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International Tiki Day Party-August 12-2006

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Last minute info: We are the last house on the right at the end of the cul-de-sac, there are no numbers on the house and someone may park in front of the curb numbers. Please go through the gate on the left side of the house as we will be in the back and won't hear the doorbell. If you need a football fix, the Dallas Cowboys training camp is 15 minutes away. For the surfers, bring your boards as County line and C Street are a 20 minute drive. Mrs. Fury will be making breakfast for the overnighters and anyone that can't make it Saturday. I'm still up for lp trading if anyone is interested.

Besides the ultra cool Polynesiac memento, there will be stuff from TikiTony, and Dr. Z may bring some of his collection rarities for you to fondle and purchase. There will be some surprises too, but your not coming just for the swag.

The Rincon Room awaits......

Must. Get. RinconDiabloPolynesiac. Necklace. I covet it.


I'll bring your USC cushion, Sweet Cheeks.
See you there,

[ Edited by: Al-ii 2006-08-11 23:50 ]

I hate work! Work sucks!
I got stabbed in the back by work to get this day off.
Bongo, my loss not making it.
I know it's going to be a blast.
Long Live The Rincon Room!

I am off work today, yahoo! ...but wait, I'm in Berlin. That commute sucks, too. :(

Have a great time, everybody, I will be there in spirit! Will lift one at the Rum Trader for you tonight.

I can't believe no one is posting celebration crap on THIS the most HALLOWED of DAYS in any Tiki Centralites calender! Shouldn't this be like CHRISTMAS...or at least BOXING DAY??

A Most Happy Intergactiki TIKI DAY to all--lets BEEF up this POST__IT'S TIKI DAY, Y'ALL!!!

I WILL be making an appearance contrary to my absence of late! Been going through a lot of changes since production ended on "Tom Goes to the Mayor" and have been trying to figure out my next move and the best place to contemplate the future is surrounded by the good flowin' vibe of the Rincon Room! Of course, my friend is also having a baby shower today at 6 p.m. so I'm debating as to whether I should show up before or after....something tells me it will be much more interesting if I show up later! But, I WILL be there!


this sucks crap...... first i was to be in SF for a super 40th Bday for one of my best friends... then i thought i might may make ITD since i missed the last RinCon rucus... but now i'm just making stuff for next weeks Tiki Fest....

have fun!! save me a tiki necklace! har har... no realy!

Last minute change--James will be unable to make it (he got shipped off to Idaho for 4 days). But I'll still be there and I'm bringing a friend--she was one of my neighbors when I first moved up here (she just moved about a month ago), but it turns out she's a tikiphile, too! Oh, and I'm also bringing my 7-layer dip (w/ chips in tow). Those of you who were at the Onatiki's party last summer may remember it.

See you all this afternoon! (I'm hoping to be there in time to buy a necklace from Polynesiac!)

FYI for anybody not already there - I'm runnin' late and probably won't be there until 6:00. Maybe sooner, but 6:00 sounds like a good guess. Sorry!


I'm on my way!!


Pandora and I will be heading out in about an hour, I'd say... As BongoFury mentioned, I'm bringing about 25 mugs/glasses (some common stuff, some harder to find, including a VooDoo Grog!) and 4 or 5 menus that I will be "Silent Auctioning" off, so bring some $$, keeds! Also, if'n I can squeeze myself in amongst all the amazing mixmasters that will be behind the bar, I'll be debuting a new drink: The Captain Jack Sparrow! Lookin' forward to seein' all our peeps and celebrating ITD & the Rincon Room in style!

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

You guys are killing me. Enjoy.

We'll be lighting our Solar Un-Tiki Torch.

Rub my cabinet!!!

Someday I will fondle it in person. Someday......

Have a good party you Tiki Freaks! The Bongo Hut Rocks!


just a quick thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Fury for inviting us and having one of the best parties we have been to. It was nice meeting some old friends and some new ones. Thanks again and hope to see you two soon.

Bongofury is such a fraud, he acts all gruff and tough but he put together the most awsome TiKi village that I have ever seen, invites a small army over, making sure nobody had an empty glass or plate, and in the middle of it all he says. " I really don't like people" Yeah, right! What a wonderful day and evening, blessing us and lovin on everyone! Mrs. Fury never sat down the entire time, truly a total expression of Aloha! Thnak you so very much for an incredible experience. What time next weekend?

The Rincon Room....WOW! What an amazing tiki lounge! What a home! What a collection! What hospitality! What a party! Every bit of it was brilliant! Thank you so much for opening up your home and being the hosts with the mosts! What a great ITD! Mahalo!

