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hang-overs anyone?

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RevBambooBen posted on 12/22/2002

So, beside staying drunk, what are the Hang-over cures?

stentiki posted on 12/22/2002

Menudo. Breakfast of Champions.

Turbogod posted on 12/22/2002

drink alot of water (a glass or two) before you go to bed with 2 Tylenol PM's. Works pretty well, if you can remember. I often don't.

Scamboogah posted on 12/22/2002

Ugh, I wished I'd remembered. Wild Turkey is LETHAL!!

atomictonytiki posted on 12/23/2002

A classic Scot cure is a bacon roll and a bottle of IRN-BRU (that is a glass bottle with a metal top of course)

But if you can't get hold of the water of life that is IRN-BRU (it out sells Coca Cola in Scotland and Russia) try "Milk Thistle" its a herbal supliment that apparently gives you the ability to drink like you were 17 again.

Doctor Z posted on 12/23/2002

I've got one that has worked for me without fail on a weekly basis for at least a dozen years:

3 Vitamin B (I use "Super B Complex")
3 Lecithin (I use "Soya Lecithin"
3 aspirin (I just use generic)
At least 1 full glass of water

Take all tablets at one time before you crash for the night/morning. When you wake up, you'll be right as rain! (don't worry if things come out "neon yellow" the next morning - Vitamin B and lecithin are water soluble, so your body is just getting rid of whatever it didn't need) I usually carry some of each on me when I'm out, so if you need some, let me know!

  • I get the big-ass jarfuls made by 'Nature Made' that they sell at CostCo...
PolynesianPop posted on 12/23/2002

On 2002-12-22 14:11, Turbogod wrote:
drink alot of water (a glass or two) before you go to bed with 2 Tylenol PM's.

Actually you never want to take Tylenol when you are drunk. You will do serious damage to your liver and you will not cure your hangover. I've heard this many times in the past and have seen it confirmed here:


I usually try to prepare a TALL glass of water with 2 Advil's before I leave the house if I know I'm going to drink. When I come home (good and drunk) I take the Advil and force myself to finish the whole glass of water - no matter how painful or difficult because I know I'll thank myself for it in the morning. And it works every time!

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-12-22 18:47 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/23/2002

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the only 'cure' for a hangover, is the same as for a broken heart - time...

Luckydesigns posted on 12/23/2002

Being that I drink alot and often I've found the cure that works best for me. I usually seep in until about noon or one then head out to In n' Out for the number 1 with a lemonade. Coke or ice tea will just dehydrate you more but the lemonade will hook you right up. I think I'm gonna try out the doctor's cure too though. Thanks Doc.

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/23/2002

if theres anything the Scots Know about Its drinking how to drink more and what to do to relive a hangover

Mead Kicks everybody's Ass !

Swanky posted on 12/23/2002


Just wanted that to be seen. I discussed this with a ER doctor, and they told me how they pump the stomachs of alcohol poisoned people, only to have them die because they took Tylenol on top of it. Your liver handles alcohol in the same way it handles Tylenol, which effectively stops it's ability to clean your blood of alcohol. In the least, it will slow your recovery, in the worst, kill you.

Here is THE best way to recover. First, you want Tagamet, or one of these expensive, all-day antacids. It sounds odd, but they actually shink the lining of the brain or something or other and greatly reduce the headache, etc. As for the other pain, use aspirin or Aleve. Aleve is really a perscription drug. You can take more than one a day, but the stuff is so strong, to get it over the counter, they had to say 1 a day. Take more if needed. And the not so scientific cure is chicken. Eat some chicken, drink lots of water.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/23/2002

Doc. Z, I think next time I'm going to try your cure. My Dad always said, B12! They used to main-line it when they were doctors on Guam ww2. He said it was just like Mash, the Stil and all! (were you holding the night of the Bash? I could've used you!!!)

Has anyone ever used that powder they use in New Orleans? I heard there is some sort of Hang Over powder that people swear by.

PolynesianPop posted on 12/23/2002

Hey, I heard a little something about that powder on the Kevin & Bean show. Don't remember what its called but yes, some people swear by it.

fartsatune posted on 12/23/2002

I put worcestshire sauce into a glass of soda water and drink it. About 8 drops. I try really hard to throw up as this helps. If i eat anything at all its Kraft Dinner. Miraculously the hangover seems to be gone the next day so I know this works! Merry Christmas and a happy new beer!!

tikivixen posted on 12/23/2002

My dad swore by Vit. B too--the same WWII story! How interesting. Anyway, I am a lightweight so I must do all this, or I am dazed and dreadfully unwell the next day (er, like at the Tropics in June...erp).

