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What is your favorite bad horror movie?

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Trilogy of Terror...not actually a full length movie, but classic in it's little piss and vinegar demon. (especially when he pops out of the oven)

Oops! I accidentally deleted the topic...this was my original post...

The zombie post got me thinking about this… My all-time favorite, obviously miniscule budgeted horror film was this piece of crap from the early 70’s called “Shriek of the Mutilated.” The bad aspects – lousy acting, cheesy monster costumes, lame gore effects and a severely amateurish technique of using overexposed black and white film to simulate a blizzard just make the film that much better. The plot is simple - a bunch of college kids and their professor head off to Boot Island in search of the mythical yeti, as time goes along the college buddies are knocked off one by one by the scary man in the teddy bear costume. Eventually the teacher’s pet discovers that the yeti myth was cooked up as a ploy to get fresh meat for a cult of cannibals after being attacked by a blood thirsty mob of crazies wielding razor sharp forks. I got my copy of Shriek of the Mutilated when I recorded it off “Chiller Theatre,” a late night program that weekly showcased one terrible horror movie after another, about 22 years ago and every Halloween I pull out the tape and watch it in its entirety. Oddly enough I found a commercial release of the movie about 10 years ago and bought it hoping for scenes that had been edited out of the TV copy but amazingly it cut out all the gory scenes that played on the airwaves sometime in 1983! If my description of this charming film hasn’t motivated you to go out and find a copy for yourselves let me give you one more incentive…Popcorn! Yes, Shriek of the Mutilated featured Hot Butter’s Popcorn in one of the lamest looking college party scenes you’ve ever seen in your life! A must see! What was your favorite p.o.s.?


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2005-05-26 16:44 ]


Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. It's by the guy who would later create Porkys.


Turbogod - that's another one of my favorites! That movie is cheesy as hell but it still manages to be surprisingly creepy...

I have to go with the classic A Bucket of Blood by Roger Corman.

OK, so it's more of a comedy than a horror film, but who can resist the opening poetry, "Where are John, Joe, Jake, Jim, jerk...dead...dead...dead"


I like trilogy of terror as well. The little guy with the speak kinda looks like a tiki!

Do you remember a movie called "Don't be afraid of the Dark"?

It was about a young couple who inhereited an old house. They don't know that the house is inhabited by three small demons that are locked in a blocked off fireplace. The caretaker/handyman knows about the little demons and warns the wife not to open the fireplace, that some things are better left alone when she wants the old fireplace opened up. The wife ignores him and opens the fireplace herself thus releasing the little demons into the house where they terrorize her.

I also like puppet master.

Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. It's by the guy who would later create Porkys.

Even more amazingly, it's the same guy who went on to make "A Christmas Story" (Bob Clark).

An early memory of a bad, creepy movie was "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" with Vincent Price. I couldn't sleep face-up ever again after that movie since I thought someone would drill a hole in my ceiling, paralyze me with drugs, drench me with cellulose goo and cover me with a thousand carnivorous insects that would eat me alive!

I also liked a movie called "Arnold" about a guy who dies and leaves a bunch of booby-traps that kill all the slimey people who are out to get his inheritance by hooking up with his widow. I'm sure it would suck mightily now.

And, of course, who doesn't like the dopiest sci-fi/horror flick of all time, "Dark Star". Funny thing is, except for a few details and a significantly smaller budget, Dark Star is exactly the same as the first "Alien" movie. It's is not so outrageous since Dan O'bannon wrote both of them.

Aw yeah - alien beachball!

Popcorn popper helmet with muffin-tin control pack! Darth Vader - eat your heart out!

Probably not my real favorite, but thought it deserved a mention.
"The Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes"
AOTKT Theme Song

My faves: Anything that's been on MST3K and "Titanic."

Wow. That brough back memories!

