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Mugoomba Small Party

Pages: 1 45 replies

MakeDaMug posted on 12/12/2006

If anybody is free to get together on Dec. 30th, Saturday from 4-7pm, I'm opening up Mugoomba. I'll have the Sparkletts Mai Tai machine cranked up and some pupu's.
I'll be spinning Exotica & Jawaiian Holiday tunes. Please send me a pm if you can make it.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/12/2006

On 2006-12-12 09:59, MakeDaMug wrote:

I'll be spinning Exotica & Jawaiian Holiday tunes.

Mrs.Mojo and I are TRYING to get down to SoCal after the Holidays!

If we can make it we'll really look forward to hearing what **Jawaiian Holiday tunes ** sound like! :lol:

kikekeki posted on 12/12/2006

On 2006-12-12 11:52, Dr.TikiMojo wrote:

On 2006-12-12 09:59, MakeDaMug wrote:

I'll be spinning Exotica & Jawaiian Holiday tunes.

Mrs.Mojo and I are TRYING to get down to SoCal after the Holidays!

If we can make it we'll really look forward to hearing what **Jawaiian Holiday tunes ** sound like! :lol:

Jawanna know what Jawaiian is? So do I!!!

little lost tiki posted on 12/12/2006

JAWAIIAN? Are those Hapa Haole songs performed by Jawas? :)
Put me down for attending please! You always put out a Smashing Bash!

TikiJosh posted on 12/12/2006

Hmmm. The 30th. I might be free. So might the Missus. Thanks Holden!

Plus I got a friend visiting from Hawaii. Make that TikiJosh +2!

[ Edited by: TikiJosh 2006-12-15 13:50 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 12/13/2006

Ok Boy's here we go again!
I'm guessing maybe " Jawaiian" Holidays tunes are ? Jewish Hawaiian Holiday tunes?????
Maybe Squid, Grog or Kinny has that album art to share with us?? Gee I hope so
No Mistake! spank my bad & lets hear some good 'ol Jawaiian music!
I will be there to do the Mugoomba!

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2006-12-13 11:11 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 12/13/2006


I thought the Carribean

and Tiki

couldn't be mixed?

tiki mick posted on 12/13/2006

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2006-12-15 13:19 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 12/13/2006

It is less than an hour away.

I can only PM after the 23rd. That is the Grinch party and we'll make plans for mountain bike riding both coming weekends.

Do you know what a Grinch party is? It is a party where you take a shot every time you hear the word "who". :) Glad it is only a 30 minute show.

big page of Jawaiian here.

squid posted on 12/13/2006

My Favorite Jewaiian Tunes:

My Little Grass Latke
Princess Rachel Got Plenty Chutztpah
To You, Sweetheart, Shalom
Lovely Matzo Hands

and that all-time favorite...


tiki mick posted on 12/13/2006
tiki mick posted on 12/13/2006
RevBambooBen posted on 12/14/2006

who is Pepper?

Aloha John posted on 12/14/2006

Excellent timing Holden. We just so happen to have plans to be in Santa Ana that day. We'll plan to be there!

VampiressRN posted on 12/14/2006

I'm not sure of the name of the song or the artist, but my friend fell in love with a song that had a chorus like...

Feel the Breeze....

We listened to Jawaiian for our week in Kauai.....it was OK at first and then got boring to me...but it was the radio so guess that isn't fair. If anyone knows that song, please link me...I would like to buy the album it is on for my friend.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/14/2006

On 2006-12-12 12:00, kikekeki wrote:

Jawanna know what Jawaiian is? So do I!!!

Jawanna Man :D


little lost tiki posted on 12/14/2006


kikekeki posted on 12/15/2006

On 2006-12-14 14:33, Dr.TikiMojo wrote:

On 2006-12-12 12:00, kikekeki wrote:

Jawanna know what Jawaiian is? So do I!!!

Jawanna Man :D


Well there you go!

MakeDaMug posted on 12/15/2006

Shapin' up nicely. The bar holds 9, bartender (me) included. But folks always mill around (peak...lurk!) in the warehouse so we can hold up to about I'd say 18 or so total. We're at around 10 so far so we've got room for some more but I may have to make a cut-off at some point. 18 is also a good amount for the dedicated Mai Tai Sparkletts machine just outside the entrance to Mugoomba... 5 gallons...640 oz... div. by 18...36 oz. per person...3.5 good Mai Tais per attendee...I WAS TOLD THERE'D BE NO MATH!!

Looking forward to the next get together and hanging out! Free swizzle sticks & Don Ho Suck 'em Up glasses for all in attendance!

