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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Lake Surfer posted on 04/18/2007

Bruddah, you're insanely talented. In your area you should have no problem making a living as a full time artist. Especially with the tropical/tiki theme stuff.

Look into the surf industry... bunch of money there... shirts, stickers, board graphics. Drew Brophy looks to do well with his stuff.

Hit up the art galleries in little beach towns with big money, Laguna, San Clemente, La Jolla... etc.

Looks like you have a ton of work already and you keep cranking more out. I'm 37, I wish I had the energy you have at 42!

As for me in the Midwest, as much as I love creating tiki, I keep the day job in Graphic Design/Advertising. It gets corporately stale sometimes, especially in this part of the country, but pays the bills. People here don't get the tiki scene in droves. I've got to go to it in Florida and elsewhere.

Good luck man, and keep up the great work... your's is a thread that keeps me coming back everyday.

AlohaStation posted on 04/18/2007

These drawing are great. I love the Island Stealer concepts. Maybe you should be sick more often?

Here are my thoughts on being a fulltime artist. You have the talent and ability - what you need is to sell yourself better. Lake Surfer's idea of placing you stuff in galleries and producing product was right on. Unfortunately the world we live in revolves areound money and the best way to make money is by volume. Try joining DevianArt or Cafepress and other similar sites that get get your stuff out there. Produce posters/prints, T-shirts, mousepads - get you stuff out there for people to see/network (I was once told by a VERY popular artist to sell myself like a whore). Or get an artist rep. They can sell you to the bigger corporate sponsors. I work in publishing for my dayjob and you probably see my stuff alot - but you would never know. Your style and creativity are unique and very identifiable. You can definately make it!!

GROG posted on 04/18/2007

Those are FABULOUS sketches. GROG like. Now don't f*&k 'em up when you paint 'em. (good seeing you on Saturday)

hewey posted on 04/19/2007

The island stealers are great!

I think you need to spend a day pondering how the moai were moved from their quarries to the oceanside. Hundreds of villagers pulling it with ropes? Aliens? Flying make makes? A giant catapult...

As far as becoming a full time artist - pimp yourself like nothing else and get art into stores and galleries, and get some merchandise happening too. Prints, LLT mousepads, shirts etc. Speak to the full timers here and ask them how they do it. I read somewhere that success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Work your ass off and it will open doors for you.

Chongolio posted on 04/19/2007

LLT- Your not human! Your a machine! a very funny and talented art makin' machine.. with electric hair. Very cool new art you have whupped up and your theme has got me intrigued. Reminds me a bit of the legends of Maui's brothers who pulled up the islands of Hawaii from the sea with giant hooks.

TravelingJones- Man that frame is crazy cool. By far one or the coolest frames I have seen. A showcase item for sure!


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

edited to fix my crappy spellin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2007-04-19 09:51 ]

