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ebay: Rum Demon is back for realz. SKULL!!

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Yep! I'm back with a full frickin' roster!

Look at em! Five! I feel like a complete man.

So for starters I'll say that the troubles of mid/high fire aren't unique. Take for example the "Oyster Twins". Primo #35 and Fred #20. Sure, they were fine according to Katie. But no, I had to put in my two cents: "This guy is a bit thin." Or "Look at this light spot/bubble! I can't sell this as is!" Result: re-glaze, re-fire. So we hit them with a bit of touch-up glaze, then finished with clear. What came out of the kiln monday morning is a controversial mystery that will haunt our marriage for all time. You see, Katie is the one who did the fixin', due to the rush rush nature of this latest batch. She swears the final coat was nothing more than clear glaze, which was also put onto other, unaffected mugs at the same sitting.

Hello, my name is Primo #35 and I used to be dark brown.

I give you Oyster Brother #1. He shows telltale signs of his original coloring on a tooth where the overcoat was rubbed off (no big deal, we figured, not knowing the eventual outcome) and on the bottom, which you can't see. I should start taking photos of the bottoms, where the numbers are, just for my own records. Oh well.

Yes, I used to be so much different, but I chose to become this way, with my brother Primo #35.


I should mention also, that there is a Xeno who underwent the same treatment as the Oyster brothers, but who is just fine and will be listed without such fanfare as he did not join the order of the oyster.

Pina #33

This is a classic style Pina. If there were to be a picture of Pina in the dictionary, this would be it. I believe this is what Katie's original vision of Pina looked like.

Coco returns! Hooray for Coco #18.

It's hard to believe we're only on #18 of these. It feels like he's been around forever. This particular mug scares me a bit. I can't say why. Please don't leave me alone with Coco #18!

We finish up as always with Xeno. To be precise: Xeno #7.

#7 replaces the original high fire Xeno #7 which suffers PLAGUE problems. The story shall be documented in creating tiki, I assure you. Anyhoo, this is the woodiest Xeno to date!

Ok. Thanks again for skimming another official RUM DEMON ebay "looky this" post! Happy bidding. I hope you ALL win!



Another week, another five mugs for the offering. All the usual suspects are present:

Primo #7 is fully white inside and out. Like some fat benihana buddha. Since I'm nearly at the end of the run, this will be the only all-white Primo. Low number due to the original #7 being one of our horrors from the kiln.


Fred #19 Is another lovely little faux wood number. Katie really likes these.


Pina #35 is a strange one. A greenish tint all over it's body. Hmmm. Not quite ripe, I suppose.


Coco #19. Pretty good. Nice, straight up Coco. Oh, and there's no red in the mouth. That's a reflection.


Xeno #18. Poor Xeno. He has his fans, but they are few and far between. A little too sci-fi for most, I suppose. That's probably why KT and I love him so very much. This one's really a beauty. Again, get him while he's cheap and unloved.


Best of luck, everyone! See you friday evening!


Hello Tikicentralites!!

Another week, another $10 Xeno. Congratulations to all our winning bidders. Your mugs are being safely packed away in anticipation of their upcoming journey.

This week is a very special one. This is the week of THE IMPOSTERS!! Primo, Fred, and Xeno all dressed up to look like Pina. Why? Well, they are young mugs and given to sibling jealousy. Also, I was curious to see what they'd look like all gussied up like Mr Pineapple. So, for a laugh, I give you this week's offerings:

Primo #21 the "Pina" Primo. Why not? Just look at the lovely specimen. Bright yellow meat inside and everything. You just want to slice him up for garnishings


Fred #22 stands in solidarity with his false brothers. I like it. I would have never thought to glaze them up this way without Pina's influence.


Xeno #20, not to be left out...


And the man of the hour, in usual form, not at all perturbed by the load of imposters.... Pina #36


Unaffected by all the hoopla and refusing to participate in the charade is stalwart Coco #20 who has his own damn thing going on. Little bastard's on fire!


So there you go! I'm off to LA next weekend for more "day job" type stuff, very very fun "day job" stuff that will keep me away from my beloved demons for a full month. We'll do some listings while I'm gone, but may miss a week or two between now and Halloween.

Happy bidding and best of luck to everyone!!!



With my being out of town for the entire month of October, we at Rum Demon Enterprises International LLC (BMF WTFWJD) have decided to postpone all further auctions until my safe return. The current batch of mostly imposters will be the last offering until the last friday of October... the... 27th. Yes.

Sorry for any inconvenience. I promise to put a banana on the block by thanksgiving. Yes. That ought to kick me in the butt.

be excellent to one another,
Joe (and Katie)


Back again! As promised! Hooray!
After spending a month in "THE Valley" working and sleeping under the flight path of Bob Hope's aeroplanes, I was more than happy to return to the cold and rain of Portland. So without further adooo...

Primo #30

Another experiment in woodiness. Guaranteed against rot.

Fred #44

Whoah! Dis is one krazy Fred! Like something out of Star Trek maybe. Or some crazy French clown.... Dig it.

Pina #37

Good old Pina D. This one bears the classic color scheme of #1. Only a dozen or so left after this....

Coco #21

Hey! Coco's old enough to drink now! This here Coco is a Katie cast, you can tell by the straight rim.

Xeno #10

Best bang for your buck in the Rum Demon library. The much neglected Xeno. Rich earth tones on the outside, milky white on the inside.

Alllll right, back to work. The table in front of me is filled with mugs awaitin glazin. Katie's got a lovely bunch of bananas going and everything.

