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The Raise a Tiki At Tiki Gardens Thread

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On 2003-01-17 11:44, Otto wrote:
When we use Paypal we get hit with a small fee that could really add up in the end.

A suggestion: open a new paypal account for the SunTrust account, and then you can accept donations that are sent from bank accounts directly with no fee. You won't be able to take credit cards, but you can take bank transfers all day long with no fees. And if someone sends you a credit card payment by accident, you can return it (no fee on either end). As long as you don't step up the account to take credit cards, there are no fees.

It might be a pain, but I suspect you'll get more $$ if people can donate on impulse. Plus, you can have links to donate directly from the fancy new page advertised at the top of this page!


Otto posted on Fri, Jan 17, 2003 1:57 PM

On 2003-01-17 12:12, thejab wrote:
How much is the fee? Perhaps those who wish to use Paypal could increase their donation by the amount of the fee.

It is .44 cents per $10
so for a $20 donation it is .88 cents

Keep in mind everyone, you are not limited to contributing $20, you can always contribute more!


I think it would be a good idea to have a daily total of how pledges were made good on - that way we know how far we have to go...!

And in a few months a 'Hall of Shame'!

Only kidding - if there's any group of men or women of trust and honesty, it's TikiCentral.

Raise the statue!

Trader Woody

Otto posted on Fri, Jan 17, 2003 6:12 PM

On 2003-01-17 14:35, Tangaroa wrote:
I think it would be a good idea to have a daily total

I think it will have to be a weekly total and mailed checks will take a while to reach the weekly tally report


Sounds good - any chance to total this weeks pledges so far...?


Hi, this is chris y from tikigardens.com. Otto's been doing a tremendous job keeping you current and handling funds, I'm writing to give you an idea of what's ahead in terms of making a presentation to the county.
Our initial presentation is to the parks advisory board on thursday february 20th at 9:00 am. As of this writing, our proposal is 12 pages long, and is best described as textbook business plan. It includes a one page executive summary, one page introduction, four pages addressing statue construction, including engineering schematics from wayne's engineering firm , additonal pages on projected maintenance requirements and expenses, proposals for Department of Transporation signage, location, and verbage, plaque dimensions and wording, a brief proposal for a dedication ceremony, and of course, funding. I will say with absolute certitude the first questions (right after the inevitable "Is this for real?" query) will be, "What do you want from us? What is this going to cost us?" Having bid on government contracts in the past, again with certainty I can state our account statement must show funding in place at the time of our presentation or our presentation will not be seriously considered.
Thanks for your time, chris y
-if anybody would like a copy of the final proposal- we would really, really like it to be finalized by early february- we'll make a handful of extra copies and for a buck or two contribution to the fund you too can hold your own when the next cocktail party conversation turns to the load bearing capacity and structural tensile properties of 2" stainless steel insertion rods.

[ Edited by: chris y on 2003-01-18 16:13 ]

please forgive me if i haven't been following this topic as i should - i got way behind on posts during the holidays & was never able to really catch up.

but...i keep seeing the word "proposal" which is okay & it appears as though folks are doing a fine job & working hard to make this a reality, but does this mean that there's a good chance that the tiki won't go up?

are donations needed now (pre-approval) to keep the ball rolling?

i'm willing to make my donation, but just curious about how the funding will work.

are county funds to be added to the financing?

chris y: i'd be up for paying for a copy of the proposal!

keep up the excellent work!

tiki chris


Hi TikiChris,
I started to write otto and ask that he answer your question, but I thought it might be better that I do.
You are absolutely correct and I should be very clear on this; even if you send in your pledge there is no guarantee the county will accept our proposal and allow us to finance and build this tiki. But as I mentioned just a few minutes ago the county will almost certainly not seriously consider our proposal without a trust fund statement showing the funding is in place. If you put yourself in their place for just a moment, it's not hard to empathize; they don't know who we are, where we're coming from, what our motivation is, and whether we're a credible group or a bunch of crackpots, that's the whole purpose of the trust fund. So yes, sending in your pledge does involve a leap of faith; if this helps answer your question, I've turned complete control of the account- including online money transfer and checkwriting capabilities over the $3,000 I started the account with- over to otto. As I've said in previous posts, we've seriously done our homework and we're confident we are prepared to address any and every issue the county may have regarding our proposal. good question, thanks, chris y

[ Edited by: chris y on 2003-01-18 16:57 ]

[ Edited by: chris y on 2003-01-18 17:06 ]

chris y,

thanks for the clarification! i'll try to get out my pledged donation this week - & when the project is approved hopefully i'll be able to donate a little more!

is there a time when you expect a decision from the county?

