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Witco on ebay?

Pages: 1 7 replies

joefla70 posted on 09/13/2005

This is not my auction, but I found this on ebay under a search of "polynesian" (inspired by Sabu's find of those awesome Polynesian door handles. Anyway, I'm nowhere near NY so I wouldn't be able to pick up these items if I bid on them, but I figured that someone from TC might want them. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Hand-carved-Polynesian-furniture_W0QQitemZ7350553158QQcategoryZ63592QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

sneakyjack posted on 09/13/2005

I'm sorta near the location ok an hour or 2 away - anyone want to go in on it? I'm not sure if hes selling it all or what. I emailed him to see if it all goes or in pieces. Looks like a first sale under this name. Some fun stuff..

SilverLine posted on 09/14/2005

Poor guy. He fits the profile. Any bets on how far along the auction will be before he submits to the pressure from "buyers" to end it early?

FreddieBallsomic posted on 09/15/2005

Aloha Sneaky J. Im interested in going in on it. If your interested, send me a pm. Maholla back!!

Primo Kimo posted on 09/15/2005

Holy Schnikees!
Quite a collection indeed. I just spoke to the guy and he's nice enough. He is looking for a big payoff. The reserve is 6500.00 He definately WILL end the auction early for the right price =(

Kono posted on 09/15/2005

He payed well over 15,000 Dollars for this furniture and that was in the 50's.

That's not possible, is it? 15 grand would get you a house and a couple cars in the 50s!

tikifish posted on 09/15/2005

Yes that number seems suspicious. More like 1,500 - that much I would beleive.

mattfink posted on 09/16/2005

$15,000 would have bought you a house and a car in the 50's....


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