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The winner of the Second-Ever Tiki Central Mug Design Contest

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It's FANTASTIC! Those who attended the opening party at Forbidden Island got to see the completed prototype of Chongolio's Hut mug! Live and in person! Stuckie brought along a finished one for us to check out. And, Hanford and Humuhumu were putting it to good use. :wink:

Credit card is in hand and ready... Good job Randy and Stuckie!

  • Myke

Ooh la la!

This is a prototype, so the final version will probably have some small changes. Already, it's impressively faithful to Chongolio's original design! I didn't get any pictures of the other sides of it unfortunately, but lots of people took pictures of it, so hopefully someone else can post theirs. We found that the placement of the straw holes is ingenious -- it creates an optimal StMT (Straw-to-Mouth Trajectory).


If this is where we post to be on the list I want to be on it. I need that magnificient thing in my house.

Wow! Gimme Gimme!!! What were you drinking out of that monster Humu?

A Mystery Drink! Which at Forbidden Island is a true mystery -- it's bartender's choice, so you never know what you're going to get.


I'm speechless.

Sign me up, I don't care what it costs!

H0-H0-H0! Da Gods R Smiling!!! 2 SsweeetT!!!

...who needs a soul anyway? Pen-knife puhLeez...where do I sign up for one of the theeze???
My heart was ripped out once this week when placing an order for a 'Trader Mort's' and 'Fatal error' occured during complete purchase/send...OUCH! Re-Enter?...Contents Empty?...'SOLD OUT'?!! NNnnooooO not again! FlaiLing-drop-N-Wwheeez!!

How does one 'Camp-out IN-line/ON-line, anyway?
Oooooh! Oooh! Ooh!...me gotz to have one!...Please,please,please!!! Oooooh! Oooh! Ooh?...UH-Oh...Darn! NOW I gotta go pee!?? Lose my friggin' place in line again...shoot!...hate gettin' old, dang!!!

...flip-flop-FliP-FLOP-FLPFPpppppppfpfpfppfpfpfpfpfpfppp...(running!) :o --TravelingJones


[ Edited by: hiltiki 2006-04-22 14:23 ]

The first to drink and test the Ohana Hut....Chongolio and Stuckie.

Get in touch with your inner native!!
Create Paradise!!

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-04-23 09:07 ]

When Cool Worlds Collide!

That's turned out great, I love how well the color works with that. I need to be on the list to get one, any word on that starting up? It looks like I'll have a good reason to find some extra long straws.

That thing looks amazing!!! Congrats Chongolio!!! You must be ecstatic with results!! I hope I will be one of the lucky owners of one of those bad boys!!!

YEAH!!! words can't expain the thrill of seeing the Ohana Hut for the first time. I had to make a real effort to shut up about talking about it with everyone. But if you ask, let me warn you them ol flood gates are gonna open. The detail is outstanding all the way down to the floor boards on the bottom. It was nothing short of an honor to ride up to The Forbidden Island with Stuckie and get to talk to him about the making of the O.H and a number of other things. Let me tell you the guy is one of most humble and hardworking buggah I have ever met. He is the real definition of the word artist and a very interesting and well rounded cat.
A bit of info was tossed around as far as when they are going to be available, cost and how many will be made. But I am not gonna say anything because I don't want to be the source of an untrue rumor. Also this is and has always been Hanford and Stuckie's show. They will let you know when the fact are straight. In fact I had to keep tellin' folks " I didn't make the mug, I just drew a crude picture and had a concept." Stuckie and Hanford are the guys who made this happen.


P.S. Start looking for those long long straws, the lil shorties get you pretty cozy with the folks your sippin' with which can be a good or bad thing.

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

fellas, the baby is frickin' gorgeous!
can't wait to drink out of my own!!!
way to go,
tiki chris

Cant get over how great the Ohana Hut is!!!! I am truly impressed, Chogolio you have got to be so proud! Lookin forward to the dy I can be sippin a mighty Mai Tai outta one of those.mmmmmmmmm mai tai....

