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Oasis star fights with Mafia in Munich Trader Vic's

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Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2002

This has been all over the news this week in the UK, but I've just found out it happened at Trader Vic's in Munich.

Supposedly after an all-day drinking binge of Munich's Bayerischer Hof hotel, Liam Gallagher went into Trader Vic's with a few members of his entourage. They begin arguing amongst themselves, and one of the group falls onto a table of 'silk-suited Italian businessmen'. A huge fight kicks off, and the house band responds by playing 'Easy' by the Commodores to calm everything down (True pro's!). It doesn't work, and Liam ends up losing his front teeth to a pole used to rope off VIP areas.

Phew, rock n' roll, eh? As long as none of the Tikis got damaged....

Trader Woody

Tiki Chris posted on 12/11/2002

NO WAY! of course i heard about the oasis punch-up in munich but had no idea it took place in tv's! that's hilarious!

Turbogod posted on 12/11/2002

Yeah, I heard he's going to have a lisp now.
from FARK.com

"Oasis singer may have lisp after brawl
Knight Ridder Newspapers
Dec. 8, 2002 03:23 PM

Liam Gallagher's dentist has assured fans that the Oasis frontman "will sing again," despite horrific mouth injuries obtained in a brawl in Munich last weekend, mtv.com reported.

Liam flew to the U.K. after canceling the rest of the German tour to visit dentist-to-the-stars Philip Stemmer in London, accompanied by fiancee Nicole Appleton and three hefty bouncers, for the treatment. It is believed Liam will have crowns and porcelain veneers fitted.

The injuries may leave the Oasis frontman with a lisp, mtv.com said. Liam is expected to perform with Oasis in Cardiff on Sunday as scheduled."

atomictonytiki posted on 12/11/2002

Oasis must be someform of tikiphiles because i read months ago that liam's ex-wife Patsy
Kensit enjoyed the cocktails in the London Trader Vics and had become somewhat of a feature there.

martiki posted on 12/11/2002

On 2002-12-11 06:43, Trader Woody wrote:
and Liam ends up losing his front teeth to a pole used to rope off VIP areas.

Phew, rock n' roll, eh? As long as none of the Tikis got damaged....

Trader Woody

Wouldn't it be fantastic if it was a tiki pole that he knocked his teeth out on? I have a great image of a ku with bloody teeth embedded in its head, and a god-like voice over saying, "Foolish mortals! You have angered the tiki gods with you highly derivative music!"

As a slightly related aside for you UK residents, the episode of "Behind The Music" with Oasis was the best ever for many reasons, but chief among them: Noel and Liam were SUBTITLED for American audiences! It was hysterical. I guess they figured we wouldn't understand fluent manc. It looked like this:

And my brother's a f---in' f--k, and he can f--k off, knowwotimean?


Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2002

On 2002-12-11 10:41, martiki6 wrote:
the episode of "Behind The Music" with Oasis was the best ever for many reasons, but chief among them: Noel and Liam were SUBTITLED for American audiences! It was hysterical. I guess they figured we wouldn't understand fluent manc. It looked like this:

And my brother's a f---in' f--k, and he can f--k off, knowwotimean?

Sounds superb! I'm not a fan of Oasis, but their exploits and interviews have kept me entertained for many years. The first time I saw them on tv, it was of CCTV footage of Liam smashing a huge mirror in the 'Dry Bar' in Manchester, and it's just gone on from there. The friction between the two brothers has resulted in the funniest interviews ever printed. I met Liam once, and the first thing he said was, "Where's the party?"

Yeah, there is a connection between Oasis and London's Trader Vic's.I'm sure some fight or other kicked off because of heavy drinking there as well. We'll have to keep an eye out for Patsy Kensit next time we go there. She beats Phyllis Dyller (for looks at least, not comedy value).

Trader Woody

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/11/2002

"Dooon't go awaaay....Thay what you thay...Thay that you'll thtay..."

atomictonytiki posted on 12/12/2002

Noel and Liam were SUBTITLED for American audiences!

i ken hids rediculus! Ah heard that thae subtitled Trainspottin when it waz shown in amuricur, dae you amuricuns no understand Britains reginal accents, or what ya radge yae!

Turbogod posted on 12/12/2002

No Trainspotting wasn't subtitled when I saw it in the Theater, but if you download the new BMW film BEAT THE DEVIL Gary Oldman is subtitled and oddly enough James Brown is also. I can understand Gary Oldman perfectly fine. http://www.bmwfilms.com big download but pretty cool.

SullTiki posted on 12/12/2002

Yeah I saw that BMW film too. No problem understanding Gary, but James Brown was totally unintelligible.