& let me know when the final proposal is ready - i'd be willing to pay a few bucks to have a copy.

tiki chris

On 2003-01-19 04:14, Tiki Chris wrote:
... i'll try to get out my pledged donation this week ...

err...correction: my pledged donation is paid!

let's go people! woo-hoo!

good luck & mahalo,
tiki chris

btw, y'all don't have tax exempt status, do you? i'd much rather see my (& anybody's!) money go into raising a tiki than to raising uncle sam's wallet!

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-01-19 04:26 ]

I am in. My donation is a done deal.

Another pledge honored...


Hi all - here is a pic of Wayne with Lono! Things are definitely moving forward - please remember - if you pledged, now is the time to honor it! Otto has only recieved about $185 so far - so there is still a long way to go....

"Oh mystic powers - hear my call...
From my limbs, let new life fall..."

[ Edited by: Tangaroa on 2003-01-22 09:43 ]

Otto posted on Wed, Jan 22, 2003 11:01 AM

OK folks,
Here is this week's total (these are only the Paypal donations, not counting any checks mailed directly to the bank or digitally transmitted to the bank. we'll get those next time if they were sent this week.)

these are in order of when they were received

[Edited by hanford to remove the names]


oops, MY donation is not in there
hang on a minute!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-01-22 14:43 ]

Hey, you're posting our slave names!

Trader Woody

woody: you beat me to the post. i like seeing the donation tally, but don't feel comfortable seeing real names (not that i've ever hidden mine) next to dollar figures. i don't think any of us expected our names to be posting w/ the amount that we gave - nor is that the reason why we gave.

otto: although it's definitely important to keep us posted about how much you've received & how much you still need, i'm not sure everybody'll appreciate their names & donations being posted on the forum.


Perhaps Otto could just post a weekly tally instead of the names.

On 2003-01-22 14:27, Tiki Chris wrote:
i don't think any of us expected our names to be posting w/ the amount that we gave - nor is that the reason why we gave.

Understood. What's wrong with it though? People publicly pledged here left and right. What's wrong with publically acknoledging people's actual donations? Would it be better with Tiki Central names instead of real names?


Hanford, I agree with you, except for that idea assumes that everyone who is donating also has publicly stated their amount. Gotta let people be anonymous if they want.

Anyway, I'm on it like a bonnet, baby! Just PayPalled mine in.


I, state your name.
Do hear by pledge allegiance to the tiki.
With liberty and tiki for all.

my check for 20 is in the snail mail!


I understand. By the way, if anyone wants to donate privately (without their name stated) then just pass that along with their donation...

I'm not overly worried about being named (real or otherwise), but was just a little surprised to see the list of all the people who'd contributed. "Who ARE those people? Oh, I know a couple....".

Otto did mention that he'd be listing those who'd contributed, so there was prior warning of a kind.

But the cool thing is that the money is rolling right in.

Trader Woody


I didn't mind my name showing either axcept most people on the list don't know my real name (Dean Curtis). I thought it was hilarious how everyone's real name was shown except there was Hanford Lemoore on the list! Do you use that name all the time, Hanford?


I missed it before the list was edited. I just wanted to see if my name was on there to make sure that Otto got my cash. Though I do have the PayPal confirmation, so I guess I'm just being paranoid.

Otto: Great pic in the Examiner yesterday. I like how you displayed your ultra-rare Harvey's Sneaky Tiki. :)


Otto posted on Tue, Jan 28, 2003 10:54 PM

Martin, your name is on the list, thanks.
And thanks for noticing the cream of the Tiki collection displayed in the Examiner!

Part two of the list will be posted this week but in all honesty the pledges are not coming in very fast

I don't know if folks are not reading this thread anymore?

