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DJ Lee's Exotica Night at The Lucky Tiki, every Sunday starting April 3

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On 2005-07-17 23:30, kirby wrote:
sorry guys, I couldnt make it tonight,
I had a lot of stuff to do, but I was there last night, hopefully that makes up for it.. Im not sure if ill make it next week either but we will see.. have fun peeps ...kirby

Well, I'm sure you'll hear from everybody all about your younger "twin brother" who was there. Seriously, guys (Lee, Suzy, Dr. Z., Spermy, Mrs. Whale??)....am I lying??


Sorry we didn't make it, guys -- the siren call of Disneyland's 50th Anniversary was too strong.

DJLee posted on Mon, Jul 18, 2005 9:38 PM

On 2005-07-18 07:59, PapeToaTane wrote:

On 2005-07-17 23:30, kirby wrote:
sorry guys, I couldnt make it tonight,
I had a lot of stuff to do, but I was there last night, hopefully that makes up for it.. Im not sure if ill make it next week either but we will see.. have fun peeps ...kirby

Well, I'm sure you'll hear from everybody all about your younger "twin brother" who was there. Seriously, guys (Lee, Suzy, Dr. Z., Spermy, Mrs. Whale??)....am I lying??

YES, IT WAS KIRBY'S YOUNGER TWIN "EVIL" (he was wearing a black T shirt) BROTHER! AND HIS NAME IS KEVIN! MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIVED (yeah like Pops is going to LIE about some guy that looks like Kirby showing up to the bar?) I think he is going to come back next week! He has to because I'll clear memory off the digital card for this one! The parallel universe exists in Granada Hills...

DJLee posted on Mon, Jul 18, 2005 9:40 PM

On 2005-07-18 09:47, Humuhumu wrote:
Sorry we didn't make it, guys -- the siren call of Disneyland's 50th Anniversary was too strong.

Was it a blast? Did ya sneak a flask of rum into the park?


You guys are freakin me out, a "bizaro kirby" and his name is kevin, oh man, DONT BUY IN TO HIS POWERS,Next thing your gonna tell me is suzy has an evil twin mixing drinks with viniger and sour crout juice, Dj Lee has one spinning polka, and the good father-tiki has one thats out drinking and partyin all hours of the night.( scratch that last one, he already does that). Just Remember im ith O.G.


I'll be at the Lucky Tiki tonight to celebrate the launch of my new website, Ooga-Mooga:


Come on out and help us celebrate!

Oh....OK. I'll go. :D

DJLee posted on Wed, Aug 3, 2005 4:15 PM

Hi, it's been a while since I've posted anything but the reality...there are so many portals for communication (my email box, plus stuff from other email accounts and no less than four Myspace accounts including a personal one and others I manage for publicity) that I'm on total overload.

Wish I could have made Dr. Z's party and the event in Hollywood but my weekends are pretty packed as it is (Velvet Hammer last Friday) and I am rehearsing for a show next Saturday at The Scene.

Lucky Tiki Sunday was great! Kirby and Cheri were there along wtih a group of people who came out to hear music...not Tiki Centralites but people with good musical taste nonetheless! I played more surf than ususal.

Anyway, with a fresh pair of stylus' and some more new records in hand, I hope to see some of you next Sunday!


thejab posted on Wed, Aug 3, 2005 4:44 PM

Lee - I'll be in town next weekend (August 12-14) for Club Satisfaction on Friday. The Scene you mentioned - is that on Saturday the 13th., and what's that all about?

Most likely I'll visit the Lucky Tiki on Sunday the 14th., so save some good records for next week! I have to work Mondays so I'll just drive back to the Bay Area early Monday morning.

Last Sunday after the Egyptian theatre event I went to see the Dave and Deke Combo and the Lucky Stars at the Derby. I left at 1:40AM when the show ended and started driving north. I got past the grapevine but the long straight stretch of I-5 started to lull me to sleep so I got a room for a few hours of sleep. I still managed to get up at 8:00 and made it to work by noon!

DJLee posted on Fri, Aug 5, 2005 5:51 PM

On 2005-08-03 16:44, thejab wrote:
Lee - I'll be in town next weekend (August 12-14) for Club Satisfaction on Friday. The Scene you mentioned - is that on Saturday the 13th., and what's that all about?

Most likely I'll visit the Lucky Tiki on Sunday the 14th., so save some good records for next week! I have to work Mondays so I'll just drive back to the Bay Area early Monday morning.

Last Sunday after the Egyptian theatre event I went to see the Dave and Deke Combo and the Lucky Stars at the Derby. I left at 1:40AM when the show ended and started driving north. I got past the grapevine but the long straight stretch of I-5 started to lull me to sleep so I got a room for a few hours of sleep. I still managed to get up at 8:00 and made it to work by noon!

Hi, glad you made it home safe! Wish I could have gone...You'll be back to see Deke playing Club Satisfaction at The Derby with his All-Star Frat and Garage band, the same line-up as Vegas Rockaround last year...5:00 AM that one, drunk as hell and the night I met Kristine!

The Scene, I'm playing there tomorrow August 6.

And don't worry, a killer set will be awaiting you at The Lucky Tiki!

Best from Lee



See you there!

Well...I said I'd see you there!!! I didn't expect to see EVERYBODY there!!!! What a great crowd!! Dr. Z., fresh from a SF "crawl" - all of the regulars, both Kirby and the doppleganger "Kirby" - (I saw that Hanford took a picture of the both of them - please post!!) - Hiltiki, Jon Paul and The Mrs. - Suzy and DJLee, as usual, doin' their thang. At one point (just after midnight) - the crowd was 99.9% TC ohana! Don't forget the art show on the 28th!!!

