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new years eve 2005- so cal-Thanks Everybody

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Monkeyman posted on 10/24/2005

The 2005 TikiCentral New Years Eve Event


**Saturday Dec, 31

-11:30 AM
Load up in our vehicles at the Half Moon Inn for the Home Bar Tour. It will reach all corners of San Diego County (probably about 60 miles round trip) and will include a couple stops. Anyone local who has a larger vehicle and can accommodate several other TCers please bring that vehicle. Passengers, as a courtesy to your driver, offer up some gas money. We will make sure that we stop somewhere for lunch (something quick).

We will be touring the lovely home tiki environments of Bosko and Ona Tiki/Moki.

If we have time, I will take you to my favorite liquor store haunt in Escondido. The Holiday Wine cellar has a vast selection of exotic and hard to find liquors and mixers.

Each vehicle driver needs to be a designated driver (sorry).

Please contact me if you are able to provide transportation and get us in as few vehicles as possible. Lets get the out of towners taken care of. PM me for my cell phone number.

BALI HAI New Years Eve Spectacular
$85 per person pre reserved (do not expect to get a ticket the night of the event)

Dress Code- Anything Goes (it would be fun to represent with something indicative of our group)

-6:30pm - 7:30pm Hosted Appetizers
7:30pm - Deluxe Buffett

Buffet will have: Hawaiian Blackened Prime Rib, Sweet and Sour Shrimp, Salmon Imperial, Kahlua Pork and full Salad Bar. (plenty of food)

9:15pm - 10:15 pm Open dancing with the Royal Polynesians http://www.hookupu.org/royal.htm

10:15pm Bali Hai Polynesia Floor Show !!!!!

11:15pm More Dancing with the Royal Polynesians

12:00 am Midnight countdown. Party favors and Champagne are provided.

1:30 am Last Call

2:00 am Bali Hai Closes

** Sunday January 01, 2006

6 AM… Rise and shine you slackers.
(Just kidding)

Since it might be unreasonable to plan a brunch gathering on a morning when folks want to sleep in and recover I don’t want to plan anything. If you recover quickly or don’t need much sleep then it might be fun to find others in a similar condition and go to the Hanalei Brunch.

I will list the hotel info just incase.

Afternoon Activities are still under consideration. If you have ideas, for the group let me know. The miniature golf tournament last year was a hoot.

We could stroll around downtown and see Mr. Tiki or take the Midway Air Craft Carrier Tour. El Indio Taco shop for the best taco shop food in the county! We could eat lunch at the Catamaran hotel for those that havent seen the 20 foot tall tapa on the wall over the lobby. The authentic sepik masks in museum cases down the halls. Kearny Bowl is the only bowling alley in a reasonable distance but Im not sure if they are open on New Years day. How about a trip to the roller coaster at Belmont Park?

Any ideas?

Here are the anticipated attendees for this years event.

  1. Monkeyman
  2. Unga Bunga
  3. Al-ii
  4. WooHoo Wahine
  5. Kick the Reverb
  6. Mrs. Kick the Reverb
  7. Modmana
  8. Mrs. Mod Mana
  9. Moki
  10. Onatiki
  11. Bongofury
  12. Mrs. Bongofury
  13. Matt Reese
  14. Tiki Boomboom
  15. Cyntiki
  16. The Jab
  17. Polynesian Pop
  18. Dr. Miguelito
  19. Soccertiki
  20. Freddiefreelance ?
  21. Tikibird
  22. Utopian Dream
  23. PiPhiRho
  24. Tigerlily
  25. Friend #1 of Tigerlily
  26. Friend #2 of Tigerlily
  27. Friend #1 of Modmana
  28. Friend #2 of Modmana
  29. Shipwreck Joey
  30. Mustang Sally
  31. Eel
  32. Son of Eel
  33. Friend of Eel

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2006-01-02 13:46 ]

dangergirl299 posted on 10/24/2005

Thanks monkeyman for organizing this!

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thejab posted on 10/24/2005

The Sunday brunch idea at the Hanalei was mentioned so that anyone who hasn't had the chance to eat in the Islands Room at the Hanalei (out-of-towners perhaps) will get to do so if they want. I think it's a must-see in SD (more so then Mr. Tiki). I have been to Sunday brunch and it's served buffet style in the bar area, but you can sit and eat in the Islands Room if you wish. This may be better being an impromptu thing as if we book a group reservation they'll probably stick us in the much less appealing banquet room.

