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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

A-A… Some Stuff I'm Working On

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I swear your a robot . With such precise cuts and not a tool mark . Whats the secret ?

Another great tiki in the making ...

I agree with Rodeo, your super clean cuts are uncanny. He's looking really good so far.

On 2005-07-10 21:14, Aaron's Akua wrote:
A bit more progess...

I think I'm more comfortable with the full body part now. The first cuts were the hardest to figure out, but it got progressively easier from there on. It's kind of like putting a puzzle together by subtracting the pieces. I guess clay sculpture would be the opposite. The barrel chest & chubby features will leave some room for detailing later. I'm going to leave the body as it is for awhile, & concentrate on roughing out the face. Then some work on the headpiece to make it proportional to the roughed out face. I also left room for some kind of hair design on the back.

I think I'm starting to get it. Just rough it all out gradually, then detail it, change it, sculp and mold the features as you go. Then add more detail. At least that's the plan...


Don't know if I'm just odd, spaced out on asomnia or waiting for my pain pills to kick in( screwed back again) but I think it looks "super bitchen" just the way it is. For some reason I "really dig" tikis and art that are halfway finished or are in the works.

Self tought artist myself(from the school of no school) but is there a school of artists or a scene from the past that did 1/2 way art?


I agree with Everyone, this one is really gonna be Awesome. You seem to be "Catching on" much quicker than normal. Once you have it all figured out you will be a Master of all master carvers. Remember down the road a few years, you heard it here first!!

awe yeah! Finish 'em up AA. He's a gonna look good. Make a masterpiece out of the head piece. Don't spend all your time makin' a cute butt on 'em like Benz!!! jus kiddin'. Hey, if you use the parting V tool at all, document that for us, I could use a lesson.

hewey posted on Tue, Jul 12, 2005 8:17 AM

Cool little guy. Can't wait to see him all detailed up. Even your "in progress" shots look so clean and crisp its crazy. Ive seen some that don't get that clean when finished

Great going, AA. Something tells me that this guy will be outstanding when he's done!!

Jones posted on Tue, Jul 12, 2005 3:17 PM

Wow unreal job !!

I really like that style. How do you transfer your image so that it is close to perfect on the wood before you start.

Any advice from anyone would be apreciated. I have tried the search but found nothing. I've got some nice cedar logs ready to go. Thanks for all your time Later !!!


I also left room for some kind of hair design on the back.

Don't forget to leave a way of attaching a HUGE FRIGGIN' CHAIN to that bad boy or someone is gonna remove him from your posession as soon as your back is turned!

BTW, what's your address?

Lovin' the look, keep us up to date!

Woah, he's looking sooo awesome AA, so precise. I love his short stature, like a menehune ku (mene-ku-ne)?


Heeeeaaayy,that wise crack about the butt crack is all true. Aaron this guy Already has a cute butt so there.
Jones, Welcome to TC. Did you look thru the "Carving Post" at the top of the Creating Tiki page? there is all sorts of lessons there to be had for the taking.

You're all too kind!

Spermy, mahalo my friend. Glad to see you're back from the islands (physically). As soon as your jack of all trades wife Laura is through with you, we expect to see many tikis from the both of you.

Rodeo, my secret is lazers. You'd be amazed how fast you can carve a tiki with a lazer. Really though, it's the pull saws.

Raffertiki, hats off to your "Boai". Thanks for the comps too!

BambooBen, I don't know about halfway art. I've got lots of half finished projects, but they're all "Honey-dos".

Funny story: A co-worker of mine lives in HB. Lately he's been taking a shortcut to work. He's like, "Man I was driving by this place in HB. There's these crazy looking people with a tow truck & a giant palm tree, and they're cutting this log right on the truck with a HUGE chainsaw like this big!" (arms spread wide). So, I'm deducing he must be talking about Bamboo Ben's. And I'm also deducing that giant palm's got something to do with the back pain? Am I right??? Get better, man. No one likes a bum back.

Benz, YOU are the master of master carvers. I'm still feeling decidedly beginnerish. But THANKS!!!

Surfintiki, funny you should mention parting tools. I only had a 90 deg, "V", which isn't the greatest parting tool. But that will all change shortly. I've spent my last few lunch breaks conferring with Ben and ordering tools. Trust me, if you come across 500 clams to spend on tools, call Ben. He'll have it spent for you in no time. Love ya, Benzie!

