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Who will go to Hukilau 2006? I will!

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We'll be there....and you won't believe who I'll bring.

On 2005-10-14 22:17, PoisonIvy wrote:
We'll be there....and you won't believe who I'll bring.
Hmmmm, well if you're really Poison Ivy, are you bringing Lux? That would be way cool!

Alice, you're giving me twisted ideas about next year's entertainment lineup....

Twisted ideas are always welcome in my book!!!


"The Hukilau horde was dominated by white 30-somethings and aging boomers -- no surprises there." - New Times"

Hey! I resemble that remark! :x

Haole Kats!!! are certainly hoping to be a part of the festivities next year. All y'all were so nice to us, and it was definitely one for the record books. Loved meeting Robert Drasnin, those Wacki Waitiki boyz, Slip and his Spinout crew, The Intoxicators -- really nice line-up, all great folks.

I think a Crazed Mugs wit' da Kats set needs to be fit in there somewhere, too, next year. One of my fave moments. I could listen to Pablus sing all night. BUY THEIR CD!

I think James and I can work out a Crazed Mugs and Haole Kats segment as an addition to the 50th celebration. We are already planning several elements of the weekend so keep checkin' Tiki Central for updates!


Oaktiki and I are 99% sure we're in. Having missed this years, we're counting the days.

On 2005-10-15 22:23, tikibars wrote:
Alice, you're giving me twisted ideas about next year's entertainment lineup....
:music: Poppa mmm Mai Kai, Poppa mmm Mai Ma Kai :music:

Now THAT would be a "different direction" all right from Mr. Drasnin's orchestra!!!


Just some thoughts about next year (please look past my NERD factor):

Somehow, someway, there's got to be a drink making contest next year and some "organized" parties. Could be like what they did one year at Tiki Oasis, where people throw parties in their rooms and label each room a drink, so you go to the Mai Tai room, zombie room, etc, and try out different things. I went to a sci-fi convention for the first time last year, and as as goofy as it was, it had some great elements -- one being parties held in different rooms (with different themes) and the parties were listed in the event program. So I think some sort of drink contest/organized room party thing could work... Imagine looking at the program and going to the Les Baxter room to try an "Oasis of Dakhla" cocktail!!!
I heard the home bar tour was a big success, and it was very similar to what I'm talking about. But being on Sunday afternoon, I know a lot of folks who had to fly out that day (myself included). If there was some "advertised" parties in the hotel, people from away could host events too!

Or maybe the drink contest could be separate from the organized parties, and more "official," with real bartenders, where people submit recipes. I don't know how, but I think a drink contest could be a big hit! With the winning recipe being featured the next night or something.

Ok I'm really not THAT big of a nerd, but also at the sci-fi convention, they had lots of panel discussions, presentations, and demonstrations. I thought a highlight of Hukilau was the slide show. I'd love to see more of that sort of thing, some on a big scale (some experts on Exotica, for example, giving a panel discussion; or a history of tiki mugs; or James could do a great panel based on the "road trip") and some could be smaller events, that repeat throughout the day. I met someone at the Sat Night after party (sorry, can't recall the name) and he had made some terrific Pimento liquor. I told him about our success with making Falernum. Well jeez, imagine a few 15 minute demonstrations about those two topics. Or an open forum about thrifting. Imagine the hilarious stories. Or imagine if Drasnin had held a panel discussion to talk about his career. That sort of stuff.

Don't get me wrong, Hukilau 2005 was EXCELLENT. But there was just so much expertise on display by everyone at Hukilau, that I'd love to see more of it brought out into the open (and not just discovered at 4am Sunday morning at an after party when you're already regrettin' the number of people you DIDN't get to meet).

I just thought I'd throw out some ideas that our group has discussed since the glorious event. I'll stop rambling now.

I, Zombie

[ Edited by: I, Zombie 2005-10-16 18:21 ]

On 2005-10-13 20:32, Humuhumu wrote:
Tiki Kiliki + Mai Kai = Magic! To be honest, if I lived on the east coast I wouldn't miss ANY of Kiliki's Tiki Torch Night events, so OF COURSE it's a no-brainer to make the effort to be there when the Mai Kai asks her to plan their 50th Anniversary event!

