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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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pdrake posted on 02/01/2007

love the bird man.

here's a jade toggle with a shell inlay i did for a pendant i'm working on.

little lost tiki posted on 02/03/2007

Aloha Fellow Tiki Travelers!
Hello dear! Yes, it has been awhile! But at least your tikipatio is looking better than ever! A little bird told me that I may be in a show where your candles will be sold! Can't wait to see them in person! I'm dying to see what the boxes look like!

Where is the village? Right behind your eyeballs and right behind your sternum! Mind and heart,that's where everyone's village is! I couldn't even begin to imagine the carved edifices in your private village! Thank you!

...also cool! thanks for razzin Brad about the bubbles!

Sweet Jade Toggle! Teeny man! But what it lacks in size, it gains in personality!

well,I'll start off with the changes I did to the Rev 6:13 piece...
Removed those busy-ass clouds! They was crampin my style!!! A bit overly oppressive! i wanted a buildup of tension, not the freakin calvary charging over the hill,sooooooooo...

That's all you get from this one for now!!!! BECAUSE.....
I finished my Orongo Village piece yesterday (except for something special I've saved for the edges) and I'd like to share it with you! It's about 2x4' (this is not my week for measurements and dimensions....) and it's a piece of wood from a dresser drawer I cannibalized... I mixed gouache with the gesso, laid it down,let it dry, then painted it up lickety split! I used a metallic gold gouache mixed with a naples yellow for the Birdmen, to give them this special magical glow! May I present for your viewing pleasure.... "the Festival"

A lot of the characters from earlier sketches were needing to meet and interact...See if you can recognize any of our old friends! here's some details!!!!

And here some REEEEEEEAL close up details so you can check out the brushstrokes!

Here's so you can see the village in the background...I did the outlines a shade darker so it
would recess into the background and look far away!

and here's one of the lovely tree branches...

This one was pretty fun, and it seems I'm back in the saddle when it comes to brush paintin!
kinda like riding a bike, you just need a couple of sessions and BAMMO! it returns like an old friend! And, always the one to provide a cliffhanger....Here's a STUDY of a piece that I'm about
1/3 finished with already.It too is gouache on canvas and it's called "Land of the Waterfalls"!
It will have 5 Waterfalls and 10 Tikis and should be a lot of fun when it's done!

And in case anyone dare accuse me of being a Lazybones....
here's Biff's customized mug I finished last week...
and my very first eBay excursion...
Whew! Can I go now? I'm tired! Talk atcha soon! Thank you!

visit http://www.kenruzic.com and get visual Tourettes Syndrome!!!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-02-02 21:20 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/03/2007

Hmmmm... I think I count six waterfalls.
Brilliant work!
Go Ken go!

JenTiki posted on 02/03/2007

I love the guys dancing around the fire! That's my kinda party!
And waterfalls ... well you know how I feel about those! :wink:
More lovely art from the cave. Can't wait to see it all!

Sneakytiki posted on 02/03/2007

Mr. Ruzic, The Rev. piece looks KILLER without the clouds! The new birdman painting is my new favorite LLT piece, I must have gotten some of your artistic broadcast psychic bird flu, I was painting a South American bird man about the same time you were doing your Rapa Nui's. Unfortunately (for me), yours kick ass over mine,lol!

Nice work on the crazy ass mug too, in the metallic color it kinda references meso american stuff along with the mela/polynesian stuff, WOW! Very original and well done.


Hiphipahula posted on 02/04/2007

Still has to be 1 of my favorites & I still think these Moai's need to me a mug & in this beautiful midnight color, shading & all. I just love it...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/04/2007

Beeeeeutiful! I love the sketch of the old pendant!
Thanks for the kudos, but don't you dare stop making art, where would I get all my inspiration from?

