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Tiki Central / California Events

San Diego Area Tiki Events

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Cammo posted on Wed, May 24, 2006 8:13 PM


This thread is for any and all Tiki Events taking place in the San Diego area.

For our First Monday meet ups at the Bali Hai, go here:


The San Diego Ohana meet at the Bali Hai, Shelter Island the First Monday of Every Month.

Start at 6:00pm, but arrive anytime and stay until closing if you want!

We discuss all things Tiki, have some drinks and snacks and watch the boats drift by...

See you there,

Mucho Mahalo,
de Pineapple Poet

[ Edited by: Cammo 2016-05-01 07:44 ]

WoooHooooo! Tiki-rrific idea! Maybe during the Summer Time you'll get some visitors from the OC and LA areas :)

This sounds awesome!! Only I wish it were on Fridays so I could make it on time (off on Fris) HOWEVER...If I leave the OC by 4:00, maybe I can make it! AND, ooh! During Summer, I could spend the night in Old Town since I'm off the next day!! Yeah! That's it-I'm in!

The only problem with the Bali Hai bar is it's so small, are you planning on getting some tables?

Cammo posted on Thu, May 25, 2006 2:15 PM

Yup, the strangely miniature Bali Hai bar has always been a problem. As we're getting in early, we can just grab any table we want - the place is always vacant before 7:00. Did you know the bar is open all day, and dinner starts at 5:00, but you can order appetizers & the huge Pu Pu Platter anytime you want?

Anyway, I reserved a window seat for 12 for that night, for Cammo. Just say you're Cammo if you get there early. Even if way more people show up, they didn't sound too booked, don't sweat de details, bro.

I hope to make it. Sounds like fun. This whole thing is a really good idea.

On 2006-05-25 14:15, Cammo wrote:
Yup, the strangely miniature Bali Hai bar has always been a problem. As we're getting in early, we can just grab any table we want - the place is always vacant before 7:00. Did you know the bar is open all day, and dinner starts at 5:00, but you can order appetizers & the huge Pu Pu Platter anytime you want?

And you can order Lunch from 11:30 - 3:30! :D Not that I expact anyone to be there that early... :wink:


Larry Baumann is going to give a talk all about the history of the Bali Hai at our June 1st meeting, at around 7:00pm. His family has owned the place for 51 years, and his son Grant is the 4th generation to manage it.

Ask him any question. He's de man. He loves Tikizers.

As luck would have it, I'll be down at the harbor all day that day. Perhaps I'll pop by for a Missionary's Downfall or two on my way home.

Hi, I'm new to posting here, but live in San Diego and actually already had a Bali Hai reservation for Thursday night.

I don't think I'd be able to make it for your mini-tour at 5, but I should be sitting down and ordering a Mai Tai at 7. It'd be cool to meet some of the Tiki Central locals, so if I spot your table, I'll try to muster the courage to say Hi.


Cammo posted on Tue, May 30, 2006 9:11 PM

Aloha Amy -

You actually had a reservation coincidentally the same night as ours? That's amazing! That means you're the official Guest of Honor!

As the Tiki Club GofH (Guest of Honor) you get a free Exotica Mix CD. Stop by our table, tell us all about yourself and pick up your CD!

Pau Hana!

Does this mean Amy picks up the tab? Make that THREE Missionary's Downfalls, a Suffering Bastard and a plate of Coconut Shrimp.

Uh-oh, I better scare up some more clams! Thanks for the friendly welcome.

It is kind of a strange coincidence, since I don't often go on Thursdays. But one my regular Bali Hai cohorts has a friend visiting from out of town for a few days, so we'd made a reservation for that night in accordance with our very strict All Visitors Must Be Brought to Bali Hai rule. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

I've gotta bow out for this month, I'm going to be too busy taking care of things tonight to stop by, and one of those things is a very active 3-year-old.

Cammo posted on Fri, Jun 2, 2006 10:37 AM

Thanks to everyone for showing up last night. And an extra-speacial Mucho Mahalo Arigato to Larry Baumann for leaving the giant wedding party he was running downstairs to visit us for some talk story.

Larry could have given us a quick 15 minute session about the history of the Bali Hai, told a few jokes and left us, and we would have been quite satisfied. Instead he sat down for more than an hour, basically had dinner with us and told us every stage of the Bali Hai's ups, downs, ups and downs. It was impressive and oddly inspiring.

Among the choicer bits;

  • The whole Bali Hai was built UPSIDE DOWN! The original blueprints called for the building to be wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, excatly the opposite of how it was actually built. He didn't seem to know why.

  • The place went through two bankrupcies before his family took it over. The original owners ran out of money, and couldn't afford to furnish the place inside. That accounts for a lack of the traditional lighting/overdone decor you'd usually see in such places.

  • The central bar upstairs was originally a Tiki Hut! They had to change it with the new fire codes, as it was covered in real thatching. The Fire Marshall had a fit, apparently.

  • The Baumanns plan to close the place after the summer to do a major renovation and bring it back to it's original Polynesian glory. This may very well mean more Tikis and cool lights. They're at least going to strip and sand-blast all the original wood, and varnish it up good.

