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ebay:Monkey Love Painting by CREHORE-auction has ended

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Amyaloha posted on 02/03/2007

Hi all-

I will be taking part in a very unsual and exciting charity art auction sponsored by the Corey Helford Gallery in Culver City starting next weekend!
Don't miss! 100% of proceeds will go the the Children's Alliance.

Read about it here and see a preview of my painting (before and after):


All of the paintings will be on ebay available for bidding from Feb 10 to Feb 17, 2007!
100+ top artists!!!! Including Mark Ryden and Shag!
All are transforming vintage paint-by-numbers into original modern works of art.
Detail of my painting:

My painting is a pop surrealist Kon-tiki sort of image. :)

http://www.amycrehore.blogspot.com (go here for updates and auction links)

NEWS: Feb 15, 2007- boingboing.net just mentioned me as a "pop surrealist luminary" along with a few others: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/02/15/charity_art_auction_.html

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2007-02-19 19:13 ]

Amyaloha posted on 02/09/2007

Don't Miss a chance to bid on this Monkey/Girl painting for Charity on ebay from Feb 10-17!


Amyaloha posted on 02/11/2007

Here is the ebay auction link for the Charity By Numbers auction!!

It just went up:


little lost tiki posted on 02/11/2007

Just went over to the link and spent the last 20 minutes on the first page!!! If you haven't visited the link-GO!!! NOW!!!!Some of these are incredibly beautiful,while some, like Jason Maloney's K Fed poodle had me rollin'! Great job on the Chinese junk piece! Those flowers on the tree are so right and perfect and totally compliment the one in her hair! Splendid piece!! It's always a hoot to paint over thrift store aquisitions!Banksy does some off the hook work in that genre! Thanks for givin us a Heads-up on this really great concept for a show! :)

Amyaloha posted on 02/11/2007

You are welcome!

I need to go and look at all of the pieces in the auction, I went to bed after I found the link last night.

I'm sure the opening party at the gallery was wild down there last night in Culver City.

One thing: my blog has a better image of my painting than the auction site, for anyone who wants to see the details.

Thanks for your nice comments about the flowers, etc.
It was so much fun doing it.

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2007-02-11 06:38 ]

Amyaloha posted on 02/12/2007

Here's a new link to the auction...there are tons more artists on here now! 92, I think.


More details of Amy Crehore Monkey Love painting for "Charity by Numbers" (ebay doesn't show very well, plus the face detail in my first post)

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2007-02-12 13:53 ]

Amyaloha posted on 02/15/2007

Some one was asking about the size of the paintings because the ebay site does not have that information. Mine is the size of a large FED EX box (then add the frame).

I think some are small and some are fairly large.

Here is the "before" picture:

Amyaloha posted on 02/16/2007

Auction for Amy Crehore Art in Charity By Numbers ends Sat, Feb. 17, 2007
4:07 PM PST.

Don't miss! Bid to win rare Monkey Love piece. Oil on hardboard (masonite), painted on vintage paint-by-number.

All proceeds go to the Alliance of Children's Rights 100%.

Thanks for looking!

Amy Crehore

TikiLaLe posted on 02/18/2007

Oh my, the nakedness. Some strong water up there in Ugene !!!!

ikitnrev posted on 02/18/2007

I did not see this thread when it first appeared, and thus started another thread elsewhere about this charity auction.

I loved your painting Amy - it was one of my favorites of the entire auction. Thanks for contributing to a good cause - it is always a good thing when artists gather to help others. (Amy's painting raised $1750 for a worthy cause)

I was fortunate to be able to bid on and win a different Polynesian themed PBN, the one done by Rodney Alan Greenblat. His painting/alteration reminded me a bit of Mary Blair's stylings for Disney's 'It's A Small World', with the bright colors and primitive patterns presenting me with a visual shaman-ish thrill.

There are still many PBNs available as of Sunday noon, several with a current high bid price of under $200


VampiressRN posted on 02/18/2007

Wonderful artist's interpretations. Looks like the auction went well...congratulations.

Amyaloha posted on 02/18/2007

Thanks for your wonderful comments and I'm glad some people here were bidding in this unusual and fun charity auction.
Thanks for checking out my art.

I need to drink some more water now and paint. :)

artroodeetoo posted on 02/18/2007

Hey did anyone make out with any of the artwork? bidding for the biskup, ryden, and other populars went pretty high!

Amyaloha posted on 02/19/2007

I actually beat the Biskup.
I was in the top twelve out of 99. :)
My buyer bought 3.

Here's the link to the results:

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2007-02-21 07:08 ]

artroodeetoo posted on 02/20/2007

On 2007-02-19 15:39, Amyaloha wrote:
You'd be surprised just who collected some of them.
I figured out who bought Rydens and some of the others.
[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2007-02-19 15:40 ]

care to share? :wink:

Amyaloha posted on 02/20/2007

care to share? :wink:

Just guessing really. I don't really know for sure.
And a lot of people were talking about which ones they bought over at the kidrobot.com forum (events).

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2007-02-21 07:09 ]

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