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Tiki Crawl V pics

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I'll keep it short, as it's all been said:

Big mahalos to everyone who came- without all of you good people, we'd just be sittin' here pickin' our noses. The Ohana makes a great event.

A thousand thanks again to all of our donors/sponsors- you really made it extra special.

And thanks for all the kind words about us! It was a hell of a lot of work, but a hell of a good time!

[ Edited by: martiki on 2005-04-07 12:07 ]


I put my photos online and I wanted to share them with everyone! Hope you will all enjoy them!


Nice post Hula Hula but....

What the heck is with the Monkeyman(?). Everyone else gets some friendly greeting or description and all I get is a friggin question mark?

Im writing you out of my will. No soup for you!


i was leaving it open s i could go back to it but i forgot. ( da man wit da cam )
ther all better now.....

[ Edited by: hula hula on 2005-04-07 12:08 ]


suzanne, you have stamina to get up for the Alameda flea market after the crawl!

Man, you are quick.

Netty posted on Thu, Apr 7, 2005 12:31 PM

I am so sad that I missed it this year. Can't wait to see everyone at Tiki Oasis.

Da crawl was DOPE, Yo! Mad props to ma boyz Martin, Mig and Hanford (and Rebecca too). I'll see y'alls at da Oasis, ya heard.

...aiight - Peace Out....

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

I don't even know who I met last Friday night at Conga and Vic's, but nice meeting ya! I know Unga Bunga was there, who I knew already from his trip to Thrillville last year, and some cool guy from my adopted town of Alameda named Bill who I plan on hanging out with more in the near future. I can't keep up with all the TC monikers, I know most of you by birth name anyway. Glad I finally made one of these, I'm normally out of town for my bday (April 2, which is why I wasn't on the bus Sat nite, or one reason), so mahalo Mig for "making" me stay around this time, it was a lotta fun. Thanks also to Martin for that "Oakland Tiki Day" Proclamation from Mayor Jerry Brown, read at the Conga, prominently "Whereas-ing" my wife, Monica Tiki Goddess. Like I told Mig and Hanford, maybe next year our duplex in Alameda (Otto and Doe live upstairs!) can be a stop on the itinerary, so I won't even have to leave the house! If I'm in town, that is...See ya at Oasis for more Mai Tai madness soonsville.


On 2005-04-07 12:16, thejab wrote:
suzanne, you have stamina to get up for the Alameda flea market after the crawl!

Well, I had no choice! My best friend was flying into Oakland airport at 6.37 am and I had to pick her up. I figured we might as well go the the flea market too!


[ Edited by: suzanne on 2005-04-08 13:17 ]


On 2005-04-08 12:56, AquaZombie wrote:
I don't even know who I met last Friday night at Conga and Vic's, but nice meeting ya! I know Unga Bunga was there, who I knew already from his trip to Thrillville last year, and some cool guy from my adopted town of Alameda named Bill who I plan on hanging out with more in the near future.

Hey Will The Thrill, that's me! :blush: Great meeting you at Trader Vic's, hipster!!!

...See ya at Oasis for more Mai Tai madness soonsville.

Keep your eye out for my fez, I'll be there if I can get a volunteer spot.


Here's a few more gems- not my own:

On 2005-04-11 10:22, martiki wrote:
Here's a few more gems- not my own:

Thanks for posting this shot of me cutting the raffle ticket line. It was an honest mistake, I swear! I walked in, saw Martiki selling tickets and said "How much?, he told me, I handed him the cash and squeezed my way to the bar. I was so clueless I didn't even realize that the loose assembledge of people along the wall was a line. I didn't mean any disrespect and am truly sorry. Please forgive me - I am old and feeble (and I hadn't even had a drink yet!)


Dude, that's my bald head, not yours!

But that's OK, even my mother can't tell us apart. Remember last year's Tiki Bob shot? There was a picture of you lying on the sidewalk in front of Tiki Bob in the Ross Valley Reporter two weeks ago, and my mom thought it was me!

Then I take back all that "I'm sorry for cutting in line" stuff....