The few times I have been honest-to-goodness, crap-in-my-drawers scared silly by something on the big (or little) screen:

  1. Any scene in Reagan's bedroom in "The Exorcist" the first time I saw it!

  2. The graveyard scene with Gregory Peck and those hellish Rottweillers in "The Omen".

  3. When the puppet pops out from under the kids bed in "Poltergeist"

  4. When the cat jumped out of the locker in "Alien".

  5. That damned spear-chucking little "demon" in the "Trilogy of Terror"!!!

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark, as mentioned by Joefla70,(I haven't seen it) reminds me of something I saw as a kid. I think it was Twilight Zone or something.
This lady comes back from a tropic vacation and there's some little tiny thing that came with her. I think it hid under her bed/couch and came out and got her feet. Creepy! Every since then, I've had a thing about little, scary critters. And the movies about them!!

Reminds me also of CAt's Eye- Steven King. The little tiny ogre. Ick.


The first few that come to mind were films I loved as a kid. I have since gone back and rented them and they Truly are bad films, but I remember them fondly:


Perhaps it's unoriginal of me, but I absolutely adore Evil Dead 2.


MAchTiki - I remember seeing Prophecy in the theater and everyone busted out laughing when the sleeping bag, supposedly with someone in it, gets hurled against the rock by the skinless muta-bear. For some reason the filmmakers thought that the predominant explosive element of such an impact would be the down feathers from the bag and not the human body inside.


I have to say for me it's "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" also. It seems pretty lame by today's standards, but my dad and I watched it on TV a few times when I was a kid and it was the only thing I ever saw him get weirded out and scared from. He was not afraid of much at all having beaten cancer back in the late 1950's (when he was in his late 20's) when all they could do was keep cutting it out until it, or you, stopped. He figured, he was on borrowed time so what was there to be afraid of?
I bought an old copy on VHS from a mom and pop vid store going out of business. I still cannot watch it. Combination of fear and missing Dad. He died a few years back of a heart attack...but he got another good 35+ years in after whipping the Big C...


On 2005-05-26 15:24, Tiki-bot wrote:
MAchTiki - I remember seeing Prophecy in the theater and everyone busted out laughing when the sleeping bag, supposedly with someone in it, gets hurled against the rock by the skinless muta-bear. For some reason the filmmakers thought that the predominant explosive element of such an impact would be the down feathers from the bag and not the human body inside.

Classic scene Tiki-bot. I remember laughing at that myself.

What about the scene where a camper sticks his head out of a hole in the ground to see if the coast was clear... Then the muntant-bear-thing chews on his head and lets the body back into the hole. Quality stuff I tell ya.


The Tall Man tossing the casket!

The flying orb drill thingy!

The yellow blood!

Creepy as hell! Scared the crap out of me when I first saw it, later in life it was so bad I laughed through the whole thing. I guess I'm jaded...

Despite the tiki-esque quality of the doll that comes to life in "Trilogy of Terror", the mere memory of that part of the trilogy still scares me, and reminds me of the actress Karen Black's teeth. Ewwww.

Other than that, all MST3K's, especially "Manos, the Hands of Fate". (Torgo the 'man-goat' and 'the Master' operate a bed-and-cult-fest.)

There was a pretty cool film called "thing" or "It" with Tim Curry.

Poor Mr Curry was so typecast it was hard to watch without expecting a piece of taost to fly by.
Certain people will have a hard time in horror...Klinger from MASH, Spock, Mr Rodgers, Festus, PeeWee...

Tim Curry's "I Do The Rock" tour was pretty horrifying...

Microwave Massacre

Killer Klowns from Outer Space and Lobster Man from Mars

"Basket Case" and "Basket Case 2".

Twin brothers at birth, but one twin never fully develops and is basically a deformed blob with teeth, eyes and weird little hands and a foot. The twin is attached to his twin's side. However, the evil appendage twin gets cut off by the brother in a fit of rage/anger and wrecks havoc on everyone he meets. His brother/caretaker packs him around in a picnic basket, thus "basket case".

There's a sex scene with the deformed twin, that will have you in stitches.

I like the olde gothic horror of the 1930's. My favorite has to be The Black Cat (Universal 1934) staring Boris Karloff as Hjalmar Poelzig and Bela Lugosi (his arch rival) as Dr. Vitus Verdegast. This movie has it all. Satanic worship, necrophillia, murder, torture and corruption of innocence all set in an old fortress that seems to be a mishmash of Gothic, Bauhaus and Art Deco. As for newer stuff, the trilogy thing got me thinking about a 1995 movie called Tales From The Hood. A kind of Blaxploitation horror movie staring Clarence Williams III (of Mod Squad fame). Funky & Frightening!