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ModMana posted on 10/24/2005

Count us in for everything if it happens in San Diego! We'll gladly help out any way needed. Just say the word...

It would be great to have an annual San Diego tiki event. This sounds like the perfect opportunity to see if it can work.

Thanks for your organizing efforts Monkeyman and others who have taken the initiative.

ModMana :drink:

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kick_the_reverb posted on 10/24/2005

Count us in...(for any help needed, too)

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WooHooWahine posted on 10/24/2005

WooHooo!!! San Diego is the place to be for New Year's Eve, count Soccer Tiki and I in!!!

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TikiTikiBoom posted on 10/24/2005

Hmmm.. I might just cab it back home after the Bali Hai festivities. But I could be up for a home bar tour the next day.

Let me know if you need any help.

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Matt Reese posted on 10/24/2005

I am in for the home bar tour. If people are trying to keep cost down I think hosting a brunch at my place is feasible. I am hoping the S.D. ohana will want to join forces on this. Any takers?

Monkeyman posted on 10/24/2005

If I were to pick my preferences for a bang up weekend and keep costs down this is what I would do.

A- Definitely go to the Bali Hai celebration. I dont know if its a rockin time or not but if enough of us are there it wont matter. Its pricey at $90 but most organized new years parties are expensive(often surpassing $150). We can all wear our craziest Aloha attire (including fancy dresses and tapa Sportcoats) and will totally fit with the venue.

B- Find other less expensive lodging in the area to keep folks close to the Bali Hai. If a couple of our well heeled TCers feel like springing for a suite then great. Maybe we can all go hang out at their room.

C- Skip Mr. Tiki on Sunday night in exchange for a home gathering at one of our nearby TCers.

D- Go into the Islands Room at the Hanalei for Brunch (hopefully enough of us are awake on New Years day to make it before brunch is finished).

E- Find a fishing boat that is willing to do a charter for cheap instead of a full blown tour boat.

F- Van rentals to get folks around town instead of taxi cabs. Or better still, who has large vehicles capable of carry 6 or more people. The Monkeybus is available and carries 7.

Ideas anyone? Are we barking up the right tree?

[ Edited by: monkeyman 2005-10-24 15:37 ]

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thejab posted on 10/24/2005

This ol' dog says: Bow wow! Sounds like a great plan. I have family and friends I can stay with but I may try and splurge for a room at Humphrey's if I can find others to share it. I have done that before - it's much more relaxing then staying with the relatives!

Methinks the Bali Hai celebration with dinner and a show for $90 is worth it.

Vans are a good idea, but don't leave without me! :wink:

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alohabros posted on 10/24/2005

... shelter island gets real busy during these festive times... the entire area has been closing to vehicle traffic (during "holiday" events)... cycling or walking in is the only option... might want to keep this in mind...

... might also contact harbor island yacht club... a few 42' catalinas (seats 12/sleeps 7) in the fleet... you might find someone willing to skipper to and from the bali hai/shelter island/harbor island/around the bay... could always get a guest slip at the embarcadero and have 7-12 drunks sleep on the boat...

[ Edited by: alohabros 2005-10-24 16:23 ]

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Humuhumu posted on 10/24/2005

My favorite thing about NYE last year was the avoidance of the crowds of people who only go out drinking a few times a year, and of the traffic which will almost certainly have more than a few drunk drivers. My favorite of your suggestions is the Humphrey's Half Moon Inn suite party suggestion. I'd be up for contributing some money towards a suite at Humphrey's. I'm less interested in the $$ Bali Hai event (I think we'd have just as much fun together in a nice suite), but if others were into that, I'd pony up the cash to join in. The Islands brunch sounds delightful, but odds are slim to none that I'd be up for it come Sunday.

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Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-10-24 17:12 ]

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Al-ii posted on 10/25/2005

Sounds great, I'm in

Monkeyman posted on 10/25/2005


I too really enjoyed last year because of the low key style of the whole thing. Unfortunately, San Diego is a popular and busy place. There is virtually no offseason and hardly any cool places that are not popular. Its a tough call.

Jab had a nice recommendation which is to rent the suite (by the way its still available). The suite is $460 per night and sleeps 8. It has 1,050 sq feet of space and faces the marina.

Great place for a gathering but who would really want to sleep there with 7 other people or have a room full of people when you are looking for some privacy.

The price split with 8 people is great ($60 per person).

