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Are your dreams ever tiki-related? If so, please share!

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I had an emotional tiki dream last night.

I was at a flea market where I spied a tiki bob.

Unfortunately, someone else snagged him just as I was reaching out. Every time I made an offer, this other guy said he'd top it by $50, no matter what, and he said he didn't even care for it!

I cried in my dream, and I woke up crying actual tears. When I got up this morning the sleep in my eyes was a sour reminder of the sad dream.

I wore my Purple Jade tiki bob earrings today for good luck, maybe I'll find one at the thrift store. ha.


On 2005-05-18 10:11, Tikiwahine wrote:

Every time I made an offer, this other guy said he'd top it by $50, no matter what, and he said he didn't even care for it!

Sounds like eBay.


Ahu, you are so right!
Fortunately, with e-bay you don't have to stand face to face with the guy.

My worst fear is to see someone leaving the thrift shop or whatever with a coveted mug in hand, without even knowing, or caring what it is.

Just like Raffertiki's comic:

I always think to myself that I must carry some cash to offer,
just in case something like that were to ever actually happen.

Man, am I ever paranoid!
I think I need one of those Damon's Mai Tais to relax me a little.


On 2005-05-18 11:08, Tikiwahine wrote:
Ahu, you are so right!
Fortunately, with e-bay you don't have to stand face to face with the guy.

Heh! For me that is part of the problem. I think I could be more persuasive in person. You know, use a little psychology such as, "I'm bigger than you and if you outbid me by $50 again I'll have your skull on my shelf."

That sort of thing. Heh heh heh!

My worst fear is to see someone leaving the thrift shop or whatever with a coveted mug in hand, without even knowing, or caring what it is.

Luckily I can be relatively certain that my local competition is probably somebody I know, so even if they scoop up the find of the week, I'll likely get to see it in person and enjoy it. And vice versa.

Just like Raffertiki's comic...

No kidding!

Man, am I ever paranoid!
I think I need one of those Damon's Mai Tais to relax me a little.

You buyin' the first round?


I have a recurring dream that I'm in Vegas and trying to get to some fabulous outdoor tiki bar at one of the casinos: it's surrounded by water and overlooks some stage whose backdrop is a gigantic shell. But the people I'm with in this dream never want to go, and then I run out of time, or get lost.

I had a doozy last night about looking at some neat-o house for rent with all these cool vintage knick-knacks and tikis, and it just kept getting bigger and darker and more and more cluttered and dirty, and then the family showing us the house turned evil and started chasing us - sort of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre/House of 1000 Corpses meets the Ugh House (not sure which is more scary). The evil folks were demons and/or Killer Clowns from Outer Space - I remember thinking in my dream, oh no I'm in a sequel to a really bad movie. (It even had the characteristic chainsaw massacre/1000 corpse twist where you finally find a road, and get picked up by a friendly-looking person, and then once you get in the car you discover this person is in cahoots with the bad guys!)

I probably am watching too many Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs.

On 2005-05-18 11:24, KuKuAhu wrote:

You buyin' the first round?


Dude, I'm mixing the first round!
Stop on by, heck, all TCers are welcome!

Find me in all my rum induced glory, tonight only!
On Shout!


On 2005-05-18 12:04, Tikiwahine wrote:
Dude, I'm mixing the first round!
Stop on by, heck, all TCers are welcome!

Find me in all my rum induced glory, tonight only!
On Shout!

Cool. What time does your uhm... shift begin?


After work, 7ish pacific time.
I'll be taking 'which mug to drink from' requests.

That's right!

Pictures will be posted; to prove dedication.
And insanity.

There is also the possiblity of my dinner being only home-popped white cheddar popcorn!

Join me, tonight on shout.
When I mai tai myself up.


Sure, I can be around for that I think. That's about midnight my time, so I'll pop in for a bit before snooze o'clock and join ya for a round.

