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Recipe: West Indies Yellow Bird Punch

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randomcha posted on 05/28/2006

This is what I served at a party last night. It has a mild, fruity flavor and isn't overly sweet either (which makes it more refreshing than a heavier punch). And it's reletively easy to make. It was all gone within a few hours!


40 oz. pineapple juice
40 oz. orange juice
juice of 10 lemons
juice of 2 limes
1 bottle white rum (750 mL)
10 oz. creme de banane
10 oz. Galliano

If possible, place bottle of rum in freezer the day before serving; it will not freeze solid but instead be delightfully icy when it's time to make the punch.

Combine all ingredients in punchbowl and stir. Serve immediately in glasses with ice.

pablus posted on 05/28/2006

I'll be trying that one at the next luau.


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