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Mooney's velvet finished- paintings by pat vassar

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greentikipat posted on 03/15/2007

i've wanted to start this thread for a while.
so here goes! enjoy.

Tatau Night-this was my 1st tiki painting. it should convey the sounds of the evening.
the tapping, the monkey's hoots, the tucan, the dancers'chants and moracas,and the girl's murmers. the cricket's sounds should be added, but i didn't think at the time to make his back legs elevated and crossed.
this original is 19x24"- acrylic on board.

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-04-19 06:39 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-05-08 07:04 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-05-08 18:35 ]

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[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-05-22 20:47 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-05-31 17:23 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-06-30 09:48 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2008-03-23 09:40 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2008-06-09 21:43 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2008-06-12 01:36 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2009-05-09 09:27 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2009-05-23 09:45 ]

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2009-05-27 10:30 ]

4WDtiki posted on 03/15/2007

I LOVE it!!!

TravelingJones posted on 03/15/2007

Bark at da moon! Monkeys, moko and tiki... OH MY!!! Lil' headZ also nice touch! Bongo- BONGO!!! :D
:tiki: DREAMY :tiki:


little lost tiki posted on 03/15/2007

Looking at that Tiki makes me think that maybe I chose the wrong profession! :lol:
Great work!!!!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/15/2007

"mommy, mommy!! what is that ugly man doing to that girl!!???"...

Clarita posted on 03/15/2007

Very inspired! Can wait to see more!

FreddieBallsomic posted on 03/16/2007

I Gots that print in the process of being framed.... It is F'n SSSLLAMMIN' !!
If you get a chance, you gotta see his other stuff... Its ALL , KIllah.
I think i got one of each.. Keep that shit rollin', Homes. FreddieBalls

greentikipat posted on 03/17/2007

thanks a lot guys! right-on!
here's a couple more.

Gonna Need A Bigger Stick

Head of Mu

so basically i'm getting my stuff out there for all to see, prepping for the grand opening of my website. plus it helps me get in the mode to start the next one.

4WDtiki posted on 03/17/2007

Pat, I checked out your website...WOAH!!! Your painting style is insane!
And the tattoos, do you tattoo, or just design them for others?
Nice carvings, too.

TikiLaLe posted on 03/17/2007

Good Stuff ... Going off the cliff here and saying this is on par with Doug Horne !!!

Stop by for a drink !!!


greentikipat posted on 03/18/2007

thanks a lot, 4W! yes, i tattoo as well. there should be more pics of those and paintings on the site this weekend. prints are available of most paintings, inexpensive ones for now, geecles later. thanks again!
sorry! didn't mean to go into a sales pitch!
TikiLaLe- wow! -thanks so much for the comp. i'd be happy to stop up sometime. thanks for the invite!

McTiki posted on 03/21/2007

OMG! this is off the hook good!

Didn't see this before!


McTiki likes!

greentikipat posted on 03/21/2007

right-on McTiki! thanks a lot.

VampiressRN posted on 03/21/2007

HOLY SUCK A NECK!!! This is sooooo awesome. I can't believe I missed this thread. Me wants some of these prints....must have....pm comin' at ya!!!

Howland posted on 03/21/2007

forkin' A, dude! I thinks you gottit goin' ooooon! Dig that hazy, dreamy style!!!

greentikipat posted on 03/22/2007

thanks a lot, Vamp and SnT- all the great words are adding to the mana here. a new one's just begun, i'll put up some begining pics very soon. thanks for the support!

greentikipat posted on 03/27/2007

so here are some shots of the new piece's progress. not shure of the title yet. any suggestions?