Johnnie Velour's bloooood bowls.... hmmm? which one do I pick?

Happy ITD smiles from Cyntiki and Bealza-Elvis

King KuKu, Princess Kuku, Grog and Tiki Tony's Baby Tangaroa just hangin around!
The Glasgow Tiki Shakers

Atomic Cocktail and the loveliest of lovelies Vintagegirl
The velvet gallery

Polynesiac, Grog, Al-ii and PiPhiRho
Our dashing host Bongofury and Happy Birthday wishes Mrs. Pug!
Kick the Reverb, Bigtikidude and Dr. Shocker
Flounder burlap painting
What was on the ITD menu? Atomic Cocktail stew of course. Tasty IMHO, but needed more salt.
Nitey Nite Mr. Tiki!
Ok I'm gloating...My Johnnie Velour bloooood bowl... delish!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2006-08-15 11:27 ]

GROG posted on Sun, Aug 13, 2006 12:59 PM

Thanks Bongo and Mrs. Fury for hosting such a nice party. The place looks AWESOME!! It was great seeing all of you again who I already knew and nice meeting those of you whom GROG hadn't met before.Thanks Polynesiac for the tiki pendant
and Tikitony for the print.

Sorry GROG couldn't stay longer, but once Chongolio passed- out on the bridge where GROG had originally intended to pass- out, GROG figured GROG's plans were screwed.

Still, it was a most excellent International Tiki Day celebration.


We would like to thank all of you that came from near and far to help make International Tiki Day and the re-opening of the Rincon Room such a smashing success. TikiTony did a great job on the entrance, TikiTikiBoom was a whirlwind of activity and helped out a ton, all the guest bartenders, Al-ii, Kick-The Reverb, TikiBird, Doctor Z, and the ever lovely Whale Rider who spent triple duty on deck while I bailed out after making a few margaritas (????) and shots early on. No Bongwater Cocktails this time. BigTikiDude and Johnny Velour manned the grill. Thank you all for the lovely gifts, our neighbors, the Camarillo Police Department, the Glasgow Tiki Shakers, the very entertaining foam turd, and again everyone that came to our edge of the tiki world. Special thanks to Polynesiac for the cool neckwear, TikiTony and Rob Roy for the ITD prints and Smogbreather (who was there in spirit) for providing the logo mugs (unsolicited) from Mrs. Fury's graphic arts skills of my chickenscratch design. Al-ii helped in the kitchen the next day for the dozen or so overnighters and kept the blue pancake tradition alive. Chongholio slept (?) with the fishes. The party is only as good as the people that attend and I would have you all back in a heartbeat. Happy Birthday everyone, I hope you had as much fun as we did! Please post your pics. Aloha and Mahalo!

Mr. & Mrs. Bongofury

I'm glad all of you had such a good time at my big brother's house.

my oh my, Dat sho am good.
Pictures are great, and we would all love to see and be able to have more.
But nothing really captures the feel and vibe and beauty of actually being there.
What an amazing place. a slice of paradise if I may say.
Thanks again to the Fury's for having all of us up there. We all really put the
Rincon Room, and the House also thru its paces, and it came thru in flying colors.
I would also thank Ron for letting some of us crash there. I was too drunk to put up the tent, and nabbed the very comfy, and Long( if it fits me, it's long) couch in the Rincon Room( bar).
What a time we had. The very best of times.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2006-08-13 23:00 ]

Thank you very much to Mr. and Mrs Bongofury for the wonderful time. I had a BLAST! Also thanks to all the tiki peeps I had the pleasure of interacting with (and the ones that I unfortunately never got a chance to hang with) - you're all a very fine bunch of upstanding tiki snobs...er... aficianados! :)

and YEOWZAH! what a back yard! that hut is my dream hut. I could sit on that throne for hours. Amazing work by the fury's, ona and tikitony. The entarnce, the hut, the waterfall, the pond, the bridge, the tiki torches and THE FISH! and with the live sounds of the excellent Glasgow Tiki Shakers, it was the perfect spot to relax. Too cool. THanks for opening it up to all of us.

Dawn - those pics are great! thanks for being a shutterbug! anyone else have any shots?

and for those that waited for me to arrive and didn't get one of the commemerative necklaces (I am SOOOOO sorry!), I'm making another run of them. If you were at the ITD party and didn't get a pendant and want one, please PM me. I'm compiling a list to see how many to make.

