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The Bum is back in June!

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Rum Balls posted on 03/22/2007

Beachbum Berry's "Sippin' Safari"! Here's the image from the e-mail announcement from SLG Publishing:

10% off pre-order here: http://www.clubtiki.com/

:drink: :)

TikiSan posted on 03/22/2007

Awesome, can't wait! Looking forward to his seminar at Tiki Oasis, too. For those who went to his last seminar, how was it? What did he cover?

Swanky posted on 03/23/2007

I was about to pre-order, and then I thought I better wait and see if I can get it from his very hand at Hukilau! The seminar there last year was great. It really explained what went into the recipes in the beginning, and what it took for him to uncover those recipes again for his books. Very well done.

GatorRob posted on 03/24/2007

Gee, I thought the best part was the numerous free drink samples.

Seriously, the seminar was great and I can't wait for the next one in June. And for da new book.

VampiressRN posted on 03/25/2007

Thanks for the link...pre-ordered. Looking forward to it. :drink:

hiltiki posted on 03/25/2007

I am really liking the picture of the zombie in the bar. I wish I could get a large poster of this picture.

MrBaliHai posted on 03/25/2007

Excellent! I contributed a couple of images to this book, so I've been anxiously awaiting its release.

Mike the Headhunter posted on 03/30/2007

Are they ever going to re-release a beachbum berry mug like on the ad?

Ojaitimo posted on 04/01/2007

I'm looking forward to the expanded story of the Mai Tai in Sippin Safari.

Otto posted on 04/04/2007

On 2007-03-23 06:32, Swanky wrote:
I was about to pre-order, and then I thought I better wait and see if I can get it from his very hand at Hukilau!

Beachbum will also be giving his legendary seminar at Oasis August 18, 2007 and will be selling and singing books there (if you can wait that long!)

Formikahini posted on 04/09/2007

I know that for tikibars, if you buy his book(s) directly from him, he makes substantially more than if from any other source.

Does anybody know if this is/will be the same for Jeff? Can anybody ask him? I'll be happy to wait 'til Hukilau if so.

(I cannot WAIT for the next Sippin' Safari Seminar! I loved the last one - wonderful even if I HADN'T had several tasty samples....and then a few more...)

GatorRob posted on 04/10/2007

On 2007-04-09 10:27, Formikahini wrote:
I know that for tikibars, if you buy his book(s) directly from him, he makes substantially more than if from any other source.

Does anybody know if this is/will be the same for Jeff? Can anybody ask him? I'll be happy to wait 'til Hukilau if so.

Other than appearances, I don't think he sells them directly anyway, so probably not? If you look on Jeff Berry's new blog site, his post about the new book has a link that takes you to the SLG publishing site to pre-order the book. And the links on his site to buy his older books take you to Bosko's site. So, I guess that answers your question. Personally, I think I'll wait til the seminar because he will have some to sell and sign there. Otherwise, if you pre-order and it doesn't arrive before Hukilau, you won't be able to get it signed.

(I cannot WAIT for the next Sippin' Safari Seminar! I loved the last one - wonderful even if I HADN'T had several tasty samples....and then a few more...)

I second that. The last one was terrific. See you there!

Swanky posted on 04/10/2007

I asked the Bum this very question yesterday. Pre-Order or get from him at Hukilau? I'll let you know his answer.

Swanky posted on 04/10/2007

Answer is...

"pre-ordering is the way to go, as I'm not sure how many books I'll have with me at Hukilau."

bigtikidude posted on 04/24/2007

I am looking forward to the Book and the seminar at Tiki Oasis.


OceaOtica posted on 05/28/2007

weeks away, can't wait to try new old recipes

Koolau posted on 05/30/2007

OK - I'm done with waiting for Sippin' Safari, but the book is not even listed at Borders or Barnes and Noble. Is it going to have a very limited distribution? I know it's on Amazon, but I'm a bricks and mortar kind of guy - I want me hands on it!

princessP posted on 06/02/2007

I ordered some from Slave Labor Publishing.

So those in the Alameda,Ca can put in a request for one . If they want . I'll give

them a call when they show up at my store.

OceaOtica posted on 06/21/2007

Got my copy in the mail today.
Absolutely phenominal. Beautifully shot! Have just read a couple of pages, the Beachbum has really upped the anty with this one. Now to start trying out the new recipes.

Swanky posted on 06/21/2007

Got mine yesterday too. Wow. Just flipping through it is exciting! A whole new book idea for The Bum and I can't wait to start devouring the words!

Rum Balls posted on 06/21/2007

Mine arrived yesterday, too! Plus Tiki Road Trip II arrived Monday...what a week!

Rum Hunter posted on 06/21/2007

I got my copy Yesterday and it jumps from page 104 to 121. Anybody else have a copy that's missing pages?

Swanky posted on 06/21/2007

Page 105-120 is in my copy.

Rum Hunter posted on 06/21/2007

Thanks Swanky. I emailed SLG Publishing and hope they send me a complete copy.

Swanky posted on 06/22/2007

Started reading last night and I love it. The Bum tells it straight. Very refreshing.

keola posted on 06/24/2007

What a great book! I just finished it. Haven't tried any of the new drinks yet, but the Bum notes that Trader Vic's passion fruit syrup stopped using real passion fruit as of printing time. Yikes!

Klas posted on 06/27/2007

Still waiting for my copy to arrive but really look forward to it.

On 2007-06-23 20:44, keola wrote:
Haven't tried any of the new drinks yet, but the Bum notes that Trader Vic's passion fruit syrup stopped using real passion fruit as of printing time. Yikes!

Fortunately Monin still uses real passion fruit in their syrup.

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