[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2006-12-14 22:26 ]

Blue Thunder posted on 12/23/2006

Put us in for 3

MakeDaMug posted on 12/24/2006

Shapin' up nicely... should be around 20 or so people showing up for this one. So I've done the math and here's the official Mai Tai Algorythm for the 30th...

We're also gonna have this one catered too (so I don't FORGET to get food). Here's what's in store...

Quick & Easy Directions to Tiki Farm: 5 Fwy exit Ave Pico, go East 3 miles, right on Camino Celosia, right on Calle Avanzado... 1305 Calle Avanzado, San Clemente.


TikiJosh posted on 12/26/2006

Awesome! Thanks for putting this on! It's going to be awesome!

Atomicchick posted on 12/26/2006

Count me and the mister in!

Daves Not Home posted on 12/26/2006

Any chance two more San Clementeans can sneak in???

MakeDaMug posted on 12/28/2006

I mixed up the batch today and... "THAT'S A SPICEY MEATABALLAH!". So, I added some more Orgeat, Curacao, fresh Lime juice & TVic Mai Tai mix, so we've got enough for about 30+ or so now. So if anybody wants to straggle on by, feel free to stop on by Mugoomba.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/30/2006

We'll be picking up the food to bring down to Mugoomba Small Party.

Be nice to us or we'll have to "taint it!"

Should we bring some fire wood too?

squid posted on 12/30/2006

No fire wood please.

Bora Boris posted on 12/31/2006

This was a lot of fun, Thank you.
It was a perfect New Years Eve Eve.

SoccerTiki posted on 12/31/2006

Tiki Tina, WooHooWahine, Deana, Hinano Paul, Bamboo Boyd and I had a great time at your "pad" yesterday! You are the consummate host (and make a pretty darn good Mai Tai too!)The food (L&L Hawaiian) was fantastic!!!!
A lot of cool people made the party even better!
We will post pictures after tonight's festivities at Bali Hai!!!!
Mucho Mahalos!!! & Happy New Year!!!!!


Hiphipahula posted on 12/31/2006

I had a WoOOOoooWHOoooOOOooo time myself at BreakDaMugs party! Meeting new Tiki-ites was a highlight. Holden's Hospitalty, Mai Tai's and plain Good Eats are second to none we had a Blast to say the least!! Seeing Kinny's & Squids new mugs was beyond, wait till you see the tests, an incredible duo indeed trio really, Holden MakesItHappen. We also saw some mugs to come in the near future what fun. Oh my lord at Bamboo Ben, BreakDaMug, Chongolio and Daves Not Home! I think the name of this thread needs to be:
"What happens at Mugoomba stays at Mugoomba!" I laughed and cried at the same time I think I had a coronary? did I? !! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2006-12-31 12:17 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 12/31/2006

MaHaLoZ to BreakdaMug!!!!

Was fun liter'ing up the place!!

How many mugs did we end up smashing to bits??

I recall a Shag or two?

The Mai Tais kicked in hard by that time.

Se' Y'All next year!!

Good Times @ MUGoomba!!!

little lost tiki posted on 01/01/2007

Great party Holden! A Million Mahalos for being such a great guy and opening your warehouse/state landmark to all us John Q. Publics! Great food and Mai-Tais as well! Met a lotta great people too! You TCers are sooooo Nice! Did I mention the food and Mai-Tais?MMMMMMM!
Also, seeing some of the mugs and stuff that are slated for this new year is always a treat!
I was going to post some pix here,but decided to post them on the Tonga Hut thread, as it would most certainly push GROG off the deep end! Here's the link!
Viva El TikiFarm!!!!

TikiJosh posted on 01/01/2007

I'm gonna second everyone else's comments! Thanks for the party Holden! It was awesome, and the Mai Tais in the sparkletts cooler were second to none! Mugoomba looks great inside, too! Thanks for opening everything up for us, sure was a lot of fun!
Much Mahalo!

WooHooWahine posted on 01/01/2007

tikidogg posted on 01/02/2007

in case anyone was offended by the shot of my hairy leg(thanks woohoo),i have since shaved it and my new years resolution is to keep it silky smooth in case of any future spur o da moment photo shoots.

bigtikidude posted on 01/02/2007

thanks Holden, great place and good times indeed.
and to the Boo's for bringin' the food.
How long did you guys stay there till?


teaKEY posted on 01/02/2007

love that green one. I've seen the Flounder mug that is coming out and its not in two-tone fashion. Is their going to be a two color option?

Daves Not Home posted on 01/02/2007

Happy New Year everyone!

Holden, thanks for a great time. Your Mai Tais need to come with a warning label; "These drinks will sneak up on you and bite you in the ass. Oh, and will cause blurred vision".

