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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Clarita posted on 11/13/2006

Wow Mystic Tiki Painting #6 is incredible!! The use of color is stunning!! and it has a magical mood to it that I really really love!! Congratulations!

little lost tiki posted on 11/14/2006

Agreed! Well said Clarita!
Get your fannys down to Brad's show on this Sunday or you'll be sorry! Hey brad! Any chance you can take GROG with ya? We'd all love the peace and quiet! Kirby too! Polly can stay!

GROG posted on 11/14/2006

Hey Brad,
If we all visit you in Hawaii, is there any chance that Ruzic might "accidently" fall into a volcano.

GROG guess GROG might be able to come by and see your crap this weekend (youoverlytalenteds.o.b.), but that would be two weekends in a row where GROG has to put up with BOTH Ruzic and Kirby. Somebody just shoot GROG now and end the misery!

little lost tiki posted on 11/14/2006

I got a sharpshooter and rifle expert badge while in the Marines...
I'll volunteer to shoot GROG (after he pays me for the tiki paddle of course) but Kirby will have to volunteer to drag the body away and bury it!
Stand still Ernie, this will only take a second! :lol:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/14/2006

Thanks Clarita, I can tell that I did #6 after I saw Crazy Al's retrospective show. This tiki has such "Crazy Al tiki" like proportions compared to the other 5. And speaking of inspiration, did you guys read that article about Tiki Tony? Wow, is he going for tiki saint-hood or what? What a guy! Grog, on the Big Island when lava is flowing right, you can hike right up to it, and poke it with a stick. Really. Just like Kirby.
Ken, art and guns don't mix. Of course, unless it's a paint gun. I suppose. Okay, enough bad jokes, back to painting...

kirby posted on 11/14/2006

dont get me mixed up in your sick and twisted games...I m realy diggin your paintings dude, awsome...It was great hangin with you at the tonga hut...good luck on your show...

Sneakytiki posted on 11/14/2006

TSA, Another coloriffic scene, this series rox! Good luck on your upcoming show, not that u need it with all the tiki and paint brush mana you've aquired.


hewey posted on 11/15/2006

Loks great :)


Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/15/2006

Thanks Hewey, Thanks Sneakytiki, and THANKS Kirby. (I love the tiki pendent, I'm wearing it while I paint to get inspired!) It's a great boon to hear supportive tiki talk like this!

GROG posted on 11/15/2006

Shutup and just finish your crap!

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-11-14 18:18 ]

Heath posted on 11/15/2006

Thank you GROG for verbalizing what I was thinking.
Less talk, more paint!

kooche posted on 11/15/2006

dude - the blow by blow blows me away - i totally love seeing that kind of process unfold - it's why i do it - build up always pays off!!!


little lost tiki posted on 11/15/2006

Shutup and just finish your crap!

Less talk, more paint!


If any of you "prodders don't show up at Brad's show (with the exception of Hewey) I will track you down and give you such a smeckin'! Seeing these pieces in person will be such a treat. The #4 looked soooooooooo great in person at the Spooky Luau(despite being so high up on the wall!)TCers get your bootys down to Brad's on Sunday! Such a great artist and guy needs a proper send off before he moves to Hawaii!
Bring the rest of the paddle payment to Brad's show so I can buy a print!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/15/2006

painting, painting, painting...

little lost tiki posted on 11/15/2006

I can't believe you left your easel just to log onto TC to type "painting, painting, painting"! Sheesh! Congrats on selling # 3!!! The first of many sales I predict!!! GROG said he'd buy whatever you didn't sell at the show on Sunday! But, as you see below,he is seeking help for a few mental disorders.....

squid posted on 11/16/2006

Enough arteest ass-kissin' already. The more important issue: Is the booze free on Sunday?

Sincerely (really)
Your Pal,

PS: If it is free, Let's tell Ruzic it's $5.00 per drink. Please pay Miles. We'll all divy up in the back yard afterward.

little lost tiki posted on 11/16/2006

PS: If it is free, Let's tell Ruzic it's $5.00 per drink. Please pay Miles. We'll all divy up in the back yard afterward.