The biggest issue we face is a place to congregate at night and not cause problems. Humphreys might cause trouble for us if our room party gets too big. Then New Years would be over for us at 10:30 (or whatever time they decide to break it up). At least at the Bali Hai we know that we can raise a ruckus. I am not thrilled about the price but I am excited to think that I can watch a floor show at the Bali Hai just like my parents and grandparents used to when they were much younger.

Although we all had a great time at the Caliente Tropics last year, I think it was largely because we had Casey watching our backs. He hired Judd to perform and because of that we had the beginnings of festive environment.

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Humuhumu posted on 10/25/2005

Good points, MM. A floor show really would be hard to top. Lemme check with H, we might be able to get the suite, and perhaps split the cost with a few people. That way, we have the possibility of an afterparty at the suite post-Bali Hai. Maybe we can ask for a (very small) contribution from those joining us for an afterparty, to defray costs. Again, I've gotta check with H to see if we can swing it. Keeping in mind we don't have Casey-type backing this year, lets plan on a relatively low-key after party -- no bears allowed.

Monkeyman posted on 10/25/2005

The Grand Marina Suite Reservation has been cancelled due to lack of necessity (everyone obtained their own rooms. Probably the best idea).


[ Edited by: monkeyman 2005-12-04 08:10 ]

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mrsmiley posted on 10/25/2005

On 2005-10-24 18:09, Monkeyman wrote:

I reserved one of the Grand Marina Suites at Humphreys. The total cost for 2 nights (including tax) is $1,015.

Thats $126 per person who stays in the room if there are 8.

I made the reservation because its easy to cancel and costs nothing as long as the cancellation is made more than 24 hours before the arrival date.

Just keeping our options open.

The Grand Marina suites have connecting rooms (standard size) that can be had for $160 p/night.

Depending on how friendly folks want to be we could get 20 people into two Grand Marina Suites and have everyone taken care of for about $60 p/night.

Bring Earplugs

[ Edited by: monkeyman 2005-10-24 19:08 ]

ok, it sleeps 8, but how many bedrooms does it have--are the rest sofabeds or ??

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thejab posted on 10/25/2005

On 2005-10-24 18:09, Monkeyman wrote:

Bring Earplugs

And eye shades! :wink:

mrs miley - the suite has 2 Queens in the bedroom and 2 (full-size?) sleeper sofas in the living room

[ Edited by: thejab 2005-10-25 10:48 ]

[ Edited by: thejab 2005-10-25 10:49 ]

Monkeyman posted on 10/25/2005

Here is the scoop on the Bali Hai Celebration:

When- December 31st, 2005
Where- Bali Hai "South Pacific Room" (Downstairs from the restaurant)
Price- $85 Paid in Advance



note- As you might expect, drinks are not included but are available all night.

6:30pm - 7:30pm Hosted Appetizers
7:30pm - Deluxe Buffett

Buffet will have: Hawaiian Blackened Prime Rib, Sweet and Sour Shrimp, Salmon Imperial, Kahlua Pork and full Salad Bar.

9:15pm - 10:15 pm Open dancing with a live band. (come on a wiggle it just a little bit)

10:15pm Bali Hai Polynesia Floor Show !!!!!

11:15pm More Dancing to a live band

12:00 am Midnight countdown. Party favors and Champagne are provided.

1:30 am Last Call

2:00 am End of event.

Reservations. I can reserve a block of tickets for us so that there is ample table space but we are individually responsible for calling the Bali Hai and providing payment. Call the Bali Hai directly 619-222-1181 Mention you are with Tiki Central

The tables seat 10-12 people and I would like to provide the Bali Hai with an estimated head count.

Those who are interested but haven't responded please let me know so that I can reserve at least 2 tables.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2005-10-25 15:22 ]

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thejab posted on 10/25/2005

What's the deadline for paying the Bali Hai for the event? Any idea what kind of band is going to play? Hawaiian music?

Monkeyman posted on 10/25/2005

Thanks for the great questions all. It just gets better....

I was told that payment could be made as late as early December so long as I reserve us a block of tickets/seats. I asked for 20 seats so far.

The band is known as the Royal Polynesians. Here is a link to their website. They are the dance band in addition to providing the backup for the floor show.


