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Dogs are Superior to Cats

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Dogs are in every single way possible, superior to cats.

Not only do I know this to be true, but a recent Rand Corporation longitudinal study (#983859, January 30, 2005) has confirmed exactly what I have known since November 12, 1972 at 1:12 pm.

Please feel free and comfortable to share your thoughts on this insightful and important topic.

I know that your thoughts on this will be the same as mine because you yourself are of superior intelligence and fine character.

(ever play dart kitty?)

Are you sure about this?

I always refer to the classic studies that show the following:

Dogs eat their excrement.
Cats bury their excrement.

Now of course this isn't 100% true all of the time, but for a majority of the time that is what was observed. Additionally, researchers never observed the opposite (ie. dogs burying excrement, cats eating excrement). The study also happens to yield the same results with repeat testing.

Researchers also found that if your house is on fire while you are asleep, a dog may consume precious minutes barking in an attempt to wake you, while a cat in the same situation will quickly exit the house to save its ass.

These studies clearly indicate that cats are superior to dogs when it comes to intelligence.


I never had to walk my cat, nor has it ever eaten my shoes. Further, my cats have never killed a neighbor's child.

oooh oooh look at me look at me. Hey everybody, here I am.

HEY now!
Say what you want about my man Jimmy the Buffet, but don't you f*~! with the puddy tats!

I am unanimous in this decision...


Any time my brother brings his dogs to my house, the first thing they do is head towards my cat's litter box and feast on whatever they can find there.

(shaking head) Dogs...

On 2005-06-11 15:16, Doctor Z wrote:
Any time my brother brings his dogs to my house, the first thing they do is head towards my cat's litter box and feast on whatever they can find there.

(shaking head) Dogs...

Kitty Roca!

Anyone who has ever been to France and paid top dollar for a bit of cheese there will know that poop eating dogs are just smart shoppers.


We eat pupu - why can't dogs.

I vote 'woof.'

Yup, my 100lb dog eats cat crunchies every chance she gets.

She is also scared sh!tless of my tiny 8lb 15 year old cat, who waits in ambush every chance she gets.

The dog is so scared that instead of using the dog door, she barks for me to let her in. This is because the cat is almost always waiting, claws in the out position.

The dog may be smart, but she is not superior in this household.(p.s. her best friend is my other 'special' orange cat)

john posted on Sat, Jun 11, 2005 3:56 PM

cats kick ass!
if dogs were so smart they would be able to clean themselves, wouldn't need you to pick up after them and wouldn't try to eat what you are picking up. think how smart your dog is next time at 2am when you are outside waiting for your dog to do its thing.

Current running tally:
Dogs - 3 votes
Cats - 6 votes

Cats are ahead!


Many of us here at TC don't find ourselves in hazardous situations, and have no major impairment to our senses.

What if you were blind, a police officer in a dangerous situation, or a soldier in a combat zone?

(Do you know where your cat is?)

cats are pussys


On 2005-06-11 19:25, Tiki_Bong wrote:
What if you were blind, a police officer in a dangerous situation, or a soldier in a combat zone?

Cats are smart enough to stay out of these risky situations.

On 2005-06-11 19:25, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Many of us here at TC don't find ourselves in hazardous situations, and have no major impairment to our senses.

What if you were blind, a police officer in a dangerous situation, or a soldier in a combat zone?

(Do you know where your cat is?)

Let's see, assuming the dog or cat I choose is totally sworn to protect me and attack any enemy intending to do me harm, I'll take that tiger that chomped Roy Horn. I have a dog and a cat. I have a 11 year old female miniature poodle and a 5 year old female tortie. They play together like circus animals. I love them both equally and wouldn't give either one up for anything.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2005-06-12 07:36 ]

Had no problem putting my cat to sleep.

My dog ART is 16 now. Yes, the same one in other posts! Dobbie Shep mix. Having a Real hard time dealing with having to put him down in the future. Nuff said.

