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sophista-tiki orignals Dawn Frasier

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Sophista-tiki posted on 01/05/2007

Hi artists!
Always this time of year I sort of hide out from the world and re-group for whats next. I still have a big pile of unfinished pieces from last year. including some really cool totems. Coming soon I promise. But I found a website for self publishing and I think I will put out my book this year. Its a copyright free design book for artists of tapa designs. I did all the drawings about 12 yrs ago and just put it away. Dawn

hewey posted on 01/06/2007

Love these watercolour pieces, really got that old timey look down pat. Very nice :)

Sophista-tiki posted on 01/13/2007

here are a few new pieces. the first three were sold at my holiday sale and I just snapped a couple of pix before they went out the door. Pardon the glare.

last one needs re cropping will post later oops!

The next two are large watercolors that I did in 98. I've been trying to get old artwork documented.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2007-01-13 12:36 ]

hewey posted on 01/14/2007

Nice work :)

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/27/2007

Hi tiki kids!
Ive been digging through the stacks of paintings I have stashed under my bed and came up with these watercolors. after not seeing them for several years it was like they were new again. Im going to frame them up and list them for sale on eBay today.
Ive got some great sketches going for new paintings and am in the process of scanning all of the original drawings of my Tapa Design book. so hopefully soon I will be able to make that available. Blah blah Blah , anyway heres some art to look at. Thanks bunches, Dawn

little lost tiki posted on 03/27/2007

Right on Dawn!
It's always a blast seeing old work,especially work long-forgotten and put away! You are the busiest woman in Tiki! Don't lose that energy! Keep the ball rollin! And keep cookin out that beautiful artwork!

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/28/2007

Thanks LLT, you are defiantly my cheering section. Im dying to get my desk cleared off and start some new paintings. Im currently working on some upholstery projects for the Rivieras. I was hoping to finish up today, but maybe tomorrow. There will be good before and after pics.

As I look through all of the art Ive posted here its neat to see the slight style changes, and with the older pieces Im glad that I still find them beautiful. Of course as an artist I like to think that my skill level increases with each piece.

Surf tiki posted on 03/28/2007

Great paintings. Please make sure you list them in the marketplace forum so that we can find them.

hewey posted on 03/28/2007

Great work! Its kool rediscovering old forgotten art!

Sneakytiki posted on 03/29/2007

Nice work Dawn! I hope the Bus is running again after the pothole. Nice finding that money--er ART under the bed, the bank of Dawn!


little lost tiki posted on 04/19/2007

Where you been? Got any more goodies to share with us?

dogbytes posted on 04/20/2007

i'll share some NON-tiki art by Dawn:
kitchen BEFORE (what horrible wallpaper and curtains!)

kitchen DURING
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kitchen AFTER
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she painted the walls, put up the awesome Franciscan Starbursts and made curtains.

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teaKEY posted on 04/20/2007

I can't see how you could ever go back to what you had now.

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suburbanpagan posted on 04/20/2007

That might just be the coolest, gone-est, paintjobs I have ever seen! Incredibly cool!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/22/2007

DB and Dawn,

That is one badass kitchen! I did a similar paint job at my old subdiv. home but with highly textured walls it wasn't so crisp. Nice work. Love the before and afters.

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/22/2007

heres my rocket coming up from the sunken continent of Lemuria
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Im having a hard time getting pics that show the details. there are lots of bubbles and the whole thing is covered in a pearlescent glaze. there are several layers underneath the red coral with tapa patterns.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2007-05-21 21:23 ]

little lost tiki posted on 05/22/2007

Lemuria has got some beautiful rocket ships!
This is gonna be such a great show!
it's gonna be cool to see how many different approaches
all these participants come up with!
Great going Dawn! It's such a joy and honor to be able
to exhibit with the likes of you! :)

Sophista-tiki posted on 05/22/2007

Thanks LLT, Ditto for me. Ive been looking at the pics and looking at the rocket, and it looks way cooler in person. I will re shoot it today, and put on the final layers of protctive coating . Now what do I do with it, is it time to ship it back? Dogbytes wants to see it in person before it leaves. Dawn

little lost tiki posted on 05/22/2007

I think if you ship it by the beginning /middle of next week should be fine! We need to get a release form thingie from Dave before shipping.....I think he 's about to have a baby or may have already had it,so he may be mucho busy! Can't wait to see the close-up better shots! I use a tripod and it really helps eliminate all the fuzziness.Plus I shoot the work with Super Hi-Quality-so I have a big and sharp enough image to keep for the records AND a file to shrink and get ready for the web!
Definitely share it with DB! I got to show Soccertiki/Jentiki/Bora-Boris/and a couple of other tiki and art aficionados and just watching their faces will brighten up any day! Show it to as many friends and fans as you can because that thing will be sold and out the door and you'll never be able to share it again!

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hewey posted on Tue, May 22, 2007 4:17 PM

Nice decanter :D

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I took some better pictures today.
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SWWEEEEEET, Dawn! Love those vivid, 'juicy' colors. Looks excellent!

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Looks even nicer up close!

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Hey Dawn, That looks really cool! I dig the underwater vibe and the colors. I think there could be a great story line behind it. Glad to see you got yourself a decanter and will be displaying your art amoungst the other TC artists.