Another highly entertaining film... "The Skull" from 1965 starring Peter Cushing as an expert on the occult who obtains the skull of the Marquis de Sade. As you can imagine wackiness ensues when the skull starts levitating around his apartment at night and people start ending up dead! I remember as a kid the movie was kind of spooky but even then I found the highly visible monofilament lines that made the skull fly around hilarious.


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2005-05-27 21:23 ]

On 2005-05-27 21:21, johntiki wrote:
..."The Skull" from 1965 starring Peter Cushing...

I think Peter Cushing deserves a special mention in the pantheon of trashy horror movies. His position as Actor Emeritus of Hammer Horror will never be matched by any actor. He behaved EXACTLY the way every actor in a horror movie should - like the story is absolutely true and completely free of irony. How may times did he play Dr Frankenstein? I think it was more than a dozen. Anyway, here's a blast from the past - when George knew how to cast his movies. It was a great swan song for a great performer.


[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2005-05-27 22:14 ]

Kukoae posted on Sun, Jun 5, 2005 6:21 PM

On 2005-05-27 22:13, Tiki-bot wrote:
I think Peter Cushing deserves a special mention in the pantheon of trashy horror movies. His position as Actor Emeritus of Hammer Horror will never be matched by any actor. He behaved EXACTLY the way every actor in a horror movie should - like the story is absolutely true and completely free of irony. How may times did he play Dr Frankenstein? I think it was more than a dozen. Anyway, here's a blast from the past - when George knew how to cast his movies. It was a great swan song for a great performer.

Hear, Hear, Tikibot. I always loved Peter Cushing (and Christopher Lee) as a boy, and they both remain so now that I'm "grown-up", which is something that I can't say about most of my "childhood favourites" in cinema.

Both Lee and Cushing are better actors than most people given them credit for being. Maybe I'm just sick + twisted, but the "bad guys" seemed to be played by much better actors and left a far stronger impression on me than the "good guys".

However Lucas managed to convince such fine talent to work for him, vis-a-vis, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, and James Earl Jones, it was miraculous.

Lucas had talent and skill back then, and more importantly, he knew when to get out of the director's chair.

SIGH It's such a depressing fizzle of an end for the franchise.



It's not a classic horror film per se but if you're looking for a cheesy B film catch Mr No Legs which showcases a real life amputee as a crime lord boss in a wheelchair that has built in shot guns and kung fu stars. You haven't lived until you've seen him use his torso in a martial arts battle.



But seriously, I always liked "Student Bodies" it was one of the first "spoof" horror movies I can remember.


On 2005-05-26 23:03, stuff-o-rama wrote:

The Tall Man tossing the casket!

The flying orb drill thingy!

The yellow blood!

Creepy as hell! Scared the crap out of me when I first saw it, later in life it was so bad I laughed through the whole thing. I guess I'm jaded...

It's funny, when I worked at Sam Goody Music in 1989. This guy kept coming in to rent movies. I couldn't figure out when I have seen him before. I thought he was either the dad in "Mork and Mindy" or the guy from Phantasm. We didn't have Phatasm in our store, so I had to go to an older video store that had it. I checked the cast list and sure enough, the name from the rental account matched the name on the box, Reginald Banister.

The next time he came in, I asked him how the movie he was returning was. He said it was O.K. I then said, "If you want an Oscar worthy film that for some reason was overlooked by the academy, may I suggest "Phantasm". He looked at me and started laughing.

Planet of the Vampires

And Devil Girl From Mars

Probably started my fetish for statuesque women in tight vinyl outfits.

"Planet of the Vampires" is great! love the X-men outfits and all the stomping around the spaceship!

How about "The Blood on Satan's Claw"?

Woofmut Bump

Dang good bump, Unga Bunga...Or should I say Unga Bumpa? No. I shouldn't.

