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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2007

hey Brad!
that Sneel is looking great! I'd listen to jpmartdog on that light breaking thru the surface UNLESS....it's a night scene! For the underpainting-try working up washy layers of your acrylic on it-start light and you'll see how you can build upthe darker areas.just look at Todd Schorr's process-there's some old Juxtapoz that has a step by step on his Pirate/long Gone John painting.
You nailed the ship and the masthead! Man! it's like practically effortless to you! Right on! I quite like the octopus too! Man! I need a job like yours! The time you have for painting is envious! You rock man! Great Coconut-Wired episode too! Hats off to you,Chongo, the Ghastly Ones,and all others involved! You need to design some mugs with the tikis in this series! :)

little lost tiki posted on 01/07/2007

Double-posted! Sorry :)

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-01-08 08:18 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/08/2007

Thanks for the pointers... thats a damn nice dolphin mural! Where is it? I think I may have to go back in a in some places put on that beautiful wavering light...LLT, your advice is so good I could hear it twice :)
I gotta go look for that issue of Juxtapoz!
Now I'm seeking to get a real good wood look to the tiki.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/08/2007

TeaKey, I never met Thor, but I'm dying to get over to Oahu and check out the Thor Store! My Hawaiian artist friend, Sam, said it is amazing! JPMartdog, I was in a pool today with a snorkel mask studying the way the wavering light hits surfaces under water. It seemed to actually seperate it out into diffrent colors. Like light through a prisim on a Pink Floyd album cover! Your right, this my be too far down , but I think I'll try some a little bit to see what it looks like...

Hey, So I SAW people feeding pieces of bread to several eels in the tidal pools! They slither right across the rocks to go from one pool to another! (the eels not the people) So they CAN come out of the water! Not so sure about them being able to rear up like a cobra, though. I was amazed that they liked slices of wonder bread!

Bora Boris posted on 01/08/2007

I like how the brass bolt on on your easel looks like one of the Gold Coins has fallen out of the painting.

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2007-01-08 13:26 ]

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2007-01-08 15:24 ]

hodadhank posted on 01/08/2007

On 2007-01-07 02:25, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
WOW! Thanks hodadhank! That helped ALOT!

Cool. I never know when my dusty old BFA tricks will come in handy!

This is such a wonderful painting. It just gets better and better.

Hey, TSA check your personnal messages about another matter.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/09/2007

Boris, you are my kind of tiki freak!
Hodadhank, I PM-ed ya...

Boy, rained really hard here in Kona last night. And hard, like I mean Hilo hard! The whole place shook. Big tropical down pour. Very cool! I heard it's been raining like that in Puna ( over on the wet side) for about four days. Here, on the dry side, I can see it's already clearing up a bit.

Sam Gambino posted on 01/09/2007

That has turned into a killer piece of art with the light accents and colors! Great job, TS....

hewey posted on 01/10/2007

Up there with your best :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/10/2007

Thanks Sam, thanks Hewey. I'm still finishing the under-painting of the main elements. I hope the color glazes look as nice as I hope they will.
Thanks for the encouragement. One of these days I gotta take a shot that's not so blurry!

THOR's posted on 01/10/2007

ALOHA Tiki Shark!!!!

GREAT PAINTING!!! I always look forward to see what you are up to!! keep up the wonderful work!!!!!!


RevBambooBen posted on 01/10/2007

Aloha Tiki Shark,

The Eel's of Kona are like garbage disposals. The eat everything. Go down Ali'li to the rocks next to the Little Blue Church, left side not the right sacred spot, and toss in some chicken bones and see what happens. Sausage works even better! You can practically get them to eat out of your hand!

Matt Reese posted on 01/10/2007

The more I look at your stuff the more I hate you.
Amazing.....truly amazing.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/11/2007

Thor, Aloha! THANKS! That's big praise coming from someone as good as you! I hope to make it over to Oahu and see your cool Thor Store soon - I hear it's Tiki heaven! Bambooben, I know where that church is! It's just down the road. (I suppose if you throw old bones off the side that's a scared spot that could lead to supernatural porblems... hmm sounds like another cool painting idea.) What time is good for eel feeding? Matt - Thanks, er...I think.