Thans to Bongo for another great party......I had suchan awsome time seeing old and new friends alike....the place is so much more amazing than I couldhave dreamed.....

Wow did I really just take a road trip to heaven. This last weekend was straight out of some kinda crazy dream that ended much too quickly. Big Kine Mahalos to Mr & Mrs Fury (for EVERYTHING!!!), Tiki Tony, Polynesiac, The Glasgow Tiki Shakers, the guest bartenders, food and booze bringers, and everybody who pitched in. Another big ol Thanky to all the fine folks who attended, shared the laughs and smiles to also help make the evening better than a fried slice of gold. This party was such an unexplainable good times that words will never do it justice. The Furies and Onatiki have really taken the backyard tiki bar to a new level and it is simply awe inspiring the amount of hard work and detail that went into the new Rincon Room. The Glasgow Tiki Shakers played amazing sets of choice covers and originals that helped seal the deal as an ITD that will be hard to beat. I got to meet a few more TC peeps and put faces to the names and see some of the old freinds again. Hope to see some of you at Hooptylau in September. One more big ass thanks to Hula Hula for driving both to and fro on our mile pounding mission from Monterey Bay.

Thanks for postin' the Pics Dawntiki!

I really need to get a digital camera.
I would love to post a pic of you all snuggled up in your blanket, in the fold out
hammock, next to the pond, on Sun. Morn. too cute.
And almost forgot, thanks to you or John Paul for puttin' the foam poo right in front of my eyes. so when I woke up, it was staring at me.

also Killer Pendants Polynesiac, and
the Glasgow Tiki Shakers rule!!!!!!!


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2006-08-15 21:42 ]


Now THIS was a party! The food, the mixtures of fine adult beverages was a sight to behold. Oh and the backyard was amazing! Astounding workmanship! Well done!


Big thanks to Mr & Mrs. Bongofury for a great party, Utopiandreem & i had a great time seening alot of long time tcers there, & for Tiki Bong for creating ITD.


this looks like it was an amazing event...thanks for sharing the pics...a had time was good by all!

Where to begin...Okay let's start with WOW being the word of the day on Saturday! The Rincon Room is an escape in everyway!

I wish I had taken more pictures of the actual Rincon Room so you could get just a small taste of how great it turned out. As stated before, the Fury's and Onatiki really went to extremes to make it as amazing as everyone says it is.

Here are just a few shots snapped of the attendees:

Lil Mini Reverb watches with big, round, red eyes. Much like the rest of us. Hers were flash induced however.. UNLIKE ours.

Whale Rider and Spermy

Say now... that's not yours!

A lovely pic of Cyntiki and BeelzaElvis

Dr. Shocker...looking.. hmmm.. shocked that we caught him unawares :wink:

Not toooo much...not tooo little.. They'll never know what hit them...Muahahaha!


Al-ii and GROG... at least I think that's GROG. He was walking upright most of the evening so I can't be sure.

It's almost as if they KNEW I was taking their picture.

Tiki Kate with mugs that AREN"T broken!

JP in a more candid moment measuring Doctor Z. Or maybe he is patting his head. I don't know... it was late and there were many Daytonas...

Our most gracious and generous hosts for the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bongofury.

So much to see and do. So many gathering places. The bar, the bbq, the pond, sofa... Not to mention the countless hours spent in the kitchen cooking, chatting and sipping some of the finest cocktails! THANK YOU, Whale Rider, Bartendress Extraordinaire.. Daytonas.. My new favorite drink... Actually I think everyones new favorite that day!

Couldn't get to the Reverb Crashes or Keelhauleds. Just ONE of those and I woulda been face down in that infamous pond spot with GROG and Chongolio.

Loved seeing everyone that I've seen before. Met some new people and put a proper face to old names finally. Just cannot say enough about the Rincon Room, the party itself or the fantastic people that attended. Everything was wonderful.

Thanks again Fury's!!



Tiki Bird/Mrs. Pug/ Lady Velour

Utopian Dream

The Gang

Me & Vontiki

What an AWESOME backyard!

What an AWESOME bar!

The Kick-The-Reverb clan

A Johnnie Velour bowl put to the test...