Mind if I just drink rum though? Lime juice just before bed sometimes doesn't settle well.


White cheddar micro pop for dinner huh? Man, that's hardcore. I'm probably having tater tots and fish sticks.


On 2005-05-18 12:32, KuKuAhu wrote:

Mind if I just drink rum though? Lime juice just before bed sometimes doesn't settle well.


ya, I suppose that's ok, but you'll have to work on your lime threshold! :wink: All the better for odd tiki dreams.

I'll try to check in a little earlier, say 6:30. I'm on California time, it shouldn't be too late your time. Say 9:30 at the latest?

White cheddar micro pop for dinner huh? Man, that's hardcore. I'm probably having tater tots and fish sticks.

Micro pop? no way! it's air pop all the way for me! I've got one of those seasoning shakers, yum!



On 2005-05-18 12:41, Tikiwahine wrote:
ya, I suppose that's ok, but you'll have to work on your lime threshold! :wink: All the better for odd tiki dreams.

My tiki dreams are always nightmares about the loss of mugs. Breakage, shattering, the slippery fingers of drunken guests, nothing worth documenting. Makes waking up kind of a relief though.

I'll try to check in a little earlier, say 6:30. I'm on California time, it shouldn't be too late your time. Say 9:30 at the latest?

Heh heh! You know, I was just in Kauai a couple weeks ago and for some reason I still can't shake that whole 5 hour thing with timezones far west of here. I don't know why. I just put everybody across the Mississippi on Hawaii time for some reason. Must be all the cow fumes her in Ohio or something.

Yes, 9:30 would be fine.

Micro pop? no way! it's air pop all the way for me! I've got one of those seasoning shakers, yum!

Seasoning shakers? Is this some sort of Canuck thing? Show me one of these "seasoning shakers" you speak of. My air popped corn always tastes like packing peanuts.



They sell the shakers at Blockbuster Video up here, and at their chain retail shop that has the best flavors of popcorn ever!
Mmmm...jalapeno cheddar... low fat butter pecan...

If there's a flavor of shaker you'd like to try, let me know and I'll send one to you!

I always put a bit of melted butter or margerine and salt on it as well, helps the seasonings stick.(to my arteries more like it)

I've got the trio package of seasonings from Gourmet Du Village, another great Canadian company. (Hot & Spicy, Cheddar & Onion, Sour Cream & Onion) I'll have to give them a try.

Is this just a Canadian thing? At our Silver City movie theaters they have different seasonings in shakers for the popcorn!

Well.......not tikis, not yet anyway.

But I have this obsession with vintage monster magazines, like from the 60's, particularly, and I have had more than one dream about wandering into some used bookstore and finding boxes of these old things. Of course the bookstore has no idea what they're worth, so they're all a buck apiece. I become ecstatic, fiendish even. And that's when I wake up.

Which reminds me...I just remembered that I found a prominent reference to Polynesian drinks in an issue of Famous Monsters from the 60's...will have to post this.

And here it is! Below: On page 61 of Issue #89 of Famous Monsters of Filmland (March 1972) you can read an article about ZOMBIES:

And since this was really a kids' magazine, we can assume that kids were familiar with adult Tiki-related drinking habits at that point in time. Or that the magazine's editors thought so...

[ Edited by: procinema29 on 2005-05-18 14:57 ]


On 2005-05-18 13:24, Tikiwahine wrote:

They sell the shakers at Blockbuster Video up here, and at their chain retail shop that has the best flavors of popcorn ever!

If there's a flavor of shaker you'd like to try, let me know and I'll send one to you!

That's awful nice of you to offer, but I'd be doing you a diservice by not checking my local Blockbuster first. They may very well have them. I haven't been in there in years. I'll have to let ya know how "Seasoning Shaker Quest '05" turns out.