Tahitian Canibal Carvings/Happy Canibals-
something along those lines-
a tribute of sorts to Don the Beachcombers

hewey posted on 03/27/2007

Great paintings! This one is coming along swell too :D

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/27/2007

Cool stuff! Tiki, tattoos and monkeys! We needed an airbrush artist in here! I dig your tiki action! Whew, that first painting... is it hot in here or what! Or is that me reading into the art. Speaking of hot... FIRE! always remember that if you are depicting a light source in your painting, it has to the lightest/brightest thing in the scene. (I read that in a Tim Hildebrant book and it helped me) I really really like the Head of MU. I'm so into sea gods and tiki mythology and horror coming together in juicy illos! Fantastic!
And the new cannibal piece is beautiful. NICE shading on the bamboo! Very dimensional. But, are you like using photos of your dog for reference scrap to paint the tikis?
Super stuff! More please!


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-03-27 00:13 ]

kctiki posted on 03/27/2007

I really like this one with the 3 guys on the shelf. The bamboo looks like you could reach out and touch it.

suburbanpagan posted on 03/27/2007

Looking solid! It's cool to see the process too! Thanks!

greentikipat posted on 03/27/2007

thanks a lot kc and hewey! those pics aren't very good, i think my photo nonskills are worsening. daylight is key i think in shooting 2-d art.
TikiShark- man, thanks a lot for the lightsource advise. i've never thought of it quite on that level. taking that in and looking back at them, it seems obvious. right-on! thanks.

Surf tiki posted on 03/27/2007

Cool...it's like a Tahitian buffet.

greentikipat posted on 04/03/2007

hey, cheers Surf n Turf! thanks a lot! well here's some new pics of older pieces and some new in-progress shots. hope everyone digs.

there's the new progress as of tonight.

here's an oldie. 'Moai at Twilight'

still my favorite- 'Tradewinds Bar'-lots of cultural artifacts on this lost island.

greentikipat posted on 04/03/2007

suburbanpagen -thank you, don't know why i missed that one. seeing the process unfold is a lot of fun. never realised how much until frequenting this forum. enjoy!

greentikipat posted on 04/19/2007

so here are some pics of one i did last week for a little gallery show in cal.
any time i had to work on it wasn't enough to shoot progress pics. sorry for that.
it's on a cabinet door, which is what the theme of the show is(doors).
it is a towel rack for the bar or bath. only titled as 'door to paradise'-"towel rack". thanks for looking.

and here is a shot of the bigger one when last i worked on it. i'll be back on it during the weekend.

little lost tiki posted on 04/19/2007

Nice work...You just cook these out so fast! Do you just pencil it in and layer with the airbrush or do you just go for it? Share some o dat magic!
The door one is OOOOOOLALA!
It's great how you can go from dark and terrifying to busy and loud and native to a gentle quiet seashore with lightly laughing wahines....Great! Your paintings speak!

Chongolio posted on 04/19/2007

Wowzers, that is some good stuff to feed the ol eyeballs! I am a long time fan of the airbrush style and you got it down. I dig your natives and the Wahines. The tikis need no comments because thier coolness speaks for itself. I am lookin' forward to seein' more of the goods you are treatin' us too.


hawaiiansnowball posted on 04/19/2007

Really cool artwork - now if I can only get by ass into gear and start painting again! :(

greentikipat posted on 04/20/2007

little lost tiki- thanks a lot, man. and thanks for the editing tip.-i always start with a sketch of some kind, either directly on the piece or shot on with a projector.the door was traced on with carbon paper. i wish i could crank them out.doesn't feel like i can. priorities,right? yea, then just layer air and paintbrush. right-on for your close observances-thanks, you make the range sound vast.
Chongolio thank you. i feel like my airbrush skills are just coming around. i own many, but still do almost all of it with a single-action paache. starting to work back into the duels,though. sometime soon, anyway. more on the three cannibals soon. thanks again.
Hawaiiansnowball- thanks man. that first hump after not producing for a while is always the hardest.good luck and show us something soon.