They probably only subtitled Gary so JB wouldn't feel so bad that no one can understand a word he says now.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 12/12/2002

I will never get Eddie Murphy out of my mind doing James Brown on Saturday Night Live. Remember "HOT TUB!"

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/13/2002

"Should ah get in dah hottub? Will it make me wet-ah? Should ah get in da hottub? Will it make me sweat-ah? Well, well, well..." James Brown Celebrity Hottub Party was Eddie Murphy's shining moment on SNL.

martiki posted on 12/13/2002

They did have some of the actors in Trainspotting rerecord their dialog to sound "slightly less scottish" Only in theatres I think- DVD sounds back to normal. They also cut out 20 seconds of Renton's sex scene, because "she was underage and appearing to have a good time". I love this country: Enjoying sex as a minor is not OK, but a movie with 2 hours of heroin abuse is fine.

Apologies for being way off topic.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 12/13/2002

Lets not forget SNL's version of Eddie in "Mr. Robberson's Neighborhood." Another great Eddie Murphy short.

Oh and why is it that someone thinks that the two Italian guys were in the Mafia. That is so sterotypical. If your Italian, your in the mob?

(Let it be known that I am not an Italian, I am a Redneck, and I DO NOT date my kin folk!)

[ Edited by: KokomoTikiBar&Grill on 2002-12-13 07:51 ]

Trader Woody posted on 12/13/2002

On 2002-12-13 07:47, KokomoTikiBar&Grill wrote:
Oh and why is it that someone thinks that the two Italian guys were in the Mafia. That is so sterotypical. If your Italian, your in the mob?

I didn't mention the fact that the Italians put on knuckledusters, then vanished into the night before the police arrived. It's been widely reported over here that they were indeed Mafia members checking out the prostitution racket in Munich, so I wasn't jumping to any conclusions.

Trader Woody

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/18/2002

someone needs to invent a drink calle the bloody-Liam or Liam slam punch or the Mafioso Knokout

midnite posted on 12/18/2002

someone needs to invent a drink calle the bloody-Liam or Liam slam punch or the Mafioso Knokout

No no, son, you got it all wrong!!! Listen here, I keep pitching 'em and you keep missing. Pay attention, boy.*

Tiki bar fight + Liam Gallagher + drink=

"Champain Supernova"

That was so easy it had training wheels on it.


*Foghorn Leghorn rules!

martiki posted on 12/18/2002

OK- we've got the name, now, how do we make it? It must have elemnts of Tiki, Oasis, and Champagne. So our basic ingedients are:

  1. Rum
  2. Lager (as they are lager louts)
  3. Champagne


Somebody try this out:

1 oz white rum
2 oz overstrength lager (our UK friends will be able to suggest many fine choices from the local off-licence)
2 oz champagne
1 oz lime juice
2 oz Vic's Passion Fruit syrup

Pour into pint glass over ice and stir to combine. I'm at work and can't decide if this would be nasty or not, but I bet it is. Suggestions?


midnite posted on 12/18/2002


Champain Supernova:

Fill flute with champagne.
Drop in sugarcube soaked in Grenadine.

Drink quickly, drink many.

Important part:
Affect a disinterested pose and mock your fellow drinkers. Then, in a drunken stupor run around telling everyone to "Sod Off!" Abandon your mates and wander Chelsea (this is the hard part for non-Brits) mumbling about "I have all the talent, I am the better-looking one, Mommy liked me better!"

Suggested, but not compulsory:
Set off an international incident by denigrating the physical characterstics of an entire ethnicity.

Make some good, if not entirely derivative, British Pop.

Quit the band to become a cobbler's apprenctice*

*see Lewis, Daniel Day

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/18/2002

you have to sy yor better than the beatles and then get beat up by some mobsters

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/18/2002

you have to say your better than the beatles and then get beat up by some mobsters

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/18/2002

Leam Smash Puch

one bottle of champane
one bottle of Vermoth
one bottle overproofed rum
one bottle grenadime

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/18/2002

sorry about the repetative posts

Kawentzmann posted on 12/20/2002

The reply button

Kawentzmann posted on 12/20/2002

somewhere above the reply button is the EDIT button.

So there not need for repetitive posts.


Turbogod posted on 05/05/2004

Well it seems it wasn't the Mafia after all.

OASIS lead singer Liam Gallagher was beaten up by a group of estate agents and computer salesmen in a nightclub fracas 17 months ago, not gangsters as was originally claimed, according to Munich police.

The fight happened on the night of 1 December, 2002.

At the time, police indicated that Gallagher, Allen White, Steven Allen and Philip Bevan Smith were beaten after insulting a group of mafia-linked locals.

The men had booked their table at the nightclub under the name of Matera - a local criminal of some renown - which led police along a false trail for many months.

