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EZ Catch Chicken Harvester

Pages: 1 13 replies

Alnshely posted on 03/04/2005
MachTiki posted on 03/04/2005

Very effective... No more KFC for me.

Rob Roy posted on 03/04/2005

Watch out, that will become Disneyland’s newest ride. Instead of the PeopleMover they will have the PeopleCatcher that deposits you in a gift shop.

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/05/2005

Ah, I want the 12 piece extra-cripsy, large slaw and mashed.

hiltiki posted on 03/05/2005

Good thing I dont like eating chicken...Ayyyyyy

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/05/2005

All right people. Now sit down and take some notes.

On this here Earth we have somewhere's around 5 or 6 billion people (most of which seem to be surfing the SAME spot at the SAME time I am).

Have you ever given any consideration as to the amounts of materials you would have to produce to feed and accomodate such a crowd?

If you think buying and ordering food and drink for a little party for 20 or 30 people is tough, try actually producing the food and drink (not to mention producing the gas for your car).

So, I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first? OK, the bad news: in order to meet the demand, food producers don't have the luxury of considering the cow's/pig's/chicken's/charon's point of view as to how they would like to be slaughtered.

I'm sure if they could give you their thoughts on the subject, they'd probably decline the whole soiree.

So we're left with get it down NOW, because I'm hungry damnit!

(oh yeah, I'm sorry, but there is no good news)

MachTiki posted on 03/05/2005

That changed my life

Aaron's Akua posted on 03/05/2005

A friend at work just had to share this with me the other day.


Thankfully there's no video.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/05/2005

that changed my life

ikitnrev posted on 03/06/2005

I guess you need those sweeping chicken catchers to gather up those free-range chickens that are growing in popularity. I'm wondering how they did it gathered them beforehand - perhaps hired a couple of the local kids to chase every chicken down? .... or just let each chicken live its entire life in a cage?

I liked the following sentences from the company's website .... "With an abundance of both pine and hardwood timber in the area, the brothers initially thought of building church furniture.... .... After much deliberation, the brothers decided to build chicken coops. "

Watching that video, I was imagining the machine on a bigger scale - perhaps a combination of a Who concert and the movie Soylent Green.


RevBambooBen posted on 03/06/2005

Speaking of pigs (chickens) and LUAUS, a long time ago I went with a friend to get the "pig for the luau". Have any of you ever done this?? We woke up at 6 am and drove out to Corona (while drinking coronas) to a pig farm. There were millions of em in all different shapes and sizes. The dude asked how many people are attending the luau? 100+? You need to go pick one out in bin # 198354743. So, we headed over there and just said that one will do. So, the dude said, ok. He then reached into the back of his little mini tractor and pulled out this crazy looking shot gun thing. By this time we were about into a 6 pack each at 7am. He went into the pen and started doing some chant and the pigs just kinda froze up. We were laughing our asses off. He then went to our pig and put his gun to the pigs head. BANG! It shot a freakin stainless steel dowell through the pigs head!! Dude! Anyway of doing it better? Nope! This is the most humane. We were on the ground with laugh cramps!! So, we all go back to the barn and there is this big machine that looks like the inside of many tiers banded together like a giant inside out tire (or crazy carnival ride). He puts a little gas in the engine and fires it up. Grabs the pig from tractor and throws it into the thing! What the freaking thing does is basically de-hairs the pig. Kinda like de-scaling a fish. Or, peeling a carrot for you vegans reading this. It also tears up the insides for easier gutting. So, after a 15 minute carnival ride for the dead pig for the LUAU he stops the ride and ropes it up by it's feet and wenches it upsidedown about arms hiehgt. He then puls out this Crockadile Dundee knife and in a matter of 30 seconds guts it ( fills a keg barrell and says to us"the guts are extra. You want em? No that's cool dude. You keep em.Here. Have a beer. He then said they send em to the hot dog factory). He then grabs the LUAU pig and throws it into the back of my friends truck. By 10 am we had the sucker on a spit rotating over 100 lbs. of Kingsford. By 10 pm we were all full and done for the night. So, next time you all are eating Kalua Pig, remember my story. I'm sure that pig farm is now a housing tract. That was 20+ years ago. Maybe Poly Pop lives on it.

DawnTiki posted on 03/06/2005

Someone has to have the guts...pun intended...to do the dirty work of getting that (place your favorite flesh product here) into small enough parts so it will fit inside those nice styrofoam and cyran wrapped packages. So we can pretend it never really had a face to begin with. I know this sounds harsh but it is my belief that everyone at sometime early in their life, if they are carnivores, should see an animal slaughtered. One way or another it will change the way you think about the food you eat forever.

Turbogod posted on 03/06/2005

On 2005-03-05 09:07, Tiki_Bong wrote:
On this here Earth we have somewhere's around 5 or 6 billion people (most of which seem to be surfing the SAME spot at the SAME time I am).

Well here's 47 that aren't!

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar
It just may be that the only purpose to your life is to serve as a warning to others.

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2005-03-06 12:25 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/06/2005

It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's Fritters!

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