VampiressRN posted on 02/04/2007

The Moais are so fabulous and love the flaming star. Just talent talent talent!!! Thanks for a stunning 500th. :tiki:

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/04/2007

You are so completely in your groove and your light is shinning brightly ! You honor us. dawn

little lost tiki posted on 02/05/2007

Halloo Fellow Art lovers!
It's Five Waterfalls! Don't you have a Puppy to Paint? :lol:
I won't stop making art if you don't stop painting PUPPIES! :lol:
Thank you Sweetie! We share a mutual love for waterfalls! They're so relaxing to watch! I hope you're not expecting two naked Birdmen dancing around the fire at Kirby's TongaHut/TC night Birthday Bash! Maybe GROG in a Loincloth,tho!
Glad you like the adjustments! Those clouds were just TOO MUCH! You know that feeling,being a fine artist and all! You're also familiar with the feeling of a GOOD SAVE! in a painting! I feel losing those clouds was a GOOD SAVE!The Rapa Nui/Orongo/Tangata Manu Fever is spreading! I expect it to outshine Jazzercize by a country mile! Thanks for the encouragement! By the way...What's up with that tree painting? Hilarious man! Not as cultured and educated as your other works, but it made me smile! :) Thanks for diggin the Custom Mug! i think i'll do a set of three like that! Very Meso-American/yet a little bit Chinese, especially the faces, which remind me of early Chinese Bronzes! Plus the whole retro Black and Gold ashtray vibe nailed it for me! Mahalos! keep painting!
Glad you like the Rev piece! I could those Sad Sack moais as mugs as well! Wishes do come true,so you never know!
Thank you darling!I decided to derive those star comets from old school Middle Ages images of Comets-it seems to be working so far....fingers crossed!
Hopefully this thread is spreading some groove out and about!You are the Honorable One! I'm just a stoner with a dayjob and an obsession with ART! I'm humbled before all the talent in
Creating Tiki! It's like the KISS Army!
Well folksies!
I finished "Land of the (FIVE!) Waterfalls, so here are a few quickie shots before i disappear back into the studio.....
Here's the Whole Kadoodle! Note: the true color is somewhere betwixt this shot and the tones of the close-ups! Sue me! :)

This piece was another completely by brush! Not as fast as the acrylic/paintpen approach, but there's something cool and different about this style too!

Here's an ultra close-up, so ya can see the brushstrokes!

That's it for now! I may do some highlights and stuff soon, so maybe I'll post those! Thanks fer visiting!

JenTiki posted on 02/05/2007

Ahhhh! Waterfalls! I'm with Brad ... it kinda looks like there're almost six.
And yes, I'm expecting naked (bird)men dancing around a fire at the TC night/Kirby's birthday thing at the Tonga Hut. I vote for you and Squid! :D

Paipo posted on 02/05/2007

On 2007-02-02 21:12, little lost tiki wrote:

I think this is my new favourite painting of yours - so much life and animation! I just wanna jump in there and start partying with these guys! Other than the munktiki orongo mug and Benz's use of them on his moai, I've seen very few tiki artists using the birdman motif. It's really interesting seeing the way everyone here interprets the Rapa Nui style in their own way.
I also agree that we need to see some LLT moai or birdman mugs in the pipeline!

hewey posted on 02/06/2007

Dude you crazy! A lot of nice new stuff, but so much detail. My head hurts. Have you been on the flue drugs with TSA?

Clarita posted on 02/07/2007

...Men your paintings do a relaxing effect on me like looking at the see...but with a fun ingredient ... I need one... What can I do... I'm at the end of the world almost... so far...What happened with Land of Pele? If I may ask...
Greetings! keep up your excellent work!!!

little lost tiki posted on 02/13/2007

Howdy Folkaroonies!
well, I should be packing for Vegas (trade show) but decided to post a few of the weekend's delights...
Thanks my dear! It seems you and Brad either can't count or possibly need to get your eyes checked! i sees Five! Squid and Kirby have volunteered to perform at least part one of Orongo Lake....
my man! You're tops in my book! Seems you caught the Rapa Nui fever as well :) It's great seeing what everyone has been coming up with here on TC! From robots to Moai to Tangata Manu,with so many great and creative peeps.it's always a surprise to see how you all interpret different subjects! I agree with you! Mugs would be fun with these guys-send your petitions to Holden...You need about 100 signatures before it's even considered, so get crackin!
I bow before your grand membership! Your head hurts? Try some robitussin with a tylenol and post your fever-dream drawings for us! I'm sorry I even turned Brad on to the red demon of a cough syrup! I hear he went on a Binge and is now holed up in the City of Refuge with nothing coverin up his nekkidness but a paint pallette! Poor guy! I'm taking up a collection(cash only) so we can get him the help he needs! (large bills only-make all checks payable to LLT Enterprises)
Hey Clarita
extraordinaire Candle Maker! I'm glad these relax you! They're relaxing to me after they're done! Pompele/Land of Pele is up at the studio for now and will be on display at the TikiFarm Parking Lot Sale at my booth! I'm glad you like it!!!
Well, I gotta lotta work to do before tomorrow comes around so here's some pix, then mom says I gotta go! Well, last posting I lied-I didn't have "Land of the waterfalls" finished! It needed some lighting..Again I apologize for deceiving you all... Here it is! TOTALLY DONE!