Stuckie is a kwalitee kat....

Excellent work from both you guys.

Nice job.

Good lord, it is the coolest mug I have ever seen.


As everyone has said repeatedly the mug IS awesome but, can someone give us a ballpark on how much these babies are gonna cost and if they'll only be available during a bloody feeding frenzy on a certain date when the clock strikes noon? I'm not afraid of the expense as much as having to compete for one...

Would it be too much to ask that a list be started to get an idea of how many need to be made to satisify the demand, and so that there should be one available to all those that really really really want one?

I don't want to sound like cray baby.
BUt would it be possible to do the Huts or some of the huts in Brown or tan instead of green?

I mean I'll take a green if that's all there is, But I think the other colors would be more natural looking.
my 2 cents

(whoooosh) that was me ducking someone throwing a shoe at me.

.......I will only buy one IF it's hand painted to look like the real thing. Think about it. Just my 4 clams.
Randy has a very creative mind. I wish he was getting a few frog skins for this. I know, I know, we agreed to the rules that were in place from the beginning. Let it be.


On 2006-05-19 20:19, bigtikidude wrote:
I don't want to sound like cray baby.
BUt would it be possible to do the Huts or some of the huts in Brown or tan instead of green?

I mean I'll take a green if that's all there is, But I think the other colors would be more natural looking.
my 2 cents

(whoooosh) that was me ducking someone throwing a shoe at me.

I agree with Jeff. Brown or tan is preferable to my eyes. Just leave the Shecky part green.

I also agree - it truly is a fantastic drinking vessel - I think that it deserves more detailed painting. I'm not suggesting photo-realism - just some artful nuances of Tiki Mug colors. It's a large piece , I think it could use some increased definition and wow factor! It will definitely be the most talked about piece in any Tiki Mug collection!!!! Nice Job to all involved!


What if the mug is sold exclusively through Tikicentral (althought, its ok that TC is open to the public) and we would get our TC name on the bottom. Example, if I went to sell my mug of Ebay, it would have teaKEY on the bottom.


Chongolio & Stuckie rock!!


Well shocky ducky green happens to be my favorite color.....the whole thing looks great!


On 2006-05-19 20:44, Jungle Trader wrote:
.......I will only buy one IF it's hand painted to look like the real thing.



On 2006-05-23 20:18, tikiskip wrote:

On 2006-05-19 20:44, Jungle Trader wrote:
.......I will only buy one IF it's hand painted to look like the real thing.

No doubt that would be cool. But also consider:
A) Cost to manufacturer possibly hundreds of ultra detailed handpainted tiki huts! I want to buy this thing without selling a bloody kidney! Its already gonna cost me 25% more than you US guys cause of exchange rate, then I have to add postage to the other side of the world! If the item is to celebrate TC and its community, wouldnt making it financially viable for more members be a better option than only the rich tiki ohana getting a look in? Perhaps the option of a green hut for us on limited incomes and a fully painted/detailed hut option for those with more cash?
**A) TC is green!**If we have one color, that jungle green reflects TC better than anything else.

My 2 cents worth.

On 2006-05-23 22:09, hewey wrote:
On 2006-05-23 20:18, tikiskip wrote:

On 2006-05-19 20:44, Jungle Trader wrote:
.......I will only buy one IF it's hand painted to look like the real thing.

[quote}Perhaps the option of a green hut for us on limited incomes and a fully painted/detailed hut option for those with more cash?

My thoughts exactly hewey, just like C' Al did with the Ape mug.

I thought Huts are usually Brown or Tan looking?????
Maybe I'm crazy....


Hmmmm, well the drawing was in green,. so I did it in green.


green is good. too many brown mugs already...

keep up the great work stuckie....

STAND UP! and embrace your GREENNESS!!!

