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Summer Swap - Draw done - Thanks GMan

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Hi Guys, just been checking out the original swap thread started in Feb, 10000 viewings close to 300 replies to the thread, so I think it was pretty successful.
Glad my piece arrived safely.
Who's up for a Summer Swap (sorry to the NZ guys with your winter approaching)
Maybe a themed swap, list open throught May with finished projects by end of June.
What do you all think. Let's have some ideas.
Best Regards

Looks like nautical theme for an end of August completion, have I got the names right.

Tikiskip - completed
Tama - completed
Babalu - completed
Mieko - completed
Sneakytiki - completed
W Plugger -- completed
Ticklish Tiki
Hewey - completed
Queen K - completed
Van Tiki - almost completed
Paipo - completed
P D Drake - almost completed
Tiki Lees - completed
Alohastation - completed
Flynny - completed
Otikiniko - completed

We have 15 completed or almost completed, one more person would make for an even draw, if all else fails I will donate a second piece, how about Wednesday for the draw.

[ Edited by: flynny 2007-09-03 23:06 ]

[ Edited by: flynny 2007-09-05 07:29 ]

Paipo posted on Sun, May 6, 2007 1:39 AM

I'm up for another, although I think we could wait a little longer - maybe June/July rather than May/June?

I like waiting because I would love to get in on it, but I'm not in much of a position to put anything together for a couple of months. The longer you guys can wait the better for me :wink:


You know I'M in!


Well it inspired me to actually make something after lurking around here for a couple of years, so count me in.

hewey posted on Sun, May 6, 2007 4:48 PM

On 2007-05-05 23:20, flynny wrote:
Who's up for a Summer Swap (sorry to the NZ guys with your winter approaching)
Maybe a themed swap, list open throught May with finished projects by end of June.

What about us Aussie guys? :D

surf tiki?
hot rod tiki?

Should we try and encourage more painters/artists? We only had one painter, but their work was awesome and I would like to see more :D


I'm up for Later rather than sooner, like as in July/August??

Im in again! thanks Flynny!



How about we keep this thread going till end of June, July we make etc, etc. Hewey I'll post a thread linking thr creating forum to the carving, or should I get the mods to move it.
How about some ideas guys

hewey posted on Sun, May 6, 2007 11:18 PM

Given the latest movie coming out...


Im all for Pirate or Hot Rod themes; good call Hewey.

Im also with BenZ's July/August; good call Sir.

Just one thing: My entry will be dependant on my Easter swap-mate coming through... Im still waiting to eat my Easter egg! :cry: :cry: :cry:


mieko posted on Mon, May 7, 2007 8:12 AM

I'm in! I'd prefer a little more time to carve, June is really busy for me already. Summer theme sounds pretty good, I think I have an idea already.

One other idea, maybe a few days before the draw we should get a confirmed count? Maybe with progress pictures included? That way if someone wasn't able to get to the piece, they could just be dropped at that point and people are guaranteed a piece?


Paipo posted on Mon, May 7, 2007 1:15 PM

On 2007-05-07 08:12, mieko wrote:
I'm in! I'd prefer a little more time to carve, June is really busy for me already. Summer theme sounds pretty good, I think I have an idea already.

One other idea, maybe a few days before the draw we should get a confirmed count? Maybe with progress pictures included? That way if someone wasn't able to get to the piece, they could just be dropped at that point and people are guaranteed a piece?


Yeah, I agree with this...make the draw from the participants who have posted finished work by the deadline. I thought that was how it would be done last time. It's definitely the fairest way to ensure it goes smoothly.
I don't know about pirate theme - I think we'll just see a dozen tikis with eyepatches, not to mention skulls and crossbones are a bitch to carve! Maybe something more general like sea/nautical themed would give people more scope.

Babalu posted on Mon, May 7, 2007 1:29 PM

I'm in....later summer mailing out sounds mucho better....

Count me in. Hot Rod sounds good!!

I'll probably participate regardless but I'd prefer to see a Hawaiian or New Zealand, Marquesan, Melanesian, etc... type theme to a surf tiki or hot rod tiki theme. The only surfing I do is down mountains on snow and I'm not that into hot rods in my tiki bar.


[ Edited by: sneakytiki 2007-05-07 21:14 ]


i wouldent mind participating. i didnt want to do it the first time because i...well i dont have that great of pieces and im still learning alot. so maybe by summer time i will be a little bit more skillful.

Okay, bump, if it helps I'll do a surf tiki, might be pretty cool!

Looking like fish tiki around here of late, reminiscent of avian flu with the birdmen awhile back.
Didn't the Lord create fish and birds on the same day?
Just a suggestion Fisherman God/fish tikis/Makau(hooks) etc..

Now if I could only get my "bread" to multiply...

But seriously BUMP!!!

Ok Flynny, Can you make it clear what the theme will be?I have seen pirate and I have seen surf, so if you could,please detail the rules and we can start carving :)



hewey posted on Mon, Jun 4, 2007 6:50 PM

I suggest we do an “oceanic/maritime” tiki swap. So this can include (but is not limited to) elements of pirate, surfing, fish/sea creatures, general maritime etc. Plenty of scope for artists to work out something to their liking.

hewey posted on Mon, Jun 18, 2007 7:45 AM

Would love to join in.....what are the pre-requisites?? How long do you have to belong/how many posts do you have to have?? What type of items do you swap(carvings, paintings, other crafty type things....??) I have done alot of swaps on craftster...was wondering if it was similar?!?

I would like to be in.
But I do tiki bar lights.
Is that cool, or is this just carving?


