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updated!! 4-13-18!!! Page 22

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La Esquina Del Tiki! posted on 06/16/2007


"A Momentary Lapse by the Fountain" just came in the mail. Looks great!

It shipped ok, but maybe the tube was a bit too long for the size of the canvas because one of the corners is a little wrinkled. Shouldn't be a problem though.

Thanks again,


suburbanpagan posted on 06/18/2007

I'm glad the canvas got to you,Chris. Sorry the canvas had a wrinkle. Good thing it was free, right? Thanks for the input on the shipping........now I know what needs to be done to prevent any wrinkles in the future!

La Esquina Del Tiki! posted on 06/18/2007

On 2007-06-18 14:25, suburbanpagan wrote:
I'm glad the canvas got to you,Chris. Sorry the canvas had a wrinkle. Good thing it was free, right? Thanks for the input on the shipping........now I know what needs to be done to prevent any wrinkles in the future!

Yeah,no kidding. I think I can get the wrinkle out though.

You still up for a stained glass window? My treat.


suburbanpagan posted on 06/22/2007

Chris, your glass work is beautiful and I'd be honored to have a piece!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/22/2007

Wow! Where has my head been? I'll be the first to admit that this is a weird one!

ravenne posted on 06/22/2007


WHAT THE HELL! OH MY GOD! I nearly fell out of my chair, it's so freakin kooky! but I love it!

Glad to see you back pagan!

Howland posted on 06/23/2007

On 2007-06-13 17:59, suburbanpagan wrote:
OK ! OK! I've got LLT all over me for not being prolific enough! Damn slave driver! Here's a little sumpin' in the works that is inspired by Les Baxter's Ritual of the Savage cover!

That's VERY cool! Looks velvety smooth--dark and mysterious....the 'lighting' is right on, friend!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/23/2007

YEAH! Love the moody lighting and colors on the Les piece! Really strong. You love those dark greens! It working!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/25/2007

Thanks everybody! I do love the mood lighting! And here is an example of how to totally kill a piece! I experimented by trying to bring in the color and background scheme from the album, but it falls flat in my opinion! Plus, with the added body, it looks like a floppy cat in the hat tie he's wearing! Anyhow, I'm going back to my original concept and putting him where he should be....a dark corner of a mysterious, possibly haunted bar located on or around a broken down pier..........and the whole place reeks of the liner of a musty old record jacket.......you know what I mean

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-06-25 16:06 ]

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-06-25 16:09 ]

ravenne posted on 06/26/2007

I like this, it's a different approach of what I usually see from you.

I would keep going with this...see where it takes you! Don't look back!

Also, your new signature is cool man! lol!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/28/2007

Color and lighting study. Back to the moodiness. Another of my half submerged tikis that will evolve most definitely. Thanks for the kind words Ravenne!

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-06-28 10:48 ]

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-06-28 11:13 ]

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/28/2007

It has a watery dream effect. Either that or I am already drunk. Very nice work either way!

little lost tiki posted on 06/28/2007

Very Dreamy,this new one is!
Feels like I've chugged 8 oz of Robitussin DM!
Great bunch of work Kevvy G! :)

suburbanpagan posted on 06/29/2007

further treatment.....this one is getting creepy even by my standards! A glimpse of how I get from A to B to Q.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/29/2007

Oh WOW! Your art is jumping forward in leaps and bounds! REALLY cool idea! And, of course, with your great lighting and mood! Lovin' it!

ivanchan posted on 06/29/2007

Pagan--I'm diggin' your latest! The mood and expressiveness are awesome, I can practically hear wailing from the tiki! The shadows and reflections add so much atmosphere!



Sam Gambino posted on 06/30/2007

This ones looking cool! I agree with Ken - Robitussin DM, but after a martini and an old '50's sci-fi flick.... :wink:

suburbanpagan posted on 06/30/2007

Eden Ahbez + German Expressionism + 1930s Universal monster movies = my new stuff! Haha! And Forbidden Planet.....and booze! I think I'm most excited about the fact that my work seems to have developed a narcotic effect on the viewer! My medium? Absinthe of course! Thanks everybody!

suburbanpagan posted on 07/02/2007

Here is what I feel to be a return to my love of mystery book covers. So, once again we find our Mystery Boys on another mysterious adventure when they stumble across a sinister ceremony just beyond this imposing idol! Some areas need more fleshing out and the piece needs an overall contrast boost but the feel is there.

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-07-02 16:54 ]

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-07-02 16:55 ]

ivanchan posted on 07/03/2007

Love it! I miss those covers...(but ya brought them back beautifully!).

Take care,


suburbanpagan posted on 07/07/2007

Appreciate it ivanchan! Thanks! I have been working it some more, adding a secondary light source and increasing the detail.

twitch posted on 07/07/2007

That is amazing - love the use of light. I can feel the night air cooling my sweat-covered brow as I stumble through the underbrush, as suddenly... !

suburbanpagan posted on 07/08/2007

Thanks twitch! Nice storytellin' too! Hopefully you'll like what I've been doing to the piece!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/09/2007

OHHH, creepy and moooooody!
I like!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-07-08 20:01 ]

suburbanpagan posted on 07/11/2007

You like creepy, eh TSA?! haha! Then I hope you'll like this little guy I sketched out whilst in a particularly cranky mood tonight! It's rough and loose... I like to call it "tiki deconstructionism"! Hope you like!

ivanchan posted on 07/11/2007

Oh good, I'm not the only one painting while in a crappy mood! :)

I love your "tiki deconstructionism"--it's rumbling in its vibrancy and the creepiness is evident in the darkness of the piece. The roughness of everything is also very appealing on a grr-level!

