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Rare One-of-a-kine Moai carving!!! new buggah added 2/28 spark it!

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WOW. Bitchen carvings! Even more special with the story behind each piece. I tried a few bone carvings myself recently. I carved a few hooks like yours and my two sons loved them and want to wear them around their neck. Thanks for the inspiration. I would have never tried it if you hadn't inspired me with your beautiful work.




I'm just in amazement how graceful your work is.

Where do you find some of your raw material?



Aloha Kakahiaka TC ohana!
Mooney- Big Mahaloz for your kind words! Youre work is amazing and I appreciate all the aloha my bruddah!

BK- Mahalo Nui Loa to you brah! I too am a true believer...In your work! And I cant wait to have one of your miki'oi carvings in my dusty little hands!

ALLDO- Hey brah! Mahalo for the appreciation cuz! Im honored to have inspired you to carve a few makau! So where are they brah? Please post some pics for me to spark, please!!! Id love to see da kine!

JohhnyP- Mahalo to you bruddah! I dig your work and Im always amazed when I open your posts! Well, as far as my materials...! Ive got some great hook-ups with friends and such which I feel very lucky about! Theres not too many places where you can get da kine materials Im so lucky to work with! All I can say is: "seek and ye shall find!" It took me many years of collecting raw materials and unfortunately brah, my secret stash has to remain a secret! But, theres a company in Washington state you can try for some rare kine stuff ( http://www.boonetrading.com ) or you cant try my bruddah in Ohio at: http://www.ivoryworksltd.org

Mahalo again to all of you and youre never ending aloha!!!
(more pics to come soon!)

Malama Pono!


Kaha my Brother,I don't know how I missed this post, I guess I thought the Manta Ray was the one from earlier, but on further looking I see it is different. Very nice. I can see one thing you love about carving the bone and ivories, it looks like you can get very minute detail that you just can't get from most other materials, and Boy do You Get it!. I really love how you get right down to such Fine details that almost can't be seen by the naked eye. Your Lono/fish hooks are just plain amazing. Every time I see one I am amazed at the small detail. Excellent stuff for sure!


Aloha again!
Bruddah Ben- You are No Ka OI! Big mahaloz for the kind words. I really appreciate having someone like you commenting and loving my work! Makes all the work worth it fo'shua! Someday soon Ill be the proud owner of Benzart, yeah? Cant wait!!!

Here's a new little buggah for you all to spark! This is a tiny Ukulele pendant I started a while back and just finished last night! It has a Mammoth rib bone body & neck, paua shell sound hole and fretboard with Tahitian black pearl shell bridge & headstock! I went pupule trying to finish this liitle guy but I think he turned out pono, yeah?!

The ancient wooly mammoth rib bone really makes this carving stand out...Its coloration and grain structure almost looks like wood! My wife thought somehow I should add strings but the tiny small kine size of this buggah made that prohibitive fo'shua!

Mahalo to everyone who left da kine words of appreciation! More miki'oi kine stuffs for you all to spark soon!

Malama Pono!!!


KAha, I Really love that Uke. I'm Sure there are several Uke players here on TC who would give a right arm for one on those little guys. Very Nice. Do you do Anything that ISN"T off the scale nice??
Thanks for posting.


Aloha Bruddah Ben!
So, I have to say Ben, your words really mean a lot to me and I respect you highly my bruddah! Ive been carving for years, but the kind words and aloha from everyone here on TC have really given me a new fire in my belly to carve more and Im honored to be a part of this global ohana!

If there are any uke players out there who would be interested in that little buggah or one Like it, feel free to PM me with inquiries...

Mahalo again Ben!

GMAN posted on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 5:22 PM


I REALLY like the manta rays you carve. What great stuff. Everytime I stop in here I am delighted to see your beautiful creations. You say that this forum has given you new energy to carve - I bet your work is doing the same for many on here as well. Thank you for participating and sharing you work with us.


hewey posted on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 6:41 PM

Wow man - your stuff is consistantly breathtaking. Love it all. The uke is cool, and those weapons are damn fine too.

Hewey makes mental note to stay on his good side...

Alldo posted on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 10:39 PM

Very nice! I just started to play the uke myself and if that dime wasn't in the picture for scale I would want to pick it up and play it. You the man.