AMEN SISTAH! WHOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! She's amazing, isnt she? lol! :D

And it was SO GREAT seeing you and your Honey last weekend! You're both as adorable and wonderful as ever!
Hugs n kisses from Steve and me!

Somehow, someway, there's got to be a drink making contest next year and some "organized" parties. Could be like what they did one year at Tiki Oasis, where people throw parties in their rooms and label each room a drink, so you go to the Mai Tai room, zombie room, etc, and try out different things.

This is a great idea, and I know that we, of Waitiki, were remiss in our hospitality as far as hosting parties went. As the Mayor, I declare that will change for next year. We were not sure of what to expect, what was expected of us, etc. in that regard. Sorry!

Imagine looking at the program and going to the Les Baxter room to try an "Oasis of Dakhla" cocktail!!!

Oh yes, indeed!

I heard the home bar tour was a big success, and it was very similar to what I'm talking about. But being on Sunday afternoon, I know a lot of folks who had to fly out that day (myself included). If there was some "advertised" parties in the hotel, people from away could host events too!

I could back that. Actually, we have our own band drink menu. We would definately have to offer those items at our party. See our website, http://www.watiki.com for details...

And yes, the planting has begun in the watermelon fields. We are hoping for a bumper crop for next year.

On 2005-10-14 13:00, tikivixen wrote:
""The Hukilau horde was dominated by white 30-somethings and aging boomers -- no surprises there." - New Times"

What? No mention of the pallid, oft-vintage-spectacled, frequently tattooed and/or interestingly hair-dyed Gen-Xers?!? I am insulted!!! :D

Psssssst! We're GenXers are all 30-something now...


I'll be there. And I'm bringing friends.


Do we now know the approximate dates of the 2006 Hukilau ??? What week end in October should we come to party ?

On 2006-02-22 06:16, virani wrote:
Do we now know the approximate dates of the 2006 Hukilau ??? What week end in October should we come to party ?

october 5-8 2006 by my calendar.
i'm itchin' to make reservations...


I'm hoping to be there. I'm getting married at the Mai Kai the following Saturday (pending final $$$ decisions right now) so I'm not 100% sure that we'll be able to afford to go. Plus, my doctor friend in VA is tentatively scheduling her wedding for the 7th.....


Hukilau IS October 5 - 8.

Christie has a of of new ideas for this year, and we've been discussing those, and looking at some interesting new options for lodging as well.

It might be a few weeks or more before there is an announcement - which Christie will make as soon as we've got things nailed down - but the event is happening and the dates are 98% soild.

The web site went live today.

Not much there yet, but you can confirm the dates, sign up for the mailing list, and check out the official artwork.



On 2006-02-26 10:44, tikibars wrote:
The web site went live today.

Not much there yet, but you can confirm the dates, sign up for the mailing list, and check out the official artwork.


Looks great! Should we sign up again if we were on the mailing list before?

Aloha everyone,

It looks like Hukilau might just begin on the 4th this year with a limited ticketed Rum tasting at the Mai Kai to be held in Somoa and Tahiti - the rear dining areas.

James is right, I'm working on several workshops, booksignings and lots of gatherings this year. This will be a Hukilau like no other. The Mai Kai family and I met last week and discussed the beginning 'til end. Of course, they are the stars this year as we are trying to bring as much history to light for the 50th Anniversary.

Dave Levy, operating owner, just agreed to allow me to show the Mai Kai family photo albums in an exclusive show just for Hukilau 2006. These are albums dating back to the 50's that few have ever seen with photos of the wedding between Mrs. T and Bob, rum tastings in Tahiti, photo shoots of the staff and mixologists at work - I wanted to make them a part of Hukilau and I'm glad they feel confident about showing them to the public this year. This is a once in a lifetime showing so we are truly fortunate.

Just try to hold out for a couple more weeks and the site will unfold.

