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THOR's new Hukilau painting featuring familiar TC faces!!!!

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THOR's posted on 06/19/2007

Aloha all!!

Let me first say Hukilau was SOOO much fun!! I met some WONDERFUL people there and just got back to LA for a few weeks..then on to Hawaii. I stayed at the Yankee Clipper and couldn't get enough of the Shipwreck Bar. I totally believe that Marina IS a real mermaid!!!! She was beautiful and graceful under that deep blue water and I would sit and watch her daily if I wasn't thousands of miles away!!

In anticipation of the Hukilau..which was the Thor Stor's first time there, I painted a piece that kinna celebrates the idea of the mermaid /underwater pool bars of days gone. I hadn't met Marina yet, so I have not included her likeness in this first rendition, However, we had a great talk and I will be doing a special Artist Proof series where I paint her into this piece to showcase her magic and grace beneath the silvery surface. We will post when those are done too. Anyway, here is a scan of the piece I did. I call it the " Hookah Lau Bubble Bar". Yep!! Thats Hookah as in the type the catapillar had in Alice in Wonderland! Here, the mermaids draw a few lung fulls of air from the tubes joined to a Tiki Hookah and swim about to entertain the well "lit" Tikis in the bar behind the tank glass.
The extra feature here is that this time, instead of people drinking from Tiki mugs, we have Tikis drinking from Humanized mugs!!! Better yet...I thought it would be fun to feature a few fellow craftsmen and artist we all love here on TC and in out community!! So see if you can Identify the "mugs" on the Mugs!! Prints of this piece were sold at Hukilau..we have only a limited edition of 50 printed ..high quality prints on watercolor paper. Over half are gone last count. We have them for sale through the Thor Stor..or contact Max the Manager at the site (www.thorstor.com) if you are interested in one of the limited prints at $75.00 each. Mini prints of the "featured mug drawings" are available as well!!

Anyway!!!! See ya all at Tiki Oasis!!! Warmest Alohas!!!! ~~ THOR

Here's the early sketches of the mugs!!! This helps see them better!!

[ Edited by: thor's 2007-06-18 20:36 ]

JenTiki posted on 06/19/2007

That looks really cool, but can we see it a bit larger? The only face I can make out at this size is Bamboo Ben.

THOR's posted on 06/19/2007

Gotcha jen!!! I added the original study sketches to the thread here to better see the "mug" part!!! Enjoy!!


RevBambooBen posted on 06/19/2007

I have a new Round Haircut now. ( old man style)


you rock!!!

2 people in there sent me that a few weeks ago via e mail and I thought it was a gag/joke!

I need to get one from you man!!


THOR's posted on 06/19/2007


We have a gift we will send to you and the others Ben!! Again..thanks for being an inspiration!!! Missed ya at Hukilau but you were there in spirit!!!

Aloha!! Thor

Bora Boris posted on 06/19/2007


JenTiki posted on 06/19/2007

Those are amazing! You even got mild-mannered Squid in there! Great!

hewey posted on 06/19/2007

Very cool Thor :D

kirby posted on 06/19/2007

saweeet work as always Thor, but if squid gets one then I want one too waaaahhh, and im sure grog and ruzzzy want one, but please dont subject us to looking at there faces more than we have too...

GROG posted on 06/19/2007

Nice mug caricatures Thor. It's been so long sinceGROG see pics of Gecko that it took GROG a few minutes to figure that one out, but the others were instantaneous. Funny stuff. Cute painting.

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-06-19 01:37 ]

THOR's posted on 06/19/2007

HEY Grog!!!

Great to hear from ya!!! I hope to settle in a bit and grab lunch soon with ya! Glad you like the paintin' Gecko was tough cus I had little to look at and although I have hung with Gecko a bunch of times in Hawaii, he was a challenge to capture. Have a great week!!

~~ T

little lost tiki posted on 06/19/2007

Very Cool THOR! A fitting tribute to the mugs that have helped make this community so Vibrant and Awesome!!! The wait is over and now we finally have a decent Bamboo Ben mug (Ernie's prototype was too "toilet humor" for my taste!)! The Al one is so playful and fun and really captures his energy while on stage or just carving!And the Gecko one really captures that kind gentle spirit he's known for!Very nice Squid mug as well...and anatomically correct! :) Incredible you are!
Your work is always astounding,man! I'm glad you're so prolific!That way we can enjoy more and more of your insane renderings!
Any chance of marketing that Oh-So-Terrific-Underwater-"Tobacco" Pipe in the background ? :)

squid posted on 06/19/2007

Thor, I am honored and humbled to be included in the gang of alcohol filled/fueled artists! But, next time, please use some reference material. Compare your preliminary rendering to the photo I have provided and you will see that you missed one major detail.

RevBambooBen posted on 06/19/2007

Cheers Squid!!

It's just sooooooo easy now!

The sawdust falls right out!!



( damn hippies!!)

little lost tiki posted on 06/19/2007

Right on Dave!
Now you can include with every Pendant Purchase,a lock of Squid Hair for only an additional $5 more!
You and Ben know,of course,that before even TikiShark or GROG or even Sabu decided to go for the short to nothing on top ,that LLT was sportin it OG style back in the early-mid eighties!
And in the 1960's before that as a dandy man-child!
Can I be a retroactive member of the Sour Baldies Tiki Troupe?
Below are my credentials.....

I'll be eagerly awaiting my application paperwork and acceptance into your fine organization!!!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-06-19 09:56 ]

THOR's posted on 06/19/2007

HOLY HAIR LOSS!!! What's up with that??? HAaaaa My hair is getting longer and you two are exposing more scalp!! Looks great though!!! you both have well shaped craniums!!