I always put a bit of melted butter or margerine and salt on it as well, helps the seasonings stick.(to my arteries more like it)

My popcorn trick is for the movie theatre. You take an extra napkin and shake salt into it and fold it up. Then when you are half way through the movie and down to the unsalted popcorn in your tub, you just unfold, shake and enjoy. My wahine taught me this nifty method for maximum salt intake.

Is this just a Canadian thing? At our Silver City movie theaters they have different seasonings in shakers for the popcorn!

Hmm... Best you ever get around Kahikitown is the occasional shaker full of that weird orange fake butter flavor salt.


Back to bizarre tiki dreams...

Lately, I've had two, but the memorable one started out in a dark and misty tiki restaurant that had a glowing mural of a night scene of an island view or swamp. At about the point where I was thinking to myself, "I wonder how many TC members are here?" the restaurant got even mistier, so only a few tables nearby were visible, but the bar area glowed off in the distance.

Someone was approaching through the mist, and I thought it was the waiter, but it turned out to be none other than Tiki_Bong, who rushed up to me and said, "Can you hot-wire a car?" as he led me by the elbow towards the door. As he was explaining why we had to start his car, I caught a glimpse of the glowing bar, which we had to pass to get out.

At the bar, we were distracted from our mission by some TC members, all vague non-specific images, but they were supposed to be various members I have never met in real life. The exception was Humuhumu, who was rather farther away, and trying to make wild gestures and facial epxressions as if to say, "Don't go outside," and pointing towards the door, then shaking her head "no."

Despite the warning, when I got to the parking lot, all the cars were various makes and models, but all made of bamboo! They were all amazingly detailed. Some were like late 50's Cadillacs, and others were your average Camry, but bamboo-covered, with incredible interior upholstery in atomic & tiki designs. One car had a little puffer fish lamp hanging where the interior roof light should be.

Bong was rubbing his hands together in anticipation and looked across the parking lot and said, "OK, which car?" Then I told him I thought that he wanted me to start his car, not someone else's, and debate and argument ensued. The rest of the dream was me trying to explain that a bamboo car would certainly be easy to spot, and we'd be caught in seconds.

Next, I was looking for my car, hoping that it had been converted to bamboo-osity by mere presence in the parking lot. I never did find my car, but wandered back into the restaurant, where they had opened up a gigantic tiki gift shop while I was outside.

All the TC members were the first to get into the newly opened shop, and Humuhumu was racing around the group like a border collie rounding us all up, making sure we were all there. There was hysterical happy laughter, and everyone was holding absolutely gorgeous, elaborately garnished drinks.

Then the words "Doppler radar" woke me up, and I never did find out what was in the shop.

Wow, you know what, I just remembered! I had one dream featuring tikis about three weeks ago, and I'd forgotten it, but I did have one.

And it was a doozy too. I was traveling with a friend, but I don't remember who it was, I was just "with somebody." And we were visiting a neighborhood somewhere in California that had been built in the late 50's. The whole area was full of googie apartments. And here and there were these cement tikis. Didn't see any carved wooden ones, but the cement tikis were hollow.

Near the end of the dream we were walking down a residential street that had this fiberglass patio kind of ceiling going over the whole street, so it was heavily shaded in a translucent way. And in the center of the street (a wide street) was one of those cement divider "islands" (appropriate I guess), and this thing had tropical plants on it and some large cylindrical cement tikis. I mean really large, they were like ten feet tall at least. Probably a little taller.

Someone in the dream commented that the neighborhood was like a time capsule, so well preserved. And I appreciated the cement tikis because they looked nice and were in good shape. That's all I can remember. But it was very vivid, and the neighborhood was really very beautiful. Trust me, it was.

Wow, Thanks for the Marooned plug, Wahine. But don't worry, things like that only happen in comics.

I wake up the other morning and my wife says "You're wierd." Nothing new. She goes on to tell me that at about 2 am she wakes up because I'm mumbling in my sleep. She starts asking, "What? what?, etc. I'm saying. "Purple people pineapple...pineapple...purple people, etc. She keeps asking what the heck I'm talking about until I guess I had enough and start yelling, "Shut up... let me get back to sleep...shut uuuuppppppp!"