My neighbors cat Fooo was my best friend for the last 3 years. He's moved, space program and all that.

I miss my best friend. She was the most intelligent animal, I've ever had the pleasure to know. Aside from some of the present company. She was extra special because I was the only person aside from her owner that she would near allow her.

Damn fine cat.

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2005-06-11 22:26 ]

A week ago I loved my lil' Paddycakes (cat) and Dexterdawg (dog from hell)! But after this past week... don't get me started... my bleeeep'n 8 month old 75 pound yellow lab ate our brand new jacuzzi lid. Yummmmmmy!
In return, I happily had his testicles removed the very next day (he already had the appointment), and no I didn't feel guilty about it, AT ALL!
He should consider himself lucky I let them be removed surgically!
I guess we really didn't need the jacuzzi lid, kinda like he didn't really need his nuts! :evil:
And my crazy, senile 15 year old cat has decided he will be living in my garage from now on, and isn't really in the mood to use a litter box anymore. He seems to prefer relieving himself in a old rag bucket or right behind my back right tire. If he doesn't stop...I promise his days are numbered!!! Dogs AND cats...this week...in my opinion... both blow!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-06-12 12:25 ]

The brightness of animals is usually mesured by either brain-weight ratios or tests which sort ability to solve problems and so on.

Typically cats, and animals that evolved from cats (Aardwolf, Hyena...) don't rate as high as K9s...but Crows (Corbins in general) are above both.

There have been case studies in which Crows won't comply with these tests but will mimic the actions of the test givers to the other test animals.

I find both of them stringy, but dogs are less gamey. Dog on Rice, yum!


Put me in the cat lover's category.Remember,dogs consider you family,cats consider you staff-and that's just fine with me.


Both species are vastly inferior to my favourite huggable Petunia the Crocodylus Porosus, aka, Saltwater (Estuarine) Crocodile.

Home Defence Specialist, 2 and 4 legged pest eliminator, and all-around handy-in-a-tight-spot friend and bestest pal. Whilst in Australia, I had the opportunity to get to know many of them rather well. They're rather fetching.

I heartily recommend them over the usual garden variety quadrapedal non-human companions.


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:57 ]


'nuff said.

(edited to update photo link)

[ Edited by: hakalugi 2008-06-08 17:58 ]

On 2005-06-12 21:52, Hakalugi wrote:
'nuff said.

So Hack,
Are you saying that cats are superiorly hornier than dogs? It does look like that the cat is taking the initiative; and adding to the theory, is the dog taking it "all in" stride?
This literally might throw a wrench in Bong's thread.

i have two crows that ride my shoe eating, thief maiming and painfully good looking shepard around during the day... makes for great fodder around the water cooler at the train station... i did see a cat attack an infant once - the child lost sight in one eye -that kinda sucked. Roy Horn still likes his pussy, go figure.

If I raise my voice, the cat comes running to defend me.

If I start yelling at the dog I have to be very careful or she'll get a swipe from behind.

Many cat/dog fights have started that way:
Gypsy! No! Bad Dog!
Cleo! f*ck off! Leave Gypsy alone!
The cat's always backing me up.

The Cat protects me, personally, within the house, the dog protects the house.
Once you're in and deemed a friend, it's all about the love.

even they get along sometimes:

Done that twice with my dogs!
and up the Cali coast too - camping all the way

what cat would do that?


The Difference Between Dogs and Cats:

The dog sees humans and thinks: "These people feed me, groom me, play with me, take care of me, shower me with affection - they must be gods!"

The cat sees humans and thinks: "These people feed me, groom me, play with me, take care of me, shower me with affection - I must be a god!"

The horse sees humans and thinks: "These people feed me, groom me, play with me, take care of me, shower me with affection - "Why can't I go inside the house like the cat and the dog?!"

I have to say that as much as I'd rather be 50/50 about cats and dogs, I'm leaning to favoring dogs for their shameless adoration, and endless enthusiasm for going anywhere with you.