For anyone interested in seeing photos from the Bali Hai New Years celebration from 12/31/05 check out the link below.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2005-10-25 15:15 ]

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floratina posted on 10/26/2005

Monkeyman, your goal of economy is dear to my heart. Last year, I had a room on the Lanai and what was it, $80 sumthin'(?) times two, plus drinks and whatever food they had at the on-site restaurant. Those were the days.

I think that there is no better time than New Year's to sleep eight to a room!

Myself, I can't see that any floor show can compare to the parties in a couple of rooms that we were able to enjoy last time. The show at the Reef was a great kickoff, but I'd hate to see that the absence of a party in the Reef would keep us from a place in which we may have more freedom. A small drum circle of incompetents (with fools like myself for example), plus (universe willing) a ukelele instigator around the pool, would trump any floor show, in my crusty opinion.

San Diego may be a more popular destination for tourists at this time of year and perhaps there will probably be more "normals" there to adjust for than at Palm Springs.

Is P.S. completely out of the picture? After the slagging the management received after Oasis, I could understand if they are gun-shy. I thought they did fine. I'm glad to see that we haven't entirely dismissed them as a option.

Either way, I am so grateful that you have taken up the gauntlet, muh man!

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WooHooWahine posted on 10/26/2005

WooHooo! Countdown....only 72 more days until New Year's Eve :) PM me or go to http://www.packyoursuitcase.joystar.com if you need help making any of your travel arrangements out here to Sunny Southern California!!

Monkeyman posted on 10/26/2005

I am not opposed to Palm Springs at the CT but just was not sure if it will be the experience we are all expecting it to be this time. I wonder how much of last years gathering was just about the right place at the right time?

No one enjoyed the "flavor" of last years unofficial event more than me however it might be fun for us to do something different. I have been wanting to organize something for the Tiki Ohana here in my home city of San Diego but there is a friggin wedding at the Bali Hai every darn weekend for all eternity and the Half Moon in goes from expensive to REALLY expensive during the warmer times of year here.

The truth is I would be just as happy with a bang up house party but then where does everyone sleep when its over? The difference is that if we host it in San Diego, I will make sure that we have an itinerary worth the trip. I already have a commitment from a Key artist in the area to allow a visit to his home bar. (wink wink) I know that we have others who have volunteered to host us for an hour or two.

I will migrate with the interests of the group. At this point everything can easily be undone. I would bear no grudges or hold any hard feelings...honest.

If you have an opinion on this event and the venue would change your decision to attend or not, please let us know. Obviously we want people to attend.

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Unga Bunga posted on 10/26/2005

Count me in on the suite!
Last year at the CT would be a hard act to follow. Like you said Monk, I think it was the "suddeness of the moment" kind of thing.
I'll go wherever the party is. (No news to you guys)

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SoccerTiki posted on 10/27/2005

Those interested can get a great deal on a room at the Best Western Shelter Island...."Stumbling/Crawling distance from the Bali Hai" according to an employee there! Rooms for $89-109/night if you have AAA or entertainment cards....This is the info I recieved 2 days ago....you gotta call for yourself to verify!

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weirduncletiki posted on 10/27/2005

Ahhhh, San Diego in December. The romance, the relaxation, the RUM! See y'all there for some Goof Punch! Thanks, Monkeyman for bringing this (and us) all together.

-Weird Uncle Tiki

Monkeyman posted on 11/03/2005

The good news is that we still have a bit of time to get this event in order. I would like any more feed back that you all have to offer.

Would you attend if the costs were lower?

Would you not attend at all simply because its a busy time of year for many folks (travelling, visiting family etc).

Do we want less of a proper shebang and more of a casual get together at someones home (then theres transportation).

What is worth travelling for (for those of you who would have to fly or drive a long distance)?

Do we need entertainment to make it festive or just the drunken revelry to keep us entertained?

A few of you have mentioned skipping the Bali Hai New Years event and just hanging out in the restaurant. I am not sure about New Years but I know that on an average weekend, they close at 9 or 10 pm and they promptly shut down the kitchen, turn off the lights, and boot you out.

Do we have any more takers on the suite? It is far too costly of a room for most of us individuals and would need to have at least 6 people in it to be on par with the cost of a single room.

Comments, Questions?

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SoccerTiki posted on 11/03/2005

WooHooWahine and I are in for the weekend on Shelter Island!!! We have at least one other couple who have booked a room at the Best Western and probably a few more to come. We definitley like the idea of the party at Bali Hai!!! Who all is in for it? Is it a definite???? Rooms are cheap ($89-129/night) AND the evening at the Bali Hai is on the low-end side of cost for a New Year's Eve night out.......

