Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food
Mixology attempted- "Tropical Deluge"
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Ok, first let me say that I've run a few quick searches, mainly on Google, but also here on TC just to try to see if the drink name "tropical deluge" is already in use, it may well be, but I didn't find one right off the bat. If anyone can point me at a pre-existing one, I'll gladly change the name on my little attempt at a drink. That said, tonight, here in MD, amidst the ongoing downpour, thunder and lightning, I went down to the Lounge of the Seven Pleasures (dry so far!) took a few snapshots, and then decided it was important to commemorate the ongoing downpour, flooding, and mudslides taking place up and down the east coast. Sooooo, bear with me, and be gentle, it's my first time out actually posting my mad scientist-like attempts (picture a mad Tikiphile, backlit by lightning, bottles in hand! Cackling laughter emanates with within!) So, a toast to those valiant souls out in this torrential rain. Tonight we DRINK (the good Rhums!), for tomorrow, we may all be swept out to sea! exoticSabina's "Tropical Deluge"! *GLASS 'HARDWARE' AND GARNISH- Needed; one 'long tall drink' of a glass- 14oz (an etched Noritake bamboo pattern, if you really care about the details.) One woven seagrass cup holder- to let only SOME of the heat from your hand through to the glass, thus allowing the ice to gently melt over time. If you don't have one, just use more coarsely crushed pieces of ice. One straw (a tropical color would be nice!) One sprig fresh mint leaves. Be sure the mint is fragrant! One brightly colored Orchid (Ok, you don't NEED one, but it helps, it is after all, the "tropical" part, and I had some on hand.) 2 small cocktail umbrellas of different colors. 1 LARGE cocktail umbrella- 'blown' inside out. 1 long cinnamon stick- tall enough to stick out of the glass (the one in my picture, below, was too short) Either pre-chill the glass or fill with cold water and ice cubes while preparing the drink. *THE MAIN PORTION- Measure into chilled a cocktail shaker- 1oz Cruzan Estate Light Rum 1oz Rhum Barbancourt 8 yr (5 star) 1/4oz Cointreau 1/2oz Grade "A" pure maple syrup 1/2oz (to 3/4oz based on personal preference) FRESH lime juice (roll and 'squish' the lime prior to juicing to get the juices loose) *NEXT take the pre-chilled glass, put it in the seagrass holder (making sure it's stable! If need be, add a little cushioning between narrow glasses and the seagrass holder), then fill it with finely crushed ice. *HAVE AT THE READY- 3oz Ginger Ale, pre-measured 1oz Lemon Hart Demerara 151 proof Rum (for a float), pre-measured *Next add ice cubes to the shaker full of your "main portion", from this point on, it's like cooking in a wok- there's no going back, so have everything ready as the drink is close to completion. Shake the "main portion" with the ice cubes vigorously, but just long enough to get the shaker good and frosty- too long and you'll have a watery drink. Next, add the 3oz of ginger ale, stir with a bar spoon, and then gently pour into the glass with crushed ice. If needed, add more crushed ice, leaving room for about 1 1/2oz from the top. The last component of the drink itself is the 1oz Demerara Dry float, pour it gently over the back of the bar spoon so it drifts atop the main mix with the ginger ale. *NOW GARNISH- Add the long cinnamon stick- DO NOT STIR!!! Add the orchid and the mint leaves. Then tuck the two umbrellas in behind the orchid. Finally, add the straw and the 'inside out' large umbrella into the straw itself. Ta, Dah! It should look something like this- (I've got a couple more pix up here- http://www.sevenpleasures.org/gallery/Tropical-Deluge in the newly reworked Drinks section of the Lounge of the Seven Pleasures album- http://www.sevenpleasures.org/gallery/Drinks) Encourage those drinking to gently stir the drink with the cinnamon stick so the float drifts down into the body of the drink. ENJOY! (ONE of these is a very good thing! A little sweet at first- that's why I might recommend the 3/4 oz lime- but it has a certain complexity to it.) While you can try one anytime, they're probably best during summer downpours. Feedback? Suggestions? And by all means, if you don't like it- I want to know that too! Mahalo! "You're getting more interesting by the drink!" -Pepe le Tiki [ Edited by: Sabina 2006-06-26 22:51 ] |
Hmmm... mai tai basis for the recipe.. maple syrup with Barbancourt.. delicious Cointreau.. all fizzed up into a tall drink.. I love it! I'll take 2.. but with the recommended 3/4 oz of lime juice and half the maple syrup please. Are you using ginger ale specifically, or ginger beer? I've taken a liking to Aussie brand Bundaberg recently and think it would be fantastic in this. Ahu |
Chip and Andy
Yummy! Can't wait to try one... And, I agree with Ahu. I think Ginger Beer would be really good in this one. |
WOW! that is one impressive drink! does it taste as good as it looks, and is it worth the trouble? i'll always gladly go through a lot of trouble to get at least two good drinks out of the effort :) -- and usually, if it's really good, i won't be in shape to make another! |
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