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Tikibar, Colonia Roma, México, D.F. (bar)

Pages: 1 19 replies

Mr. Ho posted on Thu, Nov 3, 2005 8:31 PM

Street:Querétaro 227,casi esq. Medellín
City:Colonia Roma
country:México, D.F.
Phone:5584 2668

Press release (Spanish) courtesy of our friend the LoungeKing - this place opens up this week in Mexico CIty. Perhaps somebody knows the Brits who are opening dis place?

Tiki Bar – Ciudad de México

Lo último en aparecer en la floreciente escena nocturna de esta gran ciudad es el apropiadamente nombrado “TikiBar”.
Propiedad de los inmigrantes Británicos, Crispin Somerville y Jaspar Eyears, quienes además lo operan, es el primer reflejo fiel de la globalmente popular cultura Tiki.
Primero, un poco de historia. hace ya unos siete años Crispin, anteriormente VJ de MTV Europa y productor y presentador de la BBC, arribó a tierras mexicanas haciendo escala a un destino más al sur. Terminó abriendo el Colmillo, uno de los primeros locales de música electrónica en nuestro país, el cual ha alcanzado fama legendaria en México y a la fecha abre sus puertas todas las semanas. Con la ayuda de Jaspar se convirtió en el bar insignia de Vodka Absolut en Latinoamérica. Mientras tanto, Jaspar se forjaba el respeto de sus tutores y la adoración de una buena parte de las gargantas e hígados Londinenses como ‘Chief Mixologist’ en lugares como Metropolitan Bar, Fabric, Café de Paris y Che entre otros.
A inicios de 2004 Crispin y Jaspar unieron esfuerzos para operar el bar en Prima que rápidamente ha adquirido estatus como uno de los principales bares de cocteles en Latinoamérica.
Llegamos así al mes de mayo de 2005 y a la culminación del tan ansiado sueño para ambos Crispin y Jaspar.
Los dos han disfrutado constantemente de la cultura tiki bar a lo largo de sus vidas. Crispin aun conserva el pícaro recuerdo de su primer ‘Suffering Bastard’ en Trader Vic’s festejando sus trece años, mientras Jaspar confeccionaba Orgeat (jarabe de almendra) casero buscando preparar el perfecto Mai Tai para sus amigos del colegio.
Tiki Bar es, en términos sencillos, un Bar realmente espectacular, el lugar para disfrutar perfectas bebidas y conversar de lo más a gusto escuchando una selección musical excelente.
Las bebidas son respetuosas de la cultura Tiki, todas elaboradas con fruta fresca, cordials y siropes, y presentadas en extravagantes vasos.
Clásicos como Menehune, Mai Tai, Navy Grog y - de nombre ligeramente siniestro - Killer Zombie son reproducidos fielmente de acuerdo a las recetas originales de Don the Beachcomber y de Trader Vic’s. Sin embargo, los muchachos han incluido también ideas nuevas como el Dr. Alderete, el Lugosi y el Malibú lu, el cual, al más puro estilo Willy Wonka, es un coctel que augura una explosión de sabor.
El local íntimo, diseñado por el vanguardista dúo de jóvenes arquitectos Julio Amezcua y Francisco Pardo y firmado con su sello ‘at103’, con cabida para no más de 115 invitados, conjuga pisos de madera, paredes de bambú, tótems polinesios, obras originales del genio del arte Tiki Jorge Alderete y una barra altamente funcional. Diseñada para que un solo Bartender, sumamente entrenado, produzca bebidas impecables con asombrosa rapidez.
La selección musical ha sido celosamente coleccionada por Jaspar y Crispin a lo largo de los años y el programa que se escucha es el reflejo de una ecléctica colección con estilo propio, integrando ritmos surgidos de casi todas las pistas de baile que uno pueda imaginar, desde los campamentos tejanos de los 30’s, pasando por los acordes ska de la Jamaica de los 50’s al Neon Soul de la Gran Bretaña en los 80’s.
Inicialmente, estos dos entusiastas visionarios se encontraron pasmados por lo que implicaba tomar un género tan definido como es el Tiki, y convertirlo en algo originalmente suyo. “El hecho de que la escena Tiki haya sido constantemente emulada desde el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial es algo que restringe mucho el deseo de hacerla de forma original”, comenta Jaspar, “… hasta que nos dimos cuenta de lo trastornada que está nuestra imaginación” agrega Crispin.
La Ciudad de México es el lugar idóneo para experimentar las noches más emocionantes y surrealistas. Es un hervidero de creatividad, originalidad y diversión. Tiki Bar es el ansiado refugio para los que quieren escapar del caos y regocijarse con todo aquello que conforma un excelente bar.