I don't remember any of it, but I'm guessing it was good.

Purple people, heh heh...

Last night I dreamed that in a "While You Were Out/ Ground Force" way, my friend J. that I haven't talked to in quite a while, re-landscaped my yard with tropicals and lighting and about 20 different moai hidden here and there. Some were stone carvings and some were ceramic planters. Not aware of any horticultural talents on his part, so I don't know where that came from.


I have some odd tiki or TC related dream pretty often, latest one is...
I am at some sort of tiki event. I walk by Tiki Kiliki, she's all alone in a booth, selling layers of her forearm skin (the great tiki tattoo) as a mousepad. Noooo! I didn't buy one. She wouldn't take a check :P

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-05-28 17:05 ]


I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was back in my childhood home on Long Island. I saw one of those tall outdoor heaters that run on propane was leaking and shooting flames out of the base. When I put it out with a fire extinguisher, I saw the Fire Department pulling up and told them what happened. The Chief pointed out two 3' tikis that were taking turns breathing out hugh plumes of flames from their mouths. He asked if they were supposed to be doing that and I said "no". He asked if I wanted him to put them out and I said NO! I implied but did not say that he was insane for asking such a silly question.

Why would anyone not want tikis arbitrarily breathing fire in their back yard?

Great dream minitor! I have permanent gas torch wishes, out on the front lawn beside two huge moai. I'd also like a couple of metal tikis with flames coming out of their heads.

Had a tiki dream last night...

Swanky was holding a live auction in a church. Sitting up at a front pew he had this HUGE five gallon rum barrel from the Mai Kai. The bids started at $40, then started to go down!? He was so egar to get rid of it, it finally sold for a whopping quarter! I didn't get it, my bid wasn't low enough at $35.

What a crazy dream.


My wife sometimes talks in her sleep.

Last night she was having a dream. I woke to the sound of her laughing.

"I am surrounded by Tiki" she said. Then she opened one eye and looked at me coyly.

"I am Swallowed." she said.

"By what?" I asked.

"By Tiki" she said, matter-of-factly. Then she fell back asleep. She had no memory of the conversation the next morning.


Lately my dreams have been affected by the pressures of planning the NW Crawl. Last night I dreamt that, while we were at the Alibi, the crawl was overrun by kilt-wearing rugby players who insisted on singing Rod Stewart karaoke. Our security dude was unable to make them leave and it started getting ugly about the time I woke up. Note to self - beef up security at the crawl...

I've been reading everyone's dream recollections and I think they're all fascinating and full of the authentic Tiki feeling. Great reading!

Wow, well, I had another one last night. I had this dream that I was walking around some city nearby--and suddenly saw that there were tiki carvings decorating the streets. I saw three or four of them, each done in extremely different styles. I started looking for street signs so I could note down where the place was. Since I hadn't seen it listed at TC, I thought it made sense to post some info. (yes, TC was part of the dream.) And here I am posting some info, actually...except that the street I saw them on exists only in the realm of fantasy.............


My new friend, Mr. Moai (a pet name between new friends) and I were discussing the ills of cable verses satellite tv. That in itself was nothing spectacular or extraordinary other than... I was talking to MR. MOAI!!! Here's a picture of my new friend I met at OnaTiki's...

Actually I think a little conversation I had about TV and children with Hillary at OnaTiki's party, influenced my subconscious thoughts more than I knew at the time.
Getttting sleeeeeepy...off to make more Tiki Dreams...

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-07-09 00:49 ]

I had a dream last night that a tsunami was coming, and as I was struggling to get away from the ocean, I walked over or near a small grouping of silvery moai just sitting there in the sand - they were not full sized but like 3 feet tall.

And then, later, I was trapped in a govt facility on the water that was filling with water, and there was a lioness with me for some reason (and my cat, as always).