Stay warm,


Hello again, TC peoples!

It is a very exciting week, this.

Because this week we have a new mug for the first time in quite a while. I speak of course of Banana Diablo. Yes. But I save that for last, of course. We will not break from tradition. We will do this in chronological order, as usual.

PRIMO! Number 48. Ok. I SWEAR I'll get the website updated soon to figure out just how many more of these are left to offer up. Judging by where Pina is, I'd guess about 12, but I've given quite a few Freds and Primos away sooooo... must get cracking on that list before the end totally sneaks up on me.


Meanwhile, Primo #48 here has an AWESOME glaze. Really. I'm loving it. This is a glaze I'll be using again in the future. Though not for Primo. I think all the Primos that are going to be made, have been.

Fred. Fred #17. Nice and dark and brown and lovely and you just want to take a huge bite off his chocolaty head. Not recommended.


Pina #38. Black mouth. I like the black mouthed ones best. Don't tell Katie. A damn good looking pineapple mug. That's all I'll say. Oh, and then I'll add: Have you gotten YOURS yet?


Coco #22. Red eyed. Evil. You love it.


Xeno # is urban royalty. I hate to say it, but LOOK at him. He's all purple and has zazzy eyes and a gold -uh... tooth. Damn. Dig.


BANANA diablo!!!! #3 (of 30) What's to say? There she is! A banana! Get it while it's ripe!


And that's that! Give them a gander. Watch them closely. Covet them!! Snipe away!

Best of luck to everyone!



Happy holidays tikiphiles!

Sorry that I'm using the "h" word so early, but I just realized that this week's offerings end the day AFTER thanksgiving. Where has the year gone? WHERE!!!

Ok. So I've updated the website.... [plug]http://www.rumdemon.com[/plug] and see that there are only SIX Primos left. Almost all of my little babies have left the nest. I actually get a lump in my throat these days when I look over all the mugs sitting around waiting to LEAVE. It takes alot out of me to see any of them go. It really does. Having said that, here's todays ROUNDUP!!!!

Primo #40

He reminds me of river muck. It sounds awful, but please hear me out. It was a white mug, but was lost to the murky depths of some wide and slow flowing river, only to be recovered by some lucky children whilst cooling themselves off on a hot summer day. There he is, in their naive hands, staring up at them through a fertile coating of sediment. "What IS this thing we have found?" The children then fight each other to the death for the custody of this mysterious idol.

Bid early. Bid often.

Fred #21

Now this one is nice. I really like the way the orange inside sets off against the hints of orange in the green outer glaze. Exquisite.

Pina #39

Brown mouthed Pina. Yeeeuh! You love it. Get yours before they run out.

Coco #23

Foggy eyes. Just like the Beat Happening song said: "Foggy eyes. looking at foggy eyes. Foggy eyes going BANG BANG BANG!". Yup. Something like that.

Xeno #21

DANG! Would you LOOK at that?! It's an EYEBALL on the back of Xeno's FRIGGIN HEAD!! Where did that come from? Crazy. Possessed extraterrestrial tiki. Must be a first. Must be.

Banana Diablo #2

Ok, taking a step back, here's #2. This is the lowest number we'll be offering of these guys, if you're into that sort of thing. We kept #1 for ourselves, natch. Anyway, new kid on the block holding his own.

Best of luck everyone!!



Holy happydays everyone! I awake temporarily from my turkey-induced slumber to bring to your attention the newest crop of offerings from Demon land...

This week's Primo and Fred are kind of a matched set. Similar glaze to last week's Fred, but with a reddish brown interior. I'm trying to figure out what happened to Primo #43. I think I just skipped over it.... and still need to make one. But thanks to trades, giveaways, and gifts, Primo is all but extinct. Only three more after this, including #43.
Primo #42

Fred #24


Pina is almost down to the final 10 as well. #40 here has an "underlit" quality to the glazing. Like he's telling a ghost story...


Coco #24 bumbles on with his foggy black eyes.


Xeno #22 is a hodgepodge. Looks like he's on his way somewhere. He also has purple eyes.....


Banana D #4 disapproves. I mean... look at him.


All right. That's it. Hope everyone's shopping injuries heal quickly.



And here we are again with our 2nd to last sale of the year. We figure mugs won on the friday after next will make it to your homes in time for christmas. Also, that gives me time to get the last Primo ever fired for his departure in the new year.

Primo #49...

...has the red and black combo we haven't seen in a long long while. Finish with a classic. Almost.

Fred #30...

...is all sandy and ruddy outside, with a creamy chocolate inside.

Pina #41

Now we can officially say that we're down to the last TEN Pinas. Jeez, with three mugs facing extintion, we have to get cracking on new stuff...

Coco #27

Well it's like this: #25 was given to a friend as a present and #26 needs a strap for his eye patch, so this week we skip forward to #27. Dark and jagged!

Xeno #23

This here is a Katie glaze job. Here is one of the least "severe" Xeno's you'll ever see. Easy on the eyes indeed.

Banana #6...

...has yellow meatstuff. Only #6 and #7 will be this yellow. I think it's fine. Katie prefers them the other way and swears she'll never do them like this again. Anyway. It's awesome. It's a banana.

And that's the latest from the Demon house. Our health is fine and the holiday season is shaping up to be a happy one. We're trying to transition smoothly to warm wintery drinks without taking in too much buttter or caffiene. It has been a difficult transition.... A free kiln came our way and we're still in awe of the thing. No more lugging mugs across town and back for each firing. A new era is dawning... I can feel it...