Querétaro 227,
casi esq. Medellín,
Colonia Roma,
México D.F.
Abierto mie-sab a partir de las 6pm …
Tel 5584 2668

Babelfish translation:

Tiki Bar - City of Mexico The latest in appearing in the flourishing nocturnal scene of this great city is appropriately named "TikiBar". Property of the British immigrants, Crispin Somerville and Jaspar Eyears, who in addition operate it, is the first faithful reflection of globally the popular Tiki culture. First, a little history does about seven Crispin years already, previously VJ of MTV Europe and producer and presenter of the BBC, arrived more at Mexican earth making the stop to a destiny to the south. It ended up opening the Eyetooth, one of the first premises of electronic music in our country, which has reached legendary fame in Mexico and to the date it opens his doors every week. With the aid of Jaspar standard of Absolut Vodka became the bar in Latin America. Meanwhile, Jaspar dreamed up the respect of its tutors and the adoration of a good part of the throats and London livers like Chief Mixologist' in places like Metropolitan Bar, Fabric, Coffee of Paris and Che among others. To beginnings of 2004 Crispin and Jaspar they united efforts to operate the bar in Premium that quickly has acquired estatus like one of the main bars of cocteles in Latin America. We arrived thus at the month of May from 2005 and at the culmination from so longed for dream for both Crispin and Jaspar. Both they have enjoyed constantly the culture tiki bar throughout its lives. Crispin even conserves pícaro memory of its first Suffering Bastard' in Trader Vic's festejando its thirteen years, while Jaspar made Orgeat (almond syrup) homemade looking for to prepare the perfect Mai Tai for its friends of the school. Tiki Bar is, in simple terms, a really spectacular Bar, the place to enjoy perfect drinks and to talk of to taste listening a more excellent musical selection. The drinks are respectful of the Tiki culture, all elaborated with fresh fruit, cordials and siropes, and presented/displayed in outlandish glasses. Classic like Menehune, Mai Tai, Navy Grog and - of slightly sinister name - Killer Zombie they are reproduced faithfully according to original prescriptions of Don the Beachcomber and Trader Vic's. Nevertheless, the boys also have including new ideas like the Dr Alderete, the Lugosi and the Malibú lu, which, to the purest style Willy Wonka, is coctel that augurs a flavor explosion. The intimate premises, designed by the vanguardista pair of young architects Julio Amezcua and Francisco Brown and signed with its seal ` at103', with capacity for not more than 115 guests, conjugate floors of wood, Polynesian walls of bamboo, tótems, original works of the genius of the Tiki art Jorge Alderete and a highly functional bar. Designed so that a single Bartender, extremely trained, produces impeccable drinks with amazing rapidity. The musical selection jealously has been collected by Jaspar and Crispin throughout the years and the program that is listened to is the reflection of an eclectic collection with own style, integrating rates arisen from almost all the tracks of dance that one can imagine, from the tejanos campings of 30's, happening through agreed ska of Jamaica of 50's to the Soul Neon of the Great Britain in 80's. Initially, these two enthusiastic visionaries were pasmados reason why he implied to take a sort so defined as it is the Tiki, and to turn it something his originally. "the fact that the Tiki scene constantly has been emulated from the aim of World War II is something that restricts much desire to do it of original form", Jaspar comments, "... until we occurred account of the upset thing that is our imagination "adds Crispin. The City of Mexico is the suitable place to experience the most exciting and surrealistas nights. It is a swarm of creativity, originality and diversion. Tiki Bar is the longed for refuge for which they want to escape of the chaos and to rejoice yet what it conforms an excellent bar.

A quote from Jaspar Eyears on the state of drinkers tastebuds:

Jaspar Eyears runs Alchemist Management Services, the company responsible for making Che in London, Ghengis in Newcastle, Water in Brighton and the Nocturne bar in Bristol into some of the country's most desirable drinking destinations. His experience has taught him that youngsters reared on alcopops have turned into unsophisticated adult consumers where flavours are concerned. "There is now a whole generation of drinkers who have been drinking alcopops since they were 16. When they get into the real world at 18, their palettes don't like anything else." They do, however, know the value of, say, a matt-black bottle.


