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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Art by finkdaddy (#8 restarted, this one's a biter)

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Decided to mess with the computer again this morning. It's a huge learning process and it could be years before I can do anything like the pros can. But it's a lot of fun.

I call it "Dreamy Monday"


Cool, finkdaddy. Looks like my kind of Monday. :)


Yeah, me thoughts exactly sam. I can almose see myself there now..is it still monday? Nice one Finky

You computer chops are definately improving. What program are you using?

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 8, 2005 11:26 PM

Cool Finky. Looks like someone has found a cure for the Monday Blues. Aint that what tiki is all about?

Great job! Finkdaddy,
I am still working on my first, I already burned out a dremel.....I need to get some tools....Anyone know what tools I should get to start off with?My first piece is only about 18 inches long and 7 inches around. I don't know about using a box knife.......they seem dangerous


Thanks everybody! There is a huge amount of learning I have to do on this stuff. Eventually it will look real (or surreal), but right now you're just seeing my test stuff. On this one I was trying to make a realistic forest. Oh well, maybe next time. I also wanted to import a figure from a different program. That's the girl you see there. She only looks good because she's so far away. I have a lot to learn.

Raffer, this pic I created in Bryce, but the girl was done in Poser. I have some other software too, so eventually I can do some pretty neat stuff. Even some animation, but that's a ways off.

Mahalo everyone!


Wow, FD, this is a great start. In fact, you could easily make a great image from the elements you have there already. Work out your composition on paper a bit (tiki a little closer, move to right [centered is no good], then change your lighting to sunset [more moody], replace the snow-capped mtn with an erupting volcano. Add a couple tiki torches with flames to light the tiki and voila - 3D tiki masterpiece!

I'm actually doing my very first 3D tiki scene right now and it's hard even with 14 years 3D art experience. The 3D software on the market is really more suited to regular, mechanical, hard-surface models, and doing things like randomized plants and landscape is still difficult. If you don't want to make your own, Google for free 3D plant models and you'll find a few. Sometimes it's fun to just doodle with object placement without all the modeling and texturing to slow you down. Then you can perfect your lighting and composition and if you get something you really like, you can always go in and replace some weaker models with some nice ones.

Good luck!

Thanks T-B, I was thinking the same thing. I'll try a volcano pic next!

A small progress pic of #5. Lots to go yet, but I'm gonna start the head dress next.


Reminds me of my dog when someone's at the door


He is Looking SOO Goood and crisp. Nice

Your work is great!!! I really like the Teeth in every Tiki you have done so far. Keep up the good work!!

This one looks decidedly uncivilized. He definitely belongs on a chain! :)

kirby posted on Thu, Jun 9, 2005 11:37 PM

lookin good fink cant wait to see it done..

hewey posted on Sat, Jun 11, 2005 4:58 AM

cool man

YOu're quite the artist on many levels, my friend.

THat carving is looking TOP NOTCH - an excellent piece already even without the headress.

Looking great! Love the teeth

Thats coming along very nice .Love the teeth on this guy.

Sorry this one is taking so long. It's been crazy busy here, and to tell the truth, the head dress has had me stumped. I have some touching up to do on him to make all the lines even, then all I need to do is some finish sanding so I can put on the stain and stuff.


My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2005-06-21 19:03 ]

Moki posted on Tue, Jun 21, 2005 7:21 PM

Looks great!! Love the back detail. Keep up the good work.

That side profile is great , he looks ready to kick ass first and take names later..

Yeah! I dig this one! it looks like it slicked back it's headress!

nice one finky!


Finky. I think he looks Great. What king=d of finish will he get. He is Kewl man.

Finkdaddy I love him...the head-dress is
great...looks like me after a helmet-less
motorcycle ride. If you got stumped he
sure doesn't show it!

finkdaddy- Those clean, smooth lines - What a great style, and I like that big nose!

Looks like he was late to work, jumped out of the shower & had to air dry with his head out the car window. Very stylized, I really love your work.



looking good fink...

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 22, 2005 6:30 AM

Cool stuff Fink! My only complaint is that it took so long - did ya have to grow the bloody tree first before carving it! :)

Love it dude. Lookin' forward to seeing some more

Lookin' Good.. Lookin' Good! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Looks great. I love the swept back hair.

Thanks everyone for the kind words, it's what keeps me doing it, as slow as it may be. The head dress did stump me for a while. I believe I will try and map out things a bit ahead of time from now on.

Here is another picture called "Night of Discovery". My next chore is to try and map out and texture a detailed 'carved' tiki. That will take a bit of work, since I'm just learning my new software and anything more than a basic shape will take me forever. But hey, it's time to step up and aim high.

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 22, 2005 7:25 PM

Cool piece of art dude. Hot looking broad too. Nice work.

The sunset was my fave of your digi-art. But geez, look at the improvement over your earlier stuff - way to go!

I know it's been forever since I could work on this guy. He's the first one I've done in cherry wood. I wasn't prepared for how brittle it would be, next time I'll be more careful. He still needs some poly. Sorry for the blurry pics, I was trying something new and I rushed through it.

Mahalo everyone!

Damn, but that's one fine headdress. I like the rest of it as well.

Great going, finkdaddy. Beautiful girl and tiki too. Coming along fine!

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 29, 2005 5:23 AM

blurry pics or no, he still shows through good


Wow FinkyD, Love the digipainting, very mysterious. Love the pendant. You have come a Long Long way in a short time. His detail is nice and crisp. great lines and form. Excellent. Don't let the Cherry wood get you down. It will hold super detail but you really have to work for it and it also holds surprising pitfalls as I'm sure you have found. Looks like you solved them all. Nice work.
Whats next??

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-29 06:08 ]

Finky delivers again...always fun to see
your progress with these little guys.
Keep em coming.


great work fink...What happend to our trade???


Here is what I did at work last night (again, please don't tell my boss! :blush: ). The curves look a little rough yet, but that's why God created sandpaper. I don't know if it counts as a tiki-bite or not, but when I was cutting out part of his mouth my knife broke and the piece that came off lodged itself into my middle finger's knuckle. I'm hoping to finish this guy by Saturday so I can wear him to Exotica before he ships off to his new home.



great work on your teeth finkdaddy...
mayhaps you should be a dentist!

That Cherry Wood one is awesome! Great Carving


Thanks guys! I don't know why, I just like to start with the teeth. Perhaps I should go to dental school! :D I'm a little scared of cherry wood now, I think I use a bit too much muscle for it. It seemed very brittle. This one is mahogany again. I was going to do a zebra wood one, but since I want to get this one out quickly I wanted to go with a wood I had some experience with.

Thanks for looking!


Nice start Finkdaddy . I dont know why but I always end up starting with the mouth too. It almost determines the rest of the carving.

Cant wait to see more..


Lookin Good Finker, yo dolt. That wasn't a bite when you ended up impaled on your knife point, That WAS A STAB11 Be Careful, when they stab you it means they Hate you so you better be careful and carve him right or he'll stab you again, for Real this time. That was just a warning shot.
I like the way this guy is turning out.
(psst, ,,dont trust him)

Finky, you've got teeth DOWN! Now we'll just patiently watch the rest emerge. Quit stabbin' yourself, will ya?

Great teeth, finkdaddy....You know, 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommended.... oh, forget it. Great work, and I can't wait to see him finished!

hewey posted on Thu, Jul 7, 2005 12:54 AM

That mouth is so happy, and he is so evil! This tiki has gotta have a cheeky personality. Cool work Fink

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