Yee-Haw & Aloha,

The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki 2006-02-26 12:26 ]


Kiliki was in charge of Hukilau 2005. I did the online reservations coding and helped with that, but she managed the event. Hukilau was created by both of us and every aspect done by both of us until 2005.

With her living in South Florida now and both of us feeling that Hukilau's home is at the Mai Kai because of their gracious attitude, and my lessening interest in the stress of this big event, we came to an aggreement whereby Kiliki has complete control of Hukilau.

Hukilau is a huge undertaking. It has always been hard to find people willing to spend the time and energy needed to make it happen. It ends up being the job of the organizer only. There is no money in the bank to work with and though it always seems ready to, it has never made any money. It is a labor of love. Kiliki and I were the only ones doing that labor, and now she is doing it alone. She has gotten some great help from Casey, James, Chip and Andy, Tikilicious, Pia, Kern, Liz Lang, and others. That's important.

Kiliki is undertaking this monumental task of creating a big party with limited resources. She's shown herself capable, and deserves all the help and support the ohana can give her. I'll continue to offer my advice and help where I can, and I hope we all can make this year better than ever and maybe even easier.

Thanks to all who have traveled far to attend and support Hukilau. It is a magical time and I look forward to Hukilau 2006. Remember, Hukilau may not be here again, the Mai Kai may not be here for their 60th Anniversary, your friends may not make the trip next time, it's always important to take these rare opportunities. Appreciate them. Don't let the magic of life slip by.

Thanks for the post Swanky. And without the continued support of those mentioned and many others, Hukilau would not continue.

Like Swanky said, it is a labor of love. He and I have gone through so much together but the amazing relationships that we've built through this event are unmatched. That's why Hukilau exists today.

Swanky, look forward to toasting with you this year - Hukilau's 5th Anniversary and of course the Mai Kai's 50th!

Tiki Kaliki & Swanky,

Nothin' but love for the both of you! Mahalo for last year's Hukilau which was my first and mucho mahalo TK for all the effort you are putting into this year's extravaganza. I can hardly wait. Aloha


On 2006-03-11 11:33, tiki_kiliki wrote:
Thanks for the post Swanky. And without the continued support of those mentioned and many others, Hukilau would not continue.

Like Swanky said, it is a labor of love. He and I have gone through so much together but the amazing relationships that we've built through this event are unmatched. That's why Hukilau exists today.

Swanky, look forward to toasting with you this year - Hukilau's 5th Anniversary and of course the Mai Kai's 50th!

Being new to the forum, I'm really looking forward to a weekend in Ft. Lauderdale. A few friends and I are planning a quick trip from Orlando in a week or so to spec out the location and accomodations. Any suggestions on a hotel? Plans for a hotel room-crawl type event?


Looking forward to Huki-06 and to seeing this portable tiki bar. Can 2 people dance on it?

p.s. welcome aboard rummies!!


MobileTikiBar, I sent you a PM.


On 2006-04-12 22:42, RevBambooBen wrote:
Looking forward to Huki-06 and to seeing this portable tiki bar. Can 2 people dance on it?

p.s. welcome aboard rummies!!

And if they dancers should break it, I know a couple of guys who can fix it good as new. :wink:

On 2006-04-14 06:05, Swanky wrote:

On 2006-04-12 22:42, RevBambooBen wrote:
Looking forward to Huki-06 and to seeing this portable tiki bar. Can 2 people dance on it?

p.s. welcome aboard rummies!!

And if they dancers should break it, I know a couple of guys who can fix it good as new. :wink:

OK, we gave it the weight test. I'm pretty sure it won't hold up to dancing.... but sitting is a-ok.


Okay... what does all this have anything to do with Hukilau 2006?

On 2006-04-16 11:11, GatorRob wrote:
Okay... what does all this have anything to do with Hukilau 2006?

Here's something that DOES have to do with Hukilau, definitely:

Christie and I are firming up the entertainment and activities lineup this very week, and we are very close to being ready for the web site go live with full detals and announcements. (thanks Humu!).

The (new) hotel is a done deal (I'll let Christie make that announcement real soon), and you guys are gonna be really excited about it.