By Friday I should have a new Foredom 1/8 hp reversible flex shaft power carver, motor hanger, reciprocatng handpiece, flexshaft rough out chisels for the recip, some Kutzall rough 1/4" shaft burrs, a new power sharpening kit, + a few other choice tools. AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!

Hewey and Mr. Gambino, mahalo for the kind words and encouragment!

Welcome, Jones. Just jump right in. You can do your sketch right on the log and start carving - it's all good. I do my sketches in CAD and plot them full scale, then cut out the paper for templates to transfer the lines to the log. If I didn't do CAD or have access to a large printer, I'd probably sketch the side view on the log, then use trace paper (onionskin), cut it out, then flip the paper around backwards and use it for a template on the other side. That way both sides match exactly. It's also good to level both log ends first and use a grinder or chainsaw to smooth down amy big bumps or irregularities on the outside of the log. Keep a centerline sketched on the log as you go, and you will keep everything tight. But don't get hung up on any of this. Just carve and post pix - we'll all help you out as you go.

8 FT, It's for a neighbor and will go up on their balcony, so it'll be safe. But I know what you're talking about. Any tikis in my front yard will be chained, lagged, or cemented in. I don't want to be the next guy posting on the "Stolen Tiki Alert" post!

Thanks Tikiwahine, but this is Mr. "Lono"."Ku" will be up soon, though. :) Hey, I saw your post - I just knew you'd get started here in the Creating Forum, you've been loitering for awhile! And don't forget, we all know about that chisel set you've been hiding!

Ben, your tikis have the nicest asses on TC!! Mr Lono's looking a bit square in the hindquarters, but he'll get some back soon!!!

Stay posted....


Jones posted on Wed, Jul 13, 2005 6:05 AM

Guys thanks for the great tips. I'll post some pics when its

done. Again thanks alot !!!


As always your stuff looks great. Been wanting to carve but 90+ weather and 90+ humidity... I am soaked in 5 minutes. So atleast I got your stuff to look at!

Beautiful, A-A, just beautiful, and he's not even finished!


AA, What happened to this guy,

Have you finished him and posted it and I Missed it?

Have you stopped work on him?

From frustration? have you just been tied up learning how to use all those new tools and not worked on him??

will you start working on him again soon?
He was looking like Prime Rib there. I know he is hard but You can do it!!

I want the quiz answers on my desk tomorrow morning when class starts and don't be late!

Thanatos & Palama: Somehow I missed your replies & the post sunk. Thanks for the comps though! I’m sure the weather’s been rough for you guys. It’s been pretty hot here, but not like Florida I’m sure.

Prof. Benzart: Sorry I’ve been tardy to class. I got hung up with some redesign, new tools, and my dog ate the homework. But here’s Lono with a bit more progress to show…

I just finally got the chance to try out the new Foredom today. You’re right, this tool is awesome! And the reversible drive really is helpful.

Old cheap Chinese burr on the left, new Kutzall Extreme burr on the right. No comparison.

I decided to change the headpiece a bit from the traditional Lono model that I was using. Still got the side view cutouts to complete.

Added some hair design in the back…

Here’s the new Weecher reciprocating handpiece, which I also just tried out today. These are really awesome and I’d recommend them to anyone. It just slices through wood like butter with no mallet. Very easy to control too. It only reciprocates when you apply pressure, and the foot pedal for the Foredom adds more control by allowing you to control the tool speed.

More progress to come. Lots more to do, just give me a couple more weeks…




I LIKE THE HAIR. Usually I don't like the back of some headdresses but I like the back of this one. Nice idea with the hair, its a first time I have seen something like that.

Dats tight braddah!!

Cool progress Bro!!! I can't wait to see more. Depending on how I feel on Sunday (after Dr. Z's party) I might actually have some time to either mess with one of those AAC blocks or start on a log!! Anyway your LONO is really starting to look pretty damn cool!!

Woah!!! Aaron, that Ku is looking terrific. Dig the cool hair too. Those new tools look like some fun new toys too. Are you taking all that stuff with you to the park on lunch hour? :lol:
Thanks for postin' up da pics.



AA the prgress is looking excellent, i really can't wait to see the guy finished. like the others have said the back of the headdress/hair looks like a great design and i can't wait to see it all carved out.

thanks for the update and the info on the new tools.


Aaron, I guess you are excused, but don't let it happen until the next time.
Your Lono is Really looking cool. I agree with everyone else, the hair, or dreadlocks look Fantastic. Very nice detail the way you have it all tied up. I also see the makings of a cute little butt there. You're makin' me proud.
Can't wait to see more progress, thanks for sharing.


I...have found the art for my tattoo.

