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Hukilau 2007 Photos And Reports

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On 2007-06-17 07:16, pablus wrote:

... the most gracious of men.

Right back at ya, Pablus.

Thanks everybody for a good time. That was fun!

Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2007-06-24 03:46 ]


Some more pictures of Hukilau 2007!

Drasnin Orchestra rehearsal on Thrusday

I love this picture!

Tiki Kiliki & Beachbum Berry at the Mai Kai

Robert Drasnin, Tiki Kiliki & yours truly

Drasnin Orchestra performing Friday evening

A heart felt thanks from Robert Drasnin

Trixie Little & The Evil Hate Monkey

Beachbum Berry's seminar

I spotted this tiki hanging out in the Chinese Oven area at the Mai Kai.

Robert Drasnin was gracious enough to autograph my Stereo copy of his original Vodoo LP!


Well, I don't seem to be able to embed my digital slideshow here,
the photos from Hukilau 2007 including the fashion show, so I'm
afraid if you want to view it, you'll have to meander on over to
my myspace page where it is now posted.


Okay a few more from my more cognisant moments...


After just one tropical drink at the Mai Kai...mild mannered reporter Rugby Kent...



Faster than a speeding "Jet Pilot"!


Oh, my, my, my.


Aloha everyone!

Sorry for the delayed posting but I just wanted to thank each and every person who made Hukilau '07 so memorable --- all the volunteers, staff at the Clipper, Cabana, Mar and Mai Kai - all the Hukilau organizers, entertainers and presenters, the amazing Ms. Kiliki and most certainly everyone who traveled from near and far to share the Aloha spirit. Goes w/out saying that without any of these folks Hukilau would not be possible nor anywhere as amazing as it was and continues to be.

Already looking forward to next year ... and BK - glad you enjoyed the cheese tray. Next time I'd like to sample some. :)

PS ... Re: James's pic posting last week - I'll be sure to bring my arms on stage at the Mai Kai next time. Hehe.

PPS ... Mark and I traveled back to DC w/our Airstream and stayed overnight in north FL at Beverly Beach ... as you can see, everyone enjoyed themselves.

Many, many Mahalos,
Amy / Orchid Wahine

Hukilau by Airstream! How perfect is that?!!

That is sweet, I love Airstreams.
I was thinking of Tikifying my little camper for next years Hukilau. It's a 1966 Shasta with the wings on it. I have been using it as a storage unit. The inside is decked out but the outside..... Needs help. I have it all stripped down and have been procrastinating on what colors and design to go with . I think in September I am going to knuckle down and giterdone. Perhaps I will post the progress & transition once I get the project started.

I'll probably go with earth tones and with some tastefully subtle Tiki Details.


Here's a little bit of post-Hukilau press...


Mahalos to all who posted in this thread. At least we can live vicariously on TC. I sent an Okole Maluna to y'all from Seattle on Mai Kai Saturday Night. I firmly believe that the Mai Kai on Hukilau Saturday Night is an experience like none other. I wish I could have made it this year, but I'm glad a blast was still had. We're blessed to have such amazing folks organizing these events. Thank you, thank you!

[ Edited by: selector Lopaka 2007-06-30 01:37 ]


Tikibars, mahalo for linking that gem of a Hukilau report..that woman can write!......although with such a stew of characters and events how could one not be inspired!

after further review and the behind the scenes investigation I realize my forgiveness and cup is half full approach toward this story was off ...this person was truly correct when she said she ..."didn't understand it"...send her to a spring break bash next time there are far lower standards there..

[ Edited by: Hula Cat 2007-06-29 13:42 ]


Thanks for the link JT...
Now I know why Wal-Mart wouldn't process the pictures from my camera... Ha!

Brian Crum
The Intoxicators! & The Disasternauts

All events depicted in this article are simply the author's rum-induced take on the Tiki Reality that transpired that evening... Should a photo of the 'vintage tiki' that exists 'down there' miraculously appear, I'm sure there's a member of my 'fan club' that might be interested LOL

Loki posted on Thu, Jun 28, 2007 8:29 AM

.....and don't let Stump Grinder know that Loki character is actually married. :wink:

Looks like I need me one of those Tiki Aliases so that on the two nights a year that I actaully go somewhere else I can do so clandestinely without the press reporting my every move!

I've never seen a more unaccurate report of Hukilau's events. What a meaningless, embaressing and hideous article. The reporter actually insulted me and all of the attendees beyond belief Saturday night - so much so that I wrote a letter to the editor. She even called the Mai Kai "a dump".