[ Edited by: greentikipat 2007-04-20 00:13 ]

greentikipat posted on 04/20/2007

kctiki- thank you! don't know why i missed yours either, think i need to bleach my hair again. helps me remember i'm a couple bamboo poles short of a tiki temple sometimes. thanks for the props.

greentikipat posted on 05/08/2007

aloha all who enter! this one is getting close, a bit more lighting/shadow work and a lot of detail finishing. should be done in a week or so. should even have it's frame done in time for hukilau! well, hope you all enjoy.
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still not shure of a title! i kind of suck at choosing titles for my work, so if anyone has some ideas, they'd be more than welcome!
the canvas is 2'x4' -and if the images look familiar but you haven't placed them, try pgs 72/73 of The Book of Tiki. like i said earlier, the painting's a tribute to Don The Beachcomber, the one who started it all! hope you like!

hewey posted on 05/09/2007

Looking goog :D

little lost tiki posted on 05/09/2007

Wow GTP!
That is really turning out TIGHT! I quite like the puffer fish and the wood's sanded and polished texture is perfecto! At 2x4',This one should "wow" 'em at Hukilau! WayTaGo!

suburbanpagan posted on 05/09/2007

popped open my BOT and had a good laugh! Awesome reference and you totally turned it into your own! Looks fantastic! All the details are intense!

greentikipat posted on 05/09/2007

hey Hewey,-thanks a lot. LLT-thanks very much, i'm hoping it stalls a few people for some close looks. Suburban P- right-on! thanks much, i worked on it quite a bit last night, mostly the detail. mahalo guys!

FreddieBallsomic posted on 05/10/2007

Yo, dude...Everytime I look at this piece I see More and More great details...Cant wait to see the finished product. Sorry I missed the call last night.. I'll Holla! Hopefully your workin this somemore tonight.. It gets better w/ every pic.

greentikipat posted on 05/11/2007

freddie man, thanks a lot.at least a little bit every night this week. feels good.
so here's something i've been working on at the shop in my spare time also over this week. another to follow. goodies for hukilau!!
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thanks for looking!

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Benzart posted on 05/12/2007

Greenie, you are really doing some nice stuff, Love the Bamboo's and your 3 cannibals are utterly fantastic. They would be a great advertisement for the local cannibal snack shop: "Greenies Tikis are the BEST, yumm".

greentikipat posted on 05/14/2007

ha! thanks, Benz! i can picture the rows of salted ears and candied fingers on a stick.sounds like a great painting!

greentikipat posted on 05/23/2007

well good folks, here's another painted bamboo for the huk. sorry 'bout the glares! forgot to shoot it first!
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Paipo posted on 05/23/2007

How the hell did I miss this thread?!?
I'm grooving on it, the raunchy stuff especially - but the latest two are insane! I've always loved the cannibal motif, and I really dig the way you've got the little mementos placed between 'em. The new bamboo is incredible too....the shading gives it real depth and dimension.

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[ Edited by: Paipo 2007-05-23 00:04 ]

little lost tiki posted on 05/23/2007

Those are really cool greentikipat!
great job! the back is just as cool as the front!

suburbanpagan posted on 05/23/2007

Those bamboo pieces are awesome! Nice!

hewey posted on 05/24/2007

That bamboo is great. I have a few lengths sitting around awaiting some paint, but still working out what I am doing with it.

greentikipat posted on 05/24/2007

hey Paipo -probably the same as i've been missing out on too many carving threads.thanks, man. yea, the momentos are the tie that binds on this one. and the two bamboo pieces are a first, that depth on the last one are a lucky draw.(i think). thanks, bro. cheers! can't wait to see some of your next stuff!

LLT- thanks, man. i was going to leave the back simple, but then realised-WHY? thanks for noticing,it does look good, huh? it's my favorite part.

SuburbanP- thanks a lot. they're i bit new for me, but will make many more.I DIG'EM!

hey Hewey- fuck it- take a smallish one and just go off on it! it must be the only way. best i can figure anyhow. thanks, mate!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/25/2007

fantastic bamboo pieces... really really nice!


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Benzart posted on 05/26/2007

WOW, That Bamboo looks Carved,,, Awesome Greenie, just plain Awesome. How do you get that tight, fine ,realistic detail? Love it!

Pages: 1 2 3 4 144 replies