TikiGardner had gathered $2000+ in pledges and less than $400 of that has come in

Where is everyone? It is time to send in the cash. cy is taking this to the board in a couple weeks and wants the funds in place, cash in hand, with a bank account statement to prove it. Are we
gonna support him in getting the local government to erect a Tiki or not?


Saw the article, but didn't see the picture- what is the rare Harvey's piece?


Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Sneaky Tiki mugs started fetching high bids on Ebay since that piece came out? I might have to dispose of some of mine.

Pledgers who have not yet sent in your money: put your money where your keyboard is! I confess I didn't pledge last year because of my sorry financial state but now that I have a bit more cash I sent in my donation.


Sorry for the dumb question, but I recently joined: How can I make a pledge/donation? Only through Pay Pal or are there other options.

Click on the Tiki Gardens Memorial banner Hanford posted at the top of the forum page, it has all the info. You'll find you can mail a check, if that is easier. Mahalo for asking.


maybe its the glass one? (sneaky Tiki)

As its been a hectic couple of weeks for me, and appears to ( hopefully ) continue that way, I'll do just a quick post.

First off, I got this email in my in box the other day. I think everyone who pledged should read it.

Names witheld, lest people get distracted over trivialities.

"Just wanted to let you know I mailed my $20.00 today. Maybe I can do
more later.
I used to be tikicentral member, but never really felt welcome, so I
never rejoined. I still check in every now and then. Glad I saw this.
Anyway, good luck!"

So, lets see if the total can rise a little.

I understand that its right after Christmas ( boy do I understand ), and intend on honoring my pledge. Even if its in stages. While my work is hectic, it could dry up from repercussions from things like, oh, a war, I intend to walk the tightrope of my pledge, bills, debts, and basic essentials like food and health.

C'mon vocal people, the lurkers my outshine you! And C'mon lurkers!

You know, the place that started this?

First of all I want to say I just made a pledge. Check is in the mail.
Second, sorry the fellow didn't feel welcome. Sometimes folks think that if they get no response, that no one is listening. Many of us ARE listening. All of us have private lives which then take priority over this message board, (as you mentioned TikiGardener). For whatever reason folks like posting here, it IS a form of communication. I post here because I have found others who have the same interests. As the saying goes, "Birds of a feather, flock together." So, if you're into tiki and you don't take yourself and tiki too seriously and you want to have some fun, then join in. I can't find the quote from Sven's BOT but the word that comes to mind is "playful". If we keep it in that context and it helps relieve stress from our fast paced lives, and we live in moderation, (another key word), then it will stay fun. Some folks might post here because they are lonely (I'm going off topic here but bear with me), loneliness IS absolutely the worst disease that can happen to anyone. It causes all kinds of problems. If anyone out there is experiencing this, try a big prayer to the real King, Jesus Christ. I know it works for me. And I know I just went out on a limb like Sabu the Coconut Boy and I'll probably take some heat but let it be what it is. My prayers to all and especially to the astronauts and their families. JTV

Well at least one person thinks that I've authorised everyone to pay their pledges in stages.

I can't remember saying that.

I merely showed that people who were no longer regulars here even saw the merit in this project.

Instead a vitriol laced email greets me in my inbox.

Oh well, I guess some people have trouble reading.

Hey TG, I hope you didn't think my reply was "vitriol laced". (I had to check my Webster dictionary on that word) Sometimes I ramble on and get off topic, and I understand the memorial as being a worthwhile project. I just felt a need to address the guy who didn't feel welcome. The "regulars" were "newbies" once and it's real easy for all of us to stay in our comfort zone and not welcome new folks. On the flip side I just wanted to say to any "newbies" that just because we don't respond doesn't mean you are not welcome. This is a message board for folks with common interests, unfortunately we can't hear each other chuckle or sigh or cry. No offense to anyone is intended. Thank you to whoever put a link to my website on the Tiki Memorial page. I didn't ask but someone was kind enough to do that without asking for anything in return. Giving without asking anything in return, JTV

On 2003-02-01 14:49, jungletrader wrote:
Hey TG, I hope you didn't think my reply was "vitriol laced". (I had to check my Webster dictionary on that word) Sometimes I ramble on and get off topic, and I understand the memorial as being a worthwhile project. I just felt a need to address the guy who didn't feel welcome. The "regulars" were "newbies" once and it's real easy for all of us to stay in our comfort zone and not welcome new folks. On the flip side I just wanted to say to any "newbies" that just because we don't respond doesn't mean you are not welcome. This is a message board for folks with common interests, unfortunately we can't hear each other chuckle or sigh or cry. No offense to anyone is intended. Thank you to whoever put a link to my website on the Tiki Memorial page. I didn't ask but someone was kind enough to do that without asking for anything in return. Giving without asking anything in return, JTV

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Your reply was a reasoned and heartfelt post.