PS: If it is free, Let's tell GROG it's $7.00 per drink. Please pay Miles. We'll all divy up in the back yard afterward.

Who's Miles?

GROG posted on 11/16/2006

HEy Ruzic,

GROG watched a TV show the other day called "Heroes" and one of the characters on the show shot up drugs and then knocked out these amazing paintings while he was stoned and it made GROG think of you. The only difference is he was on heroine instead of CRACK!!!

Sorry we derailed your thread Brad (damned Ruzic), but we know you're busy painting and getting ready for the show, so we gotta do something to keep us entertained until Sunday. It goes faster if you find all the numbers of one color and fill them all in at one time. The book of your art should be titled, "Painting By-The-Numbers by Brad Parker".

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-11-16 09:16 ]

little lost tiki posted on 11/16/2006

Maybe GROG needs some CRACK so he will produce more than ONE piece of art a year! :lol: The only crack i got is the one showing when people watch me from behind while I'm painting! What is it about my truck that makes people want to pee?
So, all you TCers,come to Brad's Show on Sunday.Besides all the great paintings, GROG will be doing some performance art outside entitled "Rhapsody in Gold" Indubitably!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/16/2006

Hey TC, thanks for all the support, and stuff!
Wow, I got a reply from Kooche! NIFTY! Thank you, I LOVE yer stuff. I got all kinds of questions to ask you about your work, but I'll do that when I have some time... like after my show. Hey Ken, ya know in some tiki-cultures of the pacific pee-ing on someone's truck is a sign of friendship. (still, I'm gonna park BLOCKS away during the show.) So, Mama Tiki Shark (i.e. my mom) called and told me water was pouring down the kitchen walls in the apartment (yes, my mom lives with me. Hey, it's a tax break!) and the front room. All the paintings were in the apartment! Big freak out followed. So long story short, they are all ruined and the show is off! (just kidding!) No, mama tiki shark got her butt in gear and was a real trooper in hauling all the art to safety! (what a gal!) But, the whole disaster ate into valuable painting time!
Here's the 7th painting in it's slow and pitiful progress...

The sketch

sketched on the canvas

the first try, colors looked wrong...

as it is now.
It's an idea that Hewey gave me. A tiki fishing and catching a puffer fish light! Like there are puffer fish that come out of th sea like that! Cool huh!
(to make Squid Happy) Free booze at the art show. So yeah, there'll be wine. But I wanted something for my TC Ohana, so I figure I'd do a punch bowl filled with pucnh... and coconut rum. That sound right? Any suggestions?
back to painting...
Thanks again for looking at da art! U all R da best!

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2006-11-16 13:28 ]

little lost tiki posted on 11/16/2006

Hey Brad!
Don't paint over those colors! Simply rethink the rest of the colors-the ones that will compliment those already applied.Whenever you lay one color upon another a little bit of that color (let's call it the "spirit" of that color remains) Plus, you ain't got time! You gotta finish this puppy up! The clock is ticking! There are no bad colors,as long as the colors around them make sense. You've proven you gots a great instinct for this-so trust it! Just relax, sit down, look thru some art/design/Hawaiana books and take note (when you see the colors in your painting )of the colors other artists have used. Being artists, there is a history we all share,and not enough of us realize that we're here to help each other,and shouldn't be afraid of letting those who have gone before help us in times of need! Gman says "the saw is family", well, that also applies to us painters...."the brush is family"! (the above applies to all artists except GROG and Kirby-the pee-pee twins) :lol:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/17/2006

Thanks LLT, you're right. forging ahead. (with a color scheme not unlike the beautiful colors Tiki Tony uses so well)

got the sea in
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Roughed in the island
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and filling in the flora...
More tomorrow.

hewey posted on 11/17/2006

Looks awesome man! Same pose and angle as I originally pictured it too :)

little lost tiki posted on 11/17/2006

Will you have to pay Hewey royalties when you finish it? :lol:

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AlohaStation posted on 11/17/2006

Prints - you need to make prints!! Share the love.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/18/2006

Hewey - Hope this lives up to your great idea. AlohaStation, prints? There are some listed on my art show thread. LLT - ya' know Hewey will always be royalty to me, however, money is something you'll have to contact my agent about. (kidding)
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My mom asked if the tiki had caught a glowing pineapple.
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My buddy Abbas, who's house the show on Sunday is at, walked in my studio and said, "Oh cool, your done!"
Er... Not quite... (funny guy!)