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SoccerTiki posted on 11/03/2005

On 2005-10-25 15:12, Monkeyman wrote:
Thanks for the great questions all. It just gets better....

I was told that payment could be made as late as early December so long as I reserve us a block of tickets/seats. I asked for 20 seats so far.

The band is known as the Royal Polynesians. Here is a link to their website. They are the dance band in addition to providing the backup for the floor show.


For anyone interested in seeing photos from the Bali Hai New Years celebration from 12/31/05 check out the link below.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2005-10-25 15:15 ]

After checking out the pics from last year I am even more psyched! It looks like a fun time! Definitely nice to dress casual Hawaiian (Tiki) for a change (instead of a stuffy suit!) However a bamboo suit would always fit in!!! Ringing in the New Year "Polynesian" style will be perfect!!!

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alohabros posted on 11/03/2005

... or try the la posada in albuquerque... with burt's tiki bar right around the corner, you're in tall cotton... add to that the fact that driving drunk is not only acceptable, it is a requirement in new mexico...


dangergirl299 posted on 11/03/2005

I was lucky enough to have brunch at the Islands/Hanalei in SD this weekend and I thought it was one of the best commercial places I've seen. I just love the waterfalls! And, the sushi was very decent, and the champagne didn't STOP coming!

Are they doing anything for new years? I notice all their rooms are in the $120 area, and I love the retro balconies overlooking the moai pool area.

Also, next door at the Town & Country - a fab little (non-tropical, mostly) retro place with reasonable rates - there is an old tiki on top of an outdoor gazebo.

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thejab posted on 11/03/2005

On 2005-11-03 11:21, dangergirl299 wrote:
I was lucky enough to have brunch at the Islands/Hanalei in SD this weekend and I thought it was one of the best commercial places I've seen. I just love the waterfalls! And, the sushi was very decent, and the champagne didn't STOP coming!

Are they doing anything for new years? I notice all their rooms are in the $120 area, and I love the retro balconies overlooking the moai pool area.

Also, next door at the Town & Country - a fab little (non-tropical, mostly) retro place with reasonable rates - there is an old tiki on top of an outdoor gazebo.

Plus, the Hanalei is close to Albie's Beef Inn, my favorite place for a steak in a room decorated with paintings of nude women, followed by a drink and a dance at the great piano bar. Also, right next to the Town and Country is another old piano bar (unfortunately it was redocorated recently).

But I'm game for either location in SD. I'll go in on the suite at the Hanalei if we get enough people (say 5 or more per suite). If we don't I'll probably stay at the Best Western. And I'm in for the Bali Hai event.

It sounds like the Tropics in Palm Springs is definitely out (that's fine with me) and I'm not really into staying at some other location in the desert that's devoid of tiki.

C'mon folks! Let's hear from some of the hoiti-toitis!

Monkeyman posted on 11/03/2005


BALI HAI- The Bali Hai Restaurant will CLOSE at the normal time of 9pm on New Years Eve. The only way to enjoy the Bali Hai beyond that time is to be part of the organized festivities.

HALF MOON INN- I have a commitment from a group sales rep to honor the $144 rate for everyone in our group if we reserve enough rooms. Please contact me to find out how to be part of the group rate.

The $$UITE- The suite would certainly give us a place to gather but if everyone wants to stay in their own rooms (I dont blame you) then this cost would be too much for a few people to manage.

HANALEI HOTEL- Some of you have been expressing interest in the Hanalei. I inquired about the room rates and New Years Eve festivities.

The room rates on those dates are $125-130 p/night. For an extra $15 p/night, I think the Half Moon Inn is a MUCH better experience. Mission Valley (the area of SD that its located in) is surrounded by Shopping Malls and Freeways. The Half Moon Inn is practically surrounded by water.

I inquired as to the details of the New Years function and also if the Islands Room is available for private parties. At the very least I would see if the restaurant was OPEN late enough where we could hang out there. When I hear a reply, I will let all of you know.

I will serve the interests of the group.

Speak UP y'all.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2005-11-03 12:52 ]

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SoccerTiki posted on 11/04/2005

If people are interested in Bali Hai for the New Year's Eve celebration, then staying within staggering distance makes more sense! There is Humphreys, The Best Western, and another hotel in between.....The Hanalei is nice, but requires 15-20 minuntes of driving between Bali Hai.....With room rates between $89-144 within walking distance....To me its a no brainer.....What's a DUI these days??? $10,000?????? (Not to mention the safety factor!)
Maybe meet at the Hanalei for brunch on Ney Year's Day? Monkeyman-How many do you have for the NYE party so far?

