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The Integratron - Energy Vortex, Time Machine, UFO Sightings

Pages: 1 8 replies

Tigerlily posted on 05/06/2007

I finally made a pilgrimage into the desert to the Integraton and Giant Rock in Landers, Ca. Has anyone been out there and what did you think? I loved every second or maybe just because being out in the desert is inherently spiritual. I even indulged in a sound bath inside the dome and I have to admit it was incredibly relaxing. However, I'm still waiting for some spiritual enlightenment or extra-terrestrial contact. The sound inside the dome was amazing. I didn't have time to make it out to the crazy sculptures of Noah Purify (anyone been out there?) and am dying to go back. I had lunch at Pappy and Harriet's in Pioneer-town.


VampiressRN posted on 05/06/2007

Wow...looks like a very interesting place. If I am ever in that area, well try to catch the public bath. :)

Unga Bunga posted on 05/06/2007

On 2007-05-06 01:27, Tigerlily wrote:
The Integratron - Energy Vortex, Time Machine, UFO Sightings.......

......The Tiki Central bar crawl.

WooHooWahine posted on 01/03/2008

Here's a pic of Tigerlily & I at Giant Rock on New Year's Eve Day:

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/03/2008

Beamed up...?

BettyBleu posted on 01/03/2008

I've been to see the Noah Purefoy's little art park. Its a hoot. There are bunch of pretty fantastic little "installations" all over the area. An artists collective have been creating works out in the desert for the past 5 (I think) years. There are a handful just past Pappy & Harriets. Check out the High Desert Test Sites (http://www.highdeserttestsites.com) for more locations. Worth the effort to hunt them down.

WooHooWahine posted on 05/27/2008

This weekend we took advantage of the Public Sound Bath at the Integratron. WooHoo what an experience!!

Ojaitimo posted on 05/27/2008

Please tell me these antenna aren't for real?

bigtikidude posted on 05/27/2008

I'm confused Tim,
I didn't know I was in the desert this weekend.......

how did you get me out there without knowing it?

or why do you post pics of different events in the wrong thread?


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