I've never had a tiki in my dreams that I can recall (I don't remember a lot of my dreams very well, I blame the rum). Does that mean I'm a poser and not really into tikis, or is it because I don't have a tiki bar in my apartment (too small) and the tiki gods refuse to visit?

I've had one that I can remember...I was opening a professional tiki bar and it was the grand opening and all these TC people were lined up outside to come on in...so we open the doors and they come rushing inside all excited...and all I had for decorations was this little fake banana tree in the corner and one(!)tiki mask on the wall! And every one got a drink from this plain old bar and walked over to the mask and stood around it and said " Hey thats a really cool mask" etc. And they were happy! I couldn't believe it...


On 2005-08-04 10:00, Urban Tiki wrote:
I've never had a tiki in my dreams that I can recall. Does that mean I'm a poser and not really into tikis, or is it because I don't have a tiki bar in my apartment (too small) and the tiki gods refuse to visit?

Place too small for a bar? Check out this thread I just started;

Thanks for the link to the other thread.

My tiki dreams usually involve discovering the perfect tiki find at a thrift store. Seeing it from across the store, its glowing, music plays, and it always costs a dollar. And Im running for it, and somebody else is running for it at the same time. And Im frantically trying to outrun her. And I wake up before I figure out who got to it first. About 85% of my tiki dreams are like that.

The last time I had that dream, it was a huge box of Tiki Bob mugs, about a dozen. The entire box was a dollar.

Now you KNOW Im dreamin'. :wink: lol!

Tikilicious, that sounds like a cool dream. I don't know what the tikibobs are, but it sounds like that was a good price. I could dream about making more tiki things... and some ornaments for holidays or whenever. I was going to try to show some of the tiki stamps I made, but I haven't learned how yet. The would be my next tiki dream - to learn how to show some of my tiki crafts on Tiki Central. There are tons of really cool things on Tiki Central. I could dream of getting a tiki book, but that's more like something you ask for on your birthday.

I dream of tiki.

Recently, I apparently was working out where to add my latest larger tiki - outside or in, what room, etc., and it carried over into my dream. While dreaming of tiki is always good, I was somewhat disappointed I did not come to a definitive location.


I often dream of parrots and reggae music--that's tiki, right!?!?


On 2005-08-04 18:01, mrsmiley wrote:
I often dream of parrots and reggae music--that's tiki, right!?!?

in your dreams!


On 2005-08-04 17:12, tikinoobie wrote:
Tikilicious, that sounds like a cool dream. I don't know what the tikibobs ...."
STOP THE PRESSES!! You don't know Tiki Bob?!?! Well, check him out!
Ebay link

He is zazz!!

Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore - shortened link - 2005-08-04 18:07 ]


Tiki dreams? All the time! Either finding boxes of mugs or dreaming my entire backyard is like an aviary full of monkeys and parrots. Waking up is terrible. I spend alot of time trying to get back to sleep but I never catch the dreams back.Guess I'll just have to work harder at making them a reality.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2005-08-05 14:26 ]


no major tiki dreams, BUT....

when i was a kid an i'd sometimes dream i was surrounded by the Tiki Drummers from the Tiki Room and they were all singing the "OOggaah-Chakka-OOggaah-Chakka" part of the BJ Thomas, "Hooked On A Feeling" song.

i'd wake up and my mom would change my bed sheets.

the end.

[ Edited by: tiki1963 2005-08-05 14:56 ]


On 2005-08-05 14:25, Matt Reese wrote:
Tiki dreams? All the time! Either finding boxes of mugs or dreaming my entire backyard is like an aviary full of monkeys and parrots. Waking up is terrible. I spend alot of time trying to get back to sleep but I never catch the dreams back.Guess I'll just have to work harder at making them a reality.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2005-08-05 14:26 ]

"and parrots" !!!! TOLD YA Tiki Chris! harrumph!!!! :)

On 2005-08-04 18:01, mrsmiley wrote:
"I often dream of parrots and reggae music--that's tiki, right!?!?"

