, it was for the uncool kids, then somehow got cool. Now the cool kids have tried to claim it as theirs. While us uncool kids see it going to those darned cool kids.

I remember an old interview with Kurt Cobain where he said that he had really started to hate the music industry because when Nirvana got so popular they got all these new fans. The problem was that all the new fans were only into Nirvana because they were popular and not because they actually cared about teh music. In this interview Kurt said that it really pissed him off to look out into the crowd and see he was surrounded by the same people that hated him in high school.

suicide_sam posted on 01/01/2005

oh and on second thought, I guess I am a Tiki snob. I know Al and Shelley, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Bong, Poly Pop, Johnny Velour, Floratina, etc, etc, etc... So I got quite allot to be snobbish about.

tikifish posted on 01/01/2005

Around here, nobody cares one toot about tiki, so I guess I don't see a problem. I still sail alone in a sea of Timbits. I fly my tiki freak flag high, but no one knows what the hell it is. Such is life in the great white north.

Who cares if tiki is cool or uncool with the masses? Remember, back in the day, it was Artie Accountant and Heddie Hairdresser going to the Mai Kai. It wasn't 'cool' and 'in the know' people.

The Sperm Whale posted on 01/01/2005

[i]On 2004-12-31 00:25, suicide_sam wrote BUt this whole thing wher "Art Afficcianadoes" cosnider tehmselves amonst the ranks fo teh devoted yet they don't know who Leroy Schmaltz

I think his name is RELOY!!! DUH!!!!


[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale on 2004-12-31 21:48 ]

hiltiki posted on 01/01/2005

Ok, I still dont know who Reloy Schmultz is, can someone help?

Unga Bunga posted on 01/01/2005

I blame Jungle Trader!

Jungle Trader posted on 01/01/2005
hiltiki posted on 01/02/2005


Jungle Trader posted on 01/02/2005

hiltiki, Bob and Leroy started Oceanic Arts back in the 50's to supply and outfit Polynesian style restaurants, motels, hotels and whatever else. They are BIG. There store is mecca for us. Located in Whittier Calif., you can still meet them today. I haven't had the chance myself to get by there but apparently it's heaven on earth for Tikiphiles. These guys are living legends. Go there immediately. Also the Shag prints being offered by Hanford, (on TC homepage) feature Leroy's mug among others.

hiltiki posted on 01/02/2005

Where is Unga Bunga when I need him???? help....

Jungle Trader posted on 01/02/2005

alright hiktiki, should we give you the chicken leg award for screwin' wit' me? sheesh. uh, hiltiki.

the drunken hat posted on 01/02/2005

I blame jimmy buffet and target for this. but can we really be upset with this? there are always gunna be "posers" or people on the fringe. frankly i can't wait for these half assed collecters to start selling off their collections on e-bay. you know, when the trend has run its course. maybe they'll get tired of that mystery bowl that has eluded me for the last 6 years!

hiltiki posted on 01/02/2005

Vic Da'JT, guilty as charged.

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/02/2005

Ah, the annual "I'm more Tiki than you" thread.

Right on schedule.

I, too, long for the days of the first Tiki wave when returning veterans of the Pacific War gathered to discuss Tiki carving, Martin Denny, their home Tiki bars, and Tiki conventions.

Come on, by the standards of the modern Tiki snobs, the people who first popularized Tiki wouldn't even qualify.

The whole Tiki thing is schtick to begin with. Do you think some 40 year old banker with an aloha shirt in the early 50's was true Tiki?

You guys sound like politicians racing to validate themselves by being the first to claim he loves Jesus more than the other guy. Maybe you should start an even more exclusive site that requires an entrance exam. Now THAT would be Tiki!

It could be like one of those school caffeteria tables where the in crowd sits and points out to each other just how un-Tiki everyone else is, and the rest of the world could continue to not care!

Hey, at least this topic has migrated from the main forum, to off topic, to bilge over the years.

If having more people liking Tiki ruins your buzz, then perhaps your delicate little sensibilities are too tightly wound for Tiki.

Go try Urban Cowboy or Goth or something. The "I'm more Tiki" stuff is too high school.