At least she did talk to some fab people!!


As I said to Mike elsewhere, never read your own press: WEIGH it.
(Not sure how that axiom applies to the internet, but you get the point).

I dn't believe this writer had mean intentions - but she did strike me as sort of a smart-ass. The press have been making Tiki people out to be kooks since day one. Our options are either to deal with it, or to tell them to fuck off, which isn't exactly 'aloha'... although I've been tempted.

Let's see what happens on my radio interview tonight.
10 to 1 odds the guy tries to make me seem like a retard (shut up Dave!).
Any Quebecois out there want to record it?


On 2007-06-28 08:57, JETSETTER wrote:
Looks like I need me one of those Tiki Aliases so that on the two nights a year that I actaully go somewhere else I can do so clandestinely without the press reporting my every move!

"'He's so swanky,' Marie gushed."


Here is a better article about Hukilau, that focuses on the Mai Kai.

My favorite line is this one.
"You can't really understand what the emcee says but he has a melodious voice, and you get the drift of what he's saying."

Lets hope the Mai Kai can reach an insurance settlement soon, and make repairs, before too many people are scared away by the initial look as you drive in.



Good grief. What planet are these people on?



It's modern blog journalism. Not real writing, just talking as opinionated and dumb as you are. And an editor who doesn't think its worth finding out any advanced bias. It's a party, so send that schelp over there. Errr.

Gotta get some sort of PR people out there to act as advanced teams steering these people to write a story. Check out the story City Link did in 2003 to see real writing with the right frame of mind. It can be done, and in South Florida!


Thanks for that link Swanky... Nice article...
I must say that The Intoxicators! love everything that has every been written about us... Ha!
The paper in our hometown wrote an article about cover bands several years back that listed us... The reporter had never actually seen us...
Sometimes it works in your favor though... I sent an e-mail out one time to The Inoxicators! mailing list that we were playing Twang Fest II (a festival with featuring a surf band playing with a bunch of Hank III type country bands)... Since it went out to our mailing list, The Intoxicators! were listed first in the lineup for the show... This somehow got to a reporter, and they printed my e-mail almost word for word which made us out to be the headliner at Twangfest II... I thought it was hilarious... Of course it's not every day that the newspaper prints lines like "Break out the smoked mullet and boiled peanuts... and put some red on your neck... you are cordially invited to Twangfest II"
The promoter was not amused...

The Intoxicators!/Disasternauts

I traveled and sought out tiki bars and collected mugs long before I found Critiki, TC, The Hukilau, the sub culture and all the wonderful people I have met who share this affinity for Polynesia. I learn something new all of the time as my explorations continue. Ive learned I don't have to explain myself and also that there are those who "Just don't and won't get it" and that's o.k.. This will turn into a fad, again, and the fad will fade and I will still be collecting mugs, seeking out those bars and like minded people. Hopefully some will stay and play well and contribute, most others will visit, spend there money, pose and leave for the next shallow mass marketed shiny little hook.

I suggest all of the tiki entrepreneurs stock their shelves and make some money. The rest of us can save our money and wait for the stuff to hit ebay after it blows over. Tiki bars are popping up all over the place here in Sarasota. None of them really get it either, A tropical advertisement for a sports bar with some grass thatch thrown in, an attempt at a maitai, some plastic decorations and shots of Yeager specials as ten games blare on on ten televisions.
It's hard for me to get mad at the press when it is acting the way I have come to expect it would. Journalism now plays to the lowest common denominator as it competes with the "rags". TV has gone the same way as you see traditional coverage ousted by popular tabloid trash. I did not meet the articles author, so I can't speak to her character, but at least she writes well even if you don't agree with what she is saying or the perspective she saw in her brief interactions. The press will always get "A" story but rarely does it get "THE" story.

People will be people but I am happy to say the majority of the people I meet through TC and the events are fantastic and worth the effort. I just wish I had more time to play.
I had an awesome time and thank everyone who made Hukilau. I think there are a whole lot of unselfish and gracious acts that is the glue of this event and that's the part I will remember.

This one is for all those who don't get it and knock it. It's the only blurry shot I took, as far as you know.
If anyone else has a better shot of this PM me. The teeth marks are what I'm looking for. Priceless, It happened so fast and caught me offguard.

I'm sorry dude, I forgot your name. I remember the story though. Good luck with the fireplace renovation! Does anyone know if there is a thread following his project. Put me down for one of those mugs. I love mugs that have a story and this one, a worthy cause and a good deed to boot.