Unga Bunga was referencing the thread Halloween Round Up: Tiki Central Halloween Threads. For all your one stop Tiki Central Halloween topic locating.

Back to the topic at hand...

Wes Craven's Cursed was so bad I'd probably watch it again. I'm not hip and cool enough to tell if Mr. Craven was trying to make a bad horror film or just got lucky.

Some of the amusing bits were a hot new LA horror movie themed club which looks like a cheesy LA horror movie museum but with dance music. And there's a...

...Wait, Spoiler Alert of sorts. It's fairly obvious this is gonna happen, it's not the big plot twist or ending or anything but if you don't like to know anything about your bad horror stop reading here and look at this promo image instead.

So for the rest of you, the other funny bit is...

There's a werewolf dog! Yes, a werewolf dog. What, can't you read two words in a row? I said a werewolf dog!


Beach Girls and the Monster

with the soundtrack by Frank Sinatra Jr!!

Sue Casey as the Doctor's swinging wife steals the show!

On 2010-10-14 12:01, Lokepa wrote:
Beach Girls and the Monster

with the soundtrack by Frank Sinatra Jr!!

Sue Casey as the Doctor's swinging wife steals the show!

Man, I saw this at the drive-in theater.


The Horror of Party Beach.

i like that Bratwurst Monster...
and the music by the del-aires is just amazing !

Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster

YouTube: Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster

-The good Dr. F is not in the movie nor is his creation.
-The plot...Aliens from outer space come to Earth to abduct women for breeding stock.
-Plot is similar to a movie called Mars Needs Women
-Mars Need Women? That would be a good band name. Gotta locate that thread
-interesting little Sci-Fi cliche and inconsistency...outer space aliens always lust after Earth Women. It happens alot in Star Trek. Wouldn't they have a different perception, concept and idea of feminine beauty? I always thought that Jabba the Hut would prefer a female that looked more like his species and not Carrie Fisher even if she is wearing a metal bikini.
-It is doubtful that space aliens and Earth Women could produce offspring. I am sure the DNA would be radically different.
-I think I have too much time on my hands.
(and I should use more time using Spellcheck)

[->>King Bushwich 33rd

Paipo posted on Thu, Oct 14, 2010 2:09 PM

I'm kinda partial to Blood Diner, which I only discovered a year or two back...I think it may have been banned here in NZ originally cause I never saw it on VHS back in the day (and beween me & my friends we saw everything on the horror shelves. There is even a little mid-century tiki-related culture reference in the opening scene if you look carefully...

...and, although the movie was pretty terrible (and not really in a good way either), an honourable mention goes to "Zombi 2" for the zombie versus shark scene - that's a real tiger shark the guy is wrasslin with! Gotta love the DIY spirit of the classic days! Best "X" vs. "Y" battle EVER! (though I would've liked to see the shark take a limb or two off...)

(click to watch)

I've always been a big fan of Trick or Treat. Not the one that came out last year, but the one from the 80's starring Skippy from Famly Ties fighting off a satanic dead hairband frontman.
And despite it reputation, Maximum Overdrive is a great B horror movie. Killer machines, great AC/DC soundtrack and Emilio Estevez still channeling Otto from Repo Man.


attack of the killer tomato's. you just have to love a giant beefstake hiding and waiting for the next hapless victim.


hands down.....

That one has some ex-Vietnam vets discovering that a Manson-ish type of gang has taken over their town....so awful it's funny!

TikiG posted on Mon, Oct 18, 2010 5:24 PM

Hands down my favorite BAD horror movie is: The Horror of Party Beach

Favorite bad psycho horror movie is: The Sadist (1963) starring Arch Hall Jr. - actually pretty decent movie!!


just a tad off topic but i watched about 6 solid hours of Hammer film Mummy flicks over the weekend on TCM... the first starred Peter Cushing and Chris Lee and really good... the 2nd w/ Terence Howard not bad but the other two were kinda stinkers... all i want to know is what happened to the tanna leaves??

Beware....THE BOOGENS!


Wish me luck.

Deathbed is far, far beyond being a bad movie.

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