TikiGardener posted on 01/03/2005

The best part is when the poster uses the fact that the post gets resopnses to validate their point...


TikiGardener posted on 01/03/2005

And if TC sucks harder than an industrial shop vac, why bother? The web has room for an all Hoity Toity Tiki newsgroup.

But what would the requirements be?

Would one have to run a gauntlet of verbal "you're so not tiki","I remember tiki back in 'the day'" tiki clubbing?

Then maybe you'd have to open up your collection to inspection. If you had any tiki items manufactured after say 1977 ( unless they were surfing company related )
you would be denied entry. Unless of course you smashed them at the feet of the AKU AKU Moai in Las Vegas after having waded through the feces laden duck pond on you hands and knees. All the while yelling "I'M NOT WORTHY. PLEASE OH AKU AKU HAVE PITY ON ME!" And you'd be dressed in a clown outfit. Because that is what you would be until you purged yourself of your non vintage tiki ways.

You would have your entire collection thrown into Muana Loa if there was even one Shag mug or print in your collection.

And you'd only be allowed back in if you could replace all of the vintage mugs and artifacts. Buty only if you found them in thrift stores, and NEVER paid more than .75 cents per item.

Well theres a start, any other ideas on how we can set up a club worthy of the hoity toities?


Kono posted on 01/03/2005

In all seriousness, I've often wondered why those who have issues with what TC "has become" just don't start their own forum(s).

Btw - When I joined TC I went and read most all of the old posts and I don't think that TC has changed as much as has the attitudes of some members. Honest to God, I was recently running a search for something in the Drinks forum and found an old post where Bong was asking when it was OK to sub Rose's lime juice for the fresh squeezed variety. Those innocent days of yore...

I had an ezboard forum a few years ago. It was a snap to set up and worked very well. I'm sure an ezboard forum couldn't handle the traffic of Tiki Central but if a few folk wanted a place where they could do whatever it is that they want to do, and do it away from the unworthy, then ezboards would work well for them. I'm sure there are other alternatives that would do nicely as well.

Anyhoo, it's just the friggin internet, nothing to get your life all up in turmoil over. To be honest with you, I think it'd be cool if there were two or three tiki forums. It would just give me more to surf at work. :)

TikiGardener posted on 01/03/2005

What would the punishments be for

  1. Owning the Book Of Tiki- After all it got it all wrong. It was way cooler than that book even pretends to be. You mightbe able to own the Icons version. But only if you cut out the text. Oh and remember it is responsible for all these newbies and poseurs being attracted to our "cool" exclusive club.

  2. Using Mai Tai Mix instead "real" ingredients.

  3. Being seen in a "Tiki" establishment that wasn't from the glory days. Or judged "Un-authentic".

  4. Drinking a Margarita. The most anti tiki drink. Heck even looking at one is tantamount to owning the entire Jimmy Buffet Collection!

Bamboo Dude posted on 01/03/2005

Just to make it official...I am the least tiki of all of you!!! I can't prove it, you're just trust me on this. In fact, I would be willing to offer myself as the official bandwagoners mascot if such a need arises.

Now back to some of the other interests that vie for my limited attention.....

TikiGardener posted on 01/03/2005

This whole "More tiki than thou" thing smacks of Siouxsie Sioux walking up to Captain Sensible and telling him she was more punk than he was, because she had on an expesive "punk" designer dress.

But it really does run from the same poisoned vein as the Smart Dress Mods mocking anyone who didn't dress the way they did.


hiltiki posted on 01/03/2005

I dont think anyone is drunk here anymore, can you start drinking and posting because Bilge is for drunken, waaay off-topic, time killer etc.etc. people...it is getting way too sober.

TikiGardener posted on 01/03/2005

This is me drunk... you should see me sober...

Maybe we should move this over to main discussion, so more of the "poseurs" can see it?

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2005-01-02 21:35 ]

suicide_sam posted on 01/03/2005

Yes, I agree, this forum is for drunks, as I am now drunk. I f i feel like talking drunk shit I more than likely will. For all those demanding people get their own forum, bilge is teh fdrunk forum. A bunch of drunks talking shoiit. If you don't like the drunken shit being talked here go back to the Tiki Marketplace and find out what someone just put on ebay.