As you can see from the previous post, the lighting gave it all that little OOMPH! that qualifies it into the "LLT GOOD PILE" as opposed to the "LLT BAD PILE"...Here's some close-ups! Don't get wet!

I also finished a piece for my wife for Valentine's Day! It is entitled "the Queen Sisters" and they're from that kid's book I hope to finish when I'm 80!

I also worked on a bit more of a Happy Hut piece that has been neglected for about a year....

One good evening and this will be done! I'm also sketching out a long horizontal "Battle of the Fish" for that series-but no pix yet! Well, I'll talk to you all when I get back! I really gotta go! And momma's a hollerin and if I don't go now she'll tan my hide!!!!!Thanks for popping by! Aloha!

Sam Gambino posted on 02/13/2007

Hey llt- these are some cool pieces. They show lots of motion and they're fun to look at too... Lots going on with these. Some fine stuff!

Sneakytiki posted on 02/13/2007

Nice additions to the waterfalls, don't hurt me but I count 7, lol. The queen chicas are really weird and fun. The last piece is painted on what? It looks like u could get lost picking out all the detils in it, trippy cool.

hewey posted on 02/15/2007

Thats a lot of detail. My brain hurts :)

little lost tiki posted on 02/24/2007

Aloha Kiddies!
Sorry for the delay,but sometimes life (and donuts....that's a Tonga Hut thread joke...) throws a bunch of anti-art stuff atcha! Survived Vegas last week and the tees did better than expected, so I guess we're doing something right....
Thanks man! I get the same giggly kinda feeling seeing your work!
It's FIVE waterfalls...but if you buy the painting, I'll let you tell everyone it's seven! And the Happy Hut piece is painted on a big round canvas that has edges that bevel,not the straight down usual canvas...it's special! (My momma calls me Special!)
Your brain hurts? No Pain No Gain! The more you exercise it, the less it hurts! :)
Well, besides painting Soccertiki's mug and finishing the sides of "the Land of Pele" with a rattan/woven bamboo vibe (which are both time-consuming and detail-oriented) I decided to create some kind of print of the 3 mug faces in preparation for their April release! I plan on getting a real good scan of this and making some affordable prints on paper for the TikiFarm Parking lot Sale...here's what I came up with!

Decided to make them all the same proportion 'cause it looked awkward with one too skinny and one too fat...., These will make a fine addition displayed near your 3 mugs...The prints should be ready by the Tiki Farm Parking Lot Sale in April!
Well, needing to have a bunch of art for you all to buy, i have started on some little paintings on wood to vend there... Here's a Sneak preview of some of them i finished this last week...

Here's a funny smashed face green Tiki face...

and finally a little blue tiki flanked by a flame motif...it seemed like a good idea at the time!

That's it for now! I got asked to be in a Group Show at the brand new Costa Mesa gallery "the Pinch" next Saturday night...I'll be displaying "the land of Pele" and "the Night Parade" Representing Tiki in the OC! along with 3 other paintings which delve more into the religion/conspiracy/political vibe of other artistic "phases"...
here's the two tiki ones...in case you fergat! :)

That's it for now chillen! I gotta purdy myself up for Kirby's Birthday at the Tonga Hut tonight!!!

JenTiki posted on 02/24/2007

Hey Ken,

Thanks so much for the tour of "the cave" yesterday! The shear quantity of amazing art was well beyond what I could have imagined, and the fine details that I never noticed when looking at the photos here were such a joy to discover! :o It was also fun to see some of the non-tiki art you've created! My friend is thrilled with the piece I bought for him, and you know how much I love the piece I took home for me! It was such fun watching you create the "smashed face green tiki" you posted above, and seeing the artwork for the mug print in person, even before Holden! Thank you for being such a gracious host! I look forward to my next visit someday to see what new fun places and characters you've created in the meantime!