On 2005-11-03 20:31, Mr. Ho wrote:
Press release (Spanish) courtesy of our friend the LoungeKing - this place opens up this week in Mexico CIty. Perhaps somebody knows the Brits who are opening dis place?

Tiki Bar – Ciudad de México

Lo último en aparecer en la floreciente escena nocturna de esta gran ciudad es el apropiadamente nombrado “TikiBar”.
Propiedad de los inmigrantes Británicos, Crispin Somerville y Jaspar Eyears, quienes además lo operan, es el primer reflejo fiel de la globalmente popular cultura Tiki

Querétaro 227,
casi esq. Medellín,
Colonia Roma,
México D.F.
Abierto mie-sab a partir de las 6pm …
Tel 5584 2668

El ZAZZ!!! :wink:


Fascinating! Thanks for the translation!

Check out the lady's menehune tattoo on the front page of the website!


The prices are steep! "Suffering Bastard
Ginebra Beefeater, ron Bacardi, ginger ale y licor de naranja en copa “Bastarda”
$120 "

$120 FOR a suffering bastard!?!? My wallet would suffer at that price!!!

ps-yes, I know that is NOT American dollars-I'm just kidding around. It is about twelve bucks!



75 ml de ron Apleton VX
25 ml de jugo de limón,
25 ml de jarabe de almendras y
un Dash de Angostura

Agitar con hielo molido y servir en vaso Old Fashion
con una rodaja de limón, hojas de menta, cereza y piña

Bitters (Angostura) in a Mai Tai!?!? Hmmm, could be tasty.

I had bitters in a gin martini once and that was great!

Trader Vic's Thailand also uses bitters in their Mai Tai. I didn't care much for it myself, much prefering the SF Mai Tai.


This bar is opening the 12th of November. I asked my brother who lives there to go have a look and take pictures. The mug and print were made by Jorge Alderete, the excellent artist. He made a mug and shot set for selling at the bar.


Be sure to have your brother ask if dey have a stage - that's all WAITIKI cares about is da exotica vibe!


On 2005-11-05 10:20, virani wrote:
The mug and print were made by Jorge Alderete, the excellent artist. He made a mug and shot set for selling at the bar.

I guess the mug & shot look like this:

Sounds very promising! I am curious to see the first photos.

...I mean with a track record like this:

"...Meanwhile, Jaspar dreamed up the respect of its tutors and the adoration of a good part of the throats and London livers like 'Chief Mixologist'.."

My organs are excited! :lol:


The mug and shot are really cool; I got mine :

mug :

shot :

There's some pics of the opening on the website, but nothing really seeing the decor...

Wow! How can you get'em, how can you get'em !!?

Too bad one cannot see the the decor, all the beautiful people are blocking the view!

What, a Tiki Bar NEEDS people? OK OK, but if I have to fork over $ 120.- for a Suffering Bastard, I expect something better than Bacardi in it! :wink:


my brother is in france right now (that's why I got the mug), but as soon as he'll get back to Mexico (in 2 weeks), he'll go to the bar and take pictures, promise.
The mug and shot set is 50 US$. He got it from Dr Alderete. I could get you another set bigbro from my bro or maybe as I'll probably go there next year...or ask Jorge Alderete from his website.

[ Edited by: virani 2005-11-19 07:40 ]

Ah crap, Virani, you beat me to it!
A friend of mine is going to Mexico, D.F. tomorrow, with my cash in hand to get me a mug and shot. (I just read your update post, though, with the price - whew!! She won't be bringing me back both!)

She's not a tiki gal, though, so I don't expect her to capture all the decor on film for me. She and her pals might not even make it to the bar (without my being there to drag them, the way I did to friends with me in Spain!!)

Congrats for being the first to get them!

"Zazz captivates felt."

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2005-11-19 08:00 ]


I live in Mexico City and I never heard about this tiki bar in Mexico, until I saw today a note in one daily here in Mexico.

I am intended to go next week...

I inckude two pictures about the place that I take from the website...

Zeta posted on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 10:45 AM

A shot from my collection:

Designed by Dr. Alderete

Zeta posted on Fri, Feb 5, 2010 6:05 PM

The menu cover

Menehune tattoo

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