I'd dig one of your lights tikiskip. As long as eveyone who participates is aware that whatever they make may end up having to be posted somewhere like NZ or Australia, I'm pretty sure we're all happy to include all the creative aspects of tiki. Well, I am at least....


Would love to join in.....what are the pre-requisites?? How long do you have to belong/how many posts do you have to have?? What type of items do you swap(carvings, paintings, other crafty type things....??) I have done alot of swaps on craftster...was wondering if it was similar?!?

You have to be a TC member, and have posted at least once (if you haven't posted, how the hell do we know you're in the swap? :lol: ). The first swap was mainly carvings, with one member submitting painting/s. I agree with Paipo, I'm cool with a range of mediums, just remember that you may have to send it to the other side of the world.

Cool! I'm in then. I have many lights ready to go.
Just say when.


Hey...no fair having stuff ready to go. Counting the piece that I did for the last swap I have created a grand total of 1 piece (I'm kind of lazy). Count me in though. Apparently having a deadline is what it takes to get me to do something.


This looks fun!

Any chance I can squeeze in with a one-of-a-kind handbuilt tiki mug (in whatever theme you folks settle on)? It is kinda like a carving - only it is in clay! How does this work - do we all pick a name from a hat and that is who we ship to? I'm totally up for it if you will let me play!

Henrik "VanTiki"


Vantiki I want one of those COOL tiles!


i'd do it again later this summer.


Hi Guys
I haven't posted for a few weeks, I've got a knackered shoulder and am waiting for an operation date but I am getting used to using one arm finishing a couple of pieces mainly in bone, not much progress on the stone front, I'll post a couple of pics soon.

What's the consensus on a start date July / August.
And a theme, I'm well up for "nautical" as if all else fails I have a few hooks and other pieces which I could enter.
Are we going for completed pieces then draw, or as last time create a list of people interested and see how it goes.
Lets try and finalise the details and a start date.

Regards to all


On 2007-06-19 14:10, tikiskip wrote:
Vantiki I want one of those COOL tiles!

I'd totally be up for swapping some tiles - I dunno how "nautical" they are tho - perhaps the skull could be pirate-y? Either a Mug or some tiles would be fine with me!

Henrik "VanTiki"

Im in as well......cool!


hewey posted on Tue, Jun 19, 2007 9:21 PM

On 2007-06-19 14:21, flynny wrote:
What's the consensus on a start date July / August.
And a theme, I'm well up for "nautical" as if all else fails I have a few hooks and other pieces which I could enter.
Are we going for completed pieces then draw, or as last time create a list of people interested and see how it goes.
Lets try and finalise the details and a start date.

Not fussed on date, as I'll probably leave it to the last minute whenever it is... :lol: any suggestions?

Okay, "nautical tiki" is the theme :D Use your imaginations, any medium welcome as long as you're prepared to send it overseas (remember YOU pay for postage on the piece that you send). So it includes mugs, lamps, carvings, paintings - as long as it "nautical tiki" themed.

A list should be written up just to get an idea of who's participating. The draw gets done at the closing date when people have finished their pieces. That way, you know the piece you're getting is complete and ready to ship.

My preference would be for artists to create something specifically for the swap. It should be a catalyst that stimulates and challenges artists to tackle pieces that otherwise they might not have even considered. But I realise in the real world we've all got commitments that distract us from our true interest - so pre-existing stuff is okay, as long as it fits the theme.

Start hooking in and making your nautical tikis!!!

I think I'd like to give it a try!!!


Cool I'm in.

I'm in like flyn---ny!


I'm in again! I like having a tentative list made up now, but a final one once we all have pieces done.

I wanted to also say how happy I am about this being done, not only is it interesting to challenge myself with carving something different and getting a cool piece as well, but I was able to meet my swap buddy at Hukilau (Hi Will!) and now I have a new good friend!
Thanks again for doing this!!!


Totally in! Hope you guys and gals go for an end of August ship window.

Van, if you don't draw my name, I still have to figure out a way to get a mug from you...your work delivers a knock out punch to my brain :)

Nautical theme eh? Sounds a bit fishy but count me in. :D



Ok get busy. The fourth is coming, and then bam Aug.
I have tied six of these last month.
But I will do a new one just for this swap.
No I will do two, one red and one green.
The person who gets my name can pick red or green.
It will be a fish float lamp.


Hi Guys
Have created a list on the first post. If we go for an end of August completion, it should give plenty of time for most people. Draw to take place from makers who have completed pieced at the end of August.
Nautical theme (the way the weather is in the UK one or two Arks would be good)

Would be really cool if we could attract one or two more mixed media types in addition to the stone, bone, wood carvers.

Regards to all

Thanks fer doin' it uh'gin like lil' jon, Luda' an' Ursher!
Seriously I'm stoked.


Maybe I'll try to make something from surfboard foam.


All right swappers,
Lets get this party started.
This is Fish Mon.
That is a fish this tiki dude is holding over his head.
With luck it will look more like it by august.
Any body else gettin busy?

[ Edited by: wplugger 2007-07-02 13:50 ]


Okey-dokey -

2 questions:

1 - I've been pondering the Nautical Tiki theme, and I wanna see what folks are more interested in: A weird fish mug, or a weird mounted fish wall hanging (both done in clay and both... well... weird)). Lemmie know which way you all are leaning and I will sculpt accordingly. I am gonna start putting this guy together on Wed. pm.

2- who pulls the name out of the hat? I assume it is a very trustworthy fellow? :)


Henrik "VanTiki"


In light of your recent geniousness I would vote for mug. Names are drawn by a nonparticipating TC member.


I'd say mug.
Unless the wall fish will sing when you push a button.

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