Who's going? Besides Lee and me, that is!!


I thought you were biking your life away what happened?!!

kirby posted on Sun, Aug 14, 2005 2:14 PM

I will be there.....




Late post ...but whata great night..the lucky tiki was goin off last sunday..suzie realy had her hands full..hope you guys tiped her well...see ya next week...kirby


Although I could only stay a couple hours so I could start my drive home, it was the best Sunday at Lucky Tiki that I've been to yet. Hats off to Suzy for keeping the drinks flowing, to DJLee for the swingin' tunes, and to Adam for keeping the ship afloat! I just wish I could have stayed longer.

Hey all, I don't get on TC much, but on a rare Friday night , I thought I'd browse TC a bit, and Found this thread/topic. I've been to the Lucky Tiki about 5 times I think( kinda hard to remember after the great drinks).
I'm the big guy with the Goatee and Long hair.
I Plan on being there this Sun. like the past 2 Suns.
I missed the Bizzaro Kirby, where was I?
Great tunes By Lee( exotica/surf/and lounge) can't get better than that. Lee Please bring those 5 Bomboras 45's.

see yall there,
Jeff (bigtikidude)

p.s. I'll be sitting in on Bass on 1 song ( Squad Car)
at the Huntington Beach Intl' Surf Museum on Sun.
Sometime between 1 pm and 4 pm. Hope some of you can make that to see it.

kirby posted on Sun, Aug 21, 2005 6:58 PM

Its always nice to see you jeff... and its good your posting...now if jonpaul can figure out a name and start posting himself...that would be great too...I think i have one for him... procrastinatingtiki...jk..Im probly gonna be there tonight so see yall there...kirby

DJLee posted on Fri, Aug 26, 2005 3:25 PM


I'll be at the art show DJing from the beginning of the night on...Kristine is leaving on Saturday so she regrets she can't be there.

The music expands to a bit of soul and garage for the art show, in addition to the Lucky Tiki Sunday Night fare of Surf and Exotica!

See you there.


Can't wait see you there!


Alas, the end of summer is upon me (school starts this week - blecch!) so tonight will be my last "Lucky Tiki Sunday" for a while. Well, at least until I have another Monday off...

Hope to see all y'all!


kirby posted on Sun, Sep 4, 2005 12:12 PM

See ya ther Z...who els is gonna be there...


Hey.... I will be there. yeah......STELLLLLAAAAAA.....

DJLee posted on Wed, Sep 7, 2005 2:14 PM

Dr. Z.

Thanks for being a summer regular, we'll miss ya!

Hope everyone else keeps showing up..it was great to divert a little and mix in some different music. Seems tiki people love soul and garage as well! I was going to only play that stuff for special events (such as the art show) and holiday weekends but if enough people want to hear it mixed in with Exotica and surf, I'm game!

Loves ya


DJLee we love everything you play, it is a pleasure to hear all your music. Sorry I will miss you this Sunday going out of town but see you next time. Z, try to show up once in a while we love seeing you there.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2005-09-08 06:14 ]

kirby posted on Sun, Sep 18, 2005 6:20 PM

Im goin,who else...

Hey TC family!

Bartender Suzy here from the Lucky Tiki. I just wanted to let you know that I will be out of town this Sunday, Sept.25, so I will miss seeing all your beautiful faces at the bar! DJ Lee will be spinning his finest, and your talented bartender for the evening will be either Tim or Don. There will be drink specials and fun had by all!
Have a great weekend!


kirby posted on Sun, Sep 25, 2005 4:17 PM

Im pretty beat down ,from a big drinkin weekend,but I think I pop in for a bit..anyone else...


I am too pooped to pop tonight, maybe next week. have a :drink: on me!

On 2005-09-25 18:07, hiltiki wrote:
I am too pooped to pop tonight, maybe next week. have a :drink: on me!

Me, too. :( We are selling one house, moving into another, starting a new mission church, worked "supply", Priesting at a parish in Orange County all day today. A Zombie, even one not made by the awesome Suzy, would knock me right out! See you all next week, Kirby, DJLee, Hiltiki...

I'm coming from Hawaii in December.
What's the address?

kirby posted on Sun, Oct 2, 2005 1:02 PM

Yo Yo Yo, come on out and hang tonight with all your friend,at the lucky tiki tonight.....If you have no friend come and make new ones...see you all there...

kirby posted on Mon, Oct 3, 2005 1:10 AM

wow...great night...a lot of crazy people tonight...father tiki, your the greatest..its 1:am... Im feeling the effects of the sailer jerry's,and its all good. thanx for another great time at the lucky tiki...see ya next week...kirby

[ Edited by: kirby 2005-10-03 01:11 ]

kirby posted on Sun, Oct 9, 2005 4:06 PM

Role call...
Father tiki

Mahalo, Kirby for getting me to the Lucky Tiki on a TC Sunday night.

I am always impressed by what a beautiful job Crazy Al, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Tony and co. did.

Last night WAS pretty special!! Happ B'day, BigTikiDude!


:( I wish I knew everyone was there. :(

On 2005-10-10 19:13, hiltiki wrote:
:( I wish I knew everyone was there. :(

You and Lava Girl were missed!


hil... if you look on the previous page I made a list of everyone that were required to show up and you hanford and humu were the only no shows and they are up north i think,so next time I make a list you better make sure to be there or youl miss out on all the fun...luv ya hil see ya next time...


ok sir!


one mo gin, whos in...


ok, ok, ok, q-tiki and I will be there...:)

Not tonight. Totally and completely drained.

kirby posted on Sun, Oct 23, 2005 1:53 PM

how bout it!!!!

I don't know if I can make it tonight, but I might hafta start showing up for these... What time do y'all usually show up?

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