TikiGardener posted on 01/03/2005

I'm gonna engage in my fave sport of drunkenly tipping over drunks.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 01/03/2005

I blame myself.

KuKuAhu posted on 01/04/2005

On 2005-01-02 14:23, Geeky Tiki wrote:

If having more people liking Tiki ruins your buzz, then perhaps your delicate little sensibilities are too tightly wound for Tiki.

Go try Urban Cowboy or Goth or something. The "I'm more Tiki" stuff is too high school.

Nailed it. Right on the money GT.

Why would anyone claim to be more tiki than all of the "band-wagon jumpers that haven't the faintest clue"?

Since when are there "Tiki high nobles"?

Give us all a break Bong.

Tiki is about escapism and having a good time. It's never been a private clique for a small group of self-conscious snobs to wear as a personal cloak of coolness. That is antithetic to the whole idea.

All are welcome.

Yeah, it might drive up the price of mugs. Yeah it might mean we have to field a bunch of questions that have been asked twenty thousand times already. So what?

The more popular it is the less likely that places like the Mai Kai will ever go under.

The less "dedicated" as you percieve them to be never hang on to any "trend" for very long anyway. So big f*cking deal.

The perception that this "tiki thing" is growing too popular is a misguided notion at best. I would argue that there is still only a very small group of people that are into this culture when you look at the masses. You just see it as huge because you hang around a website devoted to it.

Most people are not, and never will be interested in tiki. In five years it will be completely under ground again anyway.

Frankly though, your beef is not with all of the "newbies". It should be with all of those "tiki nobles" who chose to do things that raised the public's awareness.

So go bitch to them next time they invite you and the rest of the nobility over for a pow-wow.


[ Edited by: Ku Ku Ahu on 2005-01-13 11:29 ]

KuKuAhu posted on 01/04/2005

In short, if you don't want your band to become famous, then stay in the damned basement.


Unga Bunga posted on 01/04/2005

Na na na na na na na noooooooooo... bodies fault.

hiltiki posted on 01/04/2005

No,I will take the blame, I am a new want to be tiki loving person, and I still like Bong......Is that wrong??

ZebraTiki posted on 01/04/2005

First off, blame me.

Second off, Bong, can you define more accurately, "the quality of a 'reality' show" and the " for the most part, band-wagon jumpers"? Then maybe I could give a more informed opinion 'why fo is that'.

Third off, I'm certainly not more tiki than anyone here, but I did go back through and read all the posts before I joined, to try to eliminate the scornful, "We already talked about that, DUH!" effect, and not aggravate anyone's sensibilities.

p.s. This post fueled only by fresh and Rose's flavored lime juice mixed together, maybe that's 'what's happening.'

"You're ruining all our lives and eating all our steak!" (Napoleon Dynamite)

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/04/2005
McDougall posted on 01/04/2005

I think fo that a newbie will figure it all out on their own, in a newbie own good time, much like newbies of days done past have done.

hiltiki posted on 01/04/2005

I think you oldtimers should take care of us newbies.

Bamboo Dude posted on 01/04/2005

On 2005-01-03 22:48, hiltiki wrote:
I think you oldtimers should take care of us newbies.

And buy us drinks and more drinks....

TikiGardener posted on 01/04/2005

"The Bartender must be destroyed."

MaiTaiMafia-Old posted on 01/04/2005

I made the mistake of reading this thread sober and reading it gave me a hangover...

Tangaroa posted on 01/04/2005

On 2005-01-03 19:18, Geeky Tiki wrote:

GT - those Flame Warriors are hilarious! I'm trying to decide which of the worst offenders I am.... Funny funny.

tikifish posted on 01/04/2005

I think I know someone who fits every one of those profiles, hahhah!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 01/05/2005

"A man thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things."

-Herman Melville-

"All faults may be forgiven of him who has perfect candor."

-Walt Whitman-

"A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar."

-Mark Twain-

"Why fo is that?"

-Tiki Bong-

"Classic Clothing for a Modern World"

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2005-01-04 22:45 ]

suicide_sam posted on 01/05/2005

"Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Ben Franklin

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