I'm still alive!!
I had to let the memories marinate, much like my body marinated in rum for three days in straight.
I'm not a huge drinker & all those sweet tropical drinks took quite the toll on me.
I was barfing for another three days afterward. It felt like a hangover, but there had to be a flu bug mixed in for good measure.....either way nearly all of last week was a total wash for me.
I did have a truly great time, tho!
The triumphant return of the Canadians!!!
Jane & Alexis! Could I love them more? probably not. (I'm lumping Mr. Smiley into the cannot-love-more-fest because Bruce RULES!)

The triumphant return of HulaHula!!
That dude kicks ass! Dont stay away so long next time!!

Meeting so many new people was great: Sabu, Al & Shelly, Monkeyman, Virani & wife, The Mai Tai & Coco Loco clan, Seamus clan....& Tonga in Cheeky (you horny bastich, put something on forfucksake!)
Hangin with Hanford & Mig & the sultry AppleVenus!
Hangin with my excellent homeboy TikiRoyale!
Awesome to see JungleTrader, Trader Pup, HumuHumu(yumuyumu), SaaaaweetPea, Chongo, PolyPop, TikiCleen & the "Running"Hat, Z Jab, UngaBunga, Drunken Falling Dress Girl (best lap dance in many moons), & countless others I cant rememeber the names of...
Mucho big thanks to Martin & Rebecca, Mig & Hanford for all their efforts. It just gets better every year!


On 2005-04-11 10:49, Tiki-bot wrote:

On 2005-04-11 10:22, martiki wrote:

Ha ha ha! I see myself in a pic! or the back of my head, anyhow :D I'd be able to spot one of those hairflowers anywhere!



On 2005-04-11 10:59, martiki wrote:
Dude, that's my bald head, not yours!

But that's OK, even my mother can't tell us apart. Remember last year's Tiki Bob shot? There was a picture of you lying on the sidewalk in front of Tiki Bob in the Ross Valley Reporter two weeks ago, and my mom thought it was me!



Don't worry honey, it's okay. I made the papers again but this time there were no hookers and lawn gnomes involved.

On 2005-04-11 15:33, Tiki-bot wrote:
Don't worry honey, it's okay. I made the papers again but this time there were no hookers and lawn gnomes involved.

OK, you know how I hate Lawn Gnomes. So, will I need to wait a full year before I hear about embarrassing photos from THIS year's Crawl?? (wait a minute, I was ON last year's crawl....what the ??)

I am filled with more envy than ANY of you could POSSIBLY imagine. violently kicking myself in the ass for not going! IDIOT!!!!!!

Miss Humu Humu, your haircut looks GORGEOUS! Steve and I LOVE it! (we sat across from you at the luau at the Daytona gathering... I used to be "kipepeo" on here.) VERY yummy doo!

OK that does it. I am going to go to this thing every year from now on. The regret is too great to ever bear again. :)

Thanks for sharing your pickchas!


Lenore :)

PS: I totally would have gone, if I had known there was going to be a giant dildo-tiki there!!!!!!!!


From the April 5th issue of the Ross Valley Reporter- Front Page, no less!

Martiki! That is is so freakin cool! Thanks for postin' What a great shot.


Timely as ever...
Here are some of the pics I took the first night at the crawl on MY camera. (I forgot I used my camera the first night...!DUH!)

These were at Trader Sam's after hours, where we managed to shut the place down.
Present were TikiFish, Crystal Chandelier, Mig & AppleVenus.
I used my sisters camera for the rest of the weekend because she has the exact same camera, but with lots more memory.
The thought was I could take alot more pictures, but every time I try to upload the photos from her camera I get a little pop-up telling me there are no pictures in the camera...WTF!!
I even tried swapping the memory cards, but that doesnt work either.
I have 20 more shots but can't access them.
I will keep trying & post them when I figure this shit out.
Your technically challenged pal,

no clue who this is. Just some passed out drunkard.


that last picture is SO Sam's.

Bring on # VI Baby!!!




Any word on the next SF tiki Crawl????
I'm having withdrawl!

Aloha !!
I found this randomly on ebay. It is a T-shirt from the SF Tiki Bar Crawl in 2005. I had to take a screen shot, so you can't zoom in too far, but, thought I would share with everyone. MadDogMike helped me find this thread, to post it....so, here are some pics added to this old thread :)

Here is the ebay posting just in case there is interest in looking at it...


The pics looks like it was a good time!!....too bad, many of the pics are lost to time. There is also a t-shirt for the crawl in 2004.


This crawl was one of the crown jewels of my TC memories.


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