little lost tiki posted on 04/22/2007

Hey Everybody!
We got a lotta stuff to look at -so if you're not a reader,then just scroll down and be all stuck-up and hoity-toity!
teaKs-thanks! art is in the blood-it even seeps thru at work!
Zaya-Hello! Great meetin you on Saturday! Your dad certainly was very blessed to be able to do what he loved! But to do it and get paid for it! Classic! Day job or not, the art will always happen...just not as much if there was no dayjob...thanks for the friendliness!
Sneaky-you know all about themes! A lot of it is just following your bliss and looking backwards for patterns...The themes just pop up!Brainstorming is fun,and all you guys keep the mutual inspiration pact going!
Paipo-Keep the day job....Been following that advice too long! This is the year where i'm really gonna get down and research leads and options! Lovin the freedom it offers,and can prolly get the wife to do the book-keeping! Thanks for the make-make info and those "holey islands and cliffs"! Rainbow Bridge in the desert is cool, but add water to that and BAM!!! A lil' bit of movement to challenge an artist! Actually started painting the "Lonely Island" below,you'll see what I mean about the "movement"...I
LakeSurfer-Surf Industry...hmmmm....From 89-95 i did tees for Rusty Surfboards (95-96 did freelance for Rip Curl/Quik/World Jungle/Lassen/Billabong etc.)and from 96-2002 worked for HIC before finally settling in the current job of tees A-Z...Freelance was okay, but they take up to 45 days to pay ya and kill you on the roughs and comps aspect of it! Drew is a real nice guy and has his stuff together! His wife Maria is a doll and the total motivator-organizer! She's rad like that! I think i'll start sniffin around some galleries on the coast....the thing I hear a lot is "it doesn't look like anything else" which ,most of the time is a bad-thing in terms of what a patron can digest...I'll keep you posted! In the meantime keep chugging away at the tikis in between work shifts! Just know there's a tiki brother on the West coast rooting for you as well!
Brad!Dude! great seeing ya last Saturday at the Sale! thanks for coming down! What a treat! i'll take your advise and get sick more often........
I'll check out Deviantart.com and Cafepress and otheravenues like that this year!
Artists reps are touch-n-go with me...Either they had massive enthusiasm and knowledge,but no selling skills-or major selling skills but couldn't grasp the work.....maybe you should be my rep! i'm starting to think of product as well! thanks for the prod!
great seeing you as well! thanks for the Ruzic mug sketch...i can't wait to post it in Marketplace! $$$$ Maybe I'll wait til right before the Simpson's movie!
thanks for the helpful hints! guess I should start buying more deodorant!
great seeing you my man!Glad you like the hair! it glows in the dark! Pulling the islands up with hooks,read that myth,and some of the greek Roman myths about pulling the sun,all that kinda jumbled together and became something new...Art's so great! We have a whole history of themes and concepts to build upon and add to for the next generation!Hope to see you before you move to the big Isle! And sell alot at the FI Anniversary Show/parking lot Sale next week!
Okay first off! Friday was the day to unpack all the unwanted paintings from the Parking lot Sale and hang them up in the backroom of the studio...So, after giving each painting a stern lecture about self-promotion,I began to hang them up.Some of these guys had never even touched the studio walls!
Here's the entrance/looking in....

Here's the back wall..I paint at that coffeetable to the lower right

Here's the top of my sketchbook/art supply/reference shelf!
Please note the Clarita Candle and Bamboo Ben original! Priceless!

Here's a front view of where i paint...

Here's the wall behind me-there's a pdrake/kirby/and paipo pendant hidden back there....

here's behind the couch

and the last wall....

Thus concludes the studio-viewing portion of this post......
Now here's some of the island piece that i've been working on..

Cool frame,eh?
Here's some of the work i've been doing...Working on the rock texture, then also working on the waves with their movement and crashing!

I expected to do some more this week,but just received my bisque intergalactic Island Hopper for the DvA gallery Tiki Anniversary show,so i may tag-team it!
here's some last minute watercolor/ink drawings that i did for the parking lot Sale,but didn't have time to post! Here ya go and hope to see y'all soon!
"the Drummer"

"the Talking Palms"

"Tropical Dream 2"

"Valley of Fire"


RevBambooBen posted on 04/22/2007

art fag!

JenTiki posted on 04/22/2007

The room looks great, Kinny! I just know I'm gonna blow my tiki budget for the rest of the year when I come down to visit next month! There are so many things there I just might have to have, and many I'm surprised didn't go home with some of the folks at the Tiki Farm Sale! It must be great to be surrounded by so many wonderful things you've created yourself! You really do live in your own little world! It's great that you like us all enough to let us in from time to time!

pdrake posted on 04/22/2007

unwanted my ass. everyone wanted your stuff.

i wish i had unlimited amounts of cash. i'd buy all your stuff and give it to people just because looking at it makes a person happy.

you're an unexplainable artist. i looked through your book when you weren't around. i was simply dumbfounded.

i don't think there's anything more i can say about your gift.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/22/2007

LLT is a force of nature! He has tapped into this free flowing Tiki Mana in a powerful way. Anytime I feel the whole Tiki concept slipping from my fingers, I glance through this thread and become totally energized! Thanks for posting the in progress stuff Kenny, I love seeing the work form out of nothing! It's always so magical!

teaKEY posted on 04/22/2007

Another great one Ken!!!