The BreakDaMugs ceremony was crazier than throwing a virgin in the volcano!!

Thanks to all for the laughs!


Tom Slick posted on 01/02/2007

You guys broke mugs!!??? Ok, next time i bring a punching bag and you can GIVE ME all the mugs you planned on breaking!hahaha, honestly, i don't even want to know what was trashed...I can only hope it was the don ho rock glasses and not actually mugs! Thank you Holden for being the superstar host you always are and for the fun party...Nothing like mai tais and katsu!...It was also great BS'n with you and Ben...Hey Ben, your new nick for a while will be "Goldfinger!",got it? hahahaha

TikiSan posted on 01/02/2007

Mahalo Holden for the fantastic party and for being a great host. The Mai Tais and food were delicious. It really is a treat to visit Tiki Farm. I love my black Mini Chiminea. After seeing how you used them in Mugooba to hold tea light candles, I had to buy one for use at home.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to have parties like this, we appreciate it!


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Chongolio posted on 01/05/2007

A gigantic thanks to Holden for being the magnanimous host, havin' such a memorable and hi-larious get together and for opening Magoomba up to the admirin' masses. It was so awesome I couldnt leave...really. More thanks to Ben and Vicki for bringin' a Hawaiian food base for the delicious Mai-tais to sit upon. It was a great opportunity to meet a few more cool people and catch up with some of the old chumz. I finally got a chance to get my pics sorted through and here are a couple from my impromptu road trip through the Southlands. If you want to see more bug on over to Barefoot bloggin for snaps from my entire trip which include a visit to Little Lost Tiki's art studio.

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Holden and Bora Boris talkin' tang

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Kim proving Dave was feelin' no pain

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Always an adventure when Booman and Boowoman make the scene

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Hiphiphula loves even the busted mugs

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Unga baskin' in the all the glory that is Magoomba

kikekeki posted on 01/05/2007

Hey, BreakDaMugs....

Sorry I missed the party.
Nice Bar, though!

Hiphipahula posted on 01/05/2007

On 2006-12-31 15:51, RevBambooBen wrote:
MaHaLoZ to BreakdaMug!!!!

Was fun liter'ing up the place!!

How many mugs did we end up smashing to bits??

I recall a Shag or two?

The Mai Tais kicked in hard by that time.

Se' Y'All next year!!

Good Times @ MUGoomba!!!

Indeed Ben!! Choice mugs (Na... they were actually defects says BreakDaMug)

"What happens at Mugoomba stays at Mugoomba!" I laughed and cried at the same time I think I had a coronary? did I? !! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Still catching my breath! and those mugs are still on my wish list!

MakeDaMug posted on 01/06/2007

On 2007-01-04 18:45, Chongolio wrote:
A gigantic thanks to Holden for being the magnanimous host, havin' such a memorable and hi-larious get together and for opening Magoomba up to the admirin' masses. It was so awesome I couldnt leave...really. More thanks to Ben and Vicki for bringin' a Hawaiian food base for the delicious Mai-tais to sit upon. It was a great opportunity to meet a few more cool people and catch up with some of the old chumz. I finally got a chance to get my pics sorted through and here are a couple from my impromptu road trip through the Southlands. If you want to see more bug on over to Barefoot bloggin for snaps from my entire trip which include a visit to Little Lost Tiki's art studio.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/476/459db9e2.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=566c342bbb9dd83fd492c46a6d08815e
Holden and Bora Boris talkin' tang

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Kim proving Dave was feelin' no pain

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/476/459dba2f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=234966d28e441a42acb8e7e6e6a265c7
Always an adventure when Booman and Boowoman make the scene

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Hiphiphula loves even the busted mugs

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Unga baskin' in the all the glory that is Magoomba

Just an fyi - all busted mugs were slight seconds destined for the "big steel mug crusher" then the dumpster anyways! I know it's painful but trust me, it ain't half as painful as when I'm sitting in my office and all that I hear is metal meeting ceramic out back (a once a year event, lasts about 1 hour). I always sleep crappy that night!

Oh yes - and notice the flexibility of our Swizzle Sticks in the picture above... quality baby!!

[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2007-01-05 17:00 ]

teaKEY posted on 01/07/2007

Oh yes - and notice the flexibility of our Swizzle Sticks in the picture above... quality baby!!

Oh yes!!!!!, when do we get to notice the flexiblity first hand??

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/47c41cda0586f7251030f0f18cff5c5d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tekoteko posted on 01/07/2007

[ Edited by: tekoteko 2007-01-06 22:47 ]

Pages: 1 45 replies