So, still not to the color glazes yet. I'm getting the fishes rendered, and doing something with the gold coins. But I may have made too many coins...I mean how many gold coins could have came outa that chest! I gotta go in and create some sandy sea floor.
Thanks for watching, Aloha from the Big Island!

Paipo posted on 01/11/2007

I think is the best one of this series by a long shot, and it's not even finished yet!
Can you explain to us painting philistines what colour glazes are and what you're going to do with them? Is it some sort of translucent tint you're going to lay over the top of certain areas?

Bora Boris posted on 01/11/2007

On 2007-01-11 01:59, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
But I may have made too many coins...I mean how many gold coins could have came outa that chest! I gotta go in and create some sandy sea floor.
Thanks for watching, Aloha from the Big Island!

If you imagine that the chest belongs to Scrooge McDuck then that amount of coins is appropriate. Actually I think there would be more but that works for me.

Great painting!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/11/2007

I know where that church is! It's just down the road. (I suppose if you throw old bones off the side that's a scared spot that could lead to supernatural porblems... hmm sounds like another cool painting idea.) What time is good for eel feeding?

To the right of the lil' Blue Church is a Hai'au (sp??)
( sacred surfing temple) And, to the right of that is Hale' Miller aka Doug Miller's Hut who owns the Kona Club, Thalasa and the Mallard all up in the East Bay, mainland. We were there last May, Bamboo-ing the inside of his hut and fed the eels morning noon and night. All left overs went to the eels! When they're hungry, they will go nuts! Average size were about 2-3' long. A few were 4-6'! Crazy!! Makes you think twice about sticking your hands into the tide pools!!

p.s. Your paintings rock!

hewey posted on 01/12/2007

On 2007-01-11 01:59, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
But I may have made too many coins...I mean how many gold coins could have came outa that chest! I gotta go in and create some sandy sea floor.

Who said thats the only chest? Its the only one in view yes, but that pirate ship was FULL of chests before the ocean claimed it.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/14/2007

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aloha TC! It's been a busy last couple of days, so I didn't have a Lot of painting time.
Paipo - Thanks, yeah it gonna be a color tint. I've read where it helps give the painting an "inner glow" I've never tired it before and I just hope it doesn't give it a "inner crapy-ness". I actually went to the local art store (there's only 1 in Kona) and looked for a book about how to do it. No luck! I'm gonna have to wing it!
Bora Boris - Thanks, Once again you hit me funny bone dead on! It might have been the sunken ship of the dreaded pirate Scrooge McDuck, fer shure!
RevBambooBen- You know, this may sound stupid, (but it's true) when I paint I use you as a standard. I always keep the thought in the back of my mind "Is this painting good enough to be hanging in one of those fantastic Hawaiian masterpiece rooms by Bamboo Ben?" So thanks for the high bench mark you've given me.
I'm looking to get some painting in later today.
Aloha from the Big Island

RevBambooBen posted on 01/15/2007


My words mean squat here. Trust me.

Did you feed the Eels yet?!!!?

RevBambooBen- You know, this may sound stupid, (but it's true) when I paint I use you as a standard. I always keep the thought in the back of my mind "Is this painting good enough to be hanging in one of those fantastic Hawaiian masterpiece rooms by Bamboo Ben?"

p.s., do you shop at the KTA? Mmmmmm. Ahi !!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/15/2007


That mermaid is cool!

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Chongolio posted on 01/15/2007

Wow Brad! That whole thing just took on a complete underwater hue. It looked really golden before and now it all looks very much underwater. Was that the last step with the glazes the trick or was it just the camera playing tricks? This one came out lookin' really really bitchin' Color glazes!! I can't keepup with all these techniques you cats are pulling out of your magic bags.