Sorry Ken. Your art is cool and I shouldn't mess with it in thAT WAY. Now you, thats fair game. :)

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2007-04-23 06:07 ]

little lost tiki posted on 04/23/2007

Well Hi-de-Ho! :lol:
thanks teaKey....i relly apreshiate your contribushuns....
Thanks also Ben(i guess..) Jen,Brad,and pDiddy!
Well, tag-team has begun! Lonely Island vs the Intergalactic
Island Hopper! This decanter is for the DvA's Tiki Anniversary show in June,I think!
A bunch of us artists were asked to paint these lovely Tiki Farm decanters!
Being a Squid sculpt,how could i refuse?
Here's some old sketches when
the concept/invitation was first extended...

and here's this weekend quickie sketches after the bisque arrived at my doorstep!
I went a little more involved,just so i wouldn't fall asleep of boredom while
painting it! :lol:

and here's some close-ups of the water soluble pencil sketch....

And here's the gold I finished up for this session!
I used a gold sumi ink that has the perfectblend of
resistance/acceptance of the gouache i'm applying to it next!

note the little palm on the bottom,traversing the cosmos and looking
for a place to root and grow...perhaps earth?

and the scary robot orongo mechanism on the back-staring
into space with it's cyclopian eye!

i like how the seated orongos have that Chariots of the Gods/Aztec tomb cover feel!
That's it for now-I should bust out more this week! Thanks for visiting!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-04-22 19:42 ]

TronTiki posted on 04/23/2007

Wow, LLT, Wow! I really dig the new stuff. And the decanter is going to be truly out of this world.

As for Mr. Hanky, you may want to drain the lagoon!

Clysdalle posted on 04/23/2007

great shots of your gallery.....what a kick ass space to make art! Now I'm going to have to come down.....um, with a big sack to fill wit stuff!

PockyTiki posted on 04/23/2007

That decanter is looking cooler and cooler by the second. I love your work LLT, keep it up!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/23/2007

Listenin' tuh Elvis Costello an checkin' LLT's thread after a 22 hr day so far... Feelin good!

Amazing work outta u LLT, you've got work ethic, skills, and that NEED to create. Great new ideas!

I'll check em' again after sum sleep. LOl!



little lost tiki posted on 04/23/2007

the above is a link to my Marketplace post ....
Times is tough and i need some cash to afford the studio whilst the wife goes to school...
so please forgive this SPAM-ish posting!

"Oli-Oli,Kakaka,and PuPule"
An open line 9x12 print on Heavy gloss card stock.It Sha-zings! It's also signed by Kinny on the back!This is an illustration of the faces of the 3 mugs that are soon to be released by TikiFarm...and it's a chance to get acquainted with these fellows before the actual mugs arrive... Only $12 US dollars my friends! ($15 total will take care of shipping) If you are interested in one,throw me a PM..I and my studio thank you!

hewey posted on 04/24/2007

That decanter looks sweet my freind :D Id love to help take some of that art off your walls, but my wallet doesnt... :(

little lost tiki posted on 04/24/2007

Thanks y'all!
Well, I'll stop being such a bore and I'll post some of the progress pix
of the decanter! More color added! Note: these are the base colors before i apply light shadow texture,etc...But this will give you some idea of the mood and flavor i'm beginning to establish even before the lighting....
Here's a dramatic face on view....

Now here's some progression twirly shots to give you an overview-then we'll close in on some details so you can see how messy this thing is in it's raw stages...lots of cleanup and
going over and double-checking on this one!

Now for some details-first the nosecone/top area....

I'll be doing brain-powered portholes for both eyes of the tikis but also the mysterious skull-eyed theme pervades...as you can see here below..peripheral vision-like the birds!

And the nostrils can also act as "eyes"-Clever,eh?

Note the scarab/tribal motif running down the bridge of the nose here..
Now we proceed to a few SuperClose-ups...
I made the little fellow Green and with a third eye,a subtle homage to the Creature from the Black Lagoon or Waterfall-depending on if you ask TikiShark or Chongolio...

and the one-eyed two-beaked orongo is looking quite glyphic in his mannerism,almost taking on a ganesha or shiva aspect with his four arms....

Now for the bottom..Note the beginnings of the mechanisms of the legs and the hidden tikis in the machine!