Looks like another diamond in the making, AA. I can't wait to see it!

Teanoi, You don't say... You mean my Hypnotiki will be permanently tattooed on your person? You have my permission and my blessing. However, you MUST post a pic of it when it's done...


Dang Sam, I say you have a hit on your hands. AA you 2

hewey posted on Sat, Jul 30, 2005 2:28 AM

Love that new guy. No excuses dude - get it done! Looks so sweet, even in the rough. You just know this will be a killer

Mahalo TeaKEY, Jungle Vic, Spermy, Chongo, Octane, Prof. Ben, Teanoi, Sammy, & Hewey!

Spermy, if you can pass Doc Z's breathalyzer, I'm SURE you can carve. Go for it.

Chongo, I think I need to get a tiki utility van like yours for all my tools. My Blazer's getting pretty packed, & there's nowhere left for a generator to power my chainsaw. :)

Benie, those locks might well be natty dreads. I've been listening to a lot of Mr. Marley while carving lately, so that could have had something to do with it. Then again sometimes I listen to C/W music while carving. Who knows what kind of unholy influence that could have on my tikis.... I better be careful!

Teanoi, Mr. Gambino's tiki would make a fine tattoo. And we must see pics!

Sam, there could be no higher praise than someone permanently inking your art on their body.

Hewey, I know.. git 'er done, git 'er done. That's what
I keep telling myself. That's the best thing about posting progress, it never fails to increase the peer pressure and keep me motivated!

Thanks all,


Just thought I'd share a bit more of my slow progress on Lono....

I think the eyes will be made up with some natural stone inlay - probably cut from some tumbled travertine tiles that I've got laying around. That will come later...

Most of the rough-out is done. The next challenge will be roughing out the hands, legs, and feet. I'm saving the headpiece for last, because it's got a few cracks and may be a little fragile once it's all cut out. After all of the above I will get down to some serious detailing and sanding.

Any good tips on carving hands & feet? My only thought at the moment is to use my own for reference. As always, all of your excellent advice and input is much appreciated!



hewey posted on Tue, Aug 16, 2005 5:22 PM

Man, that is sweet! Even your rough stage is so smooth! I really dig this thing. Keep the progress pics comin!


You really stepped it up with this one. be verry careful my feet alwayse be fragile.

Excellent job though.

wow...this one is turning out great A-A....It's amazing
all the fine work that is being turned out on TC...it's
like the carvers workshop (with Ben at the helm)...thanks
for posting the pics.

I dont even know why I bother to look at your posts anymore. All they do is make me want to weld all my chisels into a ball and throw it in the river.

Looks great as always ....

AA, how may frog skins fo dat tiki? Lotta frog skins dats how many.

AA-- That's beautiful! I've got tons of respect for all of you guys who are doing this stuff with power tools. I've got a rotary tool that I occaisionally bring out and I always end up fighting with it!


SUPERB! Wish I could see it in person. It's gonna be fantastic.

Hey AA - Yes, he's looking fine - even in the rough - looks like another AA classic!


Aaron, this guy is turning out really Amazingly. Very Superb bit of carving there young grasshopper. You seem to be meeting the challenges from this carving head on and you are winning the battle. When he is finished I believe he will be your finest piece to date. A Whole LOTTA Frog-skins!!!


Sweet mother of Tiki. Nice full body. Is that Pine?

Tight work Sir.


A-A: your precision is incredible! i know what ya mean Rodeotiki; i'm inspired and intimidated at the same time... but in a good way!


Huge props to the very technicial nature of your carvings. I can see that you have put a lot of attention and care into your work and it's very well thought out.

Big ALOHA shines through with this one - - -

As for the hands, I would have 2nd thoughts about carving all the fingers, unless you plan on doing the same w/ the toes. Make sure you have a wrist narrowed down from the forearm so it looks strong.

Honestly though, where is it exactly that the tiki is not quite clear enough to you?

You guys never let me down - Mahalo to you all. This full body is uncharted water for me because all I've carved were tiki heads before this. Thanks for the encouragement!


Hewey, if you guys don't mind all of the in-progress shots, I'll keep sharing. To be honest, I'd love to see more of everyone else's progress too. It definitely helps to streamline the carving method.

Thanks, Flacookz. I really like that airbrushing technique of yours. It adds a whole extra dimension. On the feet - I'm really trying to be careful. It's a balance between making them look somewhat realistic and keeping them bulky enough to support the piece. And this wood really wants to split!