Well, I'm going to post about how much I love these mugs, even if it means I get outbid on every other mug I'd like to add-right now, I'm sipping iced tea (hey, I have to work tomorrow) out of Fred #17, the chocolate one.

I've just started my tiki mug collection, had a great Thanksgiving, where everyone could choose their own tiki mug, so we wouldn't mix up glasses. My kids have loved seeing all the new tiki mugs come in, & like to offer their friends their choice of mugs for lemonade when they come over. My son was looking at my Primo the other day, 'new mug, Mom? Can I try it?' & I had to lay down the law-these are for me! We had a minor mug accident over the holiday, one slipped & broke on the countertop-I just glued it back together, but I'm not willing to take the chance w/ my Rum Demon mugs.

This doesn't mean I won't use them, I've had a drink out of all of them, & now that I've finally got a Pina Diablo, I'm trying to figure out how I can use him in an Xmas centerpiece. Thanks, Joe & Katie, for these mugs-hope you have a relaxing holiday...Thistle/Linda


Haaaaaappy holidays everybody! I hope all is well.

All is well in the Demon House. Santa brought us a kiln early, not to mention free(!!!!!), and it will be up and running as soon as the electrician gets his butt over here. After that, LOOKOUT!

We figure this last week's worth of mugs should be the last of the year. We'll be back in January, probably the 5th, with a couple of surprises including ALBINO PINA and the very last Primo (#43).

Without further ado, this week's offering:

Primo #50

Yes, the last of the line. Last number. Not last one to be sold, but still, #50 of 50. Black outside, red inside, just like #1

Fred #31

Just like the listing says, he's all rough and tumble on the outside, immaculate white on the inside.

Pina #42

Pina marches on! Dig.

Coco #28

This coco is a brief respite from the foggy eyes collection. Snappy red and white eyes on this guy.

Xeno #24

So this was a case of coming back from LA, sitting down to glaze stuff and finding that Katie had bought some new colors. I blindly glazed away one of my Xenos with what sounded like a pretty interesting new color. Lo and behold a demon was born. Some are creeped out, thinking it looks like dried blood, others think it looks like lava, I think I'm only going to use this glaze again sparingly. White inside.

Banana #7

This here is the other "yellow-er" banana. Katie won't be doing them this yellow again. I dunno. Ask her why. Meanwhile, we can't promise any new bananas for a while, due to his being such a pain. Pain pain pain to make. Thank god there will only be 30.

All right. That's all for the time being. Good luck out there.



Happy the new year is!!!

It's a small offering this week. Just four tried and true oldie/goodies. Next week should be huge. HUGE I tell you! With the final ever Primo #43 as well as the ghostly all-white Pina #44.... not to be missed, oh no. Anyway, enough about the then, on to the NOW!

This year we're starting the auctions a bit earlier on fridays. This way the east coast folks can get their bids in before bedtime, or leaving to go party, or perhaps passing out from an early start. Anyway, be mindful of the new earlier ending times in the coming month.....

Primo takes the week off in preparation for his final exit so we start with FRED #33

This is the root beer Fred. He's a frosty mug of sweet goodness.

Pina #43

All the Pinas we have left follow this same model, with the notable exeptions of albino, eyepatch, and tongue tongue Pina. So if you want a "normal" Pina, get on it.

Coco #29

Back to the foggy eyes! It's not just a terrible photo (was rushing, forgot to hit macro) nor is it the wonderful image quality drop courtesy of ebay, yes, this mug has blurry eyes in reality.

Xeno #25

This Xeno marks our first (on purpose) drippy glazing. Just on the inside of course. It's all about experimentation here at the RD factory. Lucky Xeno is the least popular, and therefore the most likely guinea pig candidate. I like the drips though. Nobody seems to mess around with the INSIDE glazing.

Fun fun fun! So nice to be back. Hope everyone is healthy and happy and is ready to spend grandma's gift check!



All right! Let's hear it for 2007! It's going to be a good one thanks to our new in-house kiln and fresh crop of molds finally getting made. There's currently six different mugs up on the block. This is the last FULL gathering of Rum Demons from our debut year, 2006, and what a gathering it is!

This week, we say goodbye to Primo. Yes. Though I haven't marked all of the "sold" mugs on the webshite, trust me. This is it.
I did him up like #'s 2 and 37. Red and shiny black with puka eyes and bright white teeth, kind of the penultimate "Primo". This is the skin he's most comfortable in, I think. Primo #2 I kept for my fat self, while #37 was raffled off in last years NW TIKI KON. #43 is being cast into the bay.


Fred #23 has a new look. Kind of like Fred Flintstone printed in some nonexistant glossy weekday funny pages.


HOLY...!! It's WHITE PINA!!!
Pina #44 is allll white. It's the best way to look at the wicked good sculpting job Katie did on this thing. Goooood stuff.


Coco #30. All whacko with two color eyes... almost out of the fog.


Xeno #19. Bloody bones! Used to be bonier. I put another coat of red on it. Huh huh... "bonier".....


Banana Diablo #5 (of 30). Back to his "normal" less-yellow self.


Hooray! That's all she wrote for this week. Good luck, and happy bidding!



Aloha TC! Thanks for stopping by! I wish we had more to offer this week. Not that there's any fault in the merchandise, it's just there's a couple of new designs that are SOOOO close to premiering that every new week that doesn't include one DIGS at my marrow. Such is life.