Wikipedia reference:

"Bein' Green" is a popular song performed by Kermit the Frog (voice of Jim Henson) on Sesame Street in 1972, then performed on The Muppet Show. It was written by Joe Raposo.

"It's not easy being green" is a phrase which appears in pop culture as an expression of melancholy. In the song, Kermit begins by lamenting his green colouration, claiming that green "blends in with so many ordinary things". The song is associated with problems with identity, and failure of individuality. It can also be interpreted in terms of social alienation, and more specifically, the inequalities created by race. Green has connotations of naivety and jealousy, and descriptions of green have ranged from "high praise to pure disgust", but these ideas are not represented in the song. By the end of the song, Kermit recalls positive associations with the colour green, and concludes by accepting and embracing his greenness.

Now there...there...doesn't that make it all better!?!? :D

Color mine 'Eazy G', Stuckie!!! SsweeetT!



I know its kind of late for some input, but maybe to accomodate everyones interest, Maybe glaze the roof in a tan/brown color and the hut green, only because they are 2 different pieces .It's just an idea, and I only know a few people here on tikicentral, but that would seem to be the easiest way??

Question: How do you get 1000 different people to agree on the same thing?

It's green because green is the main tiki central color. My concept was for it to reflect TC and the member's interest. The color was part of my entry and I think it should be green. Stuckie stepped up and added tan highlights and detail which I like and think added much more to the overall design. Personally, I am stoked with the colors and the way the mug looks and costs. Stuckie brought a concept to life and it looks EXACTLY the way I envisioned it. If Hanford and Stuckie want to change or add colors I am totally cool with it. But for the record, it was designed to be green.

If Hanford and Stuckie want to take this a step further, I am more than willing to create a print or hand paint mugs. It's their call but rest assured, it will cost $$$. Sorry folks, my landlord could care less about any of this and still expects to get paid with money not mana.


yeah yeah, Chongolio if they will let you hand paint one for me, I'll buy it.
Dig it!

"I'll drink to dat" ...hiccup BELCH!...Amen braddah!!!


Posted in 'Do you want an Official Tiki Central Ohana Hut mug?':

Aloha Hanford, Stuckie and Chongolio!

I want to address the question, "When can we expect a pre-order?"

The debate of how many will be made and co$t has past. Now we are in the throws of summertime fun, picnics, parties, beaches and vacations. So I just wanted to plant a seed of thought. Possibly to absorb the shock of those willing to pay the amount, do as necessary to be placed on a list... only to come home from that fantastic trip with family to the islands or a Jungle Golf weekend...to find that the list came out, sold out and good luck on ebay auctions.

That would be a tragedy for all and toying with emotions perhaps...BUT something for thought.

The ohana is excited and this is a limited opportunity. When the time comes for release of this fan-tiki-tastic item, nobody wants the tragedy of being trampled or left outside the locked gates, as demonstrated with concert 'Festival seating'.

Please continue to keep me and others informed. Make the debut and release a fun and spectacular event. The mug will be coveted by all!

"Spread tiki joy and peace, one mug at a time." -Me


A 'jOnz' by definition: a strong craving, passion or desire.


Has this mug happened yet?
I've been out of the "loop" in full racing mode.

teaKEY posted on Sat, Sep 9, 2006 5:25 PM

You would think. The proto was done a while ago.

I was thinking that my number one things that I want are all tiki items and they are slow to materialize. This mug, the tiki film that had a trailer awhile ago, as well as any other tiki movie, and the TikiNews. Tiki seems to be the slowest.

Sign us up we want one. Wendy and Dan

This is too cool for words.


check out the thread titled
"Ohana Hut purchasing Thread "
That's where ya wanna sign up for the mug.

Now that the Ohana Huts have been produced, will the list of the Runners Up be posted soon? I’d like to see what the other concepts were.


I would too like to know, who came in second and third but it probably will never come to the surface.

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