The 'Tiki Culture' is one that oft is very difficult to explain to the novice/outside observer not intimately familiar with the goings on in the 'Tiki World'. Thus it is understandable if one of these 'outsiders' should infiltrate the ranks and try to make sense of the festivities that define this culture, particularly when surrounded by Spacesuit wearing simians playing surf guitar, or surrounded by rum-swigging barkcloth Muu Muu clad tikiphiles reveling in Polynesian bachenalian debauchery.

As an owner of a business that dabbles in things tiki, I am all too familiar with the uncertainty that a newbie feels when entering my establishment, trying to make sense of their unique surroundings. There are those that delight in their discovery, while others shake their heads and trod on to surroundings more familiar to them and their personal comfort zone (usually in search of a bucket of Bud Lights!). If I had a nickel for every 'this place is like the Jetsons meets the Flintstones' comments, I perhaps would be a rich man!

At the end of the day the experiences we create and provide may not be for everybody. To those that appreciate and celebrate them, we welcome with open arms. To those that do not, well they can take their ball and go play in another playground!

May not be the soundest of business strategies, but staying true to ones vision & beliefs will hopefully prevail at day's end!

PS - JT... would 'Gushytiki' work for me? LOL


What Mike says reminds me of something BK pointed out a long time ago. This is one form of collecting that is unique in that it covers everything from drinks and music and dress, to decor and a lifestyle. You can interact with your collection in a way that many others do not. Most collections collect dust on a shelf or in a dark drawer. We drink out of ours and wear them to parties!

This confuses the outsider.

If we were just people collecting pieces of ceramic and paper, we'd be unworthy of any press at all.

When they cover Civil War recreationists, they know what's going on to some extent. They also are probably collectors and they interact with their collections and there is a lifestyle. But that groups is pretty tough to walk into and be "a part of."

And we have people being quoted as though we were some free love society. That was a bunch of the worst quotes ever. Make us sound like Parrot Heads.

Next time, we need to pass out a press brief with the program so we all know the talking points when the media shows up. And they know what we are doing in advance and get a direction from that press kit if they don't just ignore it of course. I know Kiliki does a press kit.

Imagine if the press was sent first to The Bum's or Jeff's seminar instead of the Mai Kai or the Bahia Cabana parties.


I agree with everything you are saying Swanky, but I want to also append that for some people Tiki isn't about collecting things at all.

Yaz posted on Fri, Jun 29, 2007 10:14 AM

On 2007-06-29 09:55, tikibars wrote:
I agree with everything you are saying Swanky, but I want to also append that for some people Tiki isn't about collecting things at all.

I've lurked for a very long time, but you have just described me. I like the mugs, but I don't collect. The one's I have I use regularly. I love the attire, but I'm not obsessive. I just enjoy the drinks, cooking the food, listening to the music and relaxing in the midst of the vibe.

Just another in a long line of things that are misunderstood by the general public.

Try explaining surfing on the Great Lakes to the media :lol:

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-06-30 00:25 ]

Got around to posting some Hukilau pics on my Tiki Chris blog. I split 'em up into three categories: General, Mai-Kai, and Jetsetter.



The guy in the picture holding up the new Tiki Farm Kahiki Fireplace mug is Greg (hulacat) from Vermont. Damn, that mug looks sweet. He didn't even tell me he had that with him. It's probably a good thing he didn't. It just might have ended up missing. :wink:

Cheers and Mahalo,


On 2007-06-29 10:14, Yaz wrote:

On 2007-06-29 09:55, tikibars wrote:
I agree with everything you are saying Swanky, but I want to also append that for some people Tiki isn't about collecting things at all.

I've lurked for a very long time, but you have just described me. I like the mugs, but I don't collect. The one's I have I use regularly. I love the attire, but I'm not obsessive. I just enjoy the drinks, cooking the food, listening to the music and relaxing in the midst of the vibe.


Basically you'll find 2 different crowds here on TC ...The 'KoolKids' they know who they is ... and the others who just want to have a drink or 10, music , food and hangin ... and not worrying what the media is doing or not ...
Welcome aboard ... pour yourself a drink !!!!!!

On 2007-06-29 05:56, Swanky wrote:
It's modern blog journalism. Not real writing, just talking as opinionated and dumb as you are. And an editor who doesn't think its worth finding out any advanced bias. It's a party, so send that schelp over there. Errr.

