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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Benzart posted on 02/21/2007

OH Yeah, I almost forgot, The Dose of happiness came through Loud and Clear. Thank you all Very Much, it meant a lot!
:) :) :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/21/2007

Sunset today was one which was nothing to write home about. Just to prove it, I provide the following photographic evidence:

I don't want to say "I told you so." That would be gloating.

A lot of clean up on this little guy and some sanding will do it
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I'm glad I didn't throw this piece of wood away
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I still managed to keep the pendant hole in the back
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This was as close to a non stop carve as I've ever done.

On 2007-02-20 18:10, surfintiki wrote:
I wanna move to San Diego... )

Why, do like sitting in traffic? :)

Buzzy Out!

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VonTiki posted on 02/21/2007

I don't know, Buzz, but I'm pretty sure you're a real tiki guy.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/22/2007

VonTiki: Sup' Man! You know that, but you met me....I'm tiki on the inside, but not on the outside, though. That is what I'm working on. I want to be recognized as a tiki guy by the guy who works the drive thru at Weinerschnitzel, not just you guys. If I commit a horrible crime, I want the APB to be for a tiki guy, armed and dangerous.

Most crime happens after the sun disappears...
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California should try to mandate some sort law to make the earth stop moving so the sun would never go down. It would pass if someone would argue that crime would go down and it would make the children here safer. Maybe we could raise taxes to get a big chain to anchor us to the moon. Could that stop the earth's rotation?

Put some color on this guy.
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For the ladies
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I'm going to go look to see if I have any Weinerschitznel coupons...

Where Are My Keys Buzzy Out!

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pdrake posted on 02/22/2007

nice ass!

hope to see you soon and get some staining and coating lessons.

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Tiki Duddy posted on 02/23/2007

and you were going to throw that out?! you made that piece turn out really goood. buzzy man always like the progress shots. it also helps others learn.
turned out great

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/23/2007

On 2007-02-22 20:03, Tiki Duddy wrote:
buzzy man always like the progress shots. it also helps others learn.

Hey Duddy. Glad you like the progress shots. ready for today's lesson?
Here it is:

Carving a tiki body from a log

First thing I did was draw the centerline, mark the outer edge, and bring the head to the right size. I then carved the neck, and made the angle from the chests highest point to the bottom of the neck. Next, I carved the pie shape out that will makes the torso and arms and carved in the lines where the legs would be.
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Next, I carved the angle that would make the shins to the top of the feet. Then I removed some material from between the legs and marked out the feet
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At this point, the torso is formed further by moving back the arms. I'm leaving enough for the hands while I do this. I'm also bringing out the feet and defining the legs better. The gouge on the side will divide the hands from the legs
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Here I've brought the hands back and am working on the top of the legs
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The bottom of the stomach is taken back and the space between the legs gets deeper
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Now I've carved a slot between the arms and the torso. This defines the ams, seperates them from the body, and gives further depth to the torso
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Next lesson: Body refinements and face carving.


Buzzy Out!

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Tiki Duddy posted on 02/23/2007

thanks buzzy. hey by the way what kind of wood is that? looks different.
see you later

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frostiki posted on 02/23/2007

thanks for the lesson, now if i could find some wood.

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hiltiki posted on 02/24/2007

Michelbuzzyangelo in person.

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Stiki Tiki posted on 02/24/2007

that's the lesson I've been waiting for!
I'm gonna try one, still have 2 palm logs been staring at... Thanks!

Benzart posted on 02/24/2007

Most Excellent lesson Buzzmaster! That last tiki was top notch too and a Really Tough looking guy, al but the skimpy arms. try beffing them up and maybe puttinh=g the guy on a good excersize/training program, there's one for everyone! lol.
As far as Looking tiki, it's Not important it's the tiki INSIDE that Counts.. Beware the guy who Looks tiki on the outside for he may be Untiki(dare I say cheezburgers in paradise?) on the inside. We ALL KNOW you are crammed FULL of tiki inside so don't worry about it, just keep being it.
And besides, who says you Don't look tiki on the outside? Just gimme another sunset and I'll shut up.

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4WDtiki posted on 02/28/2007

Buzzy, no posts in FOUR DAYS? :o You okay, man?!?

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mike-stobbe posted on 02/28/2007

it's been raining like crazy out here for a few days . . . I'm sure something good is going on . . .

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GROG posted on 02/28/2007

Buzzy and Zaya were supposed to come up to North Hollywood for the Tiki Night at the Tonga Hut last Saturday, but GROG never saw them. Buzzy was supposed to bring GROG his maoi carving. Where Buzzy with GROG' moai?

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Tiki Duddy posted on 02/28/2007

hey grog, buzzy has been sick. i got a pm from him the other day saying that he spent the night in the hospital. he sais he will get back soon.

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Babalu posted on 02/28/2007

Thanks for updating all of us Duddy....Hey Buz, if your out there dude...take care, feel better.