Thanks again! I look forward to seeing you and the gang at the Tonga Hut tonight!

:D :D :D

P.S. - I don't know what WooHoo was smoking on the day she visited, but I don't think immaculate is a word I would use to describe the state of the studio. Tidy, maybe, but immaculate? Um, no!

hewey posted on 02/25/2007

That print is great man! :) Very nice

teaKEY posted on 02/25/2007

Looking at that tiki print for the three Tiki FArm mugs, I would have never thought that those could have been done 3D. Expect for the fact that I've seen it happen.

Clarita posted on 03/01/2007

UH! Love the print and the blue tiki with flames, and everything else... Greetings!

Benzart posted on 03/02/2007

Ken, You're really dooing some Outta sight stuff. Piece after piece, How do you do it all and keep your sanity?

RevBambooBen posted on 03/02/2007

On 2007-03-01 19:38, Benzart wrote:
Ken, You're really dooing some Outta sight stuff. Piece after piece, How do you do it all and keep your sanity?

Watch you talkin bout Benzo....

Ken Sane??

He's WHACKED!!!!

Outta site is tame!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/02/2007

Hmmm... still looks like maybe six water falls to me.
Hope Vegas went well, sounds like it did!

JenTiki posted on 03/02/2007

On 2007-03-02 12:42, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Hmmm... still looks like maybe six water falls to me.

I'm with you, Brad! I saw this painting up close in LLT's studio last week, and I swear there are six. Just because he didn't put the little splash at the bottom of the sixth doesn't mean there's not water falling there, right? Maybe he could add some bubbles to obscure the sixth one :wink:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/03/2007

Yeah, bubbles!

little lost tiki posted on 03/03/2007

Hello Everybody!Wow! take your eyes off of TC and try to get some work done and....
What a TC-filled week! Last Friday gave Jentiki a studio tour and trip down to TikiFarm,,,Last Saturday there was Kirby's birthday at the Tonga Hut.....then yesterday, while at the studio,I got visits from TikiBong/WooHoo and Soccertiki/and in the late afternoon TikiRay! Besides all that, I still managed to get 3 small pieces done, and a couple of watercolors for the Parking Lot Show.(Plus got Soccertiki's "Chanting Tikis-enchanted tiki room" Mug all painted up (will post when I get it totally final and get Chris' blessing to post it...)
Well, finally...after working on this derned painting here and there for months on end,it is finished.....May I present for your viewing pleasure...."Revelation 6:13 with Moai"
But first...
Jentiki: Tidy is right! Immaculate? Never?
Hewey: Thank you! I'll keep y'all posted on the print aspect of that one....it should be ready by the 14th of April for Holden's Parking Lot Sale....
TeaKEY: You're right! Without the technical expertise of Holden and the genius of Squid in translating objects from the 2nd Dimension into the 3rd these beautiful creations would have never sprouted to life! Thanks again Sirs!
Clarita: Thanks Girl! I'm so excited your candles are finally going to tour America!!!!
Benzart: Thank you Master Ben!!!People must ask you the same question! Usually people ask how I can keep not only the sanity together, but the day job and marriage as well.....Well, once the sanity is eroded,it's all good!Tired is not an Option!!!
Rev B-Ben: Knowledgeable response my friend! Stated like a true expert!
TikiShark: Five! You and Jen are hereby BANNED from discussing the word "Five" on this post!
Submit to these terms and I will hereby withdraw from mentioning BUBBLES,despite the fact that they are quite abundant underwater.....SHEESH! And don't get me started on Sad-Eye Puppies!
Alright! Alright!
here's the (amateur) shots of "Revelation 6:13 with Moai"

Here's a detail showing the stone texture of the Moai along with some of the water...

Here's part of the sky with the comets barreling down on the earth...I like the reeeeeeeeal small ones in the background....

Here's some palm Tree details to gawk at!

Here's a closeup of the clouds and some of the stars punching through it...

And here's a Ultra-Closeup of the sky with a lil' bit of comet action...

Well, As much as I'd love to stick around and talk story...I gotta get ready for the crowd
at the Pinch gallery premier party in Costa Mesa tonight! I can't wait to see how the crowd reacts to "Pompele"/"the Land of Pele"!!!!! Aloha!

kikekeki posted on 03/03/2007

LLT, what can I say?
C)Awe inspiring!
D)All the above!

here's to ya!



your paintings ar awesome keep up the good work

squid posted on 03/04/2007

Dude, open the windows when you spray the Krylon.