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tikivixen posted on 11/04/2005

Seems sensible to add the Hanalei to the brunch options! Certainly, for those of us who've not seen it a field trip is in order.

But the idea that's really getting through to me is that the Hanalei sounds mighty interesting for Oasis, actually...so I'll nip on over to that thread and say so.

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weirduncletiki posted on 11/04/2005

A shebang always sounds good to me! Got a room at Humphrey's and am planning on tippling in the New Year at the Bali Hai, having too many Goof Punches, wobbling back to the hotel and continuing the celebration there. Brunch at Hanalei sounds like the right strategy, too. As what's his face in that T.V. show used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together." Okay!

-Weird Unc

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ModMana posted on 11/04/2005

Our vote goes for the "Half Moon Inn/Bali Hai/Room Party Afterward" plan. The other ideas are also good but I think people would get the most "tiki" experience from a Shelter Island event. We live just 20 minutes from Shelter Island and go there often. Love it there and never get tired of it. We'll book a room at the Half Moon Inn as soon as its clear that plan is going to happen. We'd like to reserve our own room, probably not part of the suite. The old style floor show at the Bali Hai is something we definitely don't want to miss. Also, count us in for any other plans at other San Diego tiki establishments. Looking forward to a great event in San Diego!!!

ModMana :drink:

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WooHooWahine posted on 11/04/2005

I just got off the phone with Bali Hai. They will begin taking reservations for New Years Eve on Nov.15th. You can go in and purchase tickets or make reservations over the phone with a credit card. WooHooo! Sounds like a Fun Night!!!!

Monkeyman posted on 11/05/2005

when you make your bali hai reservations make sure you tell them you are with Tiki Central.

They have set aside a block of tickets for us.


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weirduncletiki posted on 11/05/2005

Thanks, Monkeyman! This is shaping up to be quite an evening and I can't wait to revel with the whole gang. By the way, although it's non-tiki, a visit to Albie's Beef Inn is a must! I've thanked The Jab many times for introducing me to this amazing joint. See you all December 31!

-Weird Unc

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Tigerlily posted on 11/06/2005

Hi this sounds like fun!! I would like to go but don't know anyone. Is it an open event? Do I need to sign up? I've been collecting tiki for years but just found out about this site.

Monkeyman posted on 11/07/2005

All are welcome. Its an open event.

Read through this thread to get info on how to reserve a hotel room and space at the New Years event.

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SoccerTiki posted on 11/07/2005

On 2005-11-06 20:06, Monkeyman wrote:
All are welcome. Its an open event.

Read through this thread to get info on how to reserve a hotel room and space at the New Years event.

The first couple events WooHooWahine and I went to, we didn't know anyone, heck we still don't know most!!! But every time we go to a "tiki" event we meet great people and have a great time!!!!! Makes us want to host something of our own....maybe....
If you need any help reserving a room PM WooHooWahine and she'll be more than happy to help you!!!

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2005-11-07 11:15 ]

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Tigerlily posted on 11/07/2005

Thanks for the info. I just read thru the whole thread to figure out what is going on. Sounds great. I'll make room reservations for two nights at Half Moon Bay and call on the 15th for the floor show reservation.

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WooHooWahine posted on 11/10/2005

WooHoo!! Countdown to New Year's Eve...only 52 more days :) If anyone needs help making reservations (plane, hotel, car rentals, ect.) PM me. When I'm not teaching the Wild Natives (KIndergarteners) you can find me helping people making their Vacation Dreams come true :)

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WooHooWahine posted on 11/12/2005

Still looking for a room? Humphrey's, Best Western Island Palms & Marina, and the Hanalei have rooms available. PM for more information :) ~ WooHoo

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DrMiguelito posted on 11/13/2005

I'm in! I won't be up in L.A. for New Year's after all!

Since I'm local, I probably won't be needing a hotel room. But I'm definitely in for the Bali Hai dinner/floor show and any partying before and after (I can kick in some dinero for the Marina suite, if necessary). I'm also all for brunch at the Hanalei and any other activities, including a home bar tour (although getting me and my wheelchair in and out of Matt's yard is going to be an adventure).

Anyway, count me in!

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