Of course, they would bring life to distant islands in distant galaxies,so what better ambassador than a palm......

or a pineapple...

That's my progress for today! Next few days.....the beginnings of the lighting!!!!

FreddieBallsomic posted on 04/25/2007

Yo,! LLT!! Lookin forward to addin this to my other One-of-a-kind Ruzik DVA Piece!!

Bora Boris posted on 04/26/2007

Hey Charles Nelson Tiki,
I think I’ve discovered the inspiration for your DvA Decanter ~

I hope it wasn’t a secret.

JenTiki posted on 04/26/2007

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 04/26/2007

Hello, world, here's a song that we're singin',
c'mon get happy
A whole lotta lovin' is what we'll be bringin',
we'll make you happy

We had a dream we'd go trav'lin' together
We'd spread a little lovin' then we'd keep movin' on
Somethin' always happens whenever we're together
We get a happy feelin' when we're singin' a song

Trav'lin' along there's a song that we're singin',
c'mon get happy
A whole lotta lovin' is what we'll be bringin',
we'll make you happy
We'll make you happy,
we'll make you happy!
:) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol:
:) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol:

GROG posted on 04/26/2007

JenTiki posted on 04/26/2007

Banging one's head against a wall is not recommended if one wishes to preserve precious hair follicles.

GROG posted on 04/26/2007

Much too late for that.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/26/2007

On 2007-04-25 21:22, GROG wrote:
Much too late for that.

From the Darkness.....

It would appear that male pattern
baldness has set in
his hair, at an alarming pace
running away from his face
he's losing his virility
and now his masculinity
has been compromised
and his libido down-sized

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
it's not for me you understand

Bald, slap headed and hairless
bald he is destined to be
bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me.

From what I have been reading
his scalp needs kneading
to stimulate each follicle
and reverse this diabolical
condition that's afflicted he
for years and has cruelly
repulsed each potential mate
and left him with a balding pate

Jentiki?? Grog needs you!!!!!!!!

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
it's not for me you understand

Bald, slap headed and hairless
bald he is destined to be
bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me.

Sock it to me baby, yeah!

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
it's not for me you understand

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
it's not for me you understand

Bald, slap headed and hairless
bald he is destined to be
bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me.
Thank God!

Bald, slap headed and hairless
bald he is destined to be
bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me.

JenTiki posted on 04/26/2007

On 2007-04-25 21:57, RevBambooBen wrote:

Jentiki?? Grog needs you!!!!!!!!

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
it's not for me you understand

greentikipat posted on 04/27/2007

uh .... nice work there LLT. as for the songs, i'm with GROG.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/27/2007

LLT, I love the tiki rocket! And, I think your thread wins for having the most smiley faces of any art thread on TC! Looking through your thread is sort of like being on XTC! Wow, the good tiki vibes here major mojo, baby!
Liked seeing your pic in Tiki Mag... nice!

little lost tiki posted on 04/30/2007

Yeah,Uh...thanks for the flattering picture....Brad ol' buddy!
Your punishment will be long and drawn out....
Wotta fun Night on Friday! I was blessed with an evening of Art
and other Diversions with two Tiki Art familiar faces!
Chongolio and Clysdalle!

Clysdalle put us both to shame by finishing a WHOLE painting!
Showing off in front of the old-Timers!
Randy's "God of the Waterfall" moved into the studio and was
greeted with whoops and hollers!

Squid's King Okole finally met the Intergalactic Island Hopper....

Speaking of Intergalactic Island Hoppers....
Here are some more progress pix...outlines and shadows
and a lil' bit of Hi-lighting....

Here's the colors and brushes I've been using.....

And here's some close-ups of the bottom...

Here's some close-ups of the top!

Middle close-up shots!

Besides Randy and Clysdalle,my good friends Maggie and Sandy
came by to cheer up us sad artists with smiles and beauty!
Sandy, who's a rabid collector, picked up these two non-tiki pieces....
Pope Alexander the 6th

and War...

Besides all that excitement, i also got the Palm trees and Grass started on the
"Lonely Island" painting...