Tamapoutini posted on 03/05/2007

On 2007-03-03 13:50, little lost tiki wrote:
I like the reeeeeeeeal small ones in the background....

I can't wait to see how the crowd reacts to "Pompele"/"the Land of Pele"!!!!! Aloha!

Kia ora Kinny

Another great piece, bravo. Damn man, I didnt even see those little guys until you pointed them out, and now I reeeeeally like them too. Your attention to detail is unparalleled!

How DID the crowd to react to the Epic Pompele? Im sure it was a huge attraction that caused a major traffic jam & thousand smiles! (& Im sure you revelled in it didnt you?) :lol: Good on you mate, soak it up; you really do deserve it!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/06/2007

Only you could paint the end of the world and make it look sparkiley and happy and have cool Maoi in it! Very very very very very nice! I can't believe you did all that socializing and still got art made! Sheesh, I make a phone call and it seems I blow the whole night! Keep up the heavenly good work. U DA BEST!

hewey posted on 03/07/2007

Nice one - sooo much going on man :) as always

little lost tiki posted on 03/07/2007

Hello Friends!
Well, the week started off with a BANG! Just finished Soccertiki's commission,a painted up bisque of the (Enchanted Tiki Room's) Chanting Tikis mug by Shag/a Squid sculpt (but of course!) He asked me not to post any pix of it till he gives the word...but it is lookin so smashing i may...may get a wild hair and post it soon! Well anyways, in between the coats of Satin Gloss(much less sparkly than the Hi-Gloss) I've been working a new piece for the parking lot Sale in April...But first....
thank you so much! Inspiring Awe is my Hobby!
I'll keep up the good work as long as you do!!! Thanks so much for visiting the other side of the Creating Tiki town!!! Call next time you visit so I can clean the place up a bit!
Squid: if I opened the windows the Inspiration would escape!
Hullo old friend!
Sometimes it's those little details that give more scope to the piece...it makes you realize that there's no place to run-no place to hide-that they're falling everywhere....and there's lots of 'em! Pompele got a lot of attention consistently all night,especially later after all the drinks and drugs consumed started kicking in for the patrons! There were a couple of total zoners who really explored every available inch of territory on that canvas! I was too nervous to revel that night! I hate crowds/always feel awkward in them! Plus, I was afraid the zoners would find some overlooked flaw in the piece...a spot where the lighting is wrong,or I forgot to finish a flower or something! AAAAAAAAH! Thanks for making me relive that horrible night....
Thank you Sir! The end of the world does have a happy ending...it's just that a lot has got to go down before that happy ending....Socializing does take a lot out of you! The secret is to work while you're socializing! Most of my friends, when they visit the studio,expect me to raise my head up once or twice the whole visit! i've gotten pretty good at holding a conversation AND focusing on the painting at hand!I'm really liking the foreground plants on your new one! The sepia underglaze makes that area look like an old photo! And your palms are really shaping up on that one! Keep the inspiration flowing buddy!
Hewey: Thank you again,fellow arteest! Did TikiRacer get that art i sent him? I never heard from him,then life interrupted my flow,and now I can't remember!!! DUH!!!! PM me with some scoop!
Alright, here's the new piece I've been working on in between the drying coats of Satin Gloss...may i unveil....."Night of the Volcano" in progress!

I did a few tropical landscapes in a style loosely based on Chinese papercuts mixed with pareau print shapes. That's the best way i can describe it!!

i just started laying down the sketch/indigo blackline first,then add more and more color ,sealing it in between colors for that cool glazed look. You can see on the Palms and Huts how I draw over the indigo with the specific details...

I love this guy with the skull eyes!!!! I just wanna make a painting of him alone! Not the chap you'd want to see if abducted by Islanders!

And with a big shot of this guy I'll say Good Night!
i should have this finished in the next few days and will have a bunch more new surprises soon!Thank you all for visiting and being my personal art therapy support group!

Sneakytiki posted on 03/07/2007

Damn Ruzic that's slick! Definitely your work but with a crisp new style! Nice job man.

kirby posted on 03/07/2007

I think this is my favorite one yet ...can i have it?