Take care,


little lost tiki posted on 07/11/2007

Really like the vibrancy of the re! Your compositions and colors are always right on with
where you want 'em to be! But this one ...you can kinda feel the mood in the brushstokes!
Here's to you getting in a pissy mood more often! :)

suburbanpagan posted on 07/13/2007

Thanks guys! Well, I am in a much better mood now and I think my new piece reflects it quite nicely! ...........hmmmmm.....maybe I need to get into a fight with my neighbor or something....this just isn't working!

ravenne posted on 07/13/2007

Oh! my! That is so freakishly cute!!!

I love it! :D

What exactly were you feeling when you made this?
It's just so random!

suburbanpagan posted on 07/14/2007

OK! I hope I'm making up for that last attempt at humor with my bad mood sketch with refinements!

ivanchan posted on 07/14/2007

Hello Tiki is hilarious! Not that I'd give up the refinements of the bad mood sketch. :)

Take care,


La Esquina Del Tiki! posted on 07/15/2007

Tacky Tiki... the Master of light. As usual, great stuff!

suburbanpagan posted on 07/16/2007

Thanks ivan! Thought I'd lighten the mood a bit!
La Esquina, that's way too much of a burden but I appreciate the kind words!
Here's a doodle I made while hosting a very slow open house today, inspired by the characters created for Aloha Jhoes.

little lost tiki posted on 07/16/2007

Very funny!
It's nice to see some sketches from youse arteests! I like the middle guy with the jacked up teeth! :lol: Even in the quickie sketches,you can still see your awareness of light and shadow!

ravenne posted on 07/17/2007

love the sketches kev!

you should do them more often! maybe a silly comic? :)

suburbanpagan posted on 07/18/2007

More doodlins from me pencil! Please notice the complete lack of symmetry! Yikes!
No Ravenne! The cartoonin' days are behind me now! Haha! Thanks tho

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-07-17 17:41 ]

suburbanpagan posted on 07/18/2007

Well, I normally don't draw out my paintings first but I thought I'd let this doodle start the ball rolling on this one. I'm already painting this one differently because of the underlying lineart......let's see where it goes!

ivanchan posted on 07/18/2007

I could leap into that mouth!

I love seeing sketches come alive, like in this case.

What's your medium, and does it influence how you approach a painting (sketch or no sketch)?

Can't wait to see the progress of your latest painting!

Take care,


La Esquina Del Tiki! posted on 07/18/2007

I'd say it's going in the right direction. I really like the scroll detail. Hmmm, might be a candidate for stained glass.

suburbanpagan posted on 07/19/2007

Just an update.....subtle change to the nose...little more rendering..but most importantly.....just getting the canvas covered in color! Now I can start messing with dark and light....

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-07-19 11:53 ]

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-07-19 11:54 ]

ivanchan posted on 07/19/2007

I love the texture of the paint as you're applying it--it adds a tactile aspect to this painting (not that an eventual smooth texture would be bad, it's just neat seeing this thing come together, like it's erupting and then refining).

I think I'm making sense. In a crappy mood again, but your art cheers me up! :)

Take care,


little lost tiki posted on 07/19/2007

Cheer up Ivan!
Imagine life WITHOUT Kevvy G's art and posting...now that would be miserable!
This greenie is coming together! even those subtle hilights around the decorative areas of the face...very nice!
Hope to see you on Saturday!
not really... :)

suburbanpagan posted on 07/20/2007

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1576&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetackytiki.com%2Fdoodlepaint3.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c93363f02605aa4690935dfa83585d36
more stylized than I've done in the past....kind of a Gustav Klimt thing going here.

Ken.............bastard! :)

ivanchan posted on 07/20/2007

I can see the Klimtian background!

One thing, though--those leaves almost look like fin-arms at this stage...just the way they're placed next to the tiki. I'm sure that will change as you add layers, push things back and pull things forward in the perspective of the piece. I probably just need my coffee... :)

It's looking good, regardless!

Take care,


suburbanpagan posted on 07/20/2007

That's it! I'm never painting again! Haha! Actually, you are dead right......those leaves were part of my original sketch and I've been ignoring them like the 800 lb gorilla in the room! I like how they look on the ground but I'm messing with the others to make the design work better....good eye!

ivanchan posted on 07/20/2007

Hee hee! Ya know I love your work! :)


ravenne posted on 07/20/2007

On 2007-07-19 13:41, little lost tiki wrote:
Hope to see you on Saturday!
not really... :)

On 2007-07-20 02:44, suburbanpagan wrote:
Ken.............bastard! :)

Am I going to have to separate the both of you??
Play nice the two of you!

anyway, I am really diggin the painting here Kev, it can totally go different directions at this point! choose wisely! :)

suburbanpagan posted on 07/23/2007

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1576&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetackytiki.com%2Ffreak.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=54ebaa8c287c63b0c50b4fabb69f64e4
OK, this lopsided guy is inspired by the ridiculous mai-tai buzz I had goin' on at the Bash Saturday night! Tentative title: "Holden's Potions"

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