Gotta get some sort of PR people out there to act as advanced teams steering these people to write a story. Check out the story City Link did in 2003 to see real writing with the right frame of mind. It can be done, and in South Florida!

Now THAT'S a great article. We need more like this one.


such a right on article ! I was already in love with the Mai Kai and now with the richness of that experience captured here ...I realize it wasn't all a dream .....Thanks for linking it up .....aloha


The recent part of this thread goes right to the heart of why I posted the "What Is Tiki?" - How do you Respond" thread. I got a couple of people who were employees (I won't say where) that were rather suspicious of us "Tiki people" and voiced it to me without care of offending me. There is the outsider who looks through the glass with curiosity and the outsider that looks at tiki as suspect.


On 2007-07-02 12:52, Digitiki wrote:
I got a couple of people who were employees (I won't say where) that were rather suspicious of us "Tiki people" and voiced it to me without care of offending me.

Suspicious of WHAT - our sanity?
How the hell can someone possibly read suspicioous behavior into a bunch of dweebs in aloha shirts drinking fruity cocktails?

Your confidant must have been watching the movie of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" recently...


Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Well put, James.



On 2007-07-02 12:52, Digitiki wrote:
The recent part of this thread goes right to the heart of why I posted the "What Is Tiki?" - How do you Respond" thread. I got a couple of people who were employees (I won't say where) that were rather suspicious of us "Tiki people" and voiced it to me without care of offending me. There is the outsider who looks through the glass with curiosity and the outsider that looks at tiki as suspect.

You must of taken a whole hit, half would of been enough !!!!!!
Glad you had a good 'trip'
Give me a call in couple weeks got something special coming in !!!


I couldn't agree more. But this one guy talked to me and was very put off by us. The people who I encountered simply didn't get it. This one person asked me flat out "do y'all do alot of drugs?" in a very accusatory tone. I would have just laughed if off if I hadn't had a similar encounter earlier that day.

Since I was helping out with Hukilau, I was in areas alone with staff from various venues in rooms at times. That was typically when the conversation came up.

But I just don't get it. I mean, have these people never experienced conventions of "I Love Lucy" fans, Trekkies, Renaissance Fairs...even Halloween for Christ sake!


Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell

I'm just average guy with an average life.
I work 9 to 5, hey hell I pay the price.
But all I want is to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.

Everybody now ... Somebody's watching me


......."and I get no sympathy"


I hear that those "I Love Lucy" fans are HUGE into angel dust, PCP, bennies, goof balls, and even birth control pills!



Relieved to hear this after attending the 'Captain Video Space Helmet Fantasy Party' at the last Lucy Con!

At least I don't have to worry about that Ethel look-a-like anymore now that I know that they allow the pill!

Thanks JT!

PS - The Chef of The Future contraption can 'core a apple' and a lot more :wink:


This one person asked me flat out "do y'all do alot of drugs?" in a very accusatory tone.

This guy may have been on the ninth floor at the Clipper. It was like Spicoli's Van.

The elevator opened and the smoke poured in. Seriously, it was like a fog, I got a great contact buzz and it smelled like quality stuff. Next year at least bring some incense or take a walk on the beach. I'm no prude but, A little discretion would be advisable and help keep these types of impressions to a minimum and keep security off the floor.


On 2007-07-07 08:24, Bohemiann wrote:
I'm no prude but, A little discretion would be advisable and help keep these types of impressions to a minimum and keep security off the floor.

Heck, at that rate it sounds like if security had showed up it would be one deep inhale and they'd have been on the floor ...literally!

When you consider the history of Ft Lauderdale Beach (especially during the 80's) it's a wonder why anyone would even raise an eyebrow. Seriously, this place was out of control!

Mr. Ho posted on Sun, Jul 8, 2007 3:50 PM

Hukilau Photos from WAITIKI and Mr. Ho's camera


The Hukilau this year was my girlfriend and mines first ever Tiki event.I was excited by all the people that I met and really loved the music.Kukulele and the Intoxicators definitely know whats up.
Our biggest surprise however was the Mai Kai.We will definitely be visiting this happy wonderland again soon as it is a quick 2 hour drive away.And we will be bringing friends.

Mobiletikibar put up this video of me singing in someones hotel room late after the Mai Kai.I don't remember him filming it and not much else either.


Thanks Mobiletikibar and thanks to all the new Tiki folk we met.



[ Edited by: Fishkilla 2007-07-16 20:57 ]

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