Cats still seem to me like a mostly wild animal that allows us to believe it's domesticated, sort of like a sardonic little comedian in a fur suit who will unabashedly lick the butter if it's left out unattended.

Funny how we have mostly predators as pets.

Proof that Dogs trump Cats.

What bionic intelligence agent ever had a bionic cat? None, never happenned. Yet the Bionic Woman had a bionic german shepeard named Alex. Remember how he got hurt in a fire, but because of that he was always freaked out whenever he found himself confronted with fire? Man that was cool. Every cat celbrity you can think of has been lazy, arrogant, and snobby. Not one cool cat in the lot. Well tehPink Pantehr was pretty cool but he was just inteh feline family, he was a panther not a household cat, so you see how it would be ridiculous to involve him in this conversation. It would be liek trying to interject with an observation about a wolf. Hey remember Teen Wolf? Man was that a great movie or what? My favorite part was when Teen wolf goes to Cowboy times to save the Proffesor from getting killed in a shoot out. No, wait, that was Back To The Futre 3. Boy you just don't get that many moves about time travel anymore, I guess evryone got drained after Quantum leap. Don't get me wrong taht was a great show but it was no Time bandits. Time Bnadits, now there was a winner. I loved it at teh end when teh baron rides off on his horse tod o battle, no, wait, that was teh adventures of Barron Munchoussedn, where everyone thought the barron was just telling tal tales until teh end of teh movie the tales have someohwo beaten the bad guy. Wait what were we talking about, back to teh future, teen wolf, wolves, dogs, AHH YES!!! Dogs are definitley better than cats.

Sam, I knew you'd also know the truth.

(When you headin' HB way? I got Mai Tais mixin')

I love my kitty Rex. He's full of personality and quite a loveable lap cat, but I'll have to give my vote to the dogs.

The loyalty of dogs cannot be surpassed. Dogs give you unconditional love. They don't care what you look like. They don't care if you are rich or poor. They just want to love you. They expect nothing in return. Nothing.

Uncle Cecil weighs in:

Which is smarter, cats or dogs?

Dear Cecil:

There are some (my girlfriend for one) who say cats are smarter than dogs, and others (I think most) who say that dogs are definitely more intelligent. Which is, and why? --Bruce T., Chicago

Dear Bruce:

Judging the relative intelligence of cats and dogs is like deciding which is better looking--there's just not much basis for comparison. Psychologists have a tough enough time coming up with a culture-blind IQ test for humans, who all belong to the same species; designing a species-blind test for dogs and cats is just about impossible. What people take to be signs of intelligence in their pets usually are just specialized survival skills that say nothing about innate brainpower. A cat, for instance, is much more dexterous with its paws than a dog. This dexterity fascinates cat lovers, who also cite the cat's legendary standoffishness as proof of its mental superiority. The dog, on the other hand, is much more of a social animal; dog advocates claim this proves the dog is more civilized, ergo, more intelligent.

Animal ethologists (they're the professionals in this line of work) regard such arguments as rubbish. Cats are loners because they have always hunted alone--one mouse won't feed more than one cat. Without his nimble paws, a cat couldn't corner, catch, and eat his prey. Dogs, though, hunted in packs because they picked on game bigger than they were. They used their teeth to kill their prey and dismember the carcass. (Admittedly, not all cats hunt alone--lions don't, for instance--but let's not make this discussion any more confusing than it already is.) Ethologists don't even like to weigh one breed against another, within the same species. If a bloodhound smells better, or a greyhound sees better--well, that's what they were bred for.

But surely, you cry, there must be some way to compare cats and dogs. Maybe, but it hasn't turned up yet. Obedience and trainability aren't considered reliable measures of intelligence. Newborn cats open their eyes a little sooner than dogs do, but the dog gets into solid foods sooner than the cat. Overall, puppies and kittens grow into adulthood at virtually identical rates. Mama cats toilet train their young, and mama dogs don't, but that doesn't prove anything. My advice is, go argue about something else.