I am about to get back to Trader Hic's" soon..So I will be looking for more TC characters to help out with posing for that painting if they like!! Stay tuned!!!


[ Edited by: THOR's 2007-06-19 09:58 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 06/19/2007

I'll be bringing my Clippers

to the Big Ol' Tiki Bash

if anyone want to join!!

( or get's pinned down!!)

Holy Hair Loss!!

Thor, that is funny!!!!

squid posted on 06/19/2007

On 2007-06-19 09:29, RevBambooBen wrote:
Cheers Squid!!

It's just sooooooo easy now!

The sawdust falls right out!!



( damn hippies!!)

Great minds and scalps think alike! Cheers back at ya!
Ruzic, I now actually believe that you were a Marine. I take back all the nasty stuff I said. Please, please don't kick my ass!!!!!

Swamp Fire posted on 06/20/2007

On 2007-06-19 09:11, squid wrote:
Thor, I am honored and humbled to be included in the gang of alcohol filled/fueled artists! But, next time, please use some reference material. Compare your preliminary rendering to the photo I have provided and you will see that you missed one major detail.

Holly Sh#@!!!
Yer blow'n my mind!

kingstiedye posted on 06/20/2007

On 2007-06-19 09:54, little lost tiki wrote:

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-06-19 09:56 ]

put some pants on ya dang hippie!

pdrake posted on 06/20/2007

kinny still carries that dog around with him everywhere. it's kind of embarrassing.

holy shit dave! that must hurt when you try to sleep.

bigtikidude posted on 06/20/2007

On 2007-06-19 10:44, RevBambooBen wrote:
I'll be bringing my Clippers

to the Big Ol' Tiki Bash

if anyone want to join!!

( or get's pinned down!!)

Holy Hair Loss!!

Thor, that is funny!!!!

you keep those damn things away from me Ben, I've got a goal, down to my waist and it's getting closer all the time. One day I'll cut my hair if I have to get a respectable job, hope that never happens.

RevBambooBen posted on 06/20/2007

On 2007-06-19 19:44, bigtikidude wrote:

On 2007-06-19 10:44, RevBambooBen wrote:
I'll be bringing my Clippers

to the Big Ol' Tiki Bash

if anyone want to join!!

( or get's pinned down!!)

Holy Hair Loss!!

Thor, that is funny!!!!

you keep those damn things away from me Ben, I've got a goal, down to my waist and it's getting closer all the time. One day I'll cut my hair if I have to get a respectable job, hope that never happens.


You need DREADS!

little lost tiki posted on 06/20/2007

We need to get this back on track!
Sorry THORs!
So,are those mugs going to become real life in the flesh mugs?
What's the Skinny? :)

Chongolio posted on 06/20/2007

Wow Thor...that is really really cool. Those image are virtual doppelgangers of the original artisans. Beautiful work. Hey if you get over to Kauai drop me a line and we will hook up for icy bevs.
I have no comment regarding the hairless monkey pictures.


tikiyaki posted on 06/20/2007

Holy Haircuts Batman ! Squid....crazy ! Ben, is this part of that whole "Rise Above" business you posted about ? Are you reliving your punk rock glories ?

Looks good guys...I just don't have the cajones to do it, um....or the face :P

Thor...man, amazing painting...Tiki "MUGS", nice touch !

crazy al posted on 06/21/2007

NICE MUGS!! however...the hare stops here.........

crazy al posted on 06/21/2007

be furry afraid... furry afraid

THOR's posted on 06/21/2007

HAAAAaaaaa I am still getting over the scalping orgy pics here...glad you are keeping your lockes there Al!!!

As for the future of the "mugs" as actual mugs...well I have no idea. As Holden at the Farm can tell ya, it's hard to do mugs in lower volumes as these special editions would be...but we will let ya know!!

I mainly did this piece to celebrate Hukilau and have a chance to celebrate a few fellow artists in the creative Ohana. I will do more things like this..be assured. So, keep an eye out..no one's safe!!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/23/2007

Wow, that is really cool! The mugs of the mugs are awesome, but so are the tikis and the mermaids! And the freaking lighting! Always with the amazing lighting! GAWD, I love your stuff dude!

Bohemiann posted on 06/23/2007

Hey! I got mine!
Here's Thor autographing my new print.

Here's me giving my autograph at the Thor Stor in Waikiki. Love my Shimmylator!

Loved your Waikiki "Stor"
I hope I get a chance to visit the new place in the Navy Exchange near Pearl Harbor, Oahu soon.

I hope this guy made it home o.k.

I last saw him at Hukilau at 5 a.m. in the Atlantic boasting he could swim home.

Raffertiki posted on 06/23/2007

That is one incredible piece of art! Very inspiring.

THOR's posted on 06/25/2007

Aloha Bohemiann!

It was really a pleasure to meet you!!! I am truly happy you liked the piece!! I am back to Oahu next week...and am looking forward to Tiki Oasis in Aug.

Hello Raff!!! It's been a while!!! Looking forward to seeing your stuff too!!! It's a great thing here on TC..I get inspired by other artists here too and am very glad to hear I can do the same.

Warm wishes... Thor

VampiressRN posted on 06/25/2007

....and those guys look really good with umbrellas and fruit sticking outta their heads. :lol:

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c506af3311c8b5263572b52f4915fbb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MakeDaMug posted on 07/02/2007

On 2007-06-19 09:29, RevBambooBen wrote:
Cheers Squid!!

It's just sooooooo easy now!

The sawdust falls right out!!



( damn hippies!!)

Is it just me??
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=75&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi52.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fg39%2Fiamtikiman%2Fbenwings.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5970caf1ec86f0c5a2ecfd34a560b6c3

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