Epic kung fu mang,

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Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

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GROG posted on 01/15/2007


Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/17/2007

Sorry everyone, I know it's been slow going.... but it anit done yet!

I was researching the whole "color wash over the under painting thing". I couldn't find much info on a painting process that's supposed to have been around since the 1400's! I must just be a bad net-surfer. However, I did find some info on Pooch's web site. He does these GREAT paintings using this process. He suggested working a mid tone wash over the under painting, then if needed, work out into the shadows and and highlights. I tried this and promptly I screwed up the process by getting too opaque. Pooch has a more subtle hand than I do it seems.

Then I found this description from Schorr " ... a detailed monochromatic underpainting in raw umber. after this is completed I than start working my "comic book colors" over this using the lightest washes of color in the dark shadow areas and the heaviest of opaque whites for highlights."

So I tried with a bit more success. Here's sort of what I did: It seems that the under painting is worked up form dark to light. Then, the washes are worked from a highlight (not the brightest, but say upper middle values) down to the shadows.

Then Ken Ruzic gave me some cool advice about working it up veeerry slowly in many many layers. the kind of art that takes way too much time in this day and age, but is great if you are a 14th century Flemish painter working in a cottage with no TV.

All these approaches helped, but none seemed to get me there yet. I guess now comes the practice it till you get good at it part.

So, basically, I still don't know what I'm doing, but here's what I got thus far.
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Some blue worked into the Tiki's shadowy bits.
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Here's a detail of the barnacles on the Tiki's butt.

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frostiki posted on 01/17/2007

I'm still amazed by the tiny details that you put in your paintings that give it so much more depth. Now about the sn-eel…

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Clysdalle posted on 01/17/2007

man, I love this painting....great detail...great composition...

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GROG posted on 01/17/2007


little lost tiki posted on 01/17/2007

Quit yer cryin!
Art is a struggle and a joy both at the same time! Your brain says it doesn't know what it's doing, but your instincts and hand seem to have a supernatural perfection about it! Never thought barnacles on a butt could be so beautiful! Now I know who I'll commission for my reclining nude portrait! :wink:
Oh, and before I forget......Bubbles? H2O...the "O" stands for Oxygen-bubbles? You really need to put a least a few bubbles in there...pleez?

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-01-17 09:09 ]

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Swamp Fire posted on 01/18/2007

Nothing better than a good barnacle.
Love it!

hewey posted on 01/18/2007

On 2007-01-17 00:55, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
So, basically, I still don't know what I'm doing

For someone who's bumbling along it looks pretty good to me.

Although given Grog's unstable temperament, Im scared what he will do when you work out what you are doing... :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/20/2007

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So I had my first Hawaiian Cold bug. It knocked me on my butt fer a few days. I'm still coughing up smurfs. However, I felt human enough to paint a bit today! More color glazes - over the "sudo Yellow Tangs" and over the gold coins mostly.
Thanks for watching.
Alo... (cough cough!)...ha.

Oh yeah, while I couldn't muster the energy to paint while I was all doped up on cold medicine, (as LLT encouraged me to!), I did get some really weird painting ideas... and very roughly sketched them down. So, actually Ken was right! Use that f-ed up sick feeling to your advantage! thanks Ken!

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-01-19 23:23 ]

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Chongolio posted on 01/20/2007

Yeesh! All this talk of butt barnacles, coughin' up smurfs and LLT reclining nekid has got me feelin' a little under the weather too. Good thing I have your beeyootiful paintin' to get lost in and take my mind of the queasyness. If you do that underwater nude commission for Kinny don't forget the air bubbles. I think we all know where they will comin out of. :D

You must have hours in yoour paintings. I envy your ability to experiment and put much time into them. So often I find myself with so many ideas I just can't stay focused on one for very long. That is probably why I have so many half finished projects laying around my studio. Your efforts are payin' off in an amazing peice of artwork. I would of called it finished after the first sketch.

