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Another how to make a bad mai tai video

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Tiki Pop posted on 04/22/2007

check out the section called "Liquid Assets" at the O.C. Register website. http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/sections/life/food/

then click on the maitai on page 3 of drinks. Its the way Roys duzz it.

VampiressRN posted on 04/22/2007

That Mai Tai does not sound good...but I did like the sound of the Pomegranite Mojito. :)

Hiphipahula posted on 04/22/2007

accck... Cranberry in a Mai Tai just doesn't sound right at all. Now cranberry Juice in Vodka... ya gotta nice cape cod :)

DJ HawaiianShirt posted on 04/22/2007

"And then pineapple juice... just let every Mai Tai."

Chip and Andy posted on 04/22/2007

I noticed that none of the videos had anyone stirring the drinks. If they brought you that Mai-Tai and you hit the straw, POW! a mouth full of Bacadari beforeyou get anything else.

It was a pretty Mai-Tai when they got done, and the pineapple leaf as garnish was interesting enough I may start doing that. And, if I add a pineapple leaf to my Mai-Tais then I can say I have one like everyone else because it has pineapple in it. :wink:

I am really enjoying all of these "Bad" drink video posts and I think someone should start to pull all of the links together into one big super-bad thread.

Then I think we as the 'better' drinkers need to start making video posts about how to do it correctly and get the word out. How many of us have blogs that we can use? How many of us have a digital camera with a video mode? How many of us have digital camcorders? There is no reason why we can't turn the tide against the pineapple Mai-Tais ourselves.

Go! To the Bars! Camera's in hand! Show the world the beauty and magic and mystery that is a well made Mai-Tai!

sporkboyofjustice posted on 04/22/2007

That was just wrong, no shaking, no orgeat. They call for Curacao but substitute tripple sec. That's all kinds of not right.

naugatiki posted on 04/22/2007

They started out by saying he was going to make a "special mai tai" so by special they must have meant the type of drink that rides on the short bus, also they lost me when they referred to the glass as a "bamboo glass". Mixology college sure has changed.

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