First week without a Primo. He's always been here for me... now he's gone. Gone to all corners of the globe. Godspeed, first attempt...

Meanwhile THIS WEEKS MUGS!!!!

Fred #32.

Dark and brooding. Yet polished.

Pina #46

Back to normal for this stalwart favorite. Only a few more left. Not to worry, more new fruit mugs from Katie right around the bend.

Coco #31

Our little hard-shelled friend stares at you one last time through red foggy eyes. I should also note that this schnazzy shell glaze has fallen out of favor with Katie. She is now madly in love with a matte brown quite similar to Vic's coconut glaze. MADLY, I tell you. After next week's pirate (more on that later) the next 10 mugs will have the new matte glazing. I'm sure you'll love it as much as Mrs Demon. Meanwhile, I'll do my damndest to sneak some classic Coco glazing through before the run is up.

Xeno #26 (another eyeball!!)

Yep. When I'm not watching closely, Katie paints eyeballs on the backs of my Xenos. I really can't complain. I don't want him to become known as the EYEBALL mug, so don't get used to it.... This time the "secret" eyeball is brown.

No banana this week, but he/she will be back this friday in top form....

All right that's the limited selection for this week. Next week will be our "Pirate" mugs. Which means they all have tiny eyepatches. ADORABLE! But it still makes you want to say AAARRRR!!

Thanks again for looking!

jamco posted on Thu, Jan 25, 2007 5:01 PM

Thanks for the Pina!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to admit it right now... this was my first ever tiki mug! I couldn't resisit the pure white pina pina!


That's awesome! We're honored to be your first mug.



Yo Demon! I just looked at the Banana Diablo on the Bay....$152???? Whoa! Out of my range. Can you give some of the Ohana direct access? I'm spot'n a Pinapple and a Coco of yours and we love em. They need a potasiumated friend to go along with them.



Ahoy mateys!!! Welcome to Pirate Week! Yaarrr!! [and so forth]

Yep. A while back Katie decided it would be cute if we put eye patches on everybody. So we did. And here they are.

I love telling that story.

Fred #34 is a pirate!

Why the camera yellowed up his orange interior and kept all the other colors in the picture perfect, I'll never know. Anyway, you think he looks pretty in pixel form, just wait until you see him in person....

Pina #45 is a PIRATE!

Katie decided to put REAL LEATHER straps on her pirates. I wish I had done the same. But we'll see whose mugs do better in the dishwasher!

Coco #26 IS A PIRATE!!

Strange, but saddled with the responsibility of pillaging on the high seas has left Coco a bit unsure. Look at him, he's hesitant. Our little coco who normally looks to have not a care in the world is now filled with doubt and remorse and longing for his previous carefree existence. No amount of ill gotten booty will restore his spirit. You will have to drown his sorrows in fine rum. Yes, that will do.

Xeno #Arrr (who is marked with an x) is a PIRATE FROM HELLLL!!!

I went all out with this Xeno. He's got the gilded eyepatch and deep, otherworldly black flesh, sure. But he's swimming/floating in a sea of hellfire! I used a better quality image here on TC to show off the flames and soot surrounding him. Do not be afraid.

Banana Diablo #8 is NOT a pirate!!

Yes. No respect for the theme. He sticks his tongue out in defiance. Fine BD, walk your own path, but stay off the high seas if you know what's good for you. This is the first of the NEW banana glazes. Yes, the THIRD different yellow we've tried for the banana meat and the BEST. There's one more in the old style, then the rest will have this realistic matte banana flesh color.

All right. That's this week's bunch. I have a weekend of casting, cleaning and glazing ahead of me. Yep. I really want to get Edgar, Ollie, and Katie's new mugs out some time soon.

As far as giving the TC Ohana an inside track on our mugs, I'm not sure what I can do. We're under the impression that pretty much ALL of our buyers on eBay are also members/lurkers of TC. We ARE kicking some of our future mugs up to 100, giving me the impression that we should be able to take some to TC gatherings for direct sales in the future. We'll see.

Meanwhile, best of luck and thanks for looking!

Dead men tell no tales,


Oy vey. What a week.

So after working a stressful week we realized the new mugs weren't listed. I literally raced home after work to get this week's batch up in time. Katie didn't want to list a banana, as we are almost out again, and told me this as I was mid-listing. Meanwhile eBay has just changed their listing interface and I'm struggling to get used to it. Sooo somehow the banana got listed all willy-nilly at an odd time and with the wrong picture. GAH!

I noticed this the next morning only after noticing that my laptop wasn't charging and had about 25% battery power left. I backed all of my important stuff up just in time to say goodnight to the thing. So now it's in the shop. The morning after that, I become sick with flu and cold and sore throat and body and gaaah!!!

That's the long version of why I'm only getting around to announcing the listings today, on a strange and unfamiliar computer (A PC!) with my nose still burning like fire...

Fred #26 leads the pack!

He's a real classic brown on brown on brown restaurant-ish Fred. For those who might not be liking all the craziness that Fred has been going through...

Banana #9 BUTTTS his head in here. (OOOOOOOPS!!!)

So that there is a picture of the real #9. Almost identical to #5. This is the last of the shiny-meat bananas. Soooo sorry for all of the confusion. Maybe it will all help someone pick one up for a lower price (don't tell Katie I said that).

Pina #47

Back to basics for the next three Pinas, then a razzberry Pina, then it's all over.