Hope your feelin better Brad.

I here the Super Ferry is on its way

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Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

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kooche posted on 01/20/2007

dude - i dig the lei of fishies! just an incredible idea - you rock

Sam Gambino posted on 01/20/2007

That looks great Tiki Shark! A beautiful piece of work, and of course, I'm still digging the hammerhead in it....

RevBambooBen posted on 01/20/2007

On 2007-01-17 09:05, GROG wrote:

Is Ernesto really getting this one?

If so Ernie, you're gonna need an Old School BBoo Boo Frame.
4" dia all mitered with a 1" Rattan inset. With a slight stain to match a color somewhere in that Awesome Painting!
Just enough to enhance it and not take away from the art!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/21/2007

Hey Chongolio, thanks... today I'm feeling better. That's good. However, we have house guests, one of my business partners is here to help out with Tiki Shark Inc's accounting, That's good! But, they are staying in the guest room, which is normally my painting studio. So I can't paint till they leave in a few days. That's bad.
They Super ferry is all done, not sure where it's route will be taking it though. Honolulu fer shure, but I don't Kona's shallow port could take it. If it comes to the Big Island it will dock at Hilo on the other side I bet.
Kooche - no, U dude, U rock! Ole!
Sam, thanks, I'm grabin some sable brushes nest time I'm at the art store!
Rev Bam Boo Ben -Really, like I said, the buyer of this painting is a guy named Don who's scuba diving in the sea south of Thailand right now and, unless there is an unfortunate Eel attack, he gets it when he gets back. However, I will forward your excellent framing ideas to him. Also, I'm trying to talk our guests into spending some of their time down on the beach feeding the eels...
Grog, if u reeeeally want one, I can always make another one!
Aloha from the Big Island........

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Brian posted on 01/21/2007

I've been going through this thread and I really dig your paintings. You should add a gallery to your website.

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hi tiki shark your work is outstanding you are very talented keep up the good work my friend

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hiltiki posted on 01/22/2007

Tiki Shark I am one of your fans and I agree with Marcus 100%. You are very good pretty much all the time.

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GROG posted on 01/22/2007


[ Edited by: GROG 2007-01-21 23:39 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/24/2007

Aloha TC,
We took our guests to the air port this morning, by way of the beach...
So I got some painting time in! Almost done!
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Everything is color glazed, but..
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I got a few more passes of the eel to do...
Brian -Yeah I gotta get my gallery page on my web site finished!
Tiki Beat, thanks, and I love your web site!
Hiltiki - Mahalo buddy!
Grog... I am honored.
I'm gonna get up early and finish this thing...cause we got another guest coming in tomorrow at noon! Yikes!
Aloha for the Big Island!

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VampiressRN posted on 01/24/2007

Breathless here. I also really dig that hammerhead. :)

little lost tiki posted on 01/24/2007

BUBBLES? :wink:

Bora Boris posted on 01/24/2007

I thought the painting was done 3 weeks ago. Did you have to make the little fish look so good that I'd be afraid to put my hand near the painting fearing they would swim away? Jeez!

hewey posted on 01/25/2007

On 2007-01-24 09:05, little lost tiki wrote:
BUBBLES? :wink:

Anyone think LLT has watched Finding Nemo too many times? :)

Its looking good mate :)

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Heath posted on 01/25/2007

I think this could actually be what's in the painting.


By the way, TSA, this painting....

I'm speechless.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/25/2007

Okay, it done. Finally!
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Mystic Tiki #9: the Sunken Tiki - 16" x 20", acrylic on canvas
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VampiressRN - I figured you'd like something as toothy as this. Bora Boris - Mahalo buddy. Hewey - I love dat movie! LLT - Doh! I fergot da bubbles! Thanks for watching everyone, and thanks for the help. There is no artist's collective better than TC, anywhere!
Aloha from the Big Island!

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GROG posted on 01/25/2007


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