  • The menu and drinks may go even more retro-tiki than now! Crab Camaroon, anyone? Or Pina Colada Cake?

  • The "Woods from Around the World" sign wasn't stolen, it's going back up on the wall after the renovation. Same with the big Bali Hai Tiki head on the front of the restaurant!

Anyway, Larry was really friendly, talked highly of Otto and says they're planning a bigger better Oasis for next year. He's serious, next year may be pretty wild. Larry LOVES the Oasis. Plans are still being tossed around, so stay tuned.

Next Tiki Club meeting will be in early July,
I'll keep you posted!


Sorry I missed it. Got word it was a really nice time.


Good to see everyone last night. Larry's (of the Bali Hai) talk was very interesting. The Bali Hai is great now, and very soon, will be even better.

I'm sorry I missed it too. Is this going to be a monthly event? Normally Thursdays are open for me, but this week was a rare exception.

Sounds like great news about the Bali Hai -- I guess I'll just have to spend as much time as I can there this summer to carry through the renovation period. Ah, the sacrifices we all have to make ...

Sorry I missed most of you Thursday night. I was at Bali Hai, but I have lousy timing and decided to come over to say hi right in the middle of Mr. Baumann's talk. It was a pleasure to meet the few friendly folks that I did, and hopefully will get to meet more of you next time. Fun news about the upcoming renovation!

I would have been there, but was suffering from a terrible spider bite on my leg....yes really. The itching and subsequent hives were awful!

Aloha Cam! So when's the next meeting and where? Now that Summer's here, I have more freedom and would love to come down the coast for a few days!

I just got back into action this week. I was down with a bad case of the flu that eventually turned into bronchitis (hence, missed the Bali Hai festivities). Why not try something at the Hanalei? I had a great time there during Tiki Oasis and the sushi bar has a very reasonable happy hour (not to mention good food & drinks).

"Clubs" always remind me of the He-man Woman Haters Club from the Little Rascals, so I skipped the Bali Hai...

but then I found this...

...so I guess I'm in.

Just a few questions:

When's the next meeting?

Is there a secret handshake?

Will Darla be there?

July 6th.

Yes, you just shake hands like everyone else, but you have a Mai Tai in your left hand.

Unfortunately not, Ms. Hood died in 1979.

I'll do ANYTHING to get out of the house, especially if secret handshakes, fez's and alcohol are involved.

On 2006-06-17 22:02, freddiefreelance wrote:
July 6th.

Yes, you just shake hands like everyone else, but you have a Mai Tai in your left hand.

Unfortunately not, Ms. Hood died in 1979.

July 6th. Got it. No set place yet?

Great.. hands.. I got two of 'em but can I have a Rum Runner instead?

Shame. I'd have liked to ask her about Alfalfa's hair issues.

July 6th. Got it. No set place yet?

Cammo, do you have anything planned? If not, we could just meet at the Island's Bar at the Hanalei.

Cammo posted on Mon, Jun 19, 2006 5:12 PM

OK OK OK!!!!

A secret handshake is a great idea. I say it has something to do with holding a loaded Tiki mug in your left hand and crossing your right over the left's wrist...

Hey! It's not a secret anymore!

So here's the deal - I'm still working on it, but the meeting will be in early July, the week after Ona-Tiki's feast. It will have something to do with MUGS, and where and how are still being worked out. It's complicated, but extremely worth the wait. Sit tight, you folks will be the first to know.

And - there were as many (or more) girls as guys at the first meeting, bless 'em.

Cammo posted on Mon, Jun 26, 2006 2:35 PM
  • the July 13th San Diego Tiki Club Meeting *


Aloha Folks -

Holden from Tiki Farm has promised to bring out a huge display of his mugs, hundreds of mugs, maybe every mug they've ever done, and give a talk about all aspects of the Mug Biz. He's going to show everybody how to make a mug, glaze it, the history of mugs, it's MUG MUG MUG time.

It will be at Jim & Cindy's Grand Opening of their 'Bamboo Source' store in Oceanside, from 6-8:00pm, meaning free booze, food and prizes. They have a big new Hawaiian shop with original Elvis in Hawaii and Beach Party posters, Tikis, bamboo, furnishings, and a party space out back. They have parking! Holden will be doing the talk at 7:00pm.

Bring your favorite mug for a free drink and give a quick talk about it's qualities, too. More drinks and prizes for people who bring more than one mug, and some suprises for everybody else, too. Marc and Nick are trying to bring fresh issues of the newest Tiki Magazine, the one with the notorious Shag cover, but it's being printed that week so it's gonna be close.

Yes, we're going to show everybody the Tiki Club secret handshake and passwords(!). We're also going to start some new Tiki Club traditions, you'll see, and talk over the August events.

We're going to hit three other Tiki/Nautical places in Oceanside afterwards; Kealani's, the Flying Bridge, and finally the nefarious McCabe's Beach Club.