And marks a notable thing about this tiki-quest. Atheist and Christian striving towards a common goal. Pretty incredible, eh?

Again your post was just fine!!!

Keep em coming.

On 2003-02-01 14:49, jungletrader wrote:
Hey TG, I hope you didn't think my reply was "vitriol laced". (I had to check my Webster dictionary on that word) Sometimes I ramble on and get off topic, and I understand the memorial as being a worthwhile project. I just felt a need to address the guy who didn't feel welcome. The "regulars" were "newbies" once and it's real easy for all of us to stay in our comfort zone and not welcome new folks. On the flip side I just wanted to say to any "newbies" that just because we don't respond doesn't mean you are not welcome. This is a message board for folks with common interests, unfortunately we can't hear each other chuckle or sigh or cry. No offense to anyone is intended. Thank you to whoever put a link to my website on the Tiki Memorial page. I didn't ask but someone was kind enough to do that without asking for anything in return. Giving without asking anything in return, JTV

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Your reply was a reasoned and heartfelt post.

And marks a notable thing about this tiki-quest. Atheist and Christian striving towards a common goal. Pretty incredible, eh?

Again your post was just fine!!!

Keep em coming.

Thank you, and yes, it is incredible.
Now for O.T. My Bongo Rock CD I bought from Shwartz Grafiken or whoever it is, the last song on the CD is &$#@*up. Does anyone know who I can contact to get another one? Should I send this one back or what? Has anyone else had the same problem with the CD? JTV

Otto, Scott & Chris,

Congrats on getting this together so fast . Sorry we're tardy withthe $$, but wasn't sure what was up. And, I forgot to check the Tiki News string for a while. Just got Otto's e-mail announcement this morning...Anyways, here's our 20 bucks (Just sent it via paypal). For what its worth, both Mic and I feel the concrete Lono idea is best.

Let us know if we can be of help in anyway. We'll be staying right up the beach in late March if anything's going on or is planned.

Keep us posted.

Aaron & Mic
The Brooklyn Tiki Duo

Otto posted on Mon, Feb 10, 2003 1:43 PM

Martiki was joking
it was a standard black Harveys Sneaky Tiki
the photographer picked it off the shelf cause he knew what it was cause he had been there before
also pictures was a standard black Moai and the Harveys hula girl mug!

On 2003-01-30 02:38, fatuhiva wrote:
maybe its the glass one? (sneaky Tiki)

Otto posted on Mon, Feb 10, 2003 1:51 PM

On 2003-02-01 15:04, jungletrader wrote:
Thank you, and yes, it is incredible.
Now for O.T. My Bongo Rock CD I bought from Shwartz Grafiken or whoever it is, the last song on the CD is &$#@*up. Does anyone know who I can contact to get another one? Should I send this one back or what? Has anyone else had the same problem with the CD? JTV

send it back to me and I'll replace it


It's snowing in NYC but the post office claims to deliver in all types of weather. My check should arrive at the bank soon.
Manic Cat

Otto posted on Thu, Feb 13, 2003 5:30 PM

OK folks

Below is the orig text from Nov 2002 from TikiGardener
At that time we had pledges totaling almost $2000 and now we only have $650 in real donations

What gives (or should I say what doesn't?)

If you are on this list and have not donated please act now,
If you know someone on this list and they are no longer on Tiki Central please contact them and remind them, if you are not on this list you can still donate (see separate Tiki Gardens page for info)

If you are on this list and have already donated do not get upset
I merely listed everyone's name out of convenience (rather than cross referencing with other data) and to be all inclusive. There are several folks on the list below who have already dontated.