...complete with flame

Ha Ha Ha - you well NEVER EVER see this happen again

Al-ii and Sabu

Another shot of Atomic Cocktail stew


Our first ITD was like a dream. One from which we are still recovering. How can a 10 hour party go by so quickly? Started the day with daytonnas, smooth tequila shooters & margaritas ended with a reverb crash. We had such a great time and felt so welcome at the Rincon Room.
Onatiki, TikiTony and Bongofury have outdone themselves. You would never know the Bongofury's were working up till the very hour of the party. And still had enough energy to have fun and be the most gracious of hosts.
It was so great spending such a gorgeous southern california day in a beautiful tropical paradise with such quality folk. It's so great to see all you guys! (Missed a certain Onatiki & Moki!)

Thanks again for being our 1st! Wish we were still there! Maybe next year, an ITD weekend?

Now some pics.....

Nice t.....urd!

Tiki Hooligans

Hear no, See no, Speak no

Wahines with Huevos!

Another one for the Broken Mug Collection

The Tiki Twins snooze after a long day of partying!

[ Edited by: cyntiki 2006-08-14 22:54 ]

The Glasgow Tiki Shakers were in tiki heaven. Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Fury for including us in your celebration -- you two rock! We had such a fun time playing in your amazing paradise, meeting new friends and seeing everyone. Great party, great night. Big thanks to Polynesiac for another cool pendant, Tiki Tony for signing our print, all the bartenders and the BigTikiDude for our tasty chicken kebob, yum. TC peeps are party animals - hope to see everyone soon!

[ Edited by: GlasgowTikiShakers 2006-08-15 08:37 ]


I did a few snaps myself. I hope I didn't miss anybody. I had so many.

Great Photos everybody, especially IKABOD, those nighttime tiki torch shots rule.


Great pictures everyone. Someone left some information on Scottsdale Arizona here. PM me and I will send it to you.

A dragonfly kicks off the party by landing on the old longboard in the loft.

The girls of Tiki Central

Atomic Cocktail,Vintage Girl, and Al-ii

Sabu and The Sperm Whale walk on hot coals while checking out the outdoor shower.

Whale Rider shows the boys how it is done.

TikiTony's entrance.

BealzaElvis steals a drink from Cyntiki.

PiPhiRo, Hiltiki, BealzaElvis, BigTikiDude, and Alan from Spongebob

Johnny Vs bowl party.

Vintage Girl hula's to the exotic sounds of the Glasgow Tiki Shakers.

Chongholio shows us how they handle their drinks NorCal style.

Mrs. Fury leads us in singing Happy Birthday to everyone.

Bowl Testing.

I told these girls it was my birthday too!

Thanks again everyone.....maybe my little brother Hurricane Vic will make it next time. Aloha

WOW!!! Looks great. I'm soooo sorry I had to miss this one. I had work the next morning. >:( bummer.
I hope there are more parties there soon! hint
I would like to see the new house in person. The photographs look great; thanks to those who shared.

(Tiki Tena)


If you purchased a commemorative ITD necklace #15-25 and would like to have some nice black cord instead of what came on it, please PM or email me your address and I'll mail it out to you FREE!

We should have an ITD every month...I'm already jones'n to go back to your paradise!

Sorry for the late post. I want to thank Ron & Mickee for hosting such a great party!! Laura and I had a very nice time. I always feel so lucky see and have such a great time with such a fun bunch of people. I also want to thank Sabu and Bongofury for the classic Vinyl (I have been enjoying it in the "Blowhole"). Polynesiac did a great job on repro pendant of Tiki Diablos tiki for the Rincon Room. The food and drinks were yummy!!! Thanks to all the bartendenders. Anyway here are some of the pic's Laura and I took.

Congrats Bongofury to you and Mrs Fury, your yard is wonderful and it looks like it was a terrific party!! Amazing place !!!


That was a great party, the place is fabulous, we had so much fun. I'd like to thanks Mr. & Mrs. Bongofury for the hospitality. Thanks for posting the pics everyone.


On 2006-08-14 22:35, cyntiki wrote:

OK, I know there's gotta be a large lever next to this to bring it down on unwanted guests, right?

Just revisiting these pics after seeing BongoFurrys contest post.
Man I miss that place, wanna go back.



Thanks Dude...
This is the first time I've seen these pics.
Wish I could have been there that day.

Wow....what a fabulous backyard...I'm jealous. :)


Hey that reminds me! Here are a few additional photos:

I can't wait till Saturday!!

dude your hair was so short then,
and Laura's was kinda long.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-08-26 21:15 ]

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-08-26 21:16 ]

On 2008-08-26 21:13, bigtikidude wrote:
dude your hair was so short then,
and Laura's was kinda long.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-08-26 21:15 ]

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-08-26 21:16 ]

Glad you noticed. Luara and I are shape shifters, like that.

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