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HGTV seeks fabulous TIki projects

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TV Guy posted on 06/20/2005

Thanks to the moderators for allowing me to post.

I'm a producer for a new HGTV series, Look What I Did! which is set to air in the fall. We chronicle amazing home designs and projects that were done without the aid or professionals. I know that there are some highly unique Tiki projects out there that would be perfect for our new program. I can be reached via email: [email protected] and by phone: 818.755.4800 x241

Benzart posted on 06/20/2005

I think you need to look up our own "OnaTiki" and see his whole home project here is a link to the thread if you haven't found it yet:
I would love to see this on your show.

pablus posted on 06/20/2005

...and Al and Shell in the Pacific's Fabulous Lagooooon Rooooom is right nearby.

Benzart posted on 06/20/2005

Almost forgot right in MY Back yard is Kailuageoff and his fabulous tiki room he is just finishing up.
I'm sure there are a dozen or two more that we haven't thought of yet.

TV Guy posted on 06/21/2005

Thanks so much for all of the great responses. You guys are awesome.

CheekyGirl posted on 06/21/2005

Benzart -- I agree with you....OnaTiki's place is fab!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/21/2005

What do you consider professional???

Benzart posted on 06/21/2005

Everyone but BambooBen hahahahahaha

RevBambooBen posted on 06/21/2005

On 2005-06-20 19:50, Benzart wrote:
Everyone but BambooBen hahahahahaha

hey now old man!! Ha hahahahahaha!!


Tang gonna hang loose real soon! Doin' nuttin atal. Nuttin!

Benzart rocks!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/21/2005

don't forget the incredible work that bongofury does too!

Thanatos posted on 06/21/2005

There is always me.... LOL

Polynesiac posted on 06/22/2005

Hey there Mr. TV guy! thanks for wanting to focus that there boob tube on some of our members creations!

there are many home bars worth filming, definately take the advice of the previous posters, but if you have some time, do a search for home-bar in the locating tiki forum as many tikicentralites post their home within their home on that thread. Many gems to be found.

Can't wait to have someone tape the episode for me! (I am without cable...bummer)

Benzart posted on 08/09/2005

Looks like OnaTiki will kick off the show shooting.
Sorry if I let the cat out of the bag too soon!

TikiTikiBoom posted on 08/10/2005

I heard about this and couldn't be more excited for Ona and Moki! I can't wait to see how they do the show. I hope they really capture the unbelievable feel that you get when you are in their lounge and yard. So laid back and relaxing.

It will be wonderful to see a place such as theirs on tv!

Benzart posted on 08/14/2005

How is the filming going?? Or has it gone???? Today was the day right? have any pix Was It FUN? Was the crew into tiki?? Hope all was fun and productive. Get some sleep and party tomorrow, and clean tomorrow.

OnaTiki posted on 08/14/2005

It over!! What a day. It was fun and exausting at times. The crew were here from 2:00pm-8:30pm. All the shots were of the yard (front and back) and the bar.

They had us show them how we made the lamps and Ric did a mock up of laying the stone. It was pretty interesting to see how it is done behind the scenes and we're curious to see how they edit it all together. For all the filming they did, the end result will only be about 5 minutes.

Some of the stuff they had us do/say was pretty corny. They really had us "over act" for some stuff. Pretty funny really.

Thanks to all the "extras" that showed up. Hopefully more pics will show up from some of them :wink:

Here are a few shots of the day that we managed to take between taping. Didn't have a lot a time to get our own, wish we had more.

Benzart posted on 08/14/2005

I knew it would be FUN..

DawnTiki posted on 08/14/2005

How exciting, what a way to celebrate ITD tres. Please, let us know when the episode airs.

Benzart posted on 12/01/2005

When is HGTV gonna show your special?? I hope I haven't missed it yet?

Benzart posted on 01/07/2006

Ric and Moki, any news on the airing of your "Look What I did" HGTV Special? Did they already show IT? I can't find anything about it on HGTV.com and it Seems like it was SO long ago that you did the shoot. I really would hate to miss it.

Moki posted on 01/07/2006

Still no word yet. The series was supposed to begin back in November and our show was to be sometime after the first of the year. But here we are after the first of the year and the series hasn't even started yet.

We do know they are still filming episodes because we've talked to another TC'er who had to sign a release for some of his art.

As soon as we hear anything, we'll post and let everybody know :wink:


Benzart posted on 01/08/2006

Thanks Moki, I was afraid I had missed it. I'm sure they will get around to it one of these days, Then I'll have another chance to miss it again.

gretanicole posted on 02/14/2006

Looking forward to seeing this!

I've got "TIKI" in my Tivo wishlist, and have it set to auto record. So I'll usually get anything with Tiki in it, even old Scooby Doo Tiki episodes. =D

tikigap posted on 02/18/2006

Any update on this?

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seamus posted on 03/06/2007

Hey, I just saw it! Don't know if it was a re-run or premiere, but it was cool to see familiar faces and top notch Tiki style on the TV. I've seen pics of the OnaTiki Lounge here on TC, and sadly, the quick shots and pans on "Look What I Did" barely scratched the surface of just how cool this place is.
Nonetheless, congratulations Moki and OnaTiki, for a job well done!
I hope to see your place in person someday.