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2006-11-18 00:15 ]

hewey posted on 11/18/2006

what do you use for bait to catch a puffer fish lamp?

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Polynesiac posted on 11/18/2006

Those progress shots are very cool - It's fun to see how everyone does their art. I didn't read the entire thread about the fishing tiki and I thought the future puffer was the moon over the water...so...when I saw the bamboo fishing pole without a line...I thought your tiki was well endowed! Too funny!!!

great painting, great colors, cool tiki and great idea.

what do you use for bait to catch a puffer fish lamp?

4 watt light bulb. I hear the colored bulbs work best!

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[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2006-11-18 08:01 ]

little lost tiki posted on 11/18/2006

BUMP! Really like how it's coming along! GO TO BRAD'S SHOW TOMORROW!!!!
Somethin' about dem toes on him that make me smile! Can;t wait to see if you can get this done by tomorrow!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/19/2006

Thanks for the bumps guys! (That would be a very popular Tiki, by the way)
Just got back from lighting the art. Big thanks to my Brother in Law, Scott Young. I would have never figured out why the track light wasn't working with out him there!
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The lighting is all great, even the spot light on this black piece of wall where Tiki number 7 is supposed to go...

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IsleConch posted on 11/19/2006

FANTASTIC..just fantastic,your work is GREAT !! Thanx for the info on the paint.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/19/2006

Not all of 'em can be big tiki-fantasy paintings. (especially when it's after midnight the night before the show!) Here's Mystic Tiki #7: the Puffer fish
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He's almost a color study for this bigger fishing scene I got in mind. Hewey knows...
Here's the close up of the puffer,
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just so every knows for sure that THAT is his FISHING POLE, and not to confuse it with anything else!
Thanks everyone for watching this show come together! I don't think I coulda' done it with out all the aloha coming from the Tiki Central art fans...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/19/2006

Here's a better shot of Mystic Tiki #7: the Puffer Fish. Thanks everyone!
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hewey posted on 11/20/2006

Looks tops man, love it.

Cannot wait to see the fishing for puffer fish masterpiece you got up your sleave :)

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Bowana posted on 11/20/2006

Wow! Your paintings totally rock, Sharkman! I can see why GROG wants to throw all his art supplies away (I hope he didn't really do it).

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/20/2006

So, the big show happened. Thank you everyone who came to my art show. It was a great success -
every painting sold, and most of the prints. Wow!

I got to see a lot of my friends, some who I'd not seen in several
years, plus meet new ones, and meet some folks I'd only known through cyberspace ala TC.
The food was great, or so I heard, and the
Voo Doo punch delivered a delicious wallop. (I know cause my head is
hurting today.) Thanks to those who helped set up for the show. The band
was amazing, and it made me all warm and fuzzy to hear some of my
favorite songs from... well from a few years back at least. Steven
James, Zallen, thank you so much. Chef Ali, thank you so much - we'll
get that punch bowl back to you before we leave for Kona, we swear!

And my biggest thanks possible to those who purchased a piece of art. I
am humbled, and inspired.

True, there was no grudge match between a giant squid and a cave man in
the back yard that night (as was being reported on Tiki Central), but
there sure was a lot of Aloha going on inside.

Thanks again,

Sneakytiki posted on 11/21/2006

Congratulations on your successful show! I envy all of you who got to view TSArt in person. Can't wait to see the next series.


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IsleConch posted on 11/29/2006

Great to hear about your successful show...and WOW..you are the second "painter of light". is it just paint?? or do ya put a real light in there?? Great..just breathtaking !!

Sneakytiki posted on 11/29/2006

Actually, TSA would be the 3rd "painter of light" as the distinction of the 1st goes to Joseph Mallord William Turner, a romanticist who foreshadowed impressionism. Thomas Kinkade ripped off the moniker, and has now unbeleivably and egomaniacally copyrighted the title of painter of light for himself. TK sucks, but hey, his work goes great with a precious moments collection.