Here's some details showing the gouache layer over the
ink/gesso/gouache ground....
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That's it for now, my friends! Talk to you soon!
Hope the Weather's Swell for you today!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-04-29 20:57 ]

GROG posted on 04/30/2007

Geeze it was really HOT on Saturday. Winter is definitely over now. It wasn't TOO hot today, so GROG was able to do some yardwork. Thankfully the weather's not going to be too bad this week over here where GROG live. It's even going to cool down a bit, but no rain on the way. so GROG had to lenghten the time on GROG's sprinklers to water the yard. How's the weather where ya'll are?
Forecast for GROG's area for the week:
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Bora Boris posted on 04/30/2007

I thought it was going to rain a little this morning in fact I think there was some drizzel but it went away.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/30/2007

"As the greatest expert and judge of harmony, he liked best to play the viola, with appropriate loudness and softness."

GROG posted on 04/30/2007

How's the weather down in Huntington Beach Benster?

GROG posted on 04/30/2007

On 2007-04-29 20:25, Bora Boris wrote:
I thought it was going to rain a little this morning in fact I think there was some drizzel but it went away.

We could definitely use the rain. There was a fire ealier this week on a hill about a half mile from the house.

Bora Boris posted on 04/30/2007

When it rains I don't feel so bad for being lazy.

pdrake posted on 04/30/2007

you big crybabies. it was at least a 100 here today with hot, sandy wind. i thought i might work on stuff outside, but ended up looking like this . . .

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i had some sqirrels sitting around outside and they ended up like this . . .

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=4189&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kidwings.com%2Fskulls%2Fredsquirrel%2F14.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=818a813580750b0dc2e019b7a2b61a6a

just suck it up and soak your feet in the ocean. plus, you got bamboo ben to massage your back while he's cracking out tiki bars.

[ Edited by: pdrake 2007-04-29 20:40 ]

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9162ee98aff6768c57e0ea30338c822f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingstiedye posted on 04/30/2007

it warmed up enough this weekend in sac that my daughter was the first one in the pool this year.

Bora Boris posted on 04/30/2007

On 2007-04-29 20:37, kingstiedye wrote:
it warmed up enough this weekend in sac that my daughter was the first one in the pool this year.

You've got a Pool!!! Color me jealous!

pdrake posted on 04/30/2007

what is this "rain" thing you keep talking about?

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9162ee98aff6768c57e0ea30338c822f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingstiedye posted on 04/30/2007

yeah, and it's an old one so we have a diving board too.

GROG posted on 04/30/2007

It was cool enough this morning that GROG soaked in the jacuzzi, but it was warm enough later it would've been nice to jump in GROG's neighbor's pool, but GROG just end up doing yardwork most of the afternoon. Thankfully it wasn't TOO hot for that.

V Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/90af674b21d8778b0e093d58e340dd21?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
VampiressRN posted on 04/30/2007

Well...it was really HOT in Emeryville today. A big tanker crashed, caught on fire, and melted the frikken freeway...it got so HOT, that the freeway collapsed. Another driving frenzy for the Nor Cal peeps. Sometimes being an extreme commuter can be painful. Did someone say pool???

Bora Boris posted on 04/30/2007

On 2007-04-29 20:42, pdrake wrote:
what is this "rain" thing you keep talking about?

Rain is a source of precipitation which forms when separate drops of water fall to the Earth's surface from clouds. Not all rain reaches the surface; some evaporates while falling through dry air. When none of it reaches the ground, it is called Virga, a phenomenon often seen in hot, dry desert regions. The scientific explanation of how rain forms and falls is called the Bergeron process.

And Kingstiedye, Congratulations on your diving board! Very Nice! Bring on the diving board pics!

little lost tiki posted on 04/30/2007

Well,If you can't beat 'em.....Anyways, it was sure nice
down here in Huntington Beach!Very Cool, slightly overcast
with just a little nip in the air! A splendid day for painting
I should say! :)

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9162ee98aff6768c57e0ea30338c822f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingstiedye posted on 04/30/2007

yeah, i'm sticking to the jacuzzi until the pool warms up.

Bora Boris posted on 04/30/2007

Jacuzzi too! :o

Get out of here!

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