Jim & Cindy can only admit so many people; reply directly to me quick and we'll start counting. This one's a biggie, so if a snake bites you have somebody bring you in a wheelchair, just don't miss it or you'll just pinch yourself! Ow!

Bamboo Source
2028 S. Coast Hwy, Oceanside
760 722-1774

Take Hwy. 5 to Vista Way, west to PCH, left (or south), they're just a few blocks down. Get there early for choice parking, and they'll be letting people in through their back gate.

Ooooohhh! I hate traffic. I will struggle up the 5 for this one.

This is one I CAN get to.

Im in.


With a description like that, it sounds like a must see event! Thanks for organizing it Cammo. We'll be there.

ModMana :drink:

Al-ii posted on Tue, Jun 27, 2006 8:01 AM

Kate and I are in,

WooHooWahine & I are in!With mugs in hands!

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2006-06-27 10:26 ]

I'm, like, there. Plus one, possibly.

Lost in Paradise  
A passenger on a cruise ship heading to Key West spots a bearded man on a small island, shouting and desperately waving his hands.  
The passenger goes to the captain and asks: "Who is that?"  
The captain says, "Beats me. Every week when we pass, he goes nuts."  
Stop it !  
A young wife, her boorish husband and a young good-looking sailor were shipwrecked on an island.  
One morning, the sailor climbed a tall coconut tree and yelled, "Stop making love down there!"  
"What's the matter with you?" the husband said when the sailor climbed down. '"We weren't making love."  
"Sorry," said the sailor, "From up there it looked like you were."  
Every morning thereafter, the sailor scaled the same tree and yelled the same thing. Finally the husband decided to climb the tree and see for himself. With great difficulty, he made his way to the top.  
The husband says to himself, "By golly he's right! It DOES look like they're making love down there!"

I just moved to San Diego and I want to join this club. Tiki was one of the prime reasons I moved here!


Tiki Central already IS a club.

By posting you have officially already joined.


Cammo posted on Tue, Jul 4, 2006 11:20 PM


Since you got to the San Diego Tiki Club thread after only 4 postings, you are now our Premier Inner Circle Goddess of Bongo-Bongo Mystery, with all the rights and honors that entails.

BAH! Missed this tonight. Please tell me how informative it was and how much fun you all had. Need to live vicariously ya know!


I missed it to. I couldn't hang with the 5pm rush to get up north anyways.

And I ride mountain bikes on Thurs. nights here in town.
I'll show up on Friday nights (at a bar, public or private :wink: )

EDIT: So, I do not know what day it is! Any day for that matter. MAYBE I will make it!?

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2006-07-07 09:20 ]

2 for the 13th from far away San Marcos

On 2006-07-04 23:20, Cammo wrote:

Since you got to the San Diego Tiki Club thread after only 4 postings, you are now our Premier Inner Circle Goddess of Bongo-Bongo Mystery, with all the rights and honors that entails.

I think that means you're bringing limes. :wink:

Cammo posted on Sat, Jul 8, 2006 3:12 PM

Check. Actually, we need some help cleaning up afterwards, too.

On 2006-06-26 15:56, Monkeyman wrote:
This is one I CAN get to.

Im in.

Translation: "This is so close I could ride my bicycle."

Oh yeah, RSVP me + 1.

Cammo posted on Mon, Jul 10, 2006 8:05 AM

Aloha Folks -

The big day, she coming in low and fast. Everybody ready? I'm not.

We need somebody helping at the bar, as usual. Any Freelancers out there? The bar should be simple, as I'm trying to bring freshly premixed punches. Just add rummies.

Here's the schedule -
We're meeting earlier at Kealani's up the road, at say 5:00. They have amazing Kahlua Pork and Sweet Ribs, and a little gift shop. They're at 207 North Coast Hwy, just past Oceanside Bvd. There are also some cool shops in the area, including the California Surf Museum, (760) 721-6876, next door at 223 N. Coast Hwy if you want to come even earlier.

Bamboo Source from 6-8:00. You know the address.

Afterwards, McCabe's Beach Club. It's a bit rough, but probably the most authentic nautical bar around. Gotta see this place. North to Oceanside Bvd, left (or west), then the 1st right at S. Tremont. It's at 1145 S. Tremont.

See ya soon!

I'm sorry about the last second pullout here, but I'm going to have to cancel. :(

Have some fun without me.

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance 2006-07-12 05:49 ]

Cammo posted on Wed, Jul 12, 2006 7:35 AM

Here's the list so far -

Marc Captain San Diego
Nicki Tiki Mag
J Girl
Monkeyman & Monkeycam
Tiki Lounge Lizard (2)
Mod Mana and Marianne
Woo Hoo Wahine & Soccer Tiki
Al-ii and Kate Knepper
Stellabelle (direct from Kansas City)
Tiki Leki
Blue Thunder (2)

Plus guests of the hosts, Holden, and more. We're having a Tiki Quest Quiz game, so bone up on all things Tiki, and come thirsty!

I will be videotaping Smogbreather's presentation so please find your best vintage wear to sport if you are able.

NOthing like a handsome crowd to round out a presentation.

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