    --take some Vit. B; I'm sure those ideas about lecithin and so forth are good too. Why not.
    --drink a LOT OF WATER. Not just one glass for me. Not to mention, Gatorade can be even better, in my experience. Or both!
    --take several Advil. or aspirin. just NOT TYLENOL.
    --eat something. Protein is good for me. Don't go to bed drunk and hungry and thirsty!!!
  2. Get enough sleep. Get up slowly. Drink lots more water, eat something mild like cream of wheat, and, for me, more Advil and some coffee.

There ya go.

thejab posted on 12/23/2002

Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Water before bed helps prevent dehydration that is one cause of a hangover but won't prevent hangover by cogeners, which are byproducts in alchoholic beverages and are more concentrated in darker booze (clear booze has fewer). Water also won't prevent the effects of vitamin deficiencies (B-vitamins mostly) and the contraction of blood vessels that can cause the headache.

B-vitamins can help prevent hangovers (brewers yeast is a good source) but I find that taking too many pills at bedtime causes stomach distress during the night. Same with popping advil or aspirin at bedtime. Also, I heard that ibuprofen was just as bad for your liver as Tylenol when drinking.

My preventive measures are getting my daily B vitamins by taking them in the day before drinking and by drinking plenty of water while drinking.

My morning cure is aspirin with small sips of water and sleeping as long as possible. At least 10-12 hours of sleep. They have this new "enteric" aspirin that is coated and doesn't upset your stomach. Occasionally I'll have the really bad hangover that requires "driving the porcelain bus" and I usually feel better after getting rid of it!

I also heard that the stomach is paralyzed by too much alchohol and that's why sometimes spicy food or drink on the day after actually helps by waking up the stomach. When you're ready too eat that is.

Mixing different boozes seems to cause me to have bad hangovers, but some of my friends don't have this problem. Having a nightcap when I get home has done me in on numerous occasions! I'm not sure why mixing would cause worse hangovers - it's all alchohol right?

manic cat posted on 12/23/2002

I live in manhattan and swear by the NYC hot dogs they sell from the cart. The fat clears the alcohol right out of me.

PolynesianPop posted on 12/23/2002

Mixing different boozes seems to cause me to have bad hangovers....I'm not sure why mixing would cause worse hangovers - it's all alchohol right?

I wondered the same. Some of my buddies insist I need to drink the hard stuff before consuming any beer. But as you so eloquently said, it's all alcohol right? Go figure...

Their motto:
"Beer before liquor - never sicker. Liquor before beer - you're in the clear."

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-12-23 14:17 ]

fartsatune posted on 12/23/2002

Another helpful and tested motto is...

Wine before beer..makes you feel queer..
Beer before wine..makes you feel fine!

In this sense "queer" means strange.

kahukini posted on 12/24/2002
  1. If you have to throw up, go ahead and throw up. It's not fun, but it will lessen the length of your hangover. So stand up fast, chug a lot of water, and walk around. If you're going to throw up, you probably will now.
  2. Then, pour as much pepto bismol over ice as you care to drink (at least a shots worth). People have been known to swear by chugging the entire bottle. For synergy, take a couple of tablets of aspirin as well. If you hear a ringing sound or other auditory hallucinations, be sure not to take any more aspirin in the next couple of days, and do not use aspirin in combination with pepto in future :)

If you experience numbness or parasthesias in any part of the body days after a drinking binge, or problems with balance, you're drinking too much and have done some damage to your cerebellum that can be treated with thiamine. See your doctor.

Also, head the warnings related to your health situation on the pepto label and the aspirin label.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/24/2002

Two glasses of water...and a good, hot-sauce-laced bloody mary!

fartsatune posted on 12/24/2002

Kahukini ..you are right about pepto...also, if you take it before you drink it works well to prevent stomach aches also. Whenever I go to Mexico, I have a "pink lady" martini as soon as I wake up and I have never had any of the tourista that others talk about. I did end up with some other strange disease, but not tourista!


Trader Woody posted on 12/24/2002

The reason mixing drinks causes a problem is that the body needs a little time to recognise the different ingredients, and then cope with what's being drunk.