Great article, it just proves my point...they both blow equally just in different ways. And yes, I'm still pissed at them both. Hey? Isn't their some other silly thread you all should be reading in tiki markeplace? Maybe Hakalugi can find a way to end that one too!?!? Someone needs to!

On 2005-06-13 18:32, Polynesiac wrote:
Done that twice with my dogs!
and up the Cali coast too - camping all the way

what cat would do that?

(Polynesiac was referring to Steinbeck's "Travels with Charley")

Tania Aebi was the youngest person and the first woman to sail around the world alone, and she had a cat or two with her the entire time.

Check out her book "Maiden Voyage"

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2005-06-18 15:13 ]

Speaking of camping with cats, my parents were crazy enough to go camping with 6 kids, a great dane or two, and a Siamese cat. The cat liked to yodel in his very Siamese way, while we sang and fought unseatbelted in the cavernous back seats of various 70's tuna-boat sized station wagons. The cat was trained to walk on a halter & leash, which is more than I can say for the dogs.

a police dog responds to an ad for work with the fbi. "well," says the personnel director, "you'll have to meet some strict requirements. first, you must type at least 60 words per minute." sitting down at the typewriter, the dog types out 80 words per minute. "also," says the director, "you must pass a physical and complete the obstacle course." this perfect canine specimen finishes the course in record time. "there's one last requirement," the director continues; "you must be bilingual." with confidence, the dog looks up at him and says, "meow!"

foamy posted on Tue, Nov 1, 2005 12:29 PM

On 2005-06-18 15:07, cynfulcynner wrote:

Tania Aebi was the youngest person and the first woman to sail around the world alone, and she had a cat or two with her the entire time.

Check out her book "Maiden Voyage"

That woman is neurotic. I couldn't get through her book and thats the first time thats happened in a long, long time.

But yeah, cats are definitely better sailors!


I hate it when the dogs start hittin' the smokes...


My sister and I went to the 5th Annual Wiener Dog Races in Atascadero, CA a week ago. I posted it in the "shameless pet photos" thread but here is the dogs in action in case you missed it.


There were hundreds of dogs and thousands of people, it was hysterical!

On 2005-06-18 15:07, cynfulcynner wrote:

On 2005-06-13 18:32, Polynesiac wrote:
Done that twice with my dogs!
and up the Cali coast too - camping all the way

what cat would do that?

(Polynesiac was referring to Steinbeck's "Travels with Charley")

Tania Aebi was the youngest person and the first woman to sail around the world alone, and she had a cat or two with her the entire time.

Check out her book "Maiden Voyage"

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2005-06-18 15:13 ]

Peggy Slater had a dog with her!

"Peggy: An Affair With the Sea (Hardcover)
by Peggy Slater, Shelly Usen"

( she was a good friend of our family)

But, my 7 year old son just taught our neighbors cat to chase and fetch a football!!!! Not just a few feet, but as far as he can throw it! This one is going on video and being sent to AFV!! asap!!


I love them both but if you ask me, cats are more like girls and dogs are more like guys....:lol:

FYI - although these critters are cute, they're not mine. They were used to prove my point...

Have a drink on me...

[ Edited by: codelisa 2005-11-09 20:55 ]

I think cats are pretty smart. This photo doesn't prove it!

And this Burro thinks it is a dog. It was following my son around and trying to steal his candy!

(Shameless sharing of favorite photos!)
My cat comes running when I raise my voice,too! And my dog will nip my husband when he roughhouses with us. Funnier still, the dog will nip my husband if I tickle my husband.
When I was younger my Mom was yelling at me and my cat came up and clawed the back of her leg. That was a smart cat! The same cat was leash trained and traveled around the country with my husband and I. I think you can train any animal if you have enough patience and time!

My cats can kick any dog's ass! Norm (the gray one) loves to bite (just ask Martiki) and Pinky will inflict mighty whup-ass on anyone that goes near her (except me). :D

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