Coco #32

Katie luuuuvs this brown on Coco. So much that THIS IS IT! All of the rest will be like this, with variations on the rim, eyes, etc, of course. So those of you that have early # Cocos with wacky shell colorings are in luck. No matter how garish your Coco may look, you can take comfort in it's rarity.

Xeno #27

This guy looks like something that might stare back at you out of an old, broken CPU.

All right. That's it once again. I've used this down-time to schedule the next two weeks worth of mugs. We'll be potassium deficient, as there are no bananas ready for market and our work schedules have been hectic lately.

Oh, and I've also taken this time to give all y'all your much deserved feedback. Sorry for the delay.

Now I've finished my juice and am going back to bed.


hewey posted on Wed, Feb 7, 2007 5:54 PM

I like the pirates :)


Good lard! The weeks are flying by, but the clock at work moves sooooo slowly... The sickness left my body and I got my computer back, so that's nice, but we've been working long hours all month, including the weekends. Little time is left for the little Demons. We're quickly running out of the "old guard" mugs, while the new guys sit poised ALMOST ready to bring out...

I've had the pleasure of handing off a couple mugs recently to buyers from the Portland area. I can't tell you how cool that is. SOOO, Portland ohana, don't be shy. If you win your auction, you can pluck your mug direcly from the Demon Tree, or better yet, meet me at Thatch for a breezy, boozy handoff!

Fred #27 is chilling in a creamy grey...


Pina #48 is a vision of loveliness, as usual. These are so close to gone I can't believe it....


Coco #33 no longer has the foggy eyes. New glaze. Final glaze. Same crazy look!


Xeno #28 should be used to drink beer. Beer brewed in the way of the ancients. It looks like a sacred beer mug risen from the sands of the lower Nile.


Awright! Go giddum!


Howdy howdy howdy,
Thanks for looking in once again!

Four more loverly mugs to have their new homes decided this friday evening....

Fred #45 or FRANKENFRED!! ...is a really special guy. I'm very attached to him and am hurt that he hasn't any bidders yet. Yeah, I was heavy-handed with him in his early days, but just COULDN'T put him back into the primordial ooze from whence all Rum Demons come. I nurtured his massive head wound, glazed him with a hint of Dr Stein's monster, and cooked his arse in the kiln. His inside is as smooth as any tiki mug could be, but he remains "scarred" on the outside. So what.


Pina #49 (or the very last "normal" Pina) There it is. Off it goes.


Coco #34 Wooo hoo! Loooky here!!! It's a KA Raaaayzee coconut with a face!


Xeno #29 Another "archaological" Xeno. Fossilized alien? Some extinct sea creature? YOU DECIDE!!!


Ok. Well. Guess I don't have to say that next week will be pretty exciting, what with the retirement of Pina. Beloved Pina. And the return of El Banana Diablo. And the premiere of Edgar. Hey, a #1 and a #50 for sale on the same week. Two ships passing in the night..... cool.... I'll see you there.

Good luck,


Well, I finally managed to get a Xeno, ( while it's not purple or w/ an eyeball), it's still great-it's larger than I envisioned it. I have accepted the fact that I will not get a Banana Diablo, but I love all the mugs that I have-my kids like to fight over Coco Nut...I think Edgar looks cool...


Well better late than never. Here it is thursday and stuff is already hopping on thee eee bay. But Edgar would kill me if I let his debut go unannounced and same with poor old Pina to whom we bid farewell so without further adoooo...

Edgar #1!!!

Looks like a chocolate easter tiki! There he is in all his holiday glory.

Fred #46

There's bidding wars all over this week, but little old Fred still seems within reach. It's a good one too, straight black and white. Fred is coming close to his end as well, it seems. Yep, this is #46 and no more surprises, the rest of these come in chronological order. A year and a month in the business and finally everyone is on track, number wise.

Pina #50 (sniff sniff)

"Ta heck wit yous all!" He seems to say, blasting a raspberry our way in a final farewell. It's been a good run PD, you will be missed.

Coco #35

Well, it seems Mr Coco that you will have to be the stable steward of the old guard for a time. Your steady flow of brown glazes and constant look of keen awareness will have to be the authority over all listings. I tried Xeno, but he just stares back at me mysteriously, and between you and me, I don't trust him...

Xeno #30

Well it's good to see our mysterious visitor (overlord?) is cultivating a fanatic base of followers. Beware of these people!

Banana #10

Banana is back to take part in the hullaballoo. This week's BD reminds me of Ray Charles. Enough said.

Ok. I'm off to the kiln-warmed garage to make a bunch of molds (yay unemployment!) Lots of good stuff coming in the not too distant future.

Thanks again for looking,


When's the next banana due out from the kiln?


Eye yi yi! Things be karayzee fo the Demon family these days. Mugs retiring, new mugs coming out very very slowly, and a ton of "day job" work pouring in equals less mugs each week. I'm trying desperately to keep up so bear with us...

Ending tomorrow evening......

Edgar #2 iz jet black with white on the inside. Ah Edgar.... my new precious. So much potential... muah hahaha ha ha!

Fred #47 is virtually identical to old Fred 42x and probably Katie's favorite ever Fred glaze job (by Joe).

Coco #36. Stalwart Coco. Beloved Coco. Hacked rim coco. All for you.

Xeno #31 has the VERY LAST EYEBALL!!!! Not sure what the eyeball ever meant... KT was compelled to put them in there. I let her. It's all love.

That's it? Where's banana? Where's the octopus? Where's the damn float!?

Banana next week. For sure. Can't say for the others....



We gots a full roster again this week, but don't get too used to it....

