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Crazy AL's Tiki Gallery Mug Collection: new mugs!!!! New OLD MUGS!..35

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GatorRob posted on 09/11/2006

Can't wait to get my #1! Woo hoo! When can we buy #3? 28 ounces is practically deadly.

RevBambooBen posted on 09/11/2006

#3 is INSANE !!!

( all are insane but #3 rocks!!)

C'Al tried to make me use/carry one last night at Grogs Luau but I haired out. Those things are monu-mental!!!

GROG posted on 09/11/2006

Where's GROG's #1? I thought maybe you were going to bring it to the luau.

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-09-10 19:04 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 09/11/2006

On 2006-09-10 19:01, GROG wrote:
Where's GROG's #1? I thought maybe you were going to bring it to the luau.

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-09-10 19:04 ]

I tink he's meesin wit you!!!



crazy al posted on 10/18/2006

only 15 of the Edition of 50 left for Tiki#3 King Tiki

The King is "10 inches tall" Oh'my! and holds a wap'in 28oz!!

Only 50 hand painted two toned mugs will be made. Available only through La Luz De Jesus Gallery starting Oct 13th,'06.

Spacial Glazing, Resin Bone and War Club Miniature add-on's...
For the 'King', I've developed a 'Royal Gold' Glazing technique of Purple and Gold. At first it appears to be a tiki brown but then the hues of purple and gold show through.
(no metallic colors have been used)
available at
sales@laluzdejesus.com $85

There will also be available an edition of 100 without the two toned extra application.

Spacial Glazing, Resin Bone and War Club Miniature add-on's...

edition of 100 available on my site soon $65

less then ten Tiki#2 mugs left!!!!!
and i'm through half the run of #1 which are finally fired and should be out buy next week!!

thanks for all the support

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-10-17 20:45 ]

Atomicchick posted on 10/18/2006

When I went to the gallery they only had the edition of 100 out. Were they saving some in the back? The two tone mug is really cool! I really dig the one I picked up thought! Keep making those mugs Al!

nitropic posted on 10/19/2006

I contacted them today and they sold out of the two-toned this morning and were down to the last couple of the regular run, get 'em while you can!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 10/19/2006

The mugs look awesome. I do have to say that the people at La Luz need to get their krap together. I emailed them before the show and they said that they could sell me a limited to 50 mug. Then they said that I would instead have to call at 8 pm that Friday. When I talked to the guy on the phone he said he couldn't sell me a mug until after everyone at the show got a chance(I totally understand this). He took my name, phone and email down and never got back to me. So, now I missed out. There are worse things that suck in the world, but this still does suck considering the effort I put into trying to get one.

nitropic posted on 10/19/2006

I agree, I emailed before the Two-Tone was gone (said they had 2), but they didn't bother to reserve one. When I called to give them my CC# they did not answer "La Luz De Jesus", I asked who I had reached and couldn't understand the guy, so thought I got the wrong number. I tried emailing a while later and was told the 50 were sold out. Total bummer.

[ Edited by: nitropic 2006-10-18 19:41 ]

crazy al posted on 10/19/2006

true the LaLuz Edition of 50 are all sold out. Sorry for the mix ups of those who tried to reserve mugs... Wacko/LaLuz is a huge store with lots of employee types, so it's easy to fall through the cracks of communication over there.

Thanks for all the compliments! these mugs payed for the production/set up of my show and all the hard work my 'friends' put into making me look good... if not great!

look for the remaining 60 or so #3 'King Tiki' Edition of 100 available on my site in the next week or so. I only got 40 done before my show and have halted production till i fulfill my #1 & #2 mug orders everyone has been patiently waiting for.

thanks again to all.

crazy al posted on 10/20/2006

#2 MUG SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!
if you missed out look for very limited runs and 'one of a kinds' to be posted when the smoke clears

Thanks again for all the support

Only 35 of the Tiki#1 mug left..............

kbgator posted on 10/25/2006

Just got Tiki #1 and Tiki #2 today, well worth the wait. I am blown away by all the detail in both the mugs. Now I just have to get my hands on Tiki #3. I missed out on the two tone #3 but I think I will get one of the 100 edition.

Thanks Crazy Al, great mugs and awesome tikis, I wish I could have made the show to see the actual tiki themselves.

Tikinomad posted on 10/25/2006

Just got my mugs today.....big Mahalo Crazy Al !!!!!!!
Definitely worth the wait.

tedtiki posted on 10/26/2006

I got my mugs today and daaanng! You got some crazy mad skills Al. How long does it take to make a mug that detailed? I also missed out on the 2 tone but got the regular #3 and that one is way cool with the club and the bones. You sir have some serious talent.

crazy al posted on 10/26/2006

thanks for the great coments... these guys sat in my head for may years till finally I forced them out of me like some unmentioned bodily actions...... the relief of having them finished feel just as good!! I don't repeat my tiki sculptures, so doing a miniature as a mug is a bit daunting, but something I am capable of doing. Maybe I'll have Squid do the next one. I don't think that guy has a lazy bone in his body.