Tamapoutini posted on 03/07/2007

On 2007-03-06 22:22, little lost tiki wrote:

Hullo old friend!
Pompele got a lot of attention consistently all night,especially later after all the drinks and drugs consumed started kicking in for the patrons! There were a couple of total zoners who really explored every available inch of territory on that canvas! I was too nervous to revel that night! I hate crowds/always feel awkward in them! Plus, I was afraid the zoners would find some overlooked flaw in the piece...a spot where the lighting is wrong,or I forgot to finish a flower or something! AAAAAAAAH! Thanks for making me relive that horrible night....


LLT: Sorry dude; I know the feeling only too well. You just seem a more flambouyant & robust character than that; I thought you'd be right in your element...

Love this latest posting. The background silhouettes are really Dr Seuss-ish. Like 'em!

Keep doing your thing & perhaps get a bodyguard to keep the adoring (& the zoned...) away?


GROG posted on 03/07/2007

Loooks finished to GROG. Slap your signature on it and call it done! You're not going to start putting all that detail crap in there that causes sensory overload, bleeding eyes, and small children to have epeileptic seizures are you? :P

Clarita posted on 03/07/2007

Wow! Very nice! Love it!!!

Swamp Fire posted on 03/07/2007

Ken, I'm dig'n that "Revelation 6:13 with Moai" piece.
You're kick'n butt, keep up the great work!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/08/2007

Oh, Damn, the tiki with the Skull eyes is WAY cool! What a great idea! Wonder how soon that image might accidentally show up in one of my paintings?

little lost tiki posted on 03/08/2007

Sorry Brad!
I already got a lil' teeny painting of him finished for the TikiFarm Parking lot Sale (when I get some time, I'll post some of these!) and I think I'm gonna do another bigger(16x20)one of him.I'm gonna elaborate on him on the bigger canvas,but would love to see your take on the Cannibal's Idol! Maybe I'll do a puppy after that....

GROG posted on 03/08/2007


Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/12/2007

If I were to do a take on the Canibal Idol, what would it look like? Hmmm let me think...

"Grog, I am coming for you!"

little lost tiki posted on 03/12/2007

That should keep Ernie away for a bit....
Thanks y'all fer the swell comments and PURE STOKE! Helps a lot when the ol' bones get all pooped out!!!
Well,what a productive weekend! Since Thursday i've been busting my chops to squeeze in some more art to bring to TikiFarm's Parking Lot Sale in April! (My pickup truck is gonna be stuffed Beverly Hillbilly's style!)well, I finally got to present Soccertiki with his finished painted up mug...that was fun! I do believe he's quite pleased with it...In fact he's dedicated a whole thread to it! Yikes! Go cheggitout! That will explain why I haven't had as much art on here as usual...
Chris and WooHoo are the nicest people you'll ever meet! And i guess they like the mug....a lot... :) Besides the beatings from Chris,the commission went pretty well...
Well, enough idle chit-chat...it's art-time!
(and there's a lot this time, so mix a drink and be prepared to have your brain do somersaults!)
First piece finished...."Night of the Volcano"

Here's some details!

Next is the "Cannibal Idol",the piece i had mentioned in a previous post...

(sorry for the bad crop-I'm a painter-not a photographer!)
Obligatory Close-up..

Here's some of the Parking Lot Sale fodder (some recent-a few from last week)

These are fun and easy to do! i just slap some gesso mixed with gouache onto these wooden plaques and then follow the Bliss....
Here's some watercolors/ink drawings I'll also have there available for adoption....
"Keeper of the Forest"

"Orongo" (but of course!)

"the Eyecatcher"
Sometimes i have leftover paint/ink ,so I slap it another piece! Waste not Want not...

"the Morning Journey"

"the Happy Hut" a favorite theme of mine! :)
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"the Morning Stroll"
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"Tropical Landscape" I love the texture on this one!
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And my absolute shining star favorite for this watercolor/ink Jam Session...
"the Journey" I bet this one will become a BIG painting!!!!!someday...
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That's it for now...I'm very tired and feel like I've been in a daze since Thursday...
Must be all that glue-sniffin.....
Goodnight TC Ohana! i hope you enjoy these newbies!

hewey posted on 03/12/2007

I really like "the journey" and "the morning journey" - great work man!

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