Otto von Stroheim

Posted: 2002-11-04 23:51   
Kailuageoff made the observation that if 100 members kicked in $20.00 each we'd have the money that would be in the neighborhood of the Mayors estimate of what it would cost to raise a tiki at Tiki Gardens.

Now instead of collecting the money up front before we explore the idea fully with the proper people, how about this ( Ottos idea by the way )

Anyone willing to join in makes a pledge, this is only a pledge, so the money stays in your pocket until the day comes that we get the go ahead.

So, let the pledge drive begin.

I'll pledge $300.00 to begin with. And if I can, I'll front more. But being a blue collar stiff, I have to play it close to the vest with the ducats.

minus 300.00

_____1700.00 to go.

minus 300.00 TikiGardener

_____1700.00 to go.
Minus 20.00 Swanky

Minus 20.00 inkylouise

Minus 40.00 Kailuageoff

Minus 20.00 Tangaroa

Minus 20.00 TikiKiliki

Minus 20.00 TraderWoody

Minus 20.00 Chongolio

Minus 20.00 Martiki

Minus 20.00 Tiki Bree

Minus 20.00 kongtiki

Minus 20.00 Tiki Adam

Minus 100.00 Ron Oliver (!!!)

Minus 20.00 kongtiki (a double pledger! )

Minus 20.00 lostinbrooklyn

Minus 40.00 thebaxdog and KukuiNut

Minus 20.00 Mimi P.

Minus 20.00 Tiki Le Gallez

Minus 20.00 Tiki Chris

Minus 20.00 TikiCraig

Minus 40.00 Jungle Jim & Jennifer

Minus 40.00 Otto
Minus 40.00 secret agent extraordinaire

Minus 20.00 Jeff Central

Minus 100.00 tweedtone

_______960.00 TO GO!!!
Minus 20.00 Aquarj

Minus 50.00 Tikirob

Minus 20.00 Eric Eidelbach

Minus 20.00 Anon.

Minus 20.00 APE

Minus 20.00 King Kukulele

Minus 20.00 Turbogod

Minus 20.00 Voodootiki

Minus 20.00

Minus 20.00 Pink Poodle

Minus 20.00 TikiMug

Minus 40.00 BoneProducutions/Tikimania

Minus 40.00 Hanford Lemoore

Minus 20.00 Floratina

Minus 100.00 R Oliver ( as per cooperation )

Minus 20.00 D.A. Hester


Later pledges were made by
Oscar Arias
manic cat
The muggler


It's obvious to me that the majority of these TC'ers never really intended to follow through.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this - I don't care. Shame on all of you who pledged & never came through. The majority of your pledges were for a measly $20 bucks. I'm trying to buy a house & have a baby on the way - I still kicked in. What's your excuse? So much for really caring about Tiki...

On 2003-02-14 08:54, Tangaroa wrote:
It's obvious to me that the majority of these TC'ers never really intended to follow through.

I agree. Frankly, I think it's a load of BULLSHIT that anyone here would pledge money for this and then not follow through.

I think the Tiki Central names of people who pledged and didn't give should be publicly listed here for all to see. In a situation like this I believe peer pressure is a reasonable tactic, and public humiliation a perfectly reasonable punishment for not following through on pledges.

This situation really speaks to the general character of Tiki Central, don't it?


Eye-popping fun!

[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2003-02-14 12:02 ]

[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2003-02-14 12:03 ]


Hey, even though I'm on the list I did send my pledged amount plus alittle extra about a week or so ago.

I am in total agreement with shame'n these people into sending in their pledge. We all talk about all these mugs we score. Well I put my mug purchasing off for a couple of weeks to honor my pledge, I think it is a much better cause than having another mug sitting on my shelf. And I loves my mugs! :)

So lets have it fellow TCers, and send in that pledge!!!

[ Edited by: tikimug on 2003-02-14 14:05 ]


Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is too late - unless someone wants to step up to the plate & fly out to Florida to make this thing happen....

On 2003-02-14 14:05, Tangaroa wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is too late - unless someone wants to step up to the plate & fly out to Florida to make this thing happen....

If this thing is really dead, then what is going to happen to the funds those of us decent folks have already sent in?

I vote that it be donated to a social charity (homeless or children) in the Tiki Gardens area under the name Tiki Central.


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