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New Member would love some feedback

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Barefoot Tiki posted on 06/22/2007

After reading this site for over a year I thought it was finally timre to
join. I just finished my third year as a vendor at the Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale. What a trip that was. I am a sculpture teacher and I create ceramic Tikis. I am including some pics of my stuff and I would love some feedback.
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Barefoot Tiki
Barkin Barefoot Tiki

[ Edited by: Barefoot Tiki 2007-06-23 19:55 ]

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Atomicchick posted on 06/22/2007

When are you going to start making mugs?

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Tornhalo posted on 06/22/2007

I really dig your work.

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tikitammy posted on 06/22/2007

Do you sculpt your tikis or do you have a mold?

They look fantastic!! Do you have a website?

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HelloTiki posted on 06/22/2007

Want a torch! Want a torch!

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Rumshaker posted on 06/22/2007

WOW!! Those are beautiful!! Really......do you have a website?

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Tamapoutini posted on 06/24/2007

Cool pieces. Im sure the regulars over in 'Creating/Other Crafts' would appreciate hearing the technical ins-and-outs of how you make them. Have you thought about starting a thread of your work/processes?

Tama :)

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SouthBamaTiki posted on 06/24/2007

Hey Barefoot!
I have been at the last two Hukilaus and remember your work very well. Your work is great! While we are used to all the carved stuff, the pottery gives a different option. The tiki torches are really wonderful! As a pottery student, I had often thought about trying to make those. Seeing your work let me know it is definitely possible. My only concern is the stability of the larger tikis. I would worry about something that size getting chipped or broken. Your designs on them are really great. I love the ones with the curvy tops that look like flames. The smaller tikis with the cords to turn bottles into tiki torches are wonderful. They are a convenient, more portable, and more economical way to get the look of the torch if you have a smaller space and are easier to pack and carry home.

[ Edited by: SouthBamaTiki 2007-06-24 07:01 ]

[ Edited by: SouthBamaTiki 2007-06-24 07:02 ]

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Bohemiann posted on 06/24/2007

We bought some of the bottle toppers torches and stuck them in dead sailor jerry bottles. Love em'. My only feedback would be to figure out ways we can drink out of you creations.

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bananabobs posted on 06/24/2007

Feedback? If you have been lurking for 1 year and have been a vendor at Hukilau, you are here to brag about your cool stuff not look for feedback! I'll give it to you anyway, very cool! and where can I get one of your Tiki Torch's?

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Chip and Andy posted on 06/24/2007

Welcome to TC, glad you finally jumped in.

I love your stuff. Well, no, I don't love it. I lust for it and want it all!

And, I knew you were in Florida but I didn't realize you this close. We have to get together at the Mai-Kai sometime soon and talk story. There are several of the local o'hana that want to talk story about the hows and tos of your stuff.

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Capt'n Skully posted on 06/24/2007


I'm a big fan of your work.. I have one of your pendants and just bought 2 headhunter tiki torches at Hukilau. (I had to have them after seeing them in the garden at Jetsetter!)

Keep it up and get the website together!

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VampiressRN posted on 06/25/2007

Beautiful work....I love it. Keep up the great art. :tiki:

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Tikitatt posted on 06/25/2007

I agree, great work!

Welcome and Mahalo,

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tikitammy posted on 06/26/2007

Barefoot Tiki, Thanks for the PM but it would be a good idea to post your answers here too. Many others that read the forums may have the same questions.

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WooHooWahine posted on 06/26/2007

WoooHooo! Tiki-rrific Work! You need to come out and vend at Oasis :)

Barefoot Tiki posted on 06/27/2007

Wish I could make it out to Oasis this year but I am afraid I cant do this year. I will be at the Driveinvasion in Atlanta Labor day weekend. Anyone been to that before? It will be my first time..

Barefoot Tiki posted on 10/02/2007

Starting a rental business and we just finished some new carvings hope you enjoy
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Here is the Tiki at our first gig. Much more dramatic with professional lighting
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hewey posted on 10/02/2007

Very nice work! I really like the big tikis, very cool. Welcome to TC!

With the large tikis, how do you carve the styrofoam? There's a factory offcuts art supplies shop near me that sells big blocks of foam, I'd love to have a go at a big one like those. Is the vertical grain part of the styrofoam, or did you add that? Thanks in advance!

Barefoot Tiki posted on 10/03/2007

Hey I am glad you like them. We pretty much employ some of the same carving techniques as carving wood we use reciprocating saws grinders and dremmels as well as some Styrofoam tools that include wire brushes and hot wires. We finish it up with multiple grades of sand paper. They have a two part epoxy coating and they are faux finished with acrylic paints . The wood grain is a combination of carving and painting.

Barefoot Tiki posted on 12/07/2007

Hey everyone I have been busting my hump lately getting the tikis ready for a party a month ago. Here are some pics. Sorry some of them are so dark but the professional photographer hasn't given me any of his shots yet. Feel free to give me some feedback. This is the first Bar we have ever built.
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This is a 10 foot TIki
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New Moai Bar
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Moai Bar Detail

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hodadhank posted on 12/07/2007

Too cool!

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GROG posted on 12/07/2007

Nice stuff. GROG like.

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Ojaitimo posted on 12/07/2007

Very Cool Barefoot Tiki. Where is the bar?

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 12/07/2007

nice..a tiki event that contains mostly women...it's about time!!

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GO TIKI posted on 12/07/2007

Very cool! Nice work, Mahalo! Gogo

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TikiPhil posted on 12/08/2007

On 2007-12-07 10:09, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
nice..a tiki event that contains mostly women...it's about time!!

I'll bet it was a luau or other type of "Hawaiian event" and not a "tiki event" :)

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danlovestikis posted on 12/08/2007

Wow, I sure hope you will make it to Tiki Oasis one day, if not we will have to go to the Hukilau one year just to meet you, Wendy

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hewey posted on 12/08/2007

I really like the bar and moai. Is that foam carving too? The big guy is awesome too! :D

Barefoot Tiki posted on 12/10/2007

Hey guys thanks for the feedback. To answer a few questions yes it is all carved out of foam and fiber-glassed. It was a Luau and not strictly a Tiki event and the Bar is located in storage. It all comes apart and folds up. I rent these bars and tikis to event planners and a few Polynesian event directors. This particular event was located in Palm Beach. I am still waiting for a few pictures from the professional photographer. I will post when I get them.

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TikiLaLe posted on 12/12/2007

On 2007-12-07 10:09, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
nice..a tiki event that contains mostly women...it's about time!!

I think you-all would call that a bunch of Lesbians !!!! j/k [just in case the kool-kids read this]

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sam 2005 posted on 12/13/2007

Hey sweet carving man. I used to work for a company that does work for Disney, so i have some exsperiance in this foam / glass stuff and i goota say those are top notch!
What kind of epoxy are you using? I'm up in canada, so it's hard to get certin products here. I tend to use pig poo - paint / clay and white glue, you can get some great graining effects by dragging the brush. Then i tend to use angle vail over top, it really keeps the texture. Right now i'm working on making molds Smooth On has some great products. I find that one offs are so exspensive to produce.
If you ever want to talk shop i'm interested.
great work!

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