What you actually drink does make a difference. The darker the drink, the more congeners in them, and congeners are one of the main causes of hangovers. Drink port/brandy/ and yes, dark rum all night and you are liable to wake up the next day feeling like a pig has shat in your head (Thank you 'Withnail & I'!). Drink vodka, gin, or white rum and the effects will be lessened considerably.

If you are on the beers, try sticking to the ones that meet the German purity laws, as they won't have any nasty chemicals in them . NB. This may be difficult in the US!

As for the actual hangover, yes, sleep is the best cure. Get up, drink some water, then go back to sleep again. When you finally arise, meet up with all your hungover pals for lunch. Seeing other people in the same boat somehow takes the edge off the hangover. Have everyone drink a bloody mary, then you'll all feel great again.

Trader Woody

LapuRocker posted on 12/24/2002

IN N' OUT..........

#1 Double Double Animal sytle a Vanilla Shake, and a glass of water.....I should buy stock in I n O---->I swear.

For those extra special drinking binges (Lucky and I went from July 3rd to the 6th, completely trashed the whole time.....not a second without a drink in hand) try to match a glass of water with every drink. Of course your drunk discipline must be up to par for this to happen.

If all else fails, Horse tranquelizers, just don't wake up for a few days.

Chongolio posted on 12/25/2002

I put the lime in the coconut and shake em all up.


tikifish posted on 12/26/2002

Vitamin B and Garlic Pills - Dunno why the garlic pills work but I suspect it has something to do with improving bloodflow to the brain or something. I heard some overimbibing rock star say they usec it so I tried it and lo and behold - success!

Haven't used it in a while - besides the Russian Party I've been pretty light on the liquor these days. Now that I'm an old married lady!

thejab posted on 12/26/2002

tikifish, do you take the garlic pills and vit. B before, during or after? I can imagine the garlic pills might impact one's sex appeal somewhat! I guess for rock stars it doesn't really matter - they'll get it anyway! :wink:

tikifish posted on 12/26/2002

You take it before - but after doesn't hurt totake it after either. Just get odourless garlic pills, and you can continue being the Don Juan of Tiki Central without any unpleasant side-effects.

Humuhumu posted on 12/27/2002

I have friends that swear by Red Bull for the morning after, but I've never tried it. Lots of water before bed almost always does the trick for me.

tikibars posted on 12/28/2002

...well at the moment I am trying sacrifices to Makemake, but this sin't working, so I will go back to my usual remedy:

A half-pint or more of water between arriving home and going to bed, for each alcoholic drink consumed. Eight mai-tais = 4 pints of water. This, and a couple of multi-vitamins, and plenty of sleep.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/29/2002

three tylenols, a tomatoebeer and a jalepeno and jack cheese omelet seem to work for me.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/29/2002

That way you can blame your death on heartburn and cholesterol :)

kahukini posted on 12/29/2002

shripwreck, look at the posts about tylenol earlier in this thread, they are accurate. you MUST stop taking tylenol in that quantity and NEVER take it before while or after drinking alcohol... I have looked at liver biopsies that were an absolute melted mush thanks to the synergistic toxicity of acetomenophin and ethanol

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/30/2002

kahuna & kahukini, your so right. I need to mend my ways...I'm a wreck. My liver is enlarged and unhappy, I have high blood pressure and I,m 15 lbs overweight. I work on ships for a living and anymore by the time I climb up about 6 ladders I'm huffin' & puffin' like an old man who smokes 3 packs a day (and I don't smoke). I've been way too self-indulgent...I need to learn how to tell myself NO.

martiki posted on 12/31/2002

Well, I've had great results by taking one 75mg Zantac (Ranitidine) an hour before the drinking starts. Then, several hours later, andother Zantac, two Ibuprofens and about 20 oz of water before bed. If I'm still lousy in the morning, I also like tomato beer and a greasy-ass breakfast. I know I should have juice and fluids, but a fry-up (UK peeps know what I'm talking about...mmm...black pudding) always hits the spot.


mrtikibar posted on 12/31/2002

Concerning mixing Tylenol with alchol, here is a link to a story ("The Wrath of Grapes") from today's Oregonian newspaper.

Two doctor's report mixing Tylenol with alcohol is not particularly dangerous. I spoke with the author of the story and she said the doctors agreed that poisoning was not a concern unless one overdosed on Tylenol.

From what I have read in this thread I'm sticking with aspirin and lots of water. In the meantime I want another opinion.

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-12-31 14:13 ]

kahukini posted on 12/31/2002

"Millions of people take a drug like Tylenol safely, but for someone who is a regular alcohol user, it can wipe out the liver."