We'll keep our eyes on the sky for you.

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Stiki Tiki posted on 02/28/2007

Not sick from what I hear, back injury, lay off those monster Tiki's Buzzy and whip out the hook knife! Hope ya feel better~

Benzart posted on 03/01/2007

BuzzMaster, you're Not supposed to be filling ill or unable to work, You're not allowed. If you Did wrench your back, I Certainly hope you recover soon.

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JohnnyP posted on 03/01/2007

It would have to be a trip to the hospital to slow Buzzy down, I'll bet he has snuck a scalpel and is carving the doctor's furniture. We expect a sunset photo from the hospital room view.

Get well soon.


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Cammo posted on 03/01/2007

Just went over to Buzzy's place, the truck is out front but no Buzzy, no Zaya and no dog. Will keep on the case; I'm lending him the first season of "Jack of all Trades" to recupe with.

Jeez, this is impossible! He's a superhero!

Maybe Lex Luthor is responsible...

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Zaya posted on 03/01/2007

On 2007-02-28 20:09, Cammo wrote:
Jeez, this is impossible! He's a superhero!

Maybe Lex Luthor is responsible...

Hi guys! Well it wasn't Lex Luthor that was responsible, but his evil nemesis "Back Breaker" that was the villian this time! Buzzy and I had some big plans for the weekend including the Tonga Hut on Saturday night, but early Friday a back injury he's had was aggravated. It started getting really painful, and went from bad to worse in record time. Before he knew it it was over the top with no relief in sight, and he wound up spending Sunday night until all hours of the morning in the hospital. Right now he's in good hands, and is trying to get some well deserved R&R. He'll be back as soon as he can, and in the mean time I wanted to let everyone know he's ok. What a great group of friends we have around here!

Back to the lair,

Benzart posted on 03/01/2007

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Zaya, make sure he doesn't try to be a Hero and come back too soon from this. We will be fine(kinda) without him for as long as it takes, but he can still operate his camera right?
Thanks for the Report. Keep us updated.

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Tiki Duddy posted on 03/01/2007

hey zaya thanks for the update. tell him to take it easy for us.
well hope to see him healed and back at it soon.

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GROG posted on 03/01/2007

GROG fix Buzzy. GROG not chiropractor, but how hard can be? Get well soon Buzzy.

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Davez_tikiz posted on 03/01/2007

Here's the fix.... lay down on your stomach, and have GROG pile palm logs on top of you until it stretches you out... that way your back feels better, and you'll stretch out to be 6 inches taller!

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Bowana posted on 03/03/2007

Hey Buzzy, hope you are doing better. If you can make it to 4WD's next weekend, just hang out and have a beer. Give your back time to heal.

Every Tiki carving I have, is throwing positve juju towards Mission Bay.

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Stiki Tiki posted on 03/05/2007

Buzzy come back, ya can't quite now without lesson 2!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/05/2007

Hey guys!
I'd like to thank all of you who have been publicly and privately checking in on me during this ordeal. I means a great deal to hear from you all and know that I have your support, and help if needed.
Today was the first decent day I've had in the last 9 days. Last week I was unable to walk, stand, crawl, sit, or even make the slightest of movements. Since I live alone, it was impossible for me to manage on my own at home, so I had to go live with family and friends for a while to help me out. Since all this came unexpectedly, I didn't get a chance to gather anything up before I left home. It was complicated by the fact that my doctor left for vacation on the day I was hurt, and I had to use the emergency room at the hospital as my primary care provider until he gets back on Tuesday. All they do there is give you shots of drugs until you say you can't feel anything anymore, and then they send you home with a big bag of pills.
Sorry I couldn't post more on how I was doing, but I didn't have my computer with me, and I couldn't manage walking to the computer or sit down long enough to be able to post. And there were all those pills I took that made the last week seem like it was 10 minutes long...I had Zaya contact a few of the regulars at house of buzz now and again, so I think most of you know what has been up...
Thanks again and I love and miss you guys.
I carve tikis in my head now...too bad I do not have a photographic memory so I can post my progress.

Getting Better (I hope?)Buzzy Out!

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HOUSE OF KU posted on 03/05/2007

On 2007-03-05 00:46, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Hey guys!

I carve tikis in my head now...too bad I do not have a pornographic memory so I can post my progress.

Hey Buzzy, glad you could check in...Any idea of what you wanna carve next :)?? FAAAACHHIZZLE!! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/45ebf13c.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2801fc2315bad214870761fda2214d0f
Aloha, Freddie

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GROG posted on 03/06/2007

Glad to hear from you Buzzmeister. Get well soon. Take it nice and slow, and heal up well.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/07/2007

Thanks GROG. The biggest disappointment of this whole situation was missing all you guys up at Tonga Hut a couple Saturdays back. At the rate of recovery I'm experiencing currently, I should absolutely make the next one.

