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Tiki Crawl V pics

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martiki posted on 04/07/2005

I'll keep it short, as it's all been said:

Big mahalos to everyone who came- without all of you good people, we'd just be sittin' here pickin' our noses. The Ohana makes a great event.

A thousand thanks again to all of our donors/sponsors- you really made it extra special.

And thanks for all the kind words about us! It was a hell of a lot of work, but a hell of a good time!

[ Edited by: martiki on 2005-04-07 12:07 ]

suzanne posted on 04/07/2005

I put my photos online and I wanted to share them with everyone! Hope you will all enjoy them!


Monkeyman posted on 04/07/2005

Nice post Hula Hula but....

What the heck is with the Monkeyman(?). Everyone else gets some friendly greeting or description and all I get is a friggin question mark?

Im writing you out of my will. No soup for you!

hula hula posted on 04/07/2005

i was leaving it open s i could go back to it but i forgot. ( da man wit da cam )
ther all better now.....

[ Edited by: hula hula on 2005-04-07 12:08 ]

thejab posted on 04/07/2005

suzanne, you have stamina to get up for the Alameda flea market after the crawl!

Monkeyman posted on 04/07/2005

Man, you are quick.

Netty posted on 04/07/2005

I am so sad that I missed it this year. Can't wait to see everyone at Tiki Oasis.

PolynesianPop posted on 04/07/2005

Da crawl was DOPE, Yo! Mad props to ma boyz Martin, Mig and Hanford (and Rebecca too). I'll see y'alls at da Oasis, ya heard.

...aiight - Peace Out....

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

AquaZombie posted on 04/08/2005

I don't even know who I met last Friday night at Conga and Vic's, but nice meeting ya! I know Unga Bunga was there, who I knew already from his trip to Thrillville last year, and some cool guy from my adopted town of Alameda named Bill who I plan on hanging out with more in the near future. I can't keep up with all the TC monikers, I know most of you by birth name anyway. Glad I finally made one of these, I'm normally out of town for my bday (April 2, which is why I wasn't on the bus Sat nite, or one reason), so mahalo Mig for "making" me stay around this time, it was a lotta fun. Thanks also to Martin for that "Oakland Tiki Day" Proclamation from Mayor Jerry Brown, read at the Conga, prominently "Whereas-ing" my wife, Monica Tiki Goddess. Like I told Mig and Hanford, maybe next year our duplex in Alameda (Otto and Doe live upstairs!) can be a stop on the itinerary, so I won't even have to leave the house! If I'm in town, that is...See ya at Oasis for more Mai Tai madness soonsville.

suzanne posted on 04/08/2005

On 2005-04-07 12:16, thejab wrote:
suzanne, you have stamina to get up for the Alameda flea market after the crawl!

Well, I had no choice! My best friend was flying into Oakland airport at 6.37 am and I had to pick her up. I figured we might as well go the the flea market too!


[ Edited by: suzanne on 2005-04-08 13:17 ]

Mai Tai posted on 04/10/2005

On 2005-04-08 12:56, AquaZombie wrote:
I don't even know who I met last Friday night at Conga and Vic's, but nice meeting ya! I know Unga Bunga was there, who I knew already from his trip to Thrillville last year, and some cool guy from my adopted town of Alameda named Bill who I plan on hanging out with more in the near future.

Hey Will The Thrill, that's me! :blush: Great meeting you at Trader Vic's, hipster!!!

...See ya at Oasis for more Mai Tai madness soonsville.

Keep your eye out for my fez, I'll be there if I can get a volunteer spot.

martiki posted on 04/11/2005

Here's a few more gems- not my own:

Tiki-bot posted on 04/11/2005

On 2005-04-11 10:22, martiki wrote:
Here's a few more gems- not my own:

Thanks for posting this shot of me cutting the raffle ticket line. It was an honest mistake, I swear! I walked in, saw Martiki selling tickets and said "How much?, he told me, I handed him the cash and squeezed my way to the bar. I was so clueless I didn't even realize that the loose assembledge of people along the wall was a line. I didn't mean any disrespect and am truly sorry. Please forgive me - I am old and feeble (and I hadn't even had a drink yet!)

martiki posted on 04/11/2005

Dude, that's my bald head, not yours!

But that's OK, even my mother can't tell us apart. Remember last year's Tiki Bob shot? There was a picture of you lying on the sidewalk in front of Tiki Bob in the Ross Valley Reporter two weeks ago, and my mom thought it was me!

Tiki-bot posted on 04/11/2005

Then I take back all that "I'm sorry for cutting in line" stuff....

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 04/11/2005

I'm still alive!!
I had to let the memories marinate, much like my body marinated in rum for three days in straight.
I'm not a huge drinker & all those sweet tropical drinks took quite the toll on me.
I was barfing for another three days afterward. It felt like a hangover, but there had to be a flu bug mixed in for good measure.....either way nearly all of last week was a total wash for me.
I did have a truly great time, tho!
The triumphant return of the Canadians!!!
Jane & Alexis! Could I love them more? probably not. (I'm lumping Mr. Smiley into the cannot-love-more-fest because Bruce RULES!)