Thanks again for the silent waiting!! However, I'd planned on having all the #1's ordered so far in the mail this week... i was told the last run would be done, yet they never got fired.... lov'ly!
Hope to have them in the mail by end of next week.

crazy al posted on 01/22/2007

Down to the last #1 mugs... late holiday gift to yourself????

sold here:

crazy al posted on 01/26/2007


crazy al posted on 02/10/2007

as promised.... The Royals!!!
The O-Ko-lie-Grail!!!!!!!! the King Lives as well as his subjects.... With Real Gold!! they say on the label...
find them soon on ebay....

this guy first on ebay......

these up in ebay in next few weeks....

kirby posted on 02/10/2007

off the chain...wow..

Jeff Central posted on 02/11/2007

Wholly Crap!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are freakin' awesome Crazy Al!!

Let the bidding begin...........

Cheers and Mahalo,

bigbrotiki posted on 02/11/2007

....:music:...Gooould Fingg-Gerrrr.... :music:
Beware, the Tikis have raided Fort Knox ! :)

Benzart posted on 02/11/2007

Excellent stuff there bold finger, I think you may have totally outdone yourself. I'm Really having a hard time with the drool with these guyz!

little lost tiki posted on 02/11/2007

Wowza Al!
These are SOLID GOLD,baby!
I hope you receive a King's ransom for 'em!
I am humbled before these beautiful pieces....

McTiki posted on 02/11/2007

What the.....

Jeezuss! Those are nice!

Gotta go!



teaKEY posted on 02/11/2007

All superb, That top one has a glaze that just mixes with my taste. A brass glaze was that first glaze that I ever used and has been my favorite since. I have to say that first mug looks to be dripped in Black Gold, Texas Tea, OIL!!. Looks black until you see the different detail shots. WOW.

nitropic posted on 02/11/2007

DAAANG!!! Al your raisin' the bar so freakin' high, your going to get your mugs in a
rap video if you don't cool it! That Rojo #2 has a completely different feel to it, like a Día de los Muertos vibe. Keep up the stellar work bro.

FreddieBallsomic posted on 02/11/2007

Damn!!! Attack of the Flavor Flav Tiki's.............I DIG IT!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/11/2007

Get Down!!!!

With your

Bad Self!!!!!

Where you going next?


Rock on!!!

hewey posted on 02/12/2007

They look great :)

crazy al posted on 02/12/2007

up this week on Ebay, ends next Sunday

Crazy Al Tiki #1 Mug Gold/Blue GlazeFirst Artist Proof 110091133013

first GOLD glazed mug
end 7:PM

Crazy Al Tiki #18 Hibiscus Mug Custom Glazed #12 110091136926

Next #18 Custom mug finished
end 7:15 PM

Crazy Al Tiki #13 Mug 228/250 held back of sold out run 110091141314
one of the last #13 I have for sale at original price.

Happy bidding!

crazy al posted on 02/17/2007

Sunday Sunday SUNDAY!!!

squid posted on 02/18/2007

Thems is xtra zingy baby!!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/19/2007

Neato! Actually looks like vintage Red Wing stuff.

crazy al posted on 02/21/2007

up Next sunday, Sunday! SUNDAY!!

Crazy Al Tiki #1 Mug Gold/Green Glaze2nd Artist Proof 110093858214


Happy bidding

TravelingJones posted on 02/21/2007

Golden anti-freeze! BANANAS!!! :D


crazy al posted on 02/25/2007

sunday! Sunday!! SUNDAY!! Dat Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiki Lee's posted on 02/26/2007


crazy al posted on 02/28/2007

up Sunday.... Good Luck!!
allot going on in this Glaze...
Crazy Al Tiki #1 Gold Purple Glazed Mug Artist Proof !!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/28/2007

It's like a tiki mug from another dimension!

crazy al posted on 03/02/2007

#13 collectors!! i forgot to post this auction!!!

Crazy Al Tiki #18 Custom Hibiscus Mug # 13 ! hand glaze

sunday! Sunday!! SUNDAY!!!!

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kustomtiki posted on 03/04/2007

Those glazes are too kool!!

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crazy al posted on 03/18/2007

check it! Amphibian glaze.. three color Hand-Painted Glaze
Tiki#2 AP "the Frog" available Sunday the 18th 7pm Pacific time
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also APE custom #51

and #64/250 Tiki#13!!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2007-03-18 22:10 ]

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crazy al posted on 03/18/2007

oh ya..... maybe their are less then 100 TCers that want this guy... but there are ten left of Tiki#1 Mug 'olive green Edition 100'... get 'em here:

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suburbanpagan posted on 03/18/2007

Damn.........thanks Al, for having such high standards....you take your work to such an elevated state.......awesome!

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GROG posted on 03/18/2007

This is GROG's mostest favoritest mug of all!!!!!!!

If you don't own one, you are missing out on one INCREDIBLE mug. The glaze brings out ALL of Al's insanely intricate detail in his sculpt. It is worth EVERY penny!!!!! GROG can't believe you still have 10 left.

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crazy al posted on 03/25/2007

sunday! Sunday!! SUNDAY!!!
Ebay tonight... links pg.6

great detail on the Tiki#13 mug!

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crazy al posted on 04/18/2007

SAT. 7:15 PM
Crazy Al Tiki #18 Hibiscus Mug Custom Glazed #15 Get it!
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Crazy Al Tiki #2 Mug CustomSterling Gold Blue Glaze AP
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SUNDAY 7:30 Last available Tiki#13 Mug!!! Re-fired Prefect condition
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Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/18/2007

Freaking Beautiful!

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