Anything new?


Aloha JohhnYP!
Howzit?! Well, I have been a bit absent from my home here on TC. Ive had choke orders to complete and the gallery work has kept me away from the computer too much lately! I will be posting some new works soon so keep looking! Im really glad you like the Peter Buck books. There gonna help you out a lot!

Mahalo for looking and again, more miki'oi carvings coming soon!

Malama Pono!

Kaha Ki'i-
Last night my wife Laura surprised me with this sweet Lono Sperm Whale Tooth Makau for my birthday.

All I can say is not only was I very surprised but very HAPPY!!
The craftmanship is amazing. The detail just blows me away. Thank you so much for creating this beautiful work of art!!! I also want to thank my wife for listening to me drool over your work here on TC.

Just killer, as always, my friend...


Are you checking in once in a while? Hope things are settling down for you. We miss your posts.


yeah, vince, i hope all is well. i'm ready for a new makau. bullet

Paipo posted on Thu, Aug 3, 2006 1:46 PM

Yeah, what's happening with you Kaha? I've found most of your stuff digging through the back pages - it's a real shame you've stopped posting. Hopefully you're set up again or close to it. I'd love to see more of your work and talk carving with you.

It is great to see more of your stuff - you are a very talented hawaiian aren't you!

hewey posted on Fri, Aug 4, 2006 12:09 AM

Missing your work man. Hope things are going as best they can given the circumstances...

pablus posted on Sat, Aug 5, 2006 4:57 PM

I got the uke, btw.

So there.


To heck with Barbara, we want to see more of your carvings.

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2006-09-19 08:19 ]

hear hear! We need to see more fine makaus!

Kia ora Kaha.
Only just caught your work.
Beautiful Matau, bravo. You get to carve some cool materials too!
Love the early 'Moai Whale-Boner', I need something like that to scare the kids with! haha

Ill be watching for the latest! :) Tama

Kia ora again & welcome back!

Glad to hear that you made it through the hard times & that we might be seeing some new work from you soon..?!

Im sure the old gang will be pleased to have you back & some of us new players are looking forward to saying Yo & getting to know you.

Bummer about the 'B' senario; where do these people come from & how do they sleep at night?

All credit to you for both the work you do & for having the strength to carry on after all youve been through.

Take care. Tama :)


Big mahaloz Tama!!! Im so happy to be "myself" again! And I look forward to getting to know all the new keiki and to correspond with old friends here in the TC ohana!!!

Again, mahalo!

GMAN posted on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 11:28 AM


Nice talking to you....and it will be great to have you back online. Im looking forward to seeing some of your new work. Don't make me pound you!

-Big Tony


Mahalo G!
hene hene brah! That was funny! So glad to be back bruddah and I appreciated the call!!!

tell Big Tony I said 'Owzit!


Count me amongst those who are stoked to see you back too... I spent ages looking through all your stuff when I joined, and was pretty disappointed to discover you'd had to pack up for a while. Have you been able to do any carving in all this time?

Loki posted on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 12:38 PM

A huge Aloha to welcome you back. Hope all is well. :)


Aloha Loki and Paipo!
Big mahalo'z for the welcome and kind words! Its been far too long and Im so stoked to be back in the ohana!
Paipo brah...Your work just floors me! Shootz! Im in total awe bruddah!
And Loki, Thanks for checking in and all the aloha!!!

Malama Pono!


well, well well, Welcome Back! Finally I can sleep at night. Heres hoping all is well with you again, I Know you heve really been thru the grinder. Now that you're back, GET TO WORK! pay attention when GMAN says he don't want to pound you. That guy is out killin Wild Boars with his Pocket Knife, so pay heed.HAHAHA.
I'm just So Happy to see you back again. Come on in and stay awhile!
:) :) :)

Hey Kaha...I would just like to say WELCOME BACK..WE MISSED YOU. Will be looking forward to
seeing more of your creative efforts.


Big mahalo's conga brah!!!
Im back for good this time cuz!!! I refuse to bumbye any longer and Im so happy to be a part of the Ohana again!!!!
Lot da kine drama around here since Ive been gone , eh?

Mahalo again to all of you!