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Thanks all. I had such a good time with the decanter., I still think it looks better in person. Im busy getting a couple of new pieces togeather for the London Luau. I will post picks before I ship off the pieces. Dawn

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the decantur looks awesome, really like your style awesome work.

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I could have had this finished and sent off to London two weeks ago, but..... everyones got a big but. anyway heres the piece that I did finish, mat and frame to ship of to London just under the wire!
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Very nice Dawn! Really diggin on your colors,as always,and the background tiki/tribal behind the palms....Someone is london is gonna go home happy with that piece! Rock on Sister!

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On 2007-06-05 13:58, Sophista-tiki wrote:
I could have had this finished and sent off to London two weeks ago, but..... everyones got a big but. anyway heres the piece that I did finish, mat and frame to ship of to London just under the wire!
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This piece needs to be on this page too...with a bunch of props! Really great piece, colors, composition, tikis,etc... I LOVE IT!


To drown sorrow, where should one jump first and best? "Certainly not water. Water rusts you." -Frank Sinatra

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-06-05 22:54 ]

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Yea! Thanks pals! I appreciate your comments. I'm still exploring the look of the vintage menu cover art and composition, I think that there are still a few more of this style to be created. and I'm getting a little better at combining the watercolor and gauche. I wish I could have taken a pic of the frame. but I figured that It will be on line after the London Luau for 1 month and hopefully their pictures will show the frame. I am getting over my fear of the table saw that Ive owned for a few yrs and that makes it much easier to make my own frames.
Now I just need to get that bis-cut joiner. Dawn

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My wife & I were first introduced to Dawn's work at the Tiki Art Now 3 ! in Seattle last September. Her stuff stood out so incredibly much from the others. (Sorry Shag, your 3 panel was very cool, but...) I've since seen dozens of her works, from both the past and in current progress, and there is no limit to what Dawn can do. I see a Tiki Magazine cover in her future, no doubt, and I'm so happy that we've become friends. Dawn is just as cool and fun as her amazing artwork. RIGHT ON, DAWN!!!! Congrats on the new stuff! -Andy

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AAWWW, gawsh, thanks. I appreciate the acknowledgment. I feel like I'm just really getting started, on life in general. But especially on my art. Even thouh Ive been doing "TIKI" for nearly 20 yrs, I do feel like my ideas are just starting to really come together and that I'm finally making good art. and of course I'm always striving to be a better painter. and I definitely have learned alot form the amazing artists here on TC

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Thanks for postin' your latest art Dawn it looks refreshing. Nice color combo, The blue tikis like the trade winds cooling off a hot tropical afternoon.

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Im just about done with 40 small paintings that I will be selling at the Lost Paradise Weekend in Vancouver on July 21. I will also be giving my first lecture about the Polynesia Americana traveling exhbit.
Here is a sampling
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[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2007-07-18 16:15 ]

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and Superkool!

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Your work is beautiful and fun! I wish I were going to Vancouver--love that city!

Take care,


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i was over at Sophista-Tiki's yesterday, and got to see the work in progress. i still cant believe she's offering original ink n watercolor art, FRAMED and MATTED.... super affordable art ~ which is good, cuz i think these look really nice in a small group..

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I count about 9 that I can see clearly - that leaves 39 others you still need to post! Loveley work, these look really nice :D

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Paipo posted on Fri, Jul 20, 2007 1:44 AM

What a great collection - the PNG ones are awesome. You have a quite distinctive colour palette in your paintings. I'd also like to see the rest if you get some pics.

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Wow Dawn! Your art is beautiful. If I had a wall to hang a piece on...

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On 2007-07-20 20:58, tekoteko wrote:
Wow Dawn! Your art is beautiful. If I had a wall to hang a piece on...

I totally agree with Tekoteko your art is beautiful & I'm sure if he tried hard he could find something to hang a piece of your art on? Hope to see more of the finished pieces and maybe have an opportunity to buy one if there are any leftovers after Waldorf. Again, thanks for sharing these they are great!


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Bula Bula kids.
I Just got rested up from the weekend in Vancouver, It was nice to see the Waldorf, maybe for the last time, I think that its closing soon. I sold a few paintings , but I still have many of them left. I will post all of the pics shortly and also post a selling notice in Marketplace. For those of you going to Portland next weekend for Tiki Kon V I will have some of these great little paintings available there as well. My goal is to sell out by the end of the month. I have dozens of larger pieces available if anyone wants to see just send me a message.
Thanks for all the great comments, Dawn
Here are the pics, I did them in groups of 4 to save some time and space
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here is a sample of the frames, they are all a little different, still putting them togeather.

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I also have these xtra fancy tiki necklaces available.

[ Edited by: sophista-tiki 2007-07-23 10:15 ]

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2007-07-23 10:21 ]

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7th picture down, Top Right.
I CLAIM IT!!!! heheheh, if ya still got it Dawn!

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The green totem one? or the top right in tHe next pic? Lots of people looked at that one, I will set it aside for you.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2007-07-23 13:00 ]

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yup, that's the one!

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Wow Dawn, you have your Polynesian patterns down!
I agree with Elicia, these would look good in groupings of three or four.

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Not sure where to post the one I like so I'm entering it in both posts. first set of pictures bottom left Tiki Totem blue if it's still available.


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Hello Dawn,
I really like your work! Great color and patterns. I'm specially curious about the Fijian Cannibal forks. Are these painted from actual examples of the utensils? or are these your invention? They would make great pendants or charms.


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