Edgar #4 has a complicated yellow/green glaze going on. White on the inside...

Fred #48 Awww man... that's right... Fred's almost gone! Well here's a good one. As black as black can be I must say.

CocoNut #37 This is one demonic coconut! He'll bite your hand off if you grab him from the wrong side!

Xeno #32 looks spiffy in basic black and white.

Banana Diablo #11 or "bitten banana"! Yep. I couldn't help myself. I had to take a big bite out of this mug while it was still soft. Let me just say "UHHGHHGHGHKKK pla pleh pleh... fffft!" Oh well, it looks pretty cool at least. Though you absolutely must use a straw when drinking from this guy. His rim is actually pretty sharp, now that I think about it.... so be careful.

Good luck! Happy bidding!


As the proud owner of Edgar (#2/50), you should have seen the infighting that went on among my children when he arrived- OHmigod, he's black, he's mine, Look at his tongue...My daughter, Elizabeth, who's 7, & was wearing black jeans & a black turtleneck, was happy to pose w/ Edgar, sticking her tongue out...maybe they'll cut me some slack, when I tell them we can't get banana diablo, 'cause we'll be outbid...

those are some SWEEET mugs Rum Demon! I'm jealous of whoever is getting this week's batch!!


Awesome. Thanks for the kind words, folks!

I just wanted to swing in here again to let everyone know that we're taking a short break. There I was busting my hump after work all week trying to get a kiln load worth of glazing done so the next Edgar would be ready, stressing myself out, when Katie suggested we step back and take a week or two off. She is a genius. One of my rules for doing this stuff is NOT letting it turn into an obligation. I like making mugs, but I also like visiting with friends, seeing movies, or failing that, just allowing one of the cats to sit in my lap and purr in the evenings. Sooooo I'm stepping back while it's still fun.

Having said that, we'll probably be back next week with two of Katie's new creations, a pair of mugs to be sold together. Very exciting stuff.

Thanks for all the love, and happy bidding!

PS. I also updated the website a smidge. That is, the Xeno page has been updated so check it out if you like Xeno.


There but for the grace of mugs we go.

Ok, so I lied about the new surprise from Katie. The mug set in question is sooooo damn close to release. We've made a dozen or more of each, but we had a slight glaze problem with one design and need to start the run over. Yikes. Ah well. So it will be a couple of weeks before anything new pops up. But having said that, there's tons of other new stuff coming very soon including Ollie the fez octopus (run of 100) and yes, the triumphant return of the glass float mug! Yay!! So hopefully Fred's imminent departure won't leave us with a mere two mugs up at a time.

On with the show:

Edgar #5

Yes, I do like this one. Katie has convinced me to all but stop glazing the interiors with clear or white, what with the bevy of beautiful colors we can play with. Also, I like orange. I like orange a whole lot.

Fred #49

Ok, so Fred #49 has a white inside, making me seem even more the liar. Oh well. Second to last Fred and it's something completely new! Which works, because #50 is the perfect twin of Fred #1.

Coco #38

Coco marches on and on. Katie is very very happy with her final coco nutty glaze jarb. Don't look for much variation from here on out. A dozen more of these to come, then they're gone.

Ok... there was also a Xeno to list, but i accidentally scheduled it for saturday night and he didn't go up in time. Sooo I pushed it back to next week. Sorry, Xenophiles.

A slightly larger grouping will go up this friday, including another banana and the very last ever Fred. But look for a couple of new designs to bust out during the month of April. That is almost a guarantee. Almost.

good luck,


Shh, don't tell anyone, but I'm writing this at work, so it will have to be quick.

We have a good lot of mugs up this week, including the last ever Fred as well as the most dangerous Banana Diablo yet, so let's get to it.

Edgar #6

Edgar goes brown.

Fred #50

Final Fred goes out like he came in. Pretty much exactly the same glaze. I felt compelled to bookend the run. Bye, Fred!

Coco #39

Carry on Coco. Black eyes, manic grin. Coco

Xeno #33

Pure black, inside and out. Pure evil.

Banana Diablo #12

Bananacula!!! He vants to get you draahnk!!

Ok, that's it. Workin hard. Makin new molds. Pouring and firing. Much glazing to do. Nothing new this friday, but MAYBE something new next friday. Someone has to fill Fred's spot.

Thanks for looking,


Ok, that's it. Workin hard. Makin new molds. Pouring and firing. Much glazing to do. Nothing new this friday, but MAYBE something new next friday. Someone has to fill Fred's spot.

Thanks for looking,

Hi Joe & Katie! You'll be glad to know that you are not the only ones who have been working hard, I've been flat out trying to get POCKETIKI #2 finished, and guess what! I've damn near done it!! Yesterday didn't quite go to plan, thought I'd make a small change or two before hitting the print button and manage to lose the CoCo-Nut / Rum Demon article lead page! Doh! Schoolboy error, luckily I had backed it up and as able to save the situation. I think you are going to like the mag, I'll be sending you guys a limited edition 'MAHALO' copy as soon as I have them sorted. They will also come with the HULAPUNK cd, so you'll have some cool music to play it the studio. Hula Pogo while you work, ha, ha! Just watch out for breakages tho'!! Check out the 'POCKETIKI #2 News' post in this Marketplace Forum. Keep up the excellent work...You know we are big fans of RUM DEMON ware! Mahalo!

All the Best from Tiki Towers - Trader Jim (Make mine a Mai-Tai!).