Malama Pono!

hewey posted on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 6:01 PM

On 2006-12-14 15:52, kaha ki'i wrote:
Lot da kine drama around here since Ive been gone , eh?

indeed mate, indeed! :)

Welcome back. Now get off the bloody computer and get into some more carving.

Good to have you back

welcome home braddah! :D

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-12-14 20:42 ]


Welcome back sir! I just joined this place about the time you went incognito - but I was always concerned and wondered what happened - it's good to see you back amongst friends. Aloha!


King!- Aloha and big mahaloz for your continued aloha bruddah! it fills me with joy to see the post you left!!! I remember those buggahs!!! Ill be carving more soon and posting as well, still a few details to work out!!

Tikigap- Hey brah, I rememeber you as well as all the great ohana here on TC! I do thank you for you concern and warm wishes!!! Dis bruddah no bumbye no more!

Malama Pono!


i'm glad you're back. i want to learn more about the kaula. do you have any source to learn the plaits? can you explain the braiding method?



Aloha kaha ki'i! Great pieces in this thread!! I've loved the "Pa Kahawai" and the Uke, sharp carvings all of them! Congrats! Can't wait to see more needer!

The bone zen master has returned! Your bone carvings make us all look like chumps, braddah! It's good to have you back. The "D" word is the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life. You had a faster bounce than I did by a longshot. I didn't touch my art for two years! You have a true creative knack that meets a true talent in the middle..the real thing.

On 2006-12-15 10:10, pdrake wrote:
i'm glad you're back. i want to learn more about the kaula. do you have any source to learn the plaits? can you explain the braiding method?


kaha ki'i, your stuff is amazing, I was sorry when I hadn't seem your posting in such a long time, but, glad your back!!! Can't wait to see the new stuff :)

Perry, great idea! could someone teach us the basic braiding methods? it would be such a help, thanks


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2006-12-15 11:07 ]


Pdrake- hey brah! Thanks for checking out da kine address brah! And, Ill definitely post a thread on how I make the kaula. Its similar to the maori style corage but a bit mo bettah (in my opinion). After I get settled in Ill let the posts fly! Look forward to da kine and things li'dat...

Clarita- Such Kind words...Mahalo nui loa sistah! Please check back as ll be posting new works soon (maybe weeks, but soon!)

BK- Hey cuz... Big Mahalo'z brah!!! But, Im still wiating for the stiches to take so my wounds wont break open again!!! But Im doing way mo bettah brah, especially now! I thank you so much for your thoughts & prayers brah! A hui Ho!

Queen- Mahalo for the warm welcome back!!! I will definitely posts some threads about the kaula (although not a braid!) and how I make da kine! I figure my secrets are safe with all of you folks. You are Ohana, are you not!!!! I can trust you buggah's to not sell my secrets to Ronco so Ron Popeil can make da kine Plaiting machine... "Only $19.95!!!! But wait, theres more... If you buy now we'll throw in this handy traveling lint roller, a $10.00 value for free...!!!" Shootz!

Mahalo again everyone, for everything!


kaha ki'i, welcome back, your stuff has been sadly missed, it was a great inspiration to me, I tried to contact you to buy one or two of your pieces, when I failed, I started to carve some stuff myself even one or two makau.
I offered to supply 'B' with one of my pieces free, glad I didn't now cos there nothing like the quality you make. Anyway glad youv'e put it all behind you.
I too am looking forward to an article on how to plait a kaula.
Great to see you back

Just checking back to see the happenings & see that you are getting the warm welcome back. Dontcha wish you'd been back earlier?

*Put me down for the braiding lessons too! Ive just been back through all the makau/matau you have posted in the past & am envious of those lashings man!

We're waiting... :wink: Tama

GMAN posted on Sat, Dec 16, 2006 4:43 AM

Damn....I needa good lint roller....


Put me doun for a double dose of braiding lessons since it takes me twice as long to learn anything new. Looks like you are gonna have a full class. Now aren'tcha Glad you came back so soon?
Still Happy to have you back!

braiding by Kaha I can just see it now... "now, you put this happy little rope over this other happy little rope and snug it down ever so gently....there. That's nice" Count me in to bro!

Welcome back! I'm looking forward to what you got to show us!

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2006-12-16 10:26 ]


Welcome Back! It's good to see your posts again. I go away on business for a few days and something big happens. Yeah!


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