I hope the move went well TSA!


[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2006-11-29 10:51 ]

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VampiressRN posted on 12/02/2006

Absolutely mysterious and evil!!! I love it. You are quite the talent.


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/07/2006

Aloha from the Big Island!
I'm actually sneaking onto the neighbors wireless to drop onto TC. I'm perched out on the end of my lani, squinting through the tropical glare off my lap top. My internet gets put in later this week, I hope. Conch, thanks for the kind words, but I'm just trying to paint with luquidtex, and having enough work at that. Sneaky, you break me up, oops, not sa'posed to say that here on the Big Island. Everyone's jumpy after the "California" earthquake that shook up Kona a few weeks back.
So, today I set up a temp-art-making-space. I'm lucky enough to have a few commissions from some nice folks after my art show on the mainland. So better quit goofing off at the beach and get to painting em!
Here's Mystic #8 sketched on canvas...
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I'm using a really crappy digital camera I picked up at Walmart, my usual camera got packed into the container that's not due here till another week or so, so sorry about the low quality image. Anyways, as you can sorta' see there is another "magic pineapple", ala mystic Tiki #3, in this painting. Yes, my first commissions was for another "Magic Pineapple painting please". While I want to please my art patrons, and put food on the Tiki Shark table, (cause moving to the Big Island was more expensive than we figured) I don't want to just paint the same exact painting over and over, because then, the next time Ken Ruzic sees me at a tiki event he would stop, point at me, and cry out "Art Whore!" Thus my conundrum. I want to make new cool tiki art, but I also want to make a living. My answer so far, is to keep enough elements from the previous coveted work and also enter in new elements, thus making it a new unique piece. Right? Works for ya? Ken? .......Okay, so I'm not really sure on that. Let's just see how it goes...
~HERE's a sketch for a totaly new idea for a painting. I got back from snorkeling, and had this image in my head...
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It's the "Sunken Tiki!"
(I know, another bad digital image. Sorry. When my scanner gets here I promise you crisp sketches again.) _ The light source is an electric eel coiled on an open chest of gold. It's scaring a school of brightly colored fish that have swum up around the Tiki's neck - forming a lei.
What so do ya think? Too funny huh? Well, I'm excited, cause I get to paint a Tiki and a shark in the same painting again!
Of course, I have a few other commissions berfore I can get to this one.
Anyways, It's mostly great to be back on TC!
OH, and I almost forgot, just to really cheese off Grog...
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That's the view from my lani!

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2006-12-06 17:55 ]

GROG posted on 12/07/2006

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little lost tiki posted on 12/07/2006

Works for me! Are ya gonna go for a different pallette/time with the Mystic pineapple this time? Your style and color choices are progressing wonderfully! To avoid burnout, dedicate 3-4 sessions a week to commissions and at least 2 sessions a week on your own work( ie: the stuff you love) like the underwater/electric eel/fish lei sunken tiki! That one should RIP! Looks like the islands are already inspiring you! Lucky! (see GROG's previous post....he's been using that middle finger a lot lately!)Anyways, Glad to hear you're slowly edging back into mArt Land! We missed ya! :)

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frostiki posted on 12/07/2006

Shark, I think you need to be that art whore, so they can all say I know him when. But if you feel guilty about the $$$ you get from whoring yourself out you can always donate it to charity. (damn sarcasm font won't load again)

Very cool sketches, I can't wait to see more. Have you thought of hiding a Tiki and a Shark in every painting? Not like where's waldo sort of way.

Oh yeah one last thing, Sneaky how much attention did you pay in that art history class? I am impressed and scared at the same time on your savant like knowledge. But you are right TK (for his name should never be uttered, sayeth Lono and Ku) is crap, the king of hotel art. I have try really hard to not make fun of my dad for wanting a desk calendar of his crap for X-mas.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/09/2006

Net still not up here.... battery running low...must post photos...
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Aloha from the Big Island.....

Clarita posted on 12/09/2006

...Loving the psychedelic moon!!

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Matt Reese posted on 12/09/2006

Coming along great! It's amazing how much the color schemes change through your process. Cool that you give us your step by step. Very inspirational!

GROG posted on 12/09/2006

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