Sounds great, Jim. Sorry we took so long in getting images to you, etc. We look forward to finally seeing what Pocketiki is all about.

Also, just wanted to jump in to announce nothing at all. We're taking another week off from eBay. But ABSOLUTELY promise to be back next friday with SOMETHING new. I mean, somebody has to replace Fred. Our ranks are too damn thin, says I.



Hello again, mugwatchers! It's good to be back on the green pages without needing to drum up some excuse for the lack of new wares. Yes, this week we finally premiere KT's newest, and probably last, fruit-based mug(s). That's right, a pair of shotumblers, Lem and Lime! You'll never guess what kind of fruits they are....

First, let's have a look at a rather handsome Edgar #7 (of 50)

Stony blue outside, dreamy dark blue inside. I've seriously come to the point that I want to just keep every other mug that comes out of the kiln for my own fat self. But I know that the tiki gods would eventually punish my selfishness by burying me alive in an avalanche of fanatic ceramic.

Ok, here they are Lem n Lime #'s 3 (of 100)

Mad thanks again to Travellin Jones for inspiring the finishing touches to KT to KT's design. Your mugs should be in the mail. So these guys are basically shot glasses, or perhaps toothpick caddy's or whatever you want to use them for. There will be 100 pairs in the end, with only occasional fudgery (colors reversed, wearing fezzes, etc). Hooray for nu froot!

Coco #40 (of 50)

Now our old stalwart. Red-eyed, hack-rimmed Coco is still searching for the last 11 shelves to call home...

Xeno #34 (of 50)

Kelp-tickled Xeno #34 is probably about as friendly a Xeno can look without being pink. Or purple.

Banana Diablo #13 (of 30)

Lucky naner #13! No more gimmicks, just a straight up, pissed off banana mug to scare away all of the native fruits.

And that's the week of April 13-20th for you. Happy bidding, and thanks for looking!


Great googly moogly! It's THURSDAY already?! That one REALLY snuck up on me.

I couldn't let a week pass without a quick markteplace holler. We're taking this next week off again. Really hoping to get the octopus shot, "Ollie" up in the next round. We'll see.

EDGAR #8 is soo damn black, he was almost impossible to photograph. I can't tell you how happy I am with this black. Sooooo silky and satisfying. It's nice to have one's own kiln to fiddle with. Yes, indeed.

Well, I hate giving the heads up on auctions that are already hotly contested, but Katie's lovely fruits and nuts deserve a wider audience...

Lem and Lime #s 4 are your new favorite shot/toothpick holders. Yes, they come in pairs. Yes, you get one of each with every auction.

Coco #44 Is the old man of the Rum Demon family these days. Crazy old grampa.

Xeno #35 is evidence I was probably drinking too much this past winter. I really don't remember choosing the colors. Though I DO remember carving his eyes into puka shells.

Ok. Lunch time is over. Good luck on your bidding, and thanks for looking.


Aloha TC!

The sun is shining and I'm about to be unemployed again! Is there a better feeling!??

Yes, but it's still a nice feeling. It means I'll have more opportunities to get down and dirty in the studio.

Meanwhile, here's a few offerings for this week........

Edgar #9 goes back to the basic green that we see on oh so many tiki mugs these days. A stalwart. Looks pretty good on him. I gave him a darker green interior for some extra flair. Enjoy!

Lem and Lime #'s 5
Yay! The last of the froot mugs! Honestly... we don't really have any others planned. Soooooooooooooo get as many of these guys as you can!

Xeno #36
He's PURPLE, ladies and gentlemen! That's crazy! His eyes are all puka'd out and he's... hey? Why is the main picture so small???? Damn you eBay! Always funkin things up... anyway, you can see more detail in the 3/4 shot.... ah heck. It's a fine mug! Trust me!

OLLIE (the octopus) #1
Holy crap! The octo-shot is finally released into the wild. We're pretty excited about this one. The strange brotherhood of the ollies will probably each come with a snappy fez, what you can use to dole out shots and what not. We had to make this a run of 100 since octopuses (-topi?) or, nature's chameleons) don't really have a set color (just like Rum Demons!) So here you go, NUMBER ONE!!! Just for you!


thanks for lookin,


Ahhh, fresh mint in the yard heralds the dawn of another tiki season. Finally made my first mai tai of the year, ala the Grog Log TV recipe. I can't bring myself to make them at home unless it's nice out and the mint is risen. So if this post is schloppy, you know why....

SIX mugs ending this friday. It's good to have a wide selection available for all the nice people...

Edgar #10 Whoa! Now, Ed is usually dangerous to drink out of without a straw, but this is ridiculous. Please, imbibe with caution!

Lem N Lime #6 are inseperable chums. Though keep a close eye on that limey guy, he's a bit off balance in the earlier #'s. He's working on it. He knows he has a problem and we're all pulling for him.

CocoNut #42 Black eyes, hacked rim, wild mouth. Yep. That's a Coco. Nab yours while they're still makin em!

Xeno #37 is a bit more traditional than usual this week. In color only, of course....

Ollie #2 I get the feeling that in the dank basement of some fraternal clubhouse there is an altar displaying something akin to this guy....

Banana Diablo #14 wants to taunt you for all time from your tiki shelf. So make some room.

Ok. That wasn't so bad. As always, good luck and thanks for looking.


Hello again!

Yes, the incessant parade of Rum Demon mugs continues! So let's get right down into it...

Edgar #11 returns to earth with a slightly more drinkable rim than last time....