The police report states that the fight began because the Oasis group began flicking peanuts at the businessmen. Their full names have not been released by the Munich public prosecutor, but all are aged between 32 and 38.

Their "leader" is called Christian W, 38, described as a "muscular blond". In the police report, he knocked out two Oasis bodyguards with a brass standing ashtray.

atomictonytiki posted on 05/05/2004

Aye but gettin a hiding from the mafia sounds harder than getting battered by Estate Agents.

Tiki Chris posted on 05/05/2004

On 2004-05-05 07:41, atomictonytiki wrote:
Aye but gettin a hiding from the mafia sounds harder than getting battered by Estate Agents.

i don't know, real estate agents can be a pretty ruthless lot in my experience.

No offense to any agents on this board of course!

Trader Woody posted on 05/05/2004

On 2004-05-05 07:52, Tiki Chris wrote:
i don't know, real estate agents can be a pretty ruthless lot in my experience.

No offense to any agents on this board of course!

Aye, at least the Mafia go by some kind of code of ethics!

Trader Woody

crataegus posted on 05/05/2004

On 2002-12-18 13:24, martiki wrote:
1 oz white rum
2 oz overstrength lager (our UK friends will be able to suggest many fine choices from the local off-licence)
2 oz champagne
1 oz lime juice
2 oz Vic's Passion Fruit syrup
Pour into pint glass over ice and stir to combine. I'm at work and can't decide if this would be nasty or not, but I bet it is. Suggestions?

Well, unless you homebrew, if you're in the Southeastern US, you can't get overstrength lager. (I don't know about Florida. SC, NC, GA, TN, and AL all limit products called "beer" to no more than 5% by weight/4% by volume. This means you cannot buy a true Bock or Barleywine in those states. Anything higher has to be called an "alcoholic malt beverage.") This might be almost palatable if you used a spiced ale, a wheat beer, ginger beer, or a lambic in place of the lager.

If you use spiced ale, ginger beer, or wheat beer, I would keep the lime juice the same or increase it. (Do not use reconstituted for this recipe.)

If you were to use a kriek or peche lambic, I'd stress cutting the lime juice in half and reducing the passionfruit to a splash. (If frambose, kill the passionfruit.)

Actually, lemme alter this recipe a bit more:

1 oz spiced rum
2 oz wheat beer
2 oz ginger beer
1 tsp lime juice
1 oz cranberry juice
1 splash of grenadine
1-4 strip(s) lemon zest

Combine the first 5 ingredients in a shaker with 3 ice cubes. Shake gently, strain into a tom collins glass filled 1/2 way with crushed ice. Add the splash of Grenadine. Garnish with lemon zest and serve with a straw.

Please note that I haven't tried this, but I'm a goin'ta.

(I edited this cuz I screwed up the amts.)
(I edited this again because it needs more blood.)
(Edited one more time because I am down wit OCD.)
(OK, this is the LAST time I edit this post, I promise. This is what happens when I run outta smokes, folks.)

I'd rather be eaten by sharks.

[ Edited by: crataegus on 2004-05-05 16:49 ]

[ Edited by: crataegus on 2004-05-05 17:15 ]

[ Edited by: crataegus on 2004-05-05 18:44 ]

[ Edited by: crataegus on 2004-05-05 18:49 ]

atomictonytiki posted on 05/06/2004

I was reading a copy of the Sun in the local chinese takeaway last night and noticed the picture they used of the club where the fight happened, can anybody confirm if the picture they have used is of Munichs Trader Vic's?


[ Edited by: atomictonytiki on 2004-05-06 10:33 ]

Trader Woody posted on 05/06/2004

On 2004-05-06 10:32, atomictonytiki wrote:
I was reading a copy of the Sun in the local chinese takeaway last night and noticed the picture they used of the club where the fight happened, can anybody confirm if the picture they have used is of Munichs Trader Vic's?

No, it looks like they have used a photo of some faceless bar from elsewhere. The Munich Trader Vic's looks very much like the one in London. Unless the Munich Trader Vic's has torn down all it's decor recently, this can't be the same place.

Trader Woody

Tiki Chris posted on 05/06/2004

rest assured, that ain't what the munich tv's looks like (unless they did a major overhaul sometime w/in the past couple of years). check these links for pics:



Sneakytiki posted on 05/07/2004

The drink should have milk in it (to keep your teeth alive while you scramble for the dentist's) as the old wive's tail goes.

Years ago after being called pompous or something by Paul Mcartney, Liam replied in Rolling Stone magazine that he still liked the Beatles, but that Paul was a nipple.
I thought this quite apropo as he'd been milking all his material from him.

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