The triumphant return of HulaHula!!
That dude kicks ass! Dont stay away so long next time!!

Meeting so many new people was great: Sabu, Al & Shelly, Monkeyman, Virani & wife, The Mai Tai & Coco Loco clan, Seamus clan....& Tonga in Cheeky (you horny bastich, put something on forfucksake!)
Hangin with Hanford & Mig & the sultry AppleVenus!
Hangin with my excellent homeboy TikiRoyale!
Awesome to see JungleTrader, Trader Pup, HumuHumu(yumuyumu), SaaaaweetPea, Chongo, PolyPop, TikiCleen & the "Running"Hat, Z Jab, UngaBunga, Drunken Falling Dress Girl (best lap dance in many moons), & countless others I cant rememeber the names of...
Mucho big thanks to Martin & Rebecca, Mig & Hanford for all their efforts. It just gets better every year!

suzanne posted on 04/11/2005

On 2005-04-11 10:49, Tiki-bot wrote:

On 2005-04-11 10:22, martiki wrote:

Ha ha ha! I see myself in a pic! or the back of my head, anyhow :D I'd be able to spot one of those hairflowers anywhere!



mrs. pineapple posted on 04/11/2005

On 2005-04-11 10:59, martiki wrote:
Dude, that's my bald head, not yours!

But that's OK, even my mother can't tell us apart. Remember last year's Tiki Bob shot? There was a picture of you lying on the sidewalk in front of Tiki Bob in the Ross Valley Reporter two weeks ago, and my mom thought it was me!


Tiki-bot posted on 04/11/2005

Don't worry honey, it's okay. I made the papers again but this time there were no hookers and lawn gnomes involved.

mrs. pineapple posted on 04/11/2005

On 2005-04-11 15:33, Tiki-bot wrote:
Don't worry honey, it's okay. I made the papers again but this time there were no hookers and lawn gnomes involved.

OK, you know how I hate Lawn Gnomes. So, will I need to wait a full year before I hear about embarrassing photos from THIS year's Crawl?? (wait a minute, I was ON last year's crawl....what the ??)

Tikilicious posted on 04/13/2005

I am filled with more envy than ANY of you could POSSIBLY imagine. violently kicking myself in the ass for not going! IDIOT!!!!!!

Miss Humu Humu, your haircut looks GORGEOUS! Steve and I LOVE it! (we sat across from you at the luau at the Daytona gathering... I used to be "kipepeo" on here.) VERY yummy doo!

OK that does it. I am going to go to this thing every year from now on. The regret is too great to ever bear again. :)

Thanks for sharing your pickchas!


Lenore :)

Tikilicious posted on 04/13/2005

PS: I totally would have gone, if I had known there was going to be a giant dildo-tiki there!!!!!!!!

martiki posted on 04/19/2005

From the April 5th issue of the Ross Valley Reporter- Front Page, no less!

Chongolio posted on 04/20/2005

Martiki! That is is so freakin cool! Thanks for postin' What a great shot.


bigbadtikidaddy posted on 04/25/2005

Timely as ever...
Here are some of the pics I took the first night at the crawl on MY camera. (I forgot I used my camera the first night...!DUH!)

These were at Trader Sam's after hours, where we managed to shut the place down.
Present were TikiFish, Crystal Chandelier, Mig & AppleVenus.
I used my sisters camera for the rest of the weekend because she has the exact same camera, but with lots more memory.
The thought was I could take alot more pictures, but every time I try to upload the photos from her camera I get a little pop-up telling me there are no pictures in the camera...WTF!!
I even tried swapping the memory cards, but that doesnt work either.
I have 20 more shots but can't access them.
I will keep trying & post them when I figure this shit out.
Your technically challenged pal,

no clue who this is. Just some passed out drunkard.

martiki posted on 04/25/2005

that last picture is SO Sam's.

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Unga Bunga posted on 03/30/2006

Bring on # VI Baby!!!

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sweetpea posted on 03/30/2006


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sweetpea posted on 04/25/2006

Any word on the next SF tiki Crawl????
I'm having withdrawl!

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Unga Bunga posted on 01/27/2015

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PineappleWhip posted on 12/16/2019

Aloha !!
I found this randomly on ebay. It is a T-shirt from the SF Tiki Bar Crawl in 2005. I had to take a screen shot, so you can't zoom in too far, but, thought I would share with everyone. MadDogMike helped me find this thread, to post it....so, here are some pics added to this old thread :)

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Here is the ebay posting just in case there is interest in looking at it...


The pics looks like it was a good time!!....too bad, many of the pics are lost to time. There is also a t-shirt for the crawl in 2004.


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Unga Bunga posted on 12/18/2019

This crawl was one of the crown jewels of my TC memories.


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