Lem n Lime #7 still really want to hold your toothpicks. Or booze. I'm sure they'd prefer booze.

Coco #43 looks like #42 but hey, he's got a smooth rim! It's a KT Coco!

Xeno #38 also looks like the last offering, only this one is all shiny and classy looking. Not that the last guy wasn't.... but it looks like this one will actually sell.

And finally, yeller feller Ollie #3 lightens things up....

That's it for now. Thanks for looking!


Hey! Dang! Late post. Sorry for the last minute warning...

All these guys end tomorrow (friday) night....

Edgar #12 is all crackly and creamy, like Ollie down below. Don't separate these two chums!!!

Lem and Lime #s 8

Coconut #44 More black eyes, more hacked rims. I know you want to fill this thing with sooo much ice he starts to sweat and can't be held without the protection of a thick cloth napkin....

Xeno #39 is a MINTY LEPRECHAUN!!! From space.

Ollie #6 is the quiet beast in the corner booth...

Ack. Back to work so more lame excuses to come in the near future.

BUT coming tomorrow... our newest offering! Yes, a new mug! You've seen it before... months and months ago... finally available via eBay.....

You'll see.

Thanks for looking,


The new glass flat mug is such a cool idea! I would even suggest you think about a larger 4 straw hole 36 oz scorpion bowl style version :wink:


A big list of homespun mugs from Demon studios for you this week, so let's have a look...

Edgar #13 (of 50) looks like he has a skin condition. Nah, he's on fire, mang! Careful...

Lem and Lime #'s 9 (of 100) Last of the single-digit citrus.

Coco #45 (of 50) Crazed black eyes, hacked rim. Not too much variation left....

Xeno #40 (of 50) Really wants to go home with you. This is probably the best $10 Xeno out there. Not that you're guaranteed to get it for $10.... just that seems to be the latest trend...

Ollie the Octopus #4 (of 100) Is dark and purple. White inside. Fez. Mysticism. Etc.

Glass Float #1 (of 100) YAY! After what? Half a year of waiting? Finally worked the bugs out and are getting these guys made at a salable pace. We'll make 100. All the colors of the rainbow. You'll see.

Banana Diablo #15 (of 30) Yes, it's truly a grand week of offering when we can cap it off with a BD!

Whew! A record seven (eight actually) mugs up on the block! Nice.

So, our shipping prices are going up as of next week, probably just to $8 per mug. We've really been eating it these last couple weeks since the USPS raised their rates. Of course, we'll still give bulk discounts and what not.

Thanks for looking!

I really like that glass float mug.. very orignal idea

if you are going to make 100 of them is there some reason why you need to sell them on ebay? Why not just set a price so that we all can get one.


The float is cool. great design.


That's a popular question that's easy to answer, Mr Monkey...

Because we're low key individuals doing this in our spare time for fun. To relax. At our own pace. If we had a list of 100 people looming over us waiting for their mug, the whole thing would cease to be a spare time hobby and suddenly become a big fat obligation. No fun.

Glad you like the float mug. I hope you get one in a color you like.



On 2007-06-06 10:25, Rum Demon wrote:
That's a popular question that's easy to answer, Mr Monkey...

Because we're low key individuals doing this in our spare time for fun. To relax. At our own pace. If we had a list of 100 people looming over us waiting for their mug, the whole thing would cease to be a spare time hobby and suddenly become a big fat obligation. No fun.

Glad you like the float mug. I hope you get one in a color you like.


Great Work on the Fish Float! Great response to Mr Monkey, I also make ceramics and get the same questions! I might have to use your response next time! To coin a phrase by ( Rum Demon!) Mahalo You Two :) It's a labor of love! Huh! Gogo ( Go Tiki )


So I skipped a couple of weeks. Forgive me. Luckily however, many folks still managed somehow to get their hands on gen u wine American made tiki mugs.

So I broke my right index finger. Smashed it with a very large brick. Yes, my mouse finger. Yes, my j, h, y, u, AND n typing finger. This has been far more inconvenient than I would have ever imagined. So I've opted out of certain frivolous postings. Such as these.

But I had to jump in here to let you know that we're taking a short break after this week. Not sure how long we'll be off the block, but if you REALLY want a new Rum Demon mug before the 4th of July weekend, these are your choices....

Edgar #16

Lem n Lime #'s 12

Coco #48

Xeno #41

Ollie the Octopus #8

Da Float #4

Blah blah blah!!!

Good luck youz all! I'll see you again later next month!



Aloha Tiki Freeks!

What a special week we have for you! The whole gang plus one brand new mug (#1!) is on the block, ready to find new and exotic shelves to inhabit, so let's get right to it!

Edgar #17, the purple wonder. So I said what the hell and made on purple at Katie's request. Sooo very glad I did.


Lucky Lem N Lime #'s 13


Coco #49 (of 50). Yep, this one is fast approaching the end. #50 has golden eyes, so #49 here is your last shot at a "straight old" coco.


Xeno #42. Yes, Xeno returns whether you like it or not. Hopefully you like it....


Ollie the Octopus #10 has an extra eye on you. Yep, we'll try and do something special to every 10th one of these. So. Here's the first...


Float #5. This time it's BLUE! Dig it!!!


Cannibal pot #1 (of 100). #1!!! Here's our latest addition. Kind of a collaboration between KT and I. Look at the bottom! Human remains! Sick!


And don't forget Banana Diablo #17 (of 30)


Whew! Must be a record number of listings for us. The post office is gonna be thrilled.

Thanks for looking and good luck!

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