I went to my real doctor today and we are now treating the cause of the problem, as opposed to treating only the resulting symptoms. The list of shots, steroids, and meds I'm on right now is twice as long as the list of every drug that I've ever been prescribed in my life prior to today.

Right now words are not making sense to me, so I'm going to stop trying to convey anything meaningful through them...

I heard on the news while i was away that we had some of the best sunsets of the season last few days...

Let's see if we agree with the weather guy today...
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The first step back to the normal routine has been taken.

FREDDIE: Now if I could just somehow add the photograhic part of my memory to the Pornograhic part of it, then my tiki island mansion dreams would be realized in a day.

Thanks all you guys for your prayers, blessings, and kindness sent my way, means a lot.

I'm Buffer Now Because I'm on Roids Dude!Buzzy Out!

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hewey posted on 03/07/2007

Mate, you take it easy and look after yourself! :)

Benzart posted on 03/07/2007

Keep getting better bro, take your time h=and heal all the way. Know that we miss you and glad you be's OK.

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VampiressRN posted on 03/07/2007

Sorry to hear you have been out with your back. I have a very bad back and have been in the same space as you. Hang in there....it will get better and gotta stay away from heavy lifting. You are lucky to have so many wonderful friends here, so you are never alone. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/08/2007

All a good sunset needs is a few clouds...
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Not enough today.

On 2006-04-24 13:37, Loki wrote:
Buzzy...you are a carver on steroids...

Be it known that I shall forever refer to Loki as "The Prophet", for today the words of the prophecy came true. According to my translation of the original passage, at least.
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Doctor said "...let the pain be your guide, so far as doing stuff." I reclined back as far as I could in my chair, turned on the tv, and grabbed a practice piece of basswood I had lying around.
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Didn't feel a thing. Took me less time to carve than that movie called "The Cave."
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Just what the world needs, another damn moai pendant.

Now I need to go look at my muscles to see if there are any visible results from the roids yet. Then I'm going to use those two hooknives to shave my body hair off, to make me look even buffer. I cannot decide if I want to train for strength, or for bulk. I think i'd make a good Mr. Olympia.

Applying Bronzer On My Abs Next Buzzy Out!

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HOUSE OF KU posted on 03/08/2007

Kinda looks like my neighbor in the morning...:) Glad to see your back, pun intended, hehe,you must be smiling again...damn pain killers. Are you entering anything in the Tiki Carving Swap,with Easter Island theme? Freddie

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GROG posted on 03/08/2007

That's nice moai got there mister Buzzer. Keep gettin well. GROG sending Lou Ferrigno down to help you train.

GROG out.

Benzart posted on 03/09/2007

Ah yes, but not Just another moai Pendant, it's a Bay Park Special BUZZY MOAI, and those don't come along very often. Cool!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/09/2007

Four moments of today's sunset represented as photographs:

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The sun will set tomorrow too. I plan to be here when it does.

On 2007-03-08 09:42, GROG wrote:
GROG sending Lou Ferrigno down to help you train.

Big Lou's all fired up on hanging out with me.
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I'll have him carry your moai back up to you when we are done

On 2007-03-08 20:15, Benzart wrote:
Ah yes, it's a Bay Park Special BUZZY MOAI, and those don't come along very often.

Ding! Ding! Hey that's the 12:55 from Buzzyland express arriving.
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The daily Special Buzzy Moai has arrived!
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I do not know what he has to smile about. He looks the same like they all do, but different like they all do too.

On 2007-03-08 01:16, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Are you entering anything in the Tiki Carving Swap,with Easter Island theme? Freddie

I'll see how how many I can crank out and just trade everyone else for one of mine.

What's next? How about another Moai! This one will will have one of those hats, and the next one after that will be smaller and he will have a hat too.

Moai Guy Buzzy Out!

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hiltiki posted on 03/09/2007

Buzzy, I would like one of these little fellers for my tiki hut. Save one for me please. Get well soon. :)

Benzart posted on 03/09/2007

BUZZY's Almost back!!! YEAYYYYYYY

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/10/2007

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Sanded a little to get him all smooth like
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And then I stained him:
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Tired now...
Buzzy Out!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 03/10/2007

Looks like you didn't hurt mojo any---it's still workin' fine.

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/366adf4c3b665463da36c9e8e98bfee9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Duddy posted on 03/10/2007

BUZZY! great to see your feeling better. great to see you carving again too. the small guys are lookin good. take it easy alright?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/11/2007

There are good days and bad days...
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Today was a bad day.
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Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Tiki stuff soon...Meanwhile, enjoy the sunsets.

Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 03/11/2007

I see someone heard your request for cloudy sunsets and it looks like you heard Our requests for more carvings, keep'em all coming but take it ezy, you're still healing remember!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/484543c20e507cf0845b33cc1e4779fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hewey posted on 03/11/2007

Good to see you're carving little tikis and taking it easy mate :) This means A - we still get Buzzy tikis, and B - you're gonna get all rested and fixed :) The little moai are cool

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