After last year's onlaught of astounding music - which we could never top - we're refocusing the event this year towards experiences and activities that people can participate in more (but that isn't to say that there won't be GREAT music!). Some of the afternoon activities we've got planned are super cool - I can't wait for everyone to find out about it all.

Before the middle of May, you'll know what you'll be doing on October 6,7,8,9!

[ Edited by: tikibars 2006-04-30 19:23 ]

On 2006-04-16 11:11, GatorRob wrote:
Okay... what does all this have anything to do with Hukilau 2006?

you're complaining??? :D :) :wink:


Christie and I are firming up the entertainment and activities lineup this very week, and we are comitted to having the web site go live with full detals and announcements by May 1 (thanks Humu!).

Even though it's still 6 months away I'm already excited. Can't wait to hear the details!

I'm going to do everything in my power to make it this year. I don't want to miss another one!

I am gonna try to make this one! need more info on it though:)

I know everyone is waiting on the details for Hukilau 2006. The site will be live for details and reservations the first week in May. I'd rather not give away any other details until then. You'll love the lineup, activities and extras we have planned - I'm sure of it.

It takes a while to get everything into place so be patient and the unveiling will be sooner than you think!

Yee-Haw & Aloha,

The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki 2006-04-18 20:56 ]

On 2006-04-16 11:47, Johnny Dollar wrote:

you're complaining?

I'm constraining.

On 2006-04-16 11:11, GatorRob wrote:
Okay... what does all this have anything to do with Hukilau 2006?

I hope these Wahinis have something to do with Hukilau 2006. :D

I was unable to go last year and this year, I will be among the first to book!

I hope there will be another music trading day like the last one!


On 2006-04-20 12:07, Digitiki wrote:
I hope there will be another music trading day like the last one!

We can definitely make that happen.

RevBambooBen wrote
Looking forward to Huki-06 and to seeing this portable tiki bar. Can 2 people dance on it?
p.s. welcome aboard rummies!!

And if they dancers should break it, I know a couple of guys who can fix it good as new.

On 2006-04-19 00:34, Unga Bunga wrote:
I hope these Wahinis have something to do with Hukilau 2006. :D

Well, we really are looking forward to a south Florida trip. We live in Orlando, and never realized Tiki Central existed before now. It'll really be nice to meet others for a few days of relaxation and inebriation.


Mobile Tiki BarHome Tiki Bar


[ Edited by: MobileTikiBar 2006-04-21 20:24 ]

[ Edited by: MobileTikiBar 2006-04-21 20:25 ]

Woo Hoo! Just booked my hotel...I'm there baby, come hell or high water...OH! [knock on wood] No hurricanes please, except those that come in a glass.

Aloha to all!!! I was wondering if anyone has heard when the Hukilau is , where and when the site is gonna be up. I'd greatly appreciate some help with this, Aloha your friend , Mooney


October 5-8, 2006


Register to get on the mailing list.

Aloha everyone, we are so close to announcing. The site will be up very very soon and you can always register as Mean Gene has suggested. We're almost ready so stay tuned.............


"Oh were going, to the Hukilau, the huki huki huki huki hukilau"

Cheers and Mahalo,


Well, I missed both Oasis 2006 and Hukilau 2005 after never missing either of them - EVER!

Unless something really weird comes up, I will be at Hukilau this year!

Reserved a Clipper pad months ago but held off on the announcement until I was sure.

Can't wait to see everybody after a long absence.



Hey tikibob,
King Kukulele and I were just speaking about you a couple of days ago on our way to the Mai Kai.
We were wondering if all was well.

Looking forward to seeing you again.


Tiki Bob, you were the first Tiki Central person I think I ever met. When I walked into the lounge on Friday at the first Hukilau, you were there with Sven. I was crazy busy and blown away by what Wayne Coombs had done to the place. I didn't really know who you were then, but I remember meeting you and no one else but Sven that night... And then I remember you finsihing the Tiki Room song with King Kukulele at Trader Vic's the next night.

Looking forward to seeing you again in sunny FLA!

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