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Jungle Trader posted on 03/07/2007

DOH! I missed it. Seamus, try to plan ahead and maybe you and I can make a trek to see their place. It could happen!

Moki posted on 03/07/2007

Thanks guys!! Anytime you make it down here, you are more than welcome to come for a visit.

HGTV gave us no notice of the airing. Luckily a family member in the midwest just happened to catch it and called us to tell us it was on or we would have totally missed it too.

A couple of friends managed to TIVO it, so hopefully we'll be able to get a digital copy and post it somewhere for those who want to see it.


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Swanky posted on 03/07/2007

HGTV has its HQ here in Knoxville and the lady in charge of new program developement pitched a tiki renovation show a while ago. We are hoping they will come to my new house and help me turn it into a tiki bar. It can take a full year to get a show going, so we'll see.

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hodadhank posted on 03/07/2007

Congrats Moki & Ona! Can't believe I missed it. Damn!

I hope all the fame and attention doesn't change you. If Ona starts behaving like a rockstar or wearing a bone in his beard I promise to strangle him for his own good.

I know he'd want it that way.

BTW- Can't believe you let them film that homless guy living in your hut... Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=4129&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clicksmilies.com%2Fs1106%2Flachen%2Flaughing-smiley-007.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=24d6b6fe850152120d5ff3d8445bcb20

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tikiwinebear posted on 03/07/2007

I actually caught some of the show on Monday night! We normally have HGTV on during dinner prep-time, and I heard the announcer say something about tiki, and ran into the living room. Sure enough... palm trees, lava rock looking planters, and bamboo all over the place. Sorry I didn't recognize anyone at the beginning until the "party scene". Though I have never met him in person, I swear I recognized Monkeyman (Derek) with a drink in his hand. Then, someone I have met many times, Weirduncletiki popped onto camera with a big smile. At that point I knew the home they were shooting at had to be Tiki Central related Ohana.

Wonderful place, Ona and Moki!! Wish I would have caught the very beginning of it as well, but what I saw was pure paradise!! You should be proud. Thanks for giving some tips on lamp creation too.

Hope you can let us know any more air times. Would love to see the entire segment.

  • Myke
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TikiMookie posted on 03/07/2007

Wow, awesome. That's cool about the show. I'm tired of seeing all the tiki placed dissapear. If it gets on tv, it will bring in back into the mainstream again and hopefully others will get the fever! Then more tiki places will open with it's popularity, hopefully!

Great news!

We've got plenty of DIY projects we're working on this spring, the yard and waterfall/pond, the family room with matting on the far wall and ceiling, can't wait to get started!! It's coming together!

I'll post pics when it's done!


Moki posted on 04/26/2007

According to HGTV's website, they are replaying the episode this Thursday April 26, 2007 @ 6:00 PM ET/PT.

Just remember.....A lot of what was said was scripted :wink:

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croe67 posted on 04/26/2007

I just set it up on TIVO - along with the Forbidden Island Today show - thanks for the heads-up on the HGTV episode, as we missed it last time around!

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Tiki-Kate posted on 04/27/2007

I'm so glad I finally got to see this.

I can't believe they made you say that. You know what I'm talking about. :wink:

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VampiressRN posted on 04/27/2007

Darn...missed it. :(

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Blue Thunder posted on 04/29/2007

I saw it yesterday and thanks to the TIVO keyword search and automatic recording I finally got to see it.

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GatorRob posted on 04/30/2007

My Windows Media Center PC recorded it, which means I have a digital copy that I can edit down to just the actual segment. I'll try to get that done and posted on YouTube asap.

Nice job OnaTiki and Moki! But darn those rapid-fire cuts and off-kilter camera angles!

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frostiki posted on 04/30/2007

I'll be on th lookout for that, I only caught about the last :30 sec. of tha t segment the other day when i got home ffrom work, I know my wife really wants to see it.

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Scottiki posted on 05/09/2007

Hey y'all,
The Look What I Did! segment on our home bar, The Moai Lounge, is scheduled to debut on Friday, May 25 at 6:00pm EDT/PDT!
I echo the sentiments of previous posters...the segment on Onatiki's pad was not only butchered (editing-wise), but far too short. From the pictures & descriptions I've heard of their joint, the HGTV segment barely scratched the surface. While it's really cool to see some national exposure for the neo-tiki renaissance (or whatever you choose to label the resurgence in tiki), it was disappointing to see such a brief, overly-edited piece.
We're pretty confident that, if nothing else, we'll look like total tools in our segment. And like Stewart Smalley used to say...that's okay. Because we're good enough, we're smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like our home tiki bar!

The Moai Lounge
Germantown, MD's finest (and only) tiki bar

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tyger jymmy posted on 05/09/2007

Heya Scott Jymmy here yea thats gonna be a kool one . lets see what they show . take care Jymmy

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