Conga, you're right. It's getting to be like an on-line carving school around here. Somebody's always willing to offer up opinions or tips. Very cool!

Rodeo! What are we gonna do with you? Keep carving those great looking tikis or we'll have to send a TC goon squad up there to rough you up.

Vic- Frog skins, samolians, clams, I'll take 'em all. This one's for my neighbor, so I'm sure she'll get a good discount. I hate trying to price my work!

Freakbear, Power tools are great for shortcuts where you can use them. I really like the burrs and the recip carver, but it's hard to beat regular chisels and mallot, which is what I have used mostly on this one (so far). I will use power tools wherever I can, as long as it doesn't mess up the details.

8 ft - thanks! If I lived nearby I'd stop by to show it to you and have a carving session or two. When are we going to get some clues on your next "mystery" tiki???

Thank you Mr. Gambino! The Hypno-Mask is next on my carving list. It's all marked up & ready to go - just waiting on me.

Ben, keep it up - you'll make a real carver out of me yet! My little Benzart #61 Lono has been by my side for good luck and inspiration!

Mctiki, it's not Pine. It's the last of my Ficus. The wood looks nice when it's finished, but the cracking is getting old. Maybe I'll try some pine after I go through some of the palm, redwood, cedar, mystery wood, and AAC blocks that I've got stockpiled under my porch. Oh, and there's this huge piece of cherry log sitting in the middle of my garage floor. How could I forget that, my wife reminds me about once a week!

Palama, an old master carver once told me that every piece you do is practice for the next one (Sorry, Ben - did I say old???). Here's some advice. Pick a design for your next piece that is way over your head. That's what I did with this one, and it has taught me a lot. I still have to figure out how to carve hands and feet, and we have yet to see how it turns out. Your pieces are coming out really nice. One day we'll all be master carvers helping out the new guys.

Manokoa, mahalo for the props. I'm a fan of your work also. This tiki will have 10 fingers and toes. It's kind of hard to tell from the photos that I posted, but the legs and feet are just blocky pieces right now, and the fingers are just drawn on with a sharpie. Lots more detailing is needed. I'm kind of following Ben's advice with this one. Rough it out, refine it, then keep adding detail until there's nothing left to improve. Well, that's the plan anyway - it just takes lots of time.


Thanks again for all of your props and good thoughts. :)



Killer work, I love the way that the back headdress / hair is tied up. It is great how every tiki gets better and better. Thank you again for Hypnotiki; Griffin & the family loves him. Currently, he is guarding my newly acquired cabin up in Bear Valley. Once I remodel / tikify that place I will have to post some pics of your most excellent creation, but first I have to get rid of any evil spirits.



I always have trouble w/ hands and feet. Every time I think about doing them I always just end up going very traditional based on all the original Hawaiian and Tahitian tikis I've studied since I started carving. They always gave me the impression of robot appendages.

You've got some chops, man. I've wanted to tackle one of those for a while, but after seeing that amazingly clean progress I may just stick with my little comfort zone! That's looking killer.


Aaron you have really stepped up to the plate over the last few months. Very clean. This should end a really nice piece when your through sanding the hell out of it like you always do.....Great work!

Aloha, guys. Just got back from San Felipe - Baja, Mexico. We saw up to 108 deg. heat w/ HIGH humidity. Felt like a wet noodle and had to drink lots of margaritas & cervesas to compensate. Looks like the Board's been busy. Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

Will: Your tiki cabin sounds cool. Love to see pics once it's finished. Still looking for those Sunset mag pics w/ the 9 foot tiki! Say Hi to Ohana.

Manokoa: Still working the hands & feet. It's been really busy for me lately w/ little time left for carving. I somehow lost my digital camera, but will find a way to post more current pics in a week or so.

BK: Mahalo! I know any Lono you carved would make mine pale by comparison, but thanks for the comps! I'm thinking of tackling some Maori pieces down the road a bit. Will have to check the old BK post for inspiration when the time comes.

Gary: Thanks, I just wish I could find time to carve as much as you & some of the other guys do. I tried to pick a challenging piece because I knew it would take me a while to carve anyway. Yes, I will sand this one like crazy, but I decided to go only up to 60 grit for these larger pieces.

More to come - Mahalo!



Sweet tiki, It looks like you put a lot of elbow grease into this one. I like the short stout body with the large headpiece.

The Hypno that you gave me is now living / protecting my newly acquired cabin up in Bear Valley. Thank you, everyone always tells me how cool that tiki is and if I made it. Regretfully, I always have to say no.

I'll see you sometime in the future,

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