  • Eugene Schiff, M.D., president of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and director of the Center for Liver Diseases at University of Miami's School of Medicine.

It's one of the most dramatic things that can happen to your body. Literally one day you are fine and the next day you will die if you don't get to the hospital and have a liver transplant. The FDA considers a "significant" rate of severe injury to be 1 in 50,000 exposures or greater. I don't like those odds. Such drugs get significant limitations on their use including vigorous warnings on the packaging. The FDA's list of drugs with significant limitations due to liver problems includes:

Niaspan Extended Release Tablets (niacin)
Dantrium (dantrolene)
Tylenol (acetaminophen)
Normodyne (labetalol)
Cylert (pemoline)
Felbatol (felbamate)
Zyflo (zileuton)
Tasmar (tolcapone)
Trovan (trovafloxacin, alatrofloxacin)

mrtikibar posted on 12/31/2002

Thanks Kahiki,
I will forward this information to the paper.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/01/2003

O.K. I have done more exhaustive personal research on the hanger over cure and my findings are as follows:
(1) packet "Emergenc-C"
(2) caps milk thistle
(2) Alka Seltzer "Morning Relief"
This should be followed by calling in sick and going back to bed.

RevBambooBen posted on 01/01/2003

First time in many moons I'm not hung over on New Years!! Score!! I feel for the rest of you's who will be trying all these great cures out today. Good luck today, hangoveree's!

Trader Woody posted on 01/03/2003

Yeah, I managed to wake up on New Years Day with a clear head, a relatively cool liver, and kidneys that didn't feel like bongo drums. Result!

All the above tips came into play on Boxing Day, though, when I endured a marathon 18 hour drinking session. (Dressed for the first few hours as a chimp).

The I took the 'sleep as long as you can' advice.

Trader Woody

tikifish posted on 01/03/2003


Epicurious was kind enough to email me theire hangover cures... some pretty cool recipes there. Enjoy!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/06/2003

Hair of the dog time! Ouch.

stentiki posted on 01/15/2003

Hey Ben,

When I'm not eating menudo...

Stumbled on a great hangover cure over the weekend! I was having my car washed on the new place on PCH and it was taking forever so T & I walked over to King Neptune's.

A little hair of the dog -- Mimosa for T and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale for me. It totally did the trick. Then this guy walks into the bar and buys a round for everyone!

I think this hangover cure only works at Neptune's...

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-01-14 21:28 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 03/31/2003

God Help Me!!!!! No More OC Crawls, Please!!! I drank a gallon of Pedialite today and it seemed to help. It tastes like thick water but I choked it down. It was better on the rocks. Then a clamato and beer and now 4 beers later. What is up with OC? Why do we party so hard?

donhonyc posted on 03/31/2003

Hey kids..

My sure fire cure for hangovers is one thing and one thing only....SLOW DOWN! If I start drinking I remind myself that it's a marathon not a sprint. Beleive me, I've had to slow down due to health reasons. Even if you are in relatively good health it's still a good idea to pace yourself. Your hangover we'll be minimized greatly. Other than that I do the water and VitaminB route which seems to work. I try to drink some water or club soda WHILST the said marathon takes place. When I get home I also down some VitaminB and water again. I also take a multi vitamin, Vitamin b and galrlic pills everyday. Maybe that helps too. There's nothing worse than having one of those hangovers a la that scene in the (original Jerry Lewis) "Nutty Professor". That has got to be one of the funniest hangovers caught on film.

Keep the cocktails coming, but take the volume down a notch.

This has been a public service message from the National Hangover Society and your local Tiki God. :drink:

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2003-03-31 10:13 ]

Tiki King posted on 03/31/2003

Strong Coffee and Coca cola. Not mixed, but sipped alternately, and good hearty breakfast. Then a couple bloody marys, and then something fruity, like a screwdriver. After that you should be ready for more Mai-Tai's.

TikiMaxton posted on 04/01/2003

My favorite trick to use on a night when I know I'm going to be tempted to drink a whole lot more than the recommended daily allowance of alcohol is to force myself to drink a glass of water (8 oz or more) between EVERY cocktail - no exceptions. This makes it impossible to drink as much as I might otherwise, it helps to cleanse my system, minimizes hangovers and gives me an excuse to get up and walk around every 20 minutes or so. Not recommended in for establishments that have unpleasant restrooms, but a nice way to get to know the valet in those swanky joints that have 'em...

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