Tiki Chris wrote:

"in your dreams!"


On 2005-08-05 15:57, mrsmiley wrote:

On 2005-08-05 14:25, Matt Reese wrote:
Tiki dreams? All the time! Either finding boxes of mugs or dreaming my entire backyard is like an aviary full of monkeys and parrots. Waking up is terrible. I spend alot of time trying to get back to sleep but I never catch the dreams back.Guess I'll just have to work harder at making them a reality.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2005-08-05 14:26 ]

"and parrots" !!!! TOLD YA Tiki Chris! harrumph!!!! :)

On 2005-08-04 18:01, mrsmiley wrote:
"I often dream of parrots and reggae music--that's tiki, right!?!?"

Tiki Chris wrote:

"in your dreams!"

it must be reassuring to know that you no longer have to dream alone.


Jeez mention a couple of parrots and you get roped into some teasing war. Neither of you said anything about the monkeys though.


After surgery I was under heavy narcotics. I'm allergic to morphine so they gave me percoset which is a powerful hallucinogen.

So as you can imagine, the Tiki's started appearing. They were on the walls, they were in the nurses station, they were on my trays. Maori carvings, Moais, Marquesan, and Hawaiian Ku's. Black, white, brown, blue, and red. They were everywhere and this was all while I was awake and conscious!

I kept asking Tina, "do you see the Tikis?"

The doctors told her to humor me to keep my stress low so she would always say "yes, I see them."

I was in a lot of pain but in awe of this Tiki Hospital. I thought it was a great idea because hey, who doesn't like Tikis? They're good luck and they take you to that happy place!

During my drug induced state I also said, "Isn't it amazing that out of all the hospitals in all the world, I end up in a Tiki hospital? What are the odds?! I gotta tell Tiki Central about this!"

I kept seeing people come through the hospital dressed in elaborate costumes, geishas, monsters, vampires, Mardi Gras masks, etc. I even saw Willie Wonka!

In trying to make sense of it all I imagined they were all foreign tourists conducting some sort of elaborate scavenger hunt in the Tiki Hospital. They would come up to the nurses station and leave something off (a trumpet, a suitcase, a ceramic bowl) and the nurse would give them something in return. And then it was on to the next station.

I remember being both appalled and elated that the hospital would allow people to file through like this. Appalled for obvious reasons, but elated that the Tiki hospital might be open for tours for our friends at Tiki Central.

When I finally came back to earth, the Tikis had vanished. I found myself staring at a couple of black thermal coffee pots that I believed were Moais. :)



[ Edited by: stentiki 2005-08-11 19:45 ]


Ahhh thanks so much for that post stentiki!

Each and every one of us can perfectly visualize your visions, sounds like the best lucid dream ever! Pretty close to one anyhow!


Thanks for sharing , Stentiki. Is there a section for locating and critiquing Tiki places that that one dreams of?!?! :)

I had a dream the other night, the Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa and Iuka Grogg had opened a tiki bar in an old train car. Me, and Mr Pineapple and some other people (maybe Martiki and Rebecca??) were there, having drinks, enjoying ourselves, there were ukuleles. It was really nice, but weird that it was in a train car. That's all I remember.

I've been longing for a nice tropical drink for the last 9 1/2 months. Last week the Tangaroa's visited us, and I was so sad that everyone else was having a cocktail, I think it prompted my dream...

Thanks Sten, that was some really special dream imagery there!

I had another Tiki dream the other day, as a matter of fact, dreamed I was visiting some kind of weird water park in Hawaii, with a sky ride that took you over the ocean and around all kinds of weird stuff...for example, extending out of the water were two 15-foot-tall, polished stainless steel moai heads with water spraying